Hi there, here I am with a new fic.

Hope you like this first chapter, and I'll be waiting to read your reviewings.

Let me know what you think.


Zombie Killer

Chapter 1

Eric POV

I was so fucking tired of this world that when I put the gun inside my mouth for the umpteenth time, I thought about pulling the trigger and end with all. But what would I get doing it? Nothing would change if I disappeared. The infected people would keep chasing the few humans we had survived the deadly virus that devastated the whole planet. How did we get to this situation?

Scientists were trying to save the human race from any possible disease. They wanted to turn us immune without even thinking of the consequences.

The infected people who used to be like us, the survivors, were just empty shells driven by instinct, searching for food in all of us, biting us, and attacking us like wild dogs.

That was the world we had to live in now, and it was crap.

"Northman! Still in the clouds?" For some reason I haven't yet come to understand, I allowed a jerk named Bill Compton, to come with me. I found him hidden in an abandoned warehouse, crying like a baby, and he begged me to take him with me. I don't know why I agreed. He never kept silent and caused trouble all the time. I should have gotten rid of him at the first chance, but I was unable to. "We gotta go before those fuckers reach us, don't ya think?"

I didn't bother to answer him, it wasn't worth it.

"Let's get out of here."

Luckily my Jeep had survived the disaster, so at least I hadn't to walk from one side to another with the zombies lurking. Much less at night when it is almost impossible to see them until you have them all over you.

"And where are we going? We've tracked the area and there's nothing worthwhile." Compton was already sitting in the passenger seat when I got in the car. "Someone arrived first."

"I think it was me who tracked that damn mall up and down." I snapped, giving him a dirty look.

"We're a team, Northman," he said, patting my shoulder. "Besides, I was watching those things so they didn't attack you." Did he really mean it? It can't be true he believes his own bullshit.

"You were hidden in the car, with doors and windows closed. How were you watching exactly?"

"It's getting dark." He said no more, changing the subject. "We should look for shelter before it's completely dark. Darkness is not a good ally for us." Yeah, I also had a bad ally in mind.

But he was right. Going out there at night was not safe – not even driving – and the best thing was to find a secluded place to spend the night. The zombies move in herds, like animals, and if a large group surrounded the car…we would turn in food for them in seconds.

The headlights showed off the zombies that walked on both sides of the road, even getting out of the nearby forest, to chase the Jeep in a vain attempt to reach us.

"I hate these things…" He didn't end the phrase when I heard a shot.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I took the gun from his hand, and I hesitated for a few seconds to kick him out of the vehicle or not. It would be so easy to get rid of him in just a moment… The temptation was enormous, but what kind of human being would be if I did?

"You can't shoot a fucking gun inside a damn car!" I yelled. I was mad and pissed off, and Compton had given me another reason to hate and kill him. "I shouldn't even let you go armed!"

"Just trying to help!" Help us to get dead? I decided it wasn't worth further discussion, so I started the car and took off.

"Where will we go?" I could only roll my eyes and focus on the road. The zombies wandered aimlessly, raising their arms toward the Jeep, but after a couple of miles I stopped seeing them. They concentrated in large cities, where they could feed more easily, but they would soon start moving to the suburbs to keep feeding.

"We'll seek shelter near water, as always." I answered no more. After a whole day running from one side to another, looking for supplies, and fleeing from the infected people, I needed a shower. But the closest I would get it'd be a river or a pond. That'd be more than enough.

I had driven by the same area a few times, so I knew we were close.

"Did you find anything to eat?"

"We won't eat until we arrive." I didn't even bother to look at him, although I knew he probably hated me at that time. Better, I hated him as well. "And shut up, we don't want to attract unexpected visitors."

About twenty minutes later we reached the place where we had usually camped. I worked on the tent, and went to wash up. The river was quiet, and I would be able to hear whoever or whatever getting closer, so I'm not worried about zombies showing up without notice. They didn't know how to walk through the water, they were pretty clumsy, and were heard from miles away before they appeared. At least in this area we had advantage over them.

As I washed myself I could hear the incessant hum of Compton from inside the tent, as if he was spending a weekend with some friends.

"Jerk…" I muttered softly, and a moment later I heard him going out.

