The air that Soubi heavily cycled in and out felt so heated that the blond was sure it singed his throat.

'Fire.' Too ragged. He tried to control his shivering body, putting more certainty behind his words. 'Flames consume your skin. Heat burns your lungs, charring breath.'

Numbness was spreading through his lower legs from his prolonged position on his knees on the floor. The muscles in his thighs and calves were cramping, and the hard zipper of his opened pants chafed in very private places with each jostle brought along by Soubi's working hand. Soubi didn't notice any of it.

More powerful than all his discomforts was the ache. Reaching up from the lowest depths of his nethers, needles of pain perforated his spine. Soubi's back arched sharply, canting his hips into his own touch, knowing it would not avail him. Blotches of not-quite colour danced in his vision, blood rushing worryingly loud in his ears. Still this was not what commanded Soubi's full attention.

Seated casually, Seimei slung one leg over the other, scrutinizing his Fighter. 'You're relying too much on obvious triggers. The enemy will easily be able to predict what kind of spells you might use, and twist them against you.'

It was hard to remain focussed, but Soubi took in Seimei's words through sheer force of will. All the while, his hand obediently kept working his exposed arousal as he knelt at his master's feet.

A graze of his own fingers over the tip of his erection cast a bleached haze over Soubi's vision. He blinked rapidly to regain control over his rolling eyes, loathe to lose the sight of his Sacrifice's gaze on him. Fluid freely dribbled onto his fingers at the height of their strokes, slicking their up and down motion. If it wasn't for the simple leather cord bound around the very base of his cock, Soubi was sure he would have climaxed quite some time ago. Probably more than once.

Mustering his strength, Soubi pushed back against the force that threatened to wash all his sensibilities down to his groin. Swiping his tongue over his drying lips, Soubi attempted again: 'Tidal waves break all defences. Swept away in tumultuous torrents, you are drowned by that which is beyond your power.'

Even before Seimei spoke, Soubi knew his choice of words had not been good enough for his Sacrifice as the other raised a black eyebrow. The thought that he was failing to please his master crushed Soubi more than the pressure – building in the pit of his centre, threatening to split him apart from bottom to top.

'Elemental spells are easily countered. Water will douse flame. Ice will immobilize water. Flames reduce ice.' Seimei's rich voice was hard at the edges, no pity to be found in his sculpted features as he regarded the barely-restrained anguish of his Fighter.

Soubi's responding nod was scantly more than a shallow jerk of his head.

'Understood,' he managed to grind out, rather than the pleas for release that his purpling erection would have spill from his lips.

'You cannot allow the power of your spells to be compromised under any circumstances, Soubi. Beloved will never lose.'

That endlessly dark peer bored into Soubi – through him – into his very essence. Staring, gasping against the pain and demand of his tormented body, Soubi allowed himself to plummet into the consuming darkness of his master's gaze.

The words came naturally to his lips as he surrendered fully, hurtling himself into those dual pools of control. 'A plunging descent. Twisting, tumbling, you fall to depths from which there is no return.'

For several moments, the only audible sound was Soubi's laboured breathing, spruced with involuntary sounds that he attempted to stifle.

The faint hint of approval in Seimei's expression made Soubi's whole form tremble, and the Fighter gasped in exaltation when Seimei purred: 'Go on.'

Every stroke of his fist now pulled barbs of pain through the length of Soubi's arousal. Something deep inside his pelvis shot out tendrils of lightning that embedded themselves in Soubi's insides, threatening to pull him asunder as the impotent energy in his lowers coiled ever tighter. Between his spread thighs, a small puddle of fluid had already wept from his painfully swollen cock.

Looking unwaveringly into his Sacrifice's face, Soubi found it remarkably easy to keep his voice clear through the tumult that assaulted his senses. 'Constriction. Suffocating pressure until your veins implode. Crumple from the inside out.'

With a thin but shapely smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, Seimei leaned forward. Soubi's hand fumbled when Seimei's fingers brushed against him, but he quickly withdrew his touch to allow the other room. It only required a simple tug from Seimei to loosen the leather cord from around Soubi's flesh, letting it fall. 'Finish it.'

Whimpering once, it was the pleased look on his master's face that brought Soubi more euphoria than the liberation of his abused erection. Again he clasped himself, body nearly convulsing with relief.

'Explosive force.' Soubi's voice was a fervent hiss. 'All your essence is bared as your body- bursts!'

Seimei's smile as he rose to leave, radiant despite its condescension, was the last thing Soubi saw before all was consumed in white. Later, Soubi would be grateful Seimei never heard the monosyllabic noises of wordless pleasure he uttered as he spilled himself onto the floor.


Author's Note: Thank you for your time, and I hope you enjoyed. All comments are welcome.