Tangent Lines

One chance to meet, then they part, never to see each other again.

After Ghetsis had left the throne room only to have been apprehended with his fellow Sages, N spoke.

"Touko, could you come with me?"

Touko followed N to the back of the throne room, where a large hole now presented itself. Though she knew it was coming, Touko still did not want this to be good-bye.

"Touko! You said you have a dream… That dream… Make it come true! Make your wonderful dream a reality, and it will become your truth! Touko! If anyone can, it's you! Well, then… Farewell!"

N jumped out, landed on his Reshiram, and flew off to another region, leaving Touko with her eyes glossing over with tears she refused to allow to fall.

After composing herself, she began the descent down towards the land she calls home.

Only two years later, when faced with a new hero of Unova did N realize that Touko and he were Tangent lines, and were never to meet again.