"Beautiful night…" Beautiful nights were gone. "We're running out of food. We should get out of here and try another city."

"I see you're not smarter when the sun sets." His answer was a snort, but I kept washing myself. "Cities are dangerous, plagued by zombies, and stay close would be like wearing an "open buffet" poster. We have enough supplies for a couple days more."

"Then what?" Was he demanding an answer from me? "I think you have no idea what you're doing, Northman." I got out of the water quickly, no shirt, and some of the scars on my body glistening under the moonlight.

"Then get out!" I couldn't take it anymore, and I punched him in the jaw. "You're just a coward asshole who can't do anything other than complain!"

I punched him again, this time he fell into the water.

"Get the fuck out, Compton! Take care of yourself, if you can." I left him lying there, grabbed my shirt and went to the tent to rest for a couple of hours. I wouldn't be able to sleep much more and wanted to collect it all before dawn.

I didn't hear Compton getting into the tent, but when I opened my eyes I saw him sleeping on the other side, as far away from me as possible. I felt bad for hitting him, but the guilt didn't last more than a few seconds. Actually Compton had crossed a line, and my patience ran out completely. Just looking at his face made me want to beat him up.

I left the tent to get some air and clear my head, and then I realized. I had slept more than I thought, it was already morning, and we were out in full view. I glanced around, but thankfully we did not seem to have visitors.

"Compton, wake up!" I just had to pick up the tent, and the weapons I had stored in the sleeping bag, just in case. The food was in the Jeep, like the rest of the supplies, so Compton had to wake up and we'd get out of here. "Collect your shit, if you want to live."

I almost had everything into the car, I just needed Compton to drag his ass out of the tent in order to get out.

"Here you go." He muttered, throwing the folded tent at my feet. He got into the car, like he was the fucking master.

"Let's get something clear, Compton." I said when I looked at him through the open window. "You mean nothing to me, understand? I don't give a shit if you live or die, but for some reason I let you come with me. I don't even remember why I did it, but here we are. But things don't work like this, I'm the boss here, and if you don't like it, get out. It's that simple."

I did not expect to reply, and of course he didn't. I positioned myself behind the wheel, and we returned to the road. For a few minutes I didn't see a single zombie, what gave me the illusion that the world hadn't gone to hell. But as I accelerated, the Jeep's noise attracted them to us like flies to garbage.

"We should make a bomb and kill them all." Compton's idea was not bad at all, but only a few would die. Surely there would be millions wandering around, and killing a few dozen wouldn't change anything. "I'd be even capable of die with them if I had to. I'd rather that than be bitten and turned into a nasty creature, walking around aimlessly, and feeding on dogs or human remains."

"I'll put a bullet between your eyes if they bite you." I replied sarcastically, although I'd even do it before they bit him.

As much as it bothered me to recognize it, Compton was right and we would be run out of supplies soon. Also, finding gas was a priority if I wanted to keep using the car. We registered the stations on our way, but apparently people panicked and took everything with them. It was the same story in the stores, restaurants and houses. People broke the windows and doors to grab the first thing they could find, fighting against each other and arguing, giving the infected the perfect opportunity to attack them.

"We haven't seen survivors for weeks." He muttered. They were the first words out of Compton's mouth that morning. I was tired of his attitude last night, so I expected him to behave like an asshole again.

"They can't all be dead. It is impossible." I refused to believe it. It had to be someone somewhere. "We have met other survivors before, and we'll find more again."

"Then we better have the guns ready." I looked sideways at him, wishing he wasn't serious. I didn't expect to have to shoot someone who was not infected, but I might have to.

I laid eyes on the road, avoiding some bled and gutted animals. "I hope we don't have to come to that. I know some people have behaved…"

"They were willing to kill us for a couple of bottles of water." He cut me off. "And you gave them no more." He added with a snort. "We were lucky to find some more."

"They had kids with them, Compton. What did you want me to do?" I'm not a monster. "Besides, you said it yourself, we found more water. Now shut up and pray we get fuel to keep on the road. We're not in the best season for hiking."

"Just saying that survival instinct is the strongest, and if people can kill for it, we should too."

