I would like that thank everyone for reading and for the great reviews. After chapter 5 was posted I got a lot of "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO REGINA AND EMMA?" I loved it, it made me giddy inside knowing that I was pulling your heart out with the torment that Emma might die; which you know that she didn't. Anyway thanks for reading the story. I had a blast writing it and al your reviews helped me write faster.

Three years later…

The door squeaked and you could hear little tiny footsteps tiptoeing into the bedroom. Little tiny fingers grabbed onto the edge of the mattress as a head of brown curls locks slowly started to appear. Little green eyes peaked over the edge. When she saw her mommy and mama where still sleeping she tiptoed backwards trying to be really quite so she wouldn't wake them up. When she heard her mama moan she stopped. She looked to her bed and smiled when her mama turned over and pulled her mommy closer to her. When she made it out the door she jumped with glee. She didn't wake up her mommy and mama.

Henry was in the kitchen making breakfast when Remy slammed into his leg and hugged it. He looked at his younger sister and smiled. "Are they still sleeping?"

"Yea, I thoughts I woked mama, but she jus turneded over to hug mommy."

Henry smiled. "Breakfast is done. Ready to wake them up?"

Remy bounced up and down with excitement. "Yea, let us go –enry."

At their parent's door henry was holding a tray to surprise his moms with breakfast in bed. When he started doing a countdown from three with his fingers and mouthing the numbers Remy did to. At one Remy pushed to door open and they both yelled. "Happy Anniversary!" from Henry and "-appy anna-ver-sery!" from Remy.

Both parents shot up from bed surprised by sudden noise and smiled at their children.

"Regina it's our anniversary?" Emma joked and was rewarded with a slap in the arm from her wife.

"If you forgot you're not getting your present."

"Uh oh, ma." Henry said.

Remy ran to the bed and jumped in Emma's lap. "No worry mama you can –ave my present."

"Thank you mini me." Remy laughed at the nickname. Remy might look like Regina, but she was pure Emma.

"Hey kid, what you get me?"

Henry shook his head. "Really ma. I let you sleep in and made you breakfast in bed. That alone is my present o the two of you."

"Thank you Henry that is very sweet of you."

"You're welcome mom. Come on mini ma I'll make your breakfast too." Henry held out his hand so Remy could take it and she did just that after jumping off the bed.

"-ank you –enry. Your te bes big brofer." Henry smiled at his younger sister. He was so glad that everything was able to work out after his mom saved his ma.

After they left Emma propped her head up with her hands on her knees and looked at Regina as she started eating. "You think she's every going to be able to say the letter 'T'?"

"I don't know. She's a mini you, why don't you tell me?"

"I never had trouble saying any letters."

Regina looked at her wife quizzically. "Really, never? I find that hard to believe that dear."


Regina put the tray on the floor and started climbing on top of Emma eventually pinning her to the bed. "Because when I do this, *Regina nibbled on a sensitive spot on Emma's neck*and this, *Regina bit Emma's bottom lip*and this, *Regina kissed Emma deeply*you always say vowels."

"Can you really blame me?"

Regina wrapped her arms around Emma's neck and Emma brought their bodies closer together by wrapping her legs around her wife's hips and arms around her waist. They both kissed each other with equal love and passion.

After a few minutes they were both panting and smiling at eachother, neither looking anywhere but in each others eyes.

"Happy 3rd anniversary Regina!"

"Happy 3rd anniversary Emma! "

"Would you have believed after you found out that I might die that we would end up here?" Emma asked. At this point in their relationship they were able to joke about Emma's near death experience without the emotions making them cry.

"No, and why Whale decided to tell us in front of the diner, in public, in broad daylight is beyond me."

"Are you ever going to forgive him?"

"I'll forgive him when you change your Power of Attorney. At the time I can understand why you did it, but you still have yet to change it."

"I thought it was null and void now that now that we're married." Emma said in all seriousness.

"No it is not. I really would like to not have to battle my best friend in a legal battle for the rights to my own wife." Regina started glaring.

"Fair point, but it's the weekend there's nothing I can do about it now. So, where's my present? I swear I didn't really forget."

Regina shook her head, which caused Emma to laugh because they were still clinging to each other. "I swear you're more of a child then Remy is. I liked you better when you were pregnant."

Emma smiled and pecked Regina on the lips. "Then get me pregnant."

Regina looked at her wife quizzically. "With what, another shooting star?"

"No, impregnate me with your magic 'sperm'."

"You really want to have another child?" Regina asked. She was scared to bring up the topic incase Emma didn't want to dying again, or Regina for that matter.

"Why not, I would love to have a mini you who would look like me. Who knows, maybe if you carry her next time I'll be right this time." Emma got up and went to the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" Regina couldn't help the pout the appeared on her face. She already missed Emma's body heat.

Emma turned around holding onto the bathroom door frame and Regina saw how dilated her pupils were. "We both need a shower and why not try to knock you up in the process."

"Really Mrs. Mills, do you have to be so vulgar?" Regina said as she wrapped her arms again Emma's neck again.

Emma leaned in to kiss her wife slowly. "Really Mrs. Swan, impregnate sounds too scientific."

"Then we should really get on that." Regina said swaying her hips as she dragged her wife by the wrist.

Emma licked her lips and kicked the door closed. "Happy Anniversary to me!"

"-enry?" Remy said after she swallowed a mouthful of Cocoa Puffs, her favorite cereal.

"Yes, mini ma." He took a bite of his Apple Jack's; still his favorite cereal.

"-ow long before mommy and mama come down?"

"In a hour or two."

"After we finish breakfast and watch a movie they will be down here." Henry clarified when Remy cocked her eye brow. Hey, it was a family trait.

Thanks for readying. Hope it was worth it in the end.