I've been reading Fan fiction for quite a while now, so I've been inspired to write a story of my own, this is my first story, so reviews are deeply appreciated. I don't own Dishonored or Familiar of Zero, if I did I wouldn't be posting this story, so I present to you…

Mask from beyond the void.

Chapter 1 – More Than you wished for

"Louise Francoise le Blanc de la Valliere"

Louise gulped audibly when her name was called, shakily walking to the summoning circle, ignoring the taunts and laughing of her fellow students.

"Louise the Zero!"

"She can't even perform a simple spell; does she think she'll succeed this time?"

"She'll destroy the school!"

Louise ignored these hateful comments as she made her way through the crowd, silently praying to Brimir, hoping this would work, she spent the last couple of days and nights feverishly double checking and triple checking her notes. She wanted a strong familiar, a powerful familiar, a manticore, like mother, or a dragon, but at this point she would settle for anything, as long as it worked. As long as it didn't mark her as a failure.

She met the gaze of Professor Colbert, who smiled and nodded for her to continue, of all the people at the academy, he alone believed in her, he knew in his heart she was destined for great things.

Louise stepped on the platform, and gazed at the circle, "I'll show you all" she darkly muttered, raising her wand and speaking loudly, began the summons.

"I beg of you, my servant that exists somewhere in this vast universe, my divine, beautiful, wise, powerful servant, heed my call! I wish from the very bottom of my heart, answer to my guidance and appear!"

Louise waited, and waited, yet nothing happened, she was in shock, and tears began to form, she had failed, she was going be expelled from the academy, and live in humiliation for the rest of her life.

She fell to her knees and cried, ignoring the cruel laughter of the students, the taunting of Kirche, and the look of pity from Professor Colbert.

She had failed, and proven herself a zero once again. She didn't understand what went wrong, her spell was flawless, the preparations perfect.

While Louise was absorbed in self-pity, she didn't notice the runes glowing a sickly green and black light, the air above the circle warping, swallowing the light from the surrounding area. Colbert did notice however, and grabbed Louise, shaking her from her stupor, and ran. The other students panicked, fearing the worst, an explosion that would level the summoning area.

But the circle didn't explode, the unnatural phenomena continued to absorb the surrounding light, making a tearing sound, like silk being torn. Suddenly the site was bathed in an unholy purple and black light, coming from the rift, and a fine black mist started to come forth, shaping itself into a figure.

Meanwhile Louise was watching the entire event, her eyes rapt with attention, wondering what was happening, when the shape of the figure started to clear, and gasped.

It was a being seemingly wrought from a nightmare, dressed in what might have been a coat worthy of a noble, now ragged and faded, black leather boots, whose silver buckles were scratched and scuffed, a sash of sorts, adorned with strange trinkets, carved in an arcane language. Armed to the teeth, with a wicked looking knife, a strange looking mechanical crossbow, pouches on its legs, a holster on its left leg, and numerous bulges in its pockets that Louise could only assume held more lethal weaponry. And lastly, its face, or more correctly, the mask it wore, made in the grisly image of a skull, inspiring fear in the young girl.

Louise not only was horrified by the things physical appearance, but she also noticed the menacing aura it gave off, promising death and dismemberment to who or whatever dare cross its path.

The creature moved, looking around, taking in its surroundings, with no one else courageous enough to speak or move, until one Kirche von Zerbst decided to break the silence "It seems the zero has outdone herself once again, summoning a commoner of all things, why he looks like a bandit, and is dressed in rags"

The class, gotten over its initial fear and confusion, pointed and laughed at Louise, who was shocked that she summoned a plebian! She wouldn't be able to show her face to her family, and was sure to be disowned, and live life in poverty like the commoner she summoned.

She turned to Professor Colbert and begged "Please, Please let me try the summons again, this has to be a mistake, I can't have commoner as a familiar, this is a horrible mistake!" she pleaded, but Colbert only shook his head, answering" I'm sorry Louise, that that is not allowable, the summoning ritual is sacred, it affects a mages entire life, trying a second time would utter blasphemy against the ritual itself"

Louise looked utterly downtrodden by this statement. She would never have powerful familiar like mother.

While Louise was sulking the professor spoke up again, "now go and complete the ritual"

Louise numbly nodded and began to walk to her familiar, who suddenly looked at her, studying her with its strange glass eyes, and raised its left hand, which had a strange tattoo.

Her familiars mark glowed green, and Louise's whole world turned a sinister purple, she turned around and noticed everything stopped in its tracks, water droplets hung in the air frozen, and her whole class was motionless.

Even the wind stopped, there was no noise at all, and it was if the stranger had…

No, that was impossible, nothing could stop time, and not even the most powerful of mages would be able to do something like this, she was terrified, had she summoned a demon?

Louise look at her familiar again, who walked up to her, kneeled down in front of her, and looked her in the face before removing its mask.

It was a man; she would have thought he was roguishly handsome if not for his pure black, emotionless eyes boring into her; it seemed if he was staring into her soul, measuring her worth, and finding her wanting. She felt new fear, like she was not worthy for this being before her, until it spoke in strange tongue she was unable to understand, his voice was dark, and deep, like he carried a weight on his soul.

He then took her right hand, and pressed his left hand over it.

Louise screamed.

It felt like her hand was being branded, a mark similar to the strangers, but much simpler burn itself into the back of her hand, she then watched her world turn dark as she faded into unconsciousness.