Hi :) This is a story involving Danny, Grace and Steve and what happends when you pick on Danny's kid...


P.S. I apologize if there are any spelling or grammer errors...Enjoy :)

After Danny left, Steve carried Gracie around to the couch and sat down with her in his lap. "You okay, Gracie?" Steve asked, his blue eyes raking over her face with concern.

Grace nodded. "I'm okay. But my back and my head still hurt."

Steve narrowed his eyebrows. "You mean, these guys actually touched you?"

Grace nodded again.

Oh, Steve did not like this.

"But it s okay." A smile grew on her face. "Danno's gonna take care of it."

It was Steve s turn to nod. "That he will." Steve's hand went around to the back of her head, petting her gently. "Hey, you got a hairbrush, baby girl?"

Grace nodded.

"Can you go get it for me?" Steve asked.

Without question, Grace nodded and hopped off his lap and ran down the hall towards her room. She came back quickly, holding a pick brush with a fluffy patch of zebra print on the back.

Steve smiled as she handed it to him. "Come here, Sweetie." He motioned for her to get back on his cargo pants clad lap. When she did, he sat her down facing away from him and he began to work on the knot in her hair that the boy had left.

Grace winced a little bit as he gently worked the knot out of her hair.

"I'm sorry, honey." He murmured as he continued working.

Once he finally got it out, he still continued to brush her long hair. "You have beautiful hair, Gracie." He smiled, trying to make her feel better.

"Thanks, Uncle Steve." She smiled too as he continued to brush her hair.

It felt so good to Gracie to have someone brush her hair like this. It was nice and relaxing and it kept her mind off of whatever her Danno was doing at the moment.

Danny drove down the street in his camaro, unable to fathom the fact that someone did this to his little girl. He wondered how long this has been going on or if this was the first time. Where did two highschool boys get off on picking on a little girl?

Danny s hands gripped the steering wheel tightly as he sped down the street and towards Makani Drive. Danny's camaro came to a stop at his destination in under three or four minutes. Putting the car in park, he took in the area around him. It was a nice enough looking neighborhood. Despite the fact two guys from around here were picking on his kid.

Danny heard some commotion coming from his left that brought him out of his thoughts. He saw two dark haired boys that looked to be in high school and a kid about the same age as Grace with them. Danny watched carefully as the boys laughed and then pushed the younger blonde kid. Anger shot up inside him when he realized that these guys must be the ones he s looking for.

"Yo!" He called out as he threw the door open of his car and got out. "Are you two Randy and Joey?"

"Who's askin'?" Joey sneered at him, pushing the little kid to the ground.

"Five-0." Danny sneered back at him as he flashed his badge. "And the father of the little girl you slammed into the side of the bus this afternoon."

Randy s eyes widened while Joey just smirked.

"Yeah?" Joey asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Yeah." Danny nodded up at him as he bent down to help the boy up. "You okay, son?"

The boy nodded as Danny pulled him to his feet.

"Okay." Danny patted the boy on the back. "Go home, kid."

The boy nodded and glanced up at the two boys. Joey made a face at him and the boy ran off quickly in the direction of his home.

Danny was quiet for a moment as he sized the two boys up. Sticking his bottom jaw out slightly, he crossed his arms over his chest and just stood there.

"What do you want?" Joey asked, crossing his arms over his chest as well and looking Danny up and down.

Danny smiled sarcastically. "What do I want?" He pointed to himself. "What do I want?" Danny uncrossed his arms and took a step towards the two. "I'll tell you what I want. I want this world to be a decent place. You know what decent means, boys? I highly doubt it by the looks of you."

This time Randy spoke up. "Hey, chill, dude!"

