I obviously dont own Superntaural or any of the incredibly sexy characters in it.. :(
BUT I hope you enjoy the story anyway and leave reviews and shit so I feel loved and keep on writing..AW YEAH!

"So where bout's do you want me to drop you off?" asked their so-called personal driver.

The boys had been sent to an alternate reality by Balthazar, a reality where their entire lives was just a television show; a crappy one at that.

"Jared?" The driver spoke up again.

Sam looked at Dean wide eyed. Dean shrugged and shook his head.

"Ah. I'll just go home with J-Je-"

"Jensen." Dean muttered.

"With Jensen, yeah."

"Since when are you guys talking?" The nosey driver enquired.

"Ugh, you know what Clint-" Sam began.

"-Cliff" The driver corrected.

"Right, yeah o-of course, Cliff, anyway I think we're going to go back to J-Jensen's place and, uh.." Sam looked over at Dean once more, mouthing 'help!?'

"To work on our acting, for our characters, on the…show" Dean tried to mutter confidently.

Cliff just looked at them through the reflection of the front mirror, shaking his head.

"Alright, whatever"


The boys stepped through the doors and they couldn't believe what they were seeing. The house was massive, if you could even call it a house, because castle would be a much better description.

The walls were covered with amazing (and expensive) paintings by numerous artists, the kitchen was massive and the freezer was stocked, the doors could only just shut, because it was filled with pie. Lots and lots of pie.

"Dude, I am in heaven!" Dean laughed pulling as many pies as he could out from the freezer and throwing them into the oven.

"Dean, you have a gigantic pool out here, it has disco lights in it and a freakin' fountain" Sam laughed as he peaked out through the curtains at the back garden.

"I love you Jensen Ackles!" Dean laughed before squirting canned whipped cream into his mouth.

Suddenly someone walked into the kitchen, throwing down arms full of groceries onto the kitchen bench and huffing slightly.

"How many times have I told you not to eat the cream straight from the can? It's bad for you Jensen."

"Cas?" Dean asked an eyebrow raised, mouth still filled with cream.

"Very funny, I thought we only used those names on set and in bed?" Cas smirked, as he began putting the groceries away.

Dean's eyes widened in alarm; what the hell did he just say?

Before Dean could question what the hell was going on further, Sam wandered into the room.

"Dude, you have a rock climbing wall upsta-Is that…Cas?" Sam stopped in his tracks his eyes fixed on Castiel putting the shopping away, wearing a normal pair of jeans and a black T-shirt with a red and black checked shirt over the top; No trench coat in sight.

"Oh lord, what is the moose doing here? It's Misha, Jared, M-I-S-H-A!" Misha rolled his eyes at Sam and walked over to Dean.

"What is he doing here?" Misha asked in a hushed voice.

Dean couldn't even think, what…was he and Cas…Were they…What.

Sam looked around the room and spotted a framed photograph of Dean and Cas, holding hands, wearing matching suits, smiling like it was the greatest day of their lives; and it all clicked.

"Dean, you're married too fake Cas!" Sam whispered; quite amused by the dumb struck look on Deans face.

"MISHA, and yeah, we've been married for two years now, I thought you would have known that by now, or were you too busy playing with your hair to notice?" Misha questioned sarcastically, head tipped to the side in a signature 'confused Cas' look.

"I-ugh-I" Sam stuttered.

"Anyway, I suppose you're here to run lines, I'm not on for another few episodes, so I'm going out!" Misha smiled up at Jensen, grabbing onto the bottom of Deans jacket and pulling at it flirtatiously "-unless you wanted to come with me?"

Sam looked at Dean, Dean back at Sam, Dean back to Ca-Misha.

"Uhm. No thanks, not-not tonight, these lines are kinda important so-uh-yeah." Dean spluttered.

Misha's heart sunk into the pit of his stomach. He let go of Dean's jacket, and looked down at the floor.

"Sorry" Dean added; feeling awful.

"No, yeah, it's fine, I was just going to go to a meet and greet thing anyway, Misha's minions you know. Woo. Right, I'm just gonna go." Misha snatched his car keys from the kitchen bench and stormed out of the room, the front door slamming shut a few moments later.

"Yeesh. You've pissed your husband off" Sam turned to Dean, who was still mulling over everything in his mind.

"Anyway, I suppose we should start shopping for the stuff we need to get out of here" Sam stated, grabbing a laptop he'd found in the lounge room and tucking it under his arm, hoping Dean would stop freaking out for a moment and try to get back to the real problem at hand.

"Yeah, yeah..sure, let's do that" Dean finally responded.