It's been a month.


The Night's child smiled at Cecily, his lips pulled back from his fangs. Fresh blood slid down his smooth porcelain skin, red droplets of horror splotching his otherwise perfect unblemished complexion.

He raked his fingernails on the grime coated wall. Gabriel glared at Cecily, trying hard not to flinch at the vampire's penetrating gaze fixated on his back.

"What do you think you are doing here?" Gabriel tried to keep his voice steady. With luck, he could scare her off and she would not have anything to do in this mixed up business again.

He saw the hard set of her jaw and the thinly disguised defiance in her eyes. Gabriel held contact and thankfully, she kept silent.

Raphael stared at the scene in amusement. "I do believe the boy asked you a question," Rapahel focused on the girl and the faint glow that seemed to envelope her whenever she stopped moving. Gabriel stiffened at his question.

"I was following him," Cecily said, her expression bland. Raphael spread his arms wide and smiled at her. "Well, now you can join us, I am sure." The metallic texture in his eyes glinted.

"No, she will not." Gabriel broke in, stepping in front of Cecily. "This is the Lightwood's business alone, I wish of no one else to be involved." Raphael clasped his hands in front of him.

"You may speak for your family, but what of the rest of the Clave and its members? You would agree that this involves all of them," Raphael spat out the last word, as if it would poison him.

At this point, the woman lying sprawled on the pavement- the one that Cecily had always kept her gaze on- stirred. Cecily took an involuntary step back, putting Gabriel between her and the vampire.

"Jaslyn," Raphael's tone was neutral. "How nice of you to join us." Raphael streatched his arm out just as the pale body rose to take it. The woman's eyes were glassy and the side of her dress was completely sheared off, exposing her bare legs.

"I'm afraid," Raphael said, tossing a glance at her. "that I would have make those uncooperative, cooperate. Am I not right?" He took a step forward.

"Everything that transpires between us tonight should not reach the eyes nor ears of those of the Clave. I'm sure they would not care for an exiled family."

He snapped his fingers and the woman shifted her undivided attention to her. Cecily was sure that if she chose to attack her, she would have a hard time staying alive.

Gabriel took a step closer to her, both his seraph blades sliding from their arm sheaths into his hands. "Stay behind me," he kept his gaze trained on the Downworlder.

Cecily didn't need any more encouragement. Raphael seemed to pin her in place with his cold glare. "Honestly," he said tiredly. "do we really have to come to this?"

She barely had time to react as the pointed tip of the flung dagger spun towards her.

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