AN: I've read the reviews, and I honestly do think the last chapter was absolutely shitty. I'm sorry, so Meri, thanks for pointing that out. Anyway, i'm going to try to make this one better, more descriptive and more indeph, perhaps longer. Anyway, please review. If you favorite it, review it! It makes me happy and makes me want to write more. But when people just don't review it, it get's me disheartened and I want to not do it anymore.

So please, read and review!
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

Body Language

Being a nun of her respective religion, at a certain age, Cecilia abandoned the dream of ever finding a man to be married to and to spend the rest of her life with. Though slightly new and rusty, the dogma of her religion were clear and serious. If she was going to be a nun, she was going to throw away all thoughts and dreams of being affiliated romantically with a man.

However, this banquet being throw In honor of the unity between both Senju and Uzumaki stirred forgotten memories. As if sand from the bottom of a stream had been shuffled and drifted to the surface, foggy and distant childhood memories and dreams manifested themselves in the forefront of Cecilia's mind.

Standing against the wall of the brightly adorned banquet hall, feet away from the large rectangular table decorated with elaborate oddities, foods and table pieces which seated the most important people of the world at the time, Cecilia found herself drifting to another world embellished in memories.

Faces of friend's swarmed her thoughts, some living and some dead. They'd tell stories, share adventures, share dreams and hope. All this to keep them occupied during the war, all this to serve as an escape from the brutality they had been thrust into.

A weird expression must have crossed her features, as a nudge to the shoulder knocked her out of her day dreaming.

"Pay attention," the stern voice commanded, and she felt herself withholding a sigh directed towards the owner of the said voice.

"Just day dreaming," she replied gruffly, staring at the table before her, instantly regretting what she'd said.

"You shouldn't be daydreaming while the Hokage and his future wife are before us," the voice replied again, "Danger can strike at any moment."

"Yes, Madara-san," outwardly, she remained respectful, but inwardly, she scoffed at his seriousness.

While many other ninja had been assigned to patrol to banquet hall during the dinner, they hadn't been stationed on the inside as the personal bodyguards had. Many Uchiha stood stationed on corners of the wall, Madara being one of them. They were easy to pick out too, unkempt hair and dark clothing as if they were dressed for a funeral.

Cecilia herself had changed out of her standard uniform, and now she wore a simple black top and black pants, however, her hair was still covered with her distinguishing habit.

A laugh, harmonic and melodic erupted from Hashirama as he spoke to Mito. Both Madara and she turned towards the scene.

"A real charmer, huh?" trying to add light to the mood, Cecilia attempted to joke with Madara, "Looks like they already like each other."

Madara grumbled at her statement, his dark eyes trained on the scene before him. Cecilia sighed as she turned back towards the table, fanning her chakra out for anything out of the ordinary.

Hashirama now spoke with Mito's father, no doubt leaving the man with a lasting impression. Cecilia looked on further as Tobirama, whom sat at the table as well, spoke with a cousin or sister of Mito's. She wasn't sure which one it was, they all looked the same.

They all were having such a great time, a family already forming.

She felt her lips twitch as a smile edged it's way onto her features. The feeling of family and close knit-ness, she loved it.

That is, until Madara Uchiha was called to the table.

The voice, belonging to Hashirama, was melodic and almost oblivious, "Madara!" Cecilia watched him tense, watched his hair slightly spike up as the voice beckoned him near. LIke a robot, he moved, slowly and painfully. Cecilia looked again at Hashirama, looked at his face as the man walked over, such joy and excitement. He looked like child asking his best friend to play a game of catch with him.

However, the other's shared obvious distaste for the man, Madara Uchiha. Cecilia could see it on their faces. Whether it be sheer annoyance, or a hint of fear, the table shared similar looks, all except Hashirama.

She shifted uneasily as Madara was finally at the table, no doubt sensing the stares being directed towards him. How terrible of a friend, she assumed by Hashirama's casualness towards Madara that they were friends, to be blinded to such hate directed towards another friend.

The entire table scowled, the head of the Uzumaki cast a weary glance towards an annoyed looking Tobirama. Mito's sister or cousin_whichever it was_looked frightened of the man, edging closer to Tobirama.

They began speaking, but Cecilia ignored their chatter and looked only at the body language, more than she had before. Assuming that Madara usually kept himself guarded, Cecilia inferred that something about this man, something about Hashirama almost shattered his defenses, put him off just a smidgen. The stern and ice-like Madara melted before this man, and Cecilia could tell, everyone could.

