This is the first fan fiction I've ever written so please bear with me.

Some important things I'd like to make known right away: Sena is a girl in this story. It's not AU, BUT she's sort of OOC. I usually don't like OOC characters, but I realized that there's no way a timid shy girl who is 106 lbs. and 5'1" could play Football with a bunch of 5'10"+ guys who weigh 80 lbs. more than her. Even IF it's a fan fiction and everything is nonsense anyways. My good friend (who is a girl) played on my high school football team; she's 5'10" and 150 lbs (which is way more realistic). This story is dedicated to her SO I'm going to change some of Sena's statistics for her benefit. I promise it won't ruin anything. This story will be mostly canon.

Stat changes for Sena include

Height: She'll be 5'7" (not super tall or short)

Weight: Like 120 lbs. (I think that's about the right BMI?)

Hair will be slightly below shoulder length

And I'm going to make her 15% less weak and shy.

See it wasn't that bad right?

PS: I have no idea about any pairings (as of YET) since obviously Sena can't be with Suzuna in this one. Because I'm not writing a yuri.


"Speech in the Past"

"Present Speech"

Regular Details/Descriptions

*Narration is going to be depending on the PROV. If this gets confusing please let me know.


Chapter 1:

American Football is a game won by power, tactics and SPEED.

Kobayakawa Sena, a young girl of 15, races as fast as her legs will take her to the front gate of Deimon High School; where she'll finally know the status of her high school entrance exam.

"SENA! Over here!" yelled a very pretty older girl from inside the bustling crowd of new students.

"Mamori Nee-chan!" Sena cried.

"What's your test number?" Mamori asked.

"021" said Sena

Sena took one look at the large board of numbers and then quickly turns away.

"I definitely failed!"

"Oh you're not going anywhere"

Mamori grabs Sena by the arm and holds her close while she searches for the number 021.

"Ah! There it is! You passed!"

"Eeeehh really?!"

Sena couldn't believe her ears. She passed. For the first time in 15 years she did something right.

"I can't believe I'm in high school now"

"Aren't you glad? Now you get to be in the same school as your beautiful childhood friend."

"haha…ha yeah…."

Mamori straightens up and looks towards the test number board.

"I'm really proud of you Sen-chan"

Yeah I was really excited to be in the same school as Mamori nee-chan. Just then Sena noticed that Mamori had small tears coming out of her eyes.

"Con –"


"Um I should go get your new student handbook. I'll be right back!"

Mamori runs off before you can say anything.

"Huh? That was strange." I wonder why she was crying?

Unbeknownst to Sena a strange shadow appears.

Hiruma Yoichi turns spies a certain new student around the corner of the wall he was lurking behind. Next to him his is "friend" and fellow American Football teammate Kurita Ryoukan.

"Kekekekeke successful candidate located".

"Wait Hiruma that looks like a girl".

"Hah?" Hiruma looks again at the potential future slave.

"No shit! You're right for once fucking fatty, she's was wear pretty baggy clothes, no chest either"

"Too bad though she's a good height and has long legs, might have been a good running back"

"Hmmm… Yeah you're right" A dangerous gleam appears in Hiruma's eyes.

"Che! Who cares if it's a chick or a dude? We need 9 more fucking players if we wanna make it to the Christmas Bowl. Let's go!"

Hiruma dashes off towards the potential candidate with Kurita following slowly behind.

Sena, still pondering why Mamori might have been crying, notices a loud rushing noise coming from behind her.

Huh what's that noise? She turns around slightly and sees a blonde spikey haired, sharped toothed guy with a crazy look on his face run directly towards her.

"Hiiiiiiiiiiii!" Who is THAT? I've got to get away!

But Hiruma and Kurita are already there. They suddenly throw her up into the air and begin to cheer.

"Congrats on your success" and "YA-HA!"

"Waaa!" Wow, this is the first time anyone has ever thrown me up in the air like this. I feel like I could cry from joy!

"Here go tell the news of your success to your parents" Hiruma hands her a cellphone.

It's so good to have such nice senpai. "Hey mom, guess wha –". Suddenly the phone is pulled away from her and both guys run away faster then lighting.

"….." What just happened?

Little did Sena know of the consequences to her actions.

A few hours later…

"Bye Sena! See you at the opening ceremony!" Mamori waves goodbye as Sena walks the rest of the way home. Just as she's about to walk through the front gate Sena notices the wad of papers hanging from the mail slot.

"Huh? What's this?" American Football? Never heard of it…

Sena enters her home and sees that her entire front entrance is filled with the same fliers. In the next room the fax machine is overflowing with print outs and the phone suddenly begins to ring with prerecorded voicemails.

"Sena! What is all this? It's like it neverends!" Cried her mother.

"Hiiieee!" Kamisama, why me?!

That night two mysterious shadows blew through the streets with evil intents. Well at least one of them had evil intents…..

The next morning…

Sena began to get dressed in her new school uniform while thinking back to the other day with Mamori.

"Sena you really shot up in height over the summer so I got you this one size larger just in case you grow more this year!"

"SIGH. Mamori nee-san, what were you thinking?" Hopefully I don't get any taller. I don't want people to make fun of me anymore than they used to.

Just as Sena is about to leave. "Oh yeah, I can't forget my new cell phone! That was my gift for passing the exams" Sena held up her cell phone with certain glee. She was so excited to be able to call her friends now, though she didn't really have any friends, except for Mamori nee-chan.

In the 15 years that she's been alive Mamori and Riku had been her only friends. Riku moved away so long ago that it didn't even feel like he existed. Fortunately, before he moved away, Riku taught Sena the only thing that she could be proud of; her running. Back when she was young (and short) kids made fun of her and took advantage of her meekness. The first time Sena was ever bullied was in her 3rd year of grade school. She didn't fight back which made he an easily target. She was also naturally cute despite trying to hide her face with her hair, but this just made her an even bigger target. Since then she became shy and somewhat timid, which made it hard for her to make any real friends. Instead she just became a gopher to her bullies because that was the only way she could escape their wrath.

Now she was 15 and years of running away from bullies has made her legs strong. She even shot up 5 inches over the last year of middle school. This came to her bullies as a HUGE surprise.

Sena was leaving for school now and this year she was definitely going to make some friends. Even though she was really scared Sena knew that she couldn't live like a gopher forever. She even put two cute clips on one side of her hair that she got as a gift from Mamori nee-chan. This time it would be different for sure.


So the first chapter is kind of slow because I wanted to get some of Sena's back story out of the way. I'm SOOO sorry for that super long paragraph of details at the end, but it had to be done.

I hope readers will like what I have so far I'm already working on the next couple of chapters. Currently I'm not sure about the pairing. There's A LOT of guys in this story and I don't know if I should do a harem or not. It might be fun though. Please let me know who I should do for the pairing if any.

Any reviews are appreciated!

PS: I don't have a beta or anyone proofreading this story. I apologize in advance for any grammar errors. I really tried my best to make the story flow well.