Sookie POV

I still could not believe all the people I knew were dead. But it was worse, much worse. They were zombies now whose bodies were half eaten. It made me nauseous just thinking about it, and when I had to kill one of them, I threw up what little I had eaten.

It was horrible, and although I didn't want to do it again, I knew I would have no choice if I wanted to keep living.

I was lucky to be home when this madness began. I could pick up some of my stuff and run off. Clothing, food, and my car keys. I even took my Gran's favorite pendant, the one she always wore around her neck, and she gave me before dying. I never left home without it, and at least it made me feel a little better each time I stroked it.

My car, unfortunately, didn't get me very far. I just got out of town before it broke, and then I hid in the back store of an abandoned shop. Luckily the vandals, who took most things, hadn't noticed the back store. The door was thick enough so those things couldn't get in, and I had enough food and water to resist weeks, or even months.

I felt like I was trapped in a cell, but I was safer in there than outside. I heard the zombies walking around the store sometimes, trying to get in, but the boxes I placed against the door prevented them to come in. I couldn't take risks, and I even darkened the windows with black paint.

I was proud of myself for having survived for more than six months without anyone's help. It was not easy, and I was scared to death. But I realized a second later that pride meant nothing anymore. I had killed people – in self-defense, yes – and I probably would turn into one of them if I didn't, but that doesn't make me feel better.

I've always been against guns, in fact I hadn't held a gun until I had to use it to kill a zombie chasing me down the street. I ran and ran without looking back, but I tripped and fell down. I was convinced my time had come, and made peace with myself. I just prayed the zombie killed me because I didn't want to wake up like one of them. That would have been worse than death. I moved my left hand slightly, feeling something on the ground, and when I opened my eyes I saw it was a gun.

Grabbing it with all my strength, I pointed directly at the head. I closed my eyes, unable to keep them open when I pulled the trigger. I heard a thunderous noise piercing my ears, and then something warm and dense on my face.

I yelled so loud that I thought I would rip my own throat off, but it didn't work. No one came to help me, nor ever would.

I got up as I could, pushing the body off me. I gripped the gun tighter and ran from there. I got to get home take shelter, grab some things, and the rest is history.

The sun was already out – I could see it through the small window – and the outside looked calm. I could go out to try to find someone else, or maybe a car in which to go away.

A couple of weeks after arriving at the store, I found a notebook and some pens, so I started writing a diary. Something that someone would find when I was already gone. Perhaps it is pessimistic to think that way, but who could be positive in this kind of world? What I knew was no more. People who were part of my life were dead. Or worse, infected, and now they were chasing the few survivors that we were still around.

I barely slept at night. The zombies were more active in the dark, and they used to hit with their bodies on doors and windows. I don't think they were looking for a way to come in. They just walked hitting what it was in front of them, or hitting against each other. I often woke up startled by a noise, focusing the flashlight toward the door to check that, indeed, was still closed.

Every single day I wondered, how long would it take me to get crazy? Would arrive the day when I gave up and let those monsters to devour me? Would I end up by pulling the trigger off against my temple?

If the zombies came in, I wouldn't waste the few bullets I had with them. Or at least not all of them. I would reserve one for me, and I'd die in peace, knowing that I wouldn't be a monster like them.

The sun was shining so brightly that it was comforting to feel its warmth on my skin. For a few seconds I convinced myself that I was actually dreaming, it was all a nightmare, and when I opened my eyes none of this would be real. But the illusion did not last more than a few moments when I began hearing some of the zombies wandering from side to side. I could slip away without being seen, but without a car, what good would do it for me? I couldn't take too many supplies in my backpack and keep running with that much weight. The zombies would reach me in a matter of minutes, and then not even all the bullets in the world would save me.

I was screwed and locked up in this damn place. I wanted to turn into a ball on the floor and cry until running out of tears, but I knew it would do me no good, and I'd only end up with a terrible headache.

And then I heard a sound very different from the usual.

A car.

I grabbed my bag and started putting everything I could in, cans of food, water, first aid kit I had found, and my diary. I did not want to leave it behind, but I needed to hurry up before whoever was out there, left.

I knew it was risky to go out like this, especially because I had no idea what kind of people was out there, but I couldn't stay in that store any longer, I was completely convinced of that.

