Thanks to Ballykissangel, Morea24, psychicamazingness223, and TugLover98 for their reviews! Sorry, I don't think I pmed those of you that reviewed to thank you guys. Although, this chapter I am doing TugLover98's suggestion (which builds off of chapter 13-Sherlock getting a reality TV show). I'll tell you exactly what that is at the end. Next chapter will be a sickfic per Ballykissangel's request.

Disclaimer: I don't own Sherlock.

Sherlock was lying half-off and half-on the couch. He had been given no choice on whether to decline or accept the BBC's request of a reality television show. Mycroft had spoken for Sherlock, telling them he was Sherlock's manager. Sherlock rolled his eyes. You'd think the man would have better things to do than set up a new device of torture for his brother. It had been a month since they had started filming and the only cases they had been given Sherlock could solve with barely any thought.

Sherlock was starting to consider if he should walk the mile to Amsterdam Street to get cocaine. The only thing stopping him was how mad John would be if he relapsed. Sherlock suddenly laughed. He could just imagine Mycroft's face if the cameras caught him shoot up cocaine.

He phone chimed and he picked it up. Please let it be Lestrade with an interesting case! Sherlock grinned as it turned out he was right.

528 Elam Street. Murder. We have no leads. Body missing hands and feet. No prints or other evidence.

Sherlock vaulted off the couch and swung on his long coat and blue scarf. He opened the door to find a camera man pointing a camera at his face. Sherlock scowled and pushed past roughly.

Ten minutes late he arrived at the address. The place was milling with police and crime scene tape covered the whole area. The body lay in the middle of the yard next to the two story beige house.

Sherlock handed the cabbie his fare before he strode toward the body in unusually high spirits. A camera man quickly caught up to him and circled until he was standing about five feet in front of the consulting detective. The man slowly backed up as Sherlock gained ground, much faster than the man.

Sherlock glared at him as he slowed to a stop before the other man. "Move," Sherlock barked in annoyance.

The camera man smiled apologetically. "Sorry, man. I gotta get this shot. Can you maybe back up like ten feet and walk up to the crime scene?"

Sherlock's boredom came over him in anger and he full force punched the man in the face. The man stumbled back, clutching his nose before falling into a puddle of mud. Sherlock hardly took any notice to the man before walking past in up to the body as everyone stared at him incredulously.

"It was only a matter of time," Sally muttered.

Hope you liked it! TugLover98's actual suggestion was to have Sherlock punch the camera man. Please review! Prompts appreciated!