Hi everyone, sorry about the lengthy delays, I've been really busy at work and haven't had enough time to write any new chapters for my stories, but I managed to get in a little free time today for this one.

I don't own Dishonored or FOZ; if I did Corvo would so replace Saito.

Part 6, Stealing Light

"Darkness approaches me from the Outside, I fear no light I may have can resist it"

Corvo and Louise waited patiently in the Charming Faeries Inn for nightfall, and when the sun's light finally disappeared from the land they made their exit. The pair blinked to the rooftops, Corvo dressed in his usual demeanor, and Louise, who was wearing all black, her hair in a ponytail, and a strip of black fabric that covered her nose and mouth. Corvo had insisted she cut her hair, but Louise absolutely refused.

When they finally reached their destination they overlooked the guards station from the roof of a house, Corvo turned to Louise. "Use your Void Gaze girl"

Louise turned to Corvo and nodded in understanding. Standing up Louise faced the guard quarters and made a clawing motion with her marked hand over her eyes. Immediately Louise's world was, there was no way for her to describe it really, everything was pitched black, but she could see more clearly than in daytime. She could see the weakly glowing souls of all she laid eyes on, she could even see through thick stone. Louise focused on a bright purple glow coming from the basement of the quarters, it shifted and pulsed with and unearthly radiance.

Blinking her eyes several times Louise ceased the Void Gaze, rubbing her aching eyes,' it would take a while to get used to that' she mused to herself.

Corvo asked her "What did you see Girl?"

"Roughly 30 men, two in the watch tower, two guarding the entrance, 3 patrols of two men each, the rest are lounging or sleeping, and I think one is a mage, he's in what appears to be in his private quarters, I also see the whale bones, there in a box in the basement." Came Louis' reply.

"Good job girl" Came Corvo's reply, he was impressed how naturally the girl was starting to use her mark.

"Now comes the hard part, we're going to blink on top of the watch tower".

Louise nodded in understanding, and silently dematerialized from the roof, and soundlessly landed on top of the watchtower, with Corvo flickering into existence next to her, he turned to her, asking "Now, shall we kill them? Or simply knock them out?"

"Don't kill them Corvo" Louise was a little shaken how casually Corvo spoke about murdering two people he had never met.

"Very well girl, but you will do it"

Louise shook her head, and climbed down into the hold of the tower, where the two guards had not yet noticed her, she raised her marked hand, using her grip ability she wrested control of their weapons, and beat them both unconscious with them. Corvo climbed down and stood next to her, and the pair made their way down the ladder.

The two crept silently through the quarters, thankfully most of the soldiers were sleeping, and went to the staircase into the basement, Louise was just about to turn the corner when Corvo suddenly stopped her, he motioned to a row of swords and shields.

In their reflection Louise could see could see a lone guard standing in front of locked door.

"I'll take care of this" and without a further sound Corvo blinked behind the guard, and put him in a choke hold, the guard pitifully gurgling until he passed out.

With the guard taken care of Louise came around the corner and found Corvo digging through the man's pockets, until he found a key.

With said key in hand Corvo unlocked the door, and found themselves in a store room of some sort, various boxes, crates, and chest were stacked up.

Standing in the room Louise felt something pull at her, intrigued, she followed the sensation to a small chest in the center of the store room, and with great curiosity she reached to open it.

"Stop right there sneaks."

Louise spun around and found herself facing an armored man in fine clothes pointing a wand at her; the man was obviously a mage, but the real question was how he managed to sneak up on her.

"I'm quite surprised that you managed to sneak in here you little peasant, but it ends for your sorry existence now".

Louise found herself petrified as the man pointed his wand at her and prepared to end her life.

Why couldn't she defend herself? She knew she could, she almost killed Guiche, why couldn't she simply send a void bolt through him?

Suddenly Corvo blinked behind the nobleman, his knife springing into action, and drove the blade through the wretched man's neck, twisting it so his vocal cords were destroyed and couldn't scream, holding his body while the dying mage convulsed, until the last bit of life force left him.

Corvo unceremoniously dropped the corpse to the ground, and turned to get the chest, only to realize that Louise was still standing there, shaking.

"What's the matter girl?"

Louise continued to stand, blankly staring into space, that is until Corvo grabbed her shoulder, shaking her back into the real world.

"We have to hurry girl, if we don't more guards will to investigate"

Nodding dumbly Louise followed Corvo back into the storeroom, when they finally got ahold of the chest Corvo grabbed hold of Louise, and the pair blinked out of existence.


Kirche and Tabitha were both reading the book of old sailor tales, the contents of the chapter they were currently reading was particularly disturbing.

The Leviathan from the Outside Realm

In the sailing days of old

When the ocean winds were cold

Greedy men sought unearned gold

They chased the whales of the deep

Their dying screams haunted their sleep

Their bones and oil were theirs to keep

One day a great whale appeared

Its leathery hide could not be speared

The great Leviathan sailors feared

The monster did destroy their fleet

Many did the reaper meet

Death did one man cheat

The one man stranded

His life was handed

For a price the Leviathan demanded

The one man bore the Mark

To the Outside One he served the dark

Forever was his soul marked

Kirche's blood chilled as she read this, the mark given to the stranded man, was without a doubt the same as Louise'. Closing the book, Tabitha turned to Kirche, who was deeply in though, and asked her Germanian friend. "What is it?"

Kirche shook her head and looked out the window into the night sky, finally saying " I don't know Tabitha, I think we need to keep an eye out on Louise and her familiar, in the meantime, let's see if we can dig up more information about this 'Outside one', before turning around, Kirche muttered to herself.

"Louise, what have you gotten yourself into?"