Edited: December 20th, 2014

Chapter One: Gray's Past

Disclaimer: I do not own this. These characters belong to Hiro Mashima, I am simply playing with them.

Ice is the first thing Lucy recognizes as she ran down the hallway in the basement of the moon temple, before she got a better look at the scene in front of her. She seems to see a massive monster, its skin is blue, it has a gigantic muscular build with two also gigantic arms, scaly sharp looking hands, it has two feet that are birdlike, and large spikes on its body. Having to stretch her neck as far back as possible Lucy sees it may have hair but it's hard to tell with all the ice, but it definitely has horns on its forehead and its mouth only has huge fangs instead of straight normal teeth.

"Deliora" Gray says in pure terror.

Lucy immediately looks over at Gray. He looks terrified and he has sweat running down his forehead. Lucy noticed that his arms are shaking and his hands are clutched so tightly together that his nails are digging into his flesh. She could see bits of blood starting to form and drop to the ground.

"It can't be" Gray says in pure terror as he started to walk towards the massive monster still shaking.

"What is Deliora doing here!?" Gray asked without really expecting an answer. Lucy could tell he was completely out of it and it scared her. She had never seen Gray this frightened before. She couldn't understand why that made her chest hurt so much.

"Its Impossible! He can't be here!" Gray continued to yell out.

"You know this thing?" Natsu asked Gray from behind, he also just snapping out of his own shock from seeing the terrifying monster.

"Its… Its…" Gray stuttered still in his own shock and unable to believe his own eyes, he looks down at his feet.

Lucy couldn't stand seeing her friend like this any longer. It scared and hurt her so much to see him in fear. She didn't know how but she wanted to make him calm down no matter what, but she didn't know what to do.

"Gray, you need to calm down. We will figure this out" Lucy said to him as she laid her soft palm on his naked chest and forced her face into his vision.

Grays eyes were still in shock and he was taking deep but hyperventilating breaths. His eyes were refusing to make eye contact with her. He then moved his head up to stare at the disgusting monster in front of them again.

Gray then started to explain that Deliora was a monster of destruction. Happy and Natsu had trouble understanding and repeated the word destruction several times much to Lucy's discomfort. Gray didn't seem to be affected.

"Are you sure you heard voices" an unknown voice spoke out from behind them.

Lucy, Gray and Natsu quickly ran and hid behind some ice rocks.

"I'm sure," another man said. Lucy finally saw the two men that had walked toward the giant monster. The first man who had spoke had insanely long blue hair that stood up and insanely huge eyebrows. The other was dressed as a dog. Lucy stared a little too long at the dog, letting her mouth drop open. Recovering, Lucy looked over at Gray still concerned over his mental being. He just seemed so scared; it was just not like Gray at all.

Happy dropped a rock in the opposite direction as them and the two men left to investigate. Lucy thought she heard the man dressed as a dog say that he could 'smell' them in the opposite direction.

Lucy dropped herself to the ground beside Gray and put her own hand on top of his.

"Gray? Are you alright?" she asked.

Gray didn't say anything he just continued to stare at Deliora. When he did open his mouth it was not to answer her question. "How did they find where Deliora was sealed!" he mouthed, barely making any sound.

"Sealed? Gray what are you talking about?" Lucy and Natsu said together.

"My Master risked her life ten years ago to seal this asshole! It doesn't belong here! How the hell did it get here!" he said yelling once again to the monster.

"Then that monster must be what is causing the curse on this island! Alright then, time to beat it up" Natsu said fired up along with Happy who was imitating Natsu 'fired up' pose.

Lucy was still looking in Grays direction and saw the twitch of his mouth go into an even bigger frown and his hair hid his eyes, he was defiantly acting strange. Gray said that his master risked her life to seal this monster. He didn't say she died sealing it.

Gray then lifted his arm and gave Natsu a serious punch. Natsu went flying and all Lucy could do was gasp and continue to worried. She really wanted to know why this monster had such an affect on Gray to make him completely freak out and then hit his own friend. Even though the two of them usually did fight, they never threw serious punches liked the one Gray just threw.

The group decided to wait till nighttime to see what would happen with Deliora and the moon. Natsu naturally fell asleep after making a huge fuss on how he didn't want to wait, and wanted to kick everyone's ass this moment.

Lucy then activated one of her keys and a lady with a harp came out and started to play a beautiful melody.

It calmed Happy down right away, as for Lucy, no matter how much she tried to just enjoy the song she couldn't help but look over to her side and peek over at Gray who was sitting a little farther away from her. Gray was sitting on a rock all by himself.

As the beautiful melody went on Gray looked to be deeper and deeper in thought and by the end of the song Lucy swore she heard a small cry coming from Gray and then she saw a small tear run down his cheek.

"Gray!" Lucy said in sorrow. She never wanted to see Gray cry. It was not right, Gray was one of the strongest men she had ever met, seeing him cry made her extremely uncomfortable.

Lucy put the sprit back and ran over to Gray. He was hiding his eyes with his dark long hair, his hands where clasped together tightly and his nails were continuing to draw blood out.

"Gray… I know you and Natsu are kind of like rivals, but you and me, we are friends right? You can tell me your worries and your pains you know. I wont tell anyone anything you don't want others to know… you can confide in me is what I'm pretty much trying to say, so please Gray, talk to me"

"Ten years ago…" Gray whispered

Lucy waited patiently for him to continue, feared that he might have decided against talking to her, she decided she would not take it personally.