They were all feeding off of his emotions, like leeches.

Tobirama Senju's mouth opened, the girl beside him smiled, and Madara tensed. She watched as Hashirama frowned, looking towards his brother and ushering a warning.

The air around the table shifted, and even Mito looked uneasy.

A laugh broke through the thickness, and Cecilia watched as Hashirama apologized for his behavior. Relief melted over the group.

"What a joke," she muttered to herself, watching as Madara forced a smile and bowed, soon after excusing herself. She looked at her feet the instant he turned around, not wanting to give away that she was analyzing him the entire time.

She could feel his gaze above her, too nervous to look up in fear that she'd catch eye of his sharingan.

"Cecilia!" and it was her turn to face the scorn, as Mito had just summoned her. With heavy feet, she marched towards the table, unsure of why her presences was needed.

"This is the woman who's been watching me father," once at the table, Mito began to speak, "though odd, she's a good bodyguard, she fought and protected me against bandits."

"She did?" the elder Uzumaki spoke, unlike his daughter, he'd arrived to Konoha earlier in order to settle arrangements, he hadn't been given the luxury of having Cecilia as a bodyguard.

"My daughter tells me you follow such strange customs, why in fact, you wear nothing but black. In fact, many of you from that orphanage wear nothing but black, why is that so?"

"It's for religious reasons, sir," she replied politely.

"Religious reasons, what kind? Definitely not Buddhist," Tobirama spoke, curiosity filling his red orbs, as for his female counterpart, a hint of amusement.

As if Madara wasn't strange enough, they'd summoned her to the front line?

"It's christianity Senju-san, neo-christianity," she murmured, "not many know of it now, as it's being rediscovered."

"I've never heard of "neo-christianity"," Hashirama chimed in, "sounds interesting, where's it come from?"

She sighed, this was going to be hard to explain.

"Um...we're not exactly sure, we followers, that is. But we know that it was discovered long ago, before our world exactly...we have books we've found, torn up and hardly together...they explain a little bit."

"So, it's been discovered already?" Tobirama asked again, "doesn't seem that influential."

"Like I said, it's new and being rediscovered," Cecilia replied again, "Our civilization is fairly new, before us, we believe there as something else."

"Before the ninja?" Interested, Hashirama asked on," like what?"

"Well, like the books, we've only got remnants of civilization before the ninja world. Like pictures and metal, things that are almost alien to us_"
"And your group of "Christians" have been the only one's to dig these things up?" Tobirama, seemingly uninterested, chimed in.

"No one else is interested_"

"What do some of these things even look like?" Hashirama interjected before she could finish, "I want know more."

"Oh...uh, well…we found this thing, metal. Four rubber things, like wheels except rubber, it was really old and almost torn apart when we found it, but it had a working horn_However, the thing was falling apart. Also, we've found other things to, a larger machine, just as torn as the other. Long wooden things, it almost resembles a bird with a spinny thing on it's nose. On the side are the words "PLAN" engraved, but_"
"And again, you "Christians" are the only one's that discovered this junk metal?" Tobirama asked again.

"Like I said, we were the only ones interested, at least those at my orphanage and others like it," she defended, "and we came upon this stuff by accident."

"Brother, I wouldn't believe anything she says, she lost me at the "Christian" part," Tobirama concluded, receiving another frown from his brother, he looked back towards her, "these metal things you're finding_Just a remnant of some ninja war, weapons usually get morphed together because of chakra or heat_And also, your religious books...perhaps they're another translation of the Buddhist doctrine,nothing more nothing less."

Biting her tongue, Cecilia bowed, "It's been an honor speaking with you, and i'm truly honored that I was able to protect a prize as valuable as Mito-sama, but I must get back to my post."
Without another word, she turned away, walking stiffly back to Madara.

The talking at the table resumed.

"It's best to keep personal beliefs to yourself," Madara murmured.

And for once, she agreed with him.

When earlier, I mentioned that Christianity was different, I meant it along those lines. About the Naruto world in contrast to ours, i sometimes think that the ninja come after us, after we destroy our world. That's what some of this chapter was trying to reflect. Also, I want to add insight of what exactly Cecilia is doing, what kind of person she is. I tried to make this longer and deeper, so I hope that reflects in my feedback. Please please please review, i'm breaking my back on this story:D Hashirama and Madara's friendship will be a major point in this story, so I wanted to touch up on that in this chapter, as will Cecilia's religion. Again, I hope I captured the character's personalities, feel free to leave what you think in your reviews. Anyway, have a nice weekend and God bless.