"I'll chill," Danny pushed both of them back a bit and took another step towards them. "When this is over. Now, back to the word of the day: decent." Danny paused and put the palms of his hands together. "Decent means letting my daughter ride home on the bus and not be picked on my a couple of shmucks like you two. Decent means I should beat the crap out of both of you for what you did to my daughter. But I won t. 'Cause I'm a cop. And I'm decent." Danny paused again and folded his hands over his chest again. "For the first time. If I ever," Danny pointed at them with three fingers while making his index finger and thumb into a circle, "Hear of you two even looking at my daughter again, I will find you both. Do you understand?" Danny rose his eyebrows, looking between the boys.

Randy, the younger of the two brothers and apparently the more sensible one, nodded. "Yes sir. It won't happen again."

"Okay." Danny nodded. "Good." Danny said before turning around and beginning to walk away before Joey's words stopped him dead in his tracks. "What did you say?" Danny turned back around, his voice dangerously low.

"I said," Joey started cockily. "What if I don't wanna quit messing with her? She's awful fun to mess with, your daughter."

"Shut up, Joey!" Randy said from beside him, hitting him in the arm.

Danny walked up to Joey slowly. "You are an idiot and a shmuck all wrapped up in one," Danny pushed him back. "Big," Danny pushed him again. "Coward."

"Coward?" Joey asked.

Danny nodded. "Yeah, that's right, a coward. And you know why? Because you pick on kids younger than you. Little kids who can t fight against you. But you know who can fight you?" Danny paused and stepped closer to Joey. His voice dropped down to a whisper as he put his mouth near Joey's ear. "I can." Danny pulled back. "You're gonna wanna remember that." And with that, Danny left the two boys there, scared out of there minds.

When Danny arrived home, he was happy to see that Grace was calmed down. So calmed down that she had fallen asleep.

"She fell asleep?" Danny whispered to Steve as he walked toward the two of them on the couch and joined them.

"Yeah." Steve nodded as he rubbed his hand in small circles on her back where the bruise was. "While I was brushing her hair, actually."

Danny raised an eyebrow. "You were brushing her hair?"

"Yeah." Steve nodded, holding up the hairbrush he still hand in his hand that wasn't comforting Grace.

A smile smile tugged at Danny s lips. "That's actually pretty sweet of you, babe."

"What, do you think I m incapable of being sweet?" Steve rose an eyebrow.

"Well, not now." Danny gestured towards his sleeping daughter.

Steve shook his head and laughed quietly before growing serious. "What did you do to the kid?"

Danny sighed heavily. "Well, there were two of them. One cooperated and one I had to scare the living daylights out of."

"Well, did it work?" Steve asked.

"What do you mean 'did it work'? Of course it worked!" Danny exclaimed quietly so he wouldn't wake Grace.

"Okay, okay." Steve rose his hand with the hairbrush in it. "Just askin', babe."

"They won't touch her again." Danny started. "I made it perfectly clear to the both of them that I they did I would take em down."

"You didn't happen to mention you had a SEAL buddy as backup, did ya?" Steve looked over at him.

"Nope. Didn't have to." Danny answered simply. "Though, I did mention I was Five-0."

"How come you didn't mention me?"

"I told you, I didn't need to."

"But you did need to mention you were Five-0?"

"One of the shmucks asked who I was so I flashed my badge."

"Still could've mentioned me."

"Okay, how bout this. If it ever happens again, I ll bring you along. Deal?"

Steve smiled. "Deal."

The next Monday after school ended, Grace got on the bus and sat in the seat she normally sat at. She got out her homework to do because one of her friends was having a pool party today and she didn't want to worry about having any homework, just like on Friday when she got to spend a whole weekend with her Danno.
Half way through her homework, Grace looked up. She had just realized she hadn't been bothered this whole time she was doing her homework. She scanned the bus for the two brothers that had hurt her three days before. They were sitting a few seats behind her when they normally sat in the seat directly behind her so they could pick on her.
She caught Joey's dark eyes and he quickly looked away as if he was scared. Grace turned around and smiled to herself as she continued to work on her homework.

Her Danno truly could do anything.

Well, I hope y'all liked it! Hope I wrote all the characters well and everything...anyway, thanks for reading!