"Deliora attacked my home village… Ur, my master and a boy that traveled with her found and saved me during the aftermath of its destruction…"

Lucy felt relief that Gray was finally speaking. She let herself listen to Gray without interrupting him.

"During the attack… my family... friends... they all died during its wrath" he said very softly, his voice filled with pain.

Lucy couldn't stop the tears that fell down her face but she quickly wiped them away hopping that Gray would continue.

"She took me on, as her student and trained me to be an ice maker mage." He said with a sad smile on his face. "I wanted revenge, she knew that and she took me on as her student anyways… I later learned that she took me on for that reason, she wished to see the darkness in my heart that Deliora created to be vanished"

Lucy put her hands around Grays clenched fists and gently pulled his hands away from each other. She then took his hand that had the most stabs from his nails and she brought them up to her lips to gently kiss them. Gray didn't react, his eyes seemed to not really be seeing her.

"One evening, while walking back to the house Ur owned, we overhear some men talk about where Deliora is currently residing. I went against Ur orders for me to stay, not to go out to seek, and fight Deliora. I ignored her and went anyways" Gray took a deep breath then continued with his story, "I lost to it of course. Ur came and ended up using her own body as an eternal ice that would seal away Deliora…"

A louder cry suddenly came from Gray as he finished the story, "She's dead… because of me"

Tears fell out of Lucy's eyes and she wrapped her arms around Gray. "Its not your fault idiot!" she cried out.

Gray looked quite shocked by her embrace. "Its not your fault… sniff… sniff" Lucy said again, but this time her entire face was filled with tears and her nose was dipping. Gray took a good look at her face and let out a small chuckle while he brought the hem of his sleeve to her nose and wiped it.

"Sniff… sorry… Snif-" Lucy tried to apologize for her runny nose but Gray shook his head leaving her with the silent message that it was fine.

The two of them simply stared at each other. Gray was still on the rock, his feet were planted on the ground and his hands were touching Lucy's hands, holding them softly. Lucy was knelled in-between Gray's legs and Gray could see that Lucy's knees were supporting her whole body so he moved his arm form her back to around her bum and swept her up into his arms and placed her on his lap with her legs swinging off to the side. Lucy's chest was against Gray's and she could feel her face warming up.

Gray looked down at Lucy and noticed she was blushing. He guessed he just took her by surprise.

Lucy knew she was blushing. She was pressed up to the half-naked Gray who voluntarily put her onto his lap. She had never been this intimately close to a man before, let alone someone who was handsome like Gray was. She was happy that she seemed to make progress with Gray regarding their friendship. But this position made her very nervous since she didn't know where this was leading. Her heart was pounding out of her chest just thinking about it.

"Gray… thank you for telling me this" Lucy said lifting her head up to look into his eyes. "I really mean it, to be honest everything has been moving so fast, it felt like just yesterday I meet Natsu and almost became a slave-"

"What!? You almost became a slave?" Gray asked surprised. He had always guessed from the way she held herself up, her magic power and her overall manners that she was from a wealthy family of some sort. He never guessed she was a slave… but then again, she did say she almost become a slave, so what was she doing before then he wondered.

"Ha ha ha" Lucy laughed embarrassingly, "Uh well it's a real stupid story really, but I got tricked by a guy who was pretending to be apart of fairy tail, and well… he was actually a pirate. I was almost in a lot of trouble ha ha ha…"

Gray looked at Lucy with concern. He never paid much attention to the small fragile women, if he had to be honest, but he was starting to see her now. She was really beautiful, with her long sun-kissed golden hair, and the little ponytail that she hung at the side was really cute. She was slim, and he had noticed before her bust before but he tried not to think about it since she was always calling him a pervert… He didn't want to give her an actual reason to call him that. "Do you still think I'm a pervert?" he asked seriously. He quickly lifted his eyes to hers like he done most times before. He didn't know why, but he didn't want Lucy, especially Lucy, to think he was a pervert.

Lucy looked up at Gray's eye contact with her. "I guess at first I thought you were a nudist… but I never really ever thought you were a pervert, aside from the stripping thing I never seen you take interest in umm… body parts or uh um… I'm not sure how to explain after all" Lucy replied blushing.

"You're really cute when you blush, it makes you look sexy!" Gray said with a full on smile.

"I take it back, you're a pervert!" She said teasingly upset by him. No one had ever used that word to describe her before.

"Huh? Wait, why am I a pervert again? I'm just telling the truth" Gray said with humor in his voice.

"You just are!" Lucy said teasing him.

The two of them stayed where they were, Lucy on Gray's lap in silence waiting for time to past.

"I don't look sexy," Lucy finally said.

"Huh? It's a good thing!" Gray chuckled

"How!" Lucy yelled, a little too loud since Natsu stirred in his sleep to her voice. They both froze, equally not knowing why they felt a sudden sense of nervousness.

Gray put his lips to Lucy's ear and mischievously whispered "You always look sexy, no matter what you do"

Lucy continued to blush and establish she couldn't look at Gray in the eyes. Everything that was happening was too much for her. She had learned about Gray's history, and as much as it was a heartbreaking story she felt a lot closer to Gray than ever before.

She then leaned her head against his shoulder and started to rest soundfully. Gray in return lifted his hand and smoothed over her hair softly giving her comfort.

They both slowly begin to acknowledge that after these moments they just shared, nothing would ever be the same again. Although neither of them said it out loud, they didn't mind.