Eric POV

I don't know why I stopped the Jeep at the gas station in a small town that seemed deserted. I had only seen a few houses that obviously had been ransacked and abandoned, a few bars and shops, but nothing more.

"We'll try." I muttered to Compton, and both of us got out of the car.

I had my gun ready if I encountered any unexpected surprises, and walked into the first store that was right next door, while Compton checked the suppliers and the inside of the gas station.

I did not expect a miracle, and didn't believe in them, but if we got some fuel to keep going, I would be happy.

The interior of the shop was not too messy, and even the majority of products were still on the shelves. It was weird 'cause the windows were darkened with black paint, liquor boxes blocking some holes, but it didn't seem someone had come to destroy everything and take supplies.

I opened the empty backpack I took from the car, and started getting some food cans and water bottles. There was more than I expected to find, and for the first time in a long, long time, I was grinning. Luck finally seemed to smile at me, until I heard a noise.

"Who's there?" I asked, knowing if it was a zombie, it wouldn't answer to me.

I walked slowly towards the back of the store, the gun ready and pointing high enough to blow the head of what appeared in front of me. I heard breaths, slow and deep, like zombies, and then stealthy and flicks steps. If it was a zombie, it was moving easier than the rest.

"I'm gonna blow your fucking head off." I mumbled.

"Please, don't." I heard a weak voice, and I pulled the gun down.

"Who are you? Let me see you."

I had lowered the gun, but I was still ready if it was a trap. Well, or something like that.

A lovely girl appeared before me. Her long blonde hair fell in waves around her face and shoulders. Her deep blue eyes, the same blue like sky, looked at me with fear and hope at the same time.

"Have you been bitten?" I asked no more. The truth is I was paralyzed by her beauty, but I couldn't waste time if I wanted to return the car before the zombies trapped me.

"No. I've been hiding here for the last six months. They try to get in sometimes," she said, her hands up, and her sweet voice ringing in my ears. "None have succeeded."

"How did you survive six months here?" I was puzzled. How did she get it? Was she alone or someone else was here with her?

"My car broke down a few miles away, and I was lucky to get this far. The store was empty, I hid in the back, and I've hardly gone outside. There's plenty of food and water inside…" She clung so tightly to her backpack that I feared she was getting hurt.

"I have a car outside. We're looking for supplies and gas." I didn't know what else to say.

"We?" She asked, looking over my shoulder.

"Um…yes. I'm with another guy, we travel together." Although I don't know why I was still standing Compton. "You can come with us, if you want." She relaxed slightly, and showed me a shy smile. "I'm Eric, by the way. Eric Northman." I extended my hand, and she took it a few seconds later.

"Sookie Stackhouse."

I heard a familiar noise behind me. The infected knew we were in the store, and it'd be a matter of seconds before we were completely surrounded and trapped.

"We should go." Sookie grabbed the gun tightly, and I told her that she didn't separate from me. "Is there a back door?"

"Yeah. In the back store. I've used it many times to get out." I nodded, and opened the bag. I would take what I could carry before leaving, and I grabbed Sookie's bag as well. It weighed a ton, and she couldn't have carried it with her for a long time. "Let's go."

I opened the back door, looking from side to side. "Clear. The Jeep is in the gas station, can you see it from here?" Sookie nodded again, and I did the same. "I want you to run to the car, and get in, okay? I'll be right behind you. We'll get out here right now."

"Thanks, Eric."

"Don't thank me yet." I said with a smile.

Sookie ran and some zombies started walking toward her. I wouldn't allow them to catch her, and I used my knife to kill them quietly. The gun is more effective, true, but it would attract more, and we didn't need more problems.

I looked at the Jeep and saw Sookie getting in the passenger seat. She was safe so I just had to run over there and pray that Compton had found gas. If not, we would be screwed.

"Compton, let's go!" I yelled when he was near the Jeep, and fortunately, I saw him throwing the hose down. Gasoline began spreading through the ground, so at least I hoped he would have filled the tank and cans in the trunk.

"Get in the back!" I yelled, and as soon as he was inside and closed the door, we got the hell out of there.

"Who the hell is?" He asked, pointing at Sookie.

"Sookie, and she's coming with us."

Thanks a lot for reading.
