Thanks to JTH for asking me to write this! It is of course their idea but they've asked me to write it and so I am! It's based on the 2012 cartoon. enjoy xx

Chapter 1 - A battle and a new beginning

It was a cool and crisp night in New York, many people were staying inside to avoid the cold but unfortunately three turtles didn't get that choice thanks to the fourth.

''Come on guys! It's not THAT cold'' Leonardo rolled his eyes, Michelangelo and Donatello looked at each other before stepping back as Raphael pushed his face in front of Leo's.

''Yes, Leo.. It is! It's freezing and Splinter said that we didn't have to go if you said we didn't have to!'' Raph growled angrily, ''You're such a teachers pet!''

''We can always warm ourselves up with pizza'' Mikey grinned as he stepped forward, Donnie grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him out of the way as weapons were drawn.

''Mikey'' Don smiled at his younger brother, ''Maybe we should stay out of this''

''NO! They can't fight again!'' Mikey frowned, ''Last time Leo went off on his own and met Karai and we ended up fighting snake weed and I was knocked out''

''That's true'' Don nodded with a small smile, ''But if we get involved they would end up on a guilt trip and do you really want that?''

''No.. No I guess not..'' Mike sighed as he sat down, Don stayed standing. Leo and Raph weren't paying attention to anything and the two younger brothers were getting annoyed, Don could see the tears in Mikey's eyes.


''Three?'' Mikey asked offended.

''Yes Mikey, three! Those two fighting and you wanting to stop it by using pizza as a distraction!'' Don growled.

''Stay out of it Don'' Leo hissed,

''Yeah! just cause you don't have the guts to stand up for yourself!'' Raph growled, Mikey looked at Don with a look that said He's-got-a-point-bro.

''Urgh! I'm sick I'm sick of this!'' Donnie groaned, nobody was paying attention. Raph and Leo were fighting again while Mikey was daydreaming, Donnie grumbled a few colourful words before storming off.

He walked for a while before deciding that he should go back to his brothers before they notice that he's gone. he spun around but heard a loud cry coming from one of the old run down shops that had went bankrupt. he pulled his Bo out and slowly made his way to the shop, he looked in and felt his blood boil.

The kraang had a small boy tied to a counter and were guarding him, the boy was crying and scared. Don wondered if he should wait for his brothers but knew that if he did the boy wouldn't be saved any time soon so he quietly crept into the shop.

He was doing a good job of staying hidden, he kept his eyes on the boy but unfortunately he didn't see the can and ended up standing on it. He straightened up and went skidding across the room, the Kraang saw him and began to shoot.

''AH! NONONONONO!'' Donnie yelped as he flew down one of the aisle, he leant against on of the shelves and it tipped. He yelped as each shelf went down like dominos and he ended up lying next to the boy.

He looked round at the child and grinned,

''Hi there'' he blushed,

''Hello'' The boy laughed, ''What's your name?''

''Donatello'' Don grinned, ''But you can call me Donnie if it's easier''

''Ok Donatello, I'm Orion'' Orion smiled, Don looked at him.

''That's an unusual name'' he chuckled, ''Have you heard of the constellation? you musta heard of Orion's belt at the least'' The conversation was cut short when the Kraang threw something at the two, it landed next to the boy. It was a bomb.

''Donatello! Help!'' Orion begged. Donnie used his shurukin to cut the rope and picked the boy up, they didn't have much time to escape and the kraang were blocking the doors.

''We're trapped!'' Don gulped worriedly.

Meanwhile up on the rooftop the two older turtles were still fighting and Mikey had finally snapped out of his day-dream.

''hey guys..'' Mikey frowned,

''Not now!'' The growled,

''Where's Don?'' The two fighting turtles dropped their weapons and looked around in confusion


They spun around to see a fiery explosion at one of the abandoned shops, they looked at each other in dismay.

''DONNIE!'' The yelled as they sprinted to the shop, Kraang were lying everywhere around the shop. and near them was a very burnt, purple Bo staff.

''D-Donnie'' Mikey whimpered as he fell to his knees. they were frozen to the spot. There was another explosion which made them look up to see a blackened Donatello walking calmly away from the fire with a small shaking child in his arms.

''YOU'RE ALIVE!'' They grinned as they hugged Don, He just smiled at them before letting the kid down.

''Who's that?'' Leo asked as Mikey made faces at the kid.

''This is Orion'' Don nodded, Orion hid behind him and held onto his leg. ''Orion, these are my brothers; Leonardo, Raphael and Michelangelo but you can call them Leo, Raph and Mikey.''

''H-Hello'' Orion smiled nervously. ''Donatello.. thank you for saving me''

''No problem Orion'' Don smiled, One of the kraang bots sat up and looked straight at them. Donnie put a hand on Orion to tell him that he was safe.

''The ones known as the turtles have got our prisoner.. Must be..'' The Kraang broke down and died. Orion started shaking again.

''Why do they want you?'' Donnie asked but Orion just shrugged.

''I don't know''

''Well... we'd better get you home'' Raph nodded, ''Your parents will be worried''

''My parents are dead'' Orion sniffed, ''The robots killed them when they took me''

''So.. you're an orphan? and now you live on the streets?'' Mikey asked sadly. Orion beamed at him.

''Yeah, but it's ok! Donatello is here'' He grinned, Don looked down at him and Orion faced him, ''My parents have sent you to protect me! That's why you saved me from them just now!''

''What?'' Donnie asked surprised. ''I saved you cause-''

''You saved me cause you're nice and my parents wanted you to!'' Orion grinned.

''COOL!'' Mikey grinned, ''hey Donnie.. why didn't you tell us?''

''I wasn't sent Mikey'' Don snapped.

''So are you like an angel or something?'' Orion asked,

''Don't you mean a Guardian angel?'' Don corrected before mentally kicking himself.


''Donnie.. can we speak to you for a moment?'' Leo asked with a grin. Don nodded, the three brothers went to the side while Donnie told Orion to stay where he was until they told him otherwise before joining his brothers.

''What?'' Don asked,

''We think you should keep the kid'' Leo nodded,

''What? why?'' Donnie asked surprised.

''Well'' Mikey frowned, ''He trusts you''

''You're responsible enough to handle him and he thinks you're his guardian angel'' Raph nodded.

''But-'' Don gulped nervously, ''I don't think I'm ready for that kind of commitment!''

''You are Donnie!'' Mikey pointed out.

''But I've already got so many responsibilities!'' Donatello frowned, ''I don't know if I can handle another one''

''What responsibilities do you have?'' Raph asked confused. Donnie glared at his brothers.

''I'm the medic, I need to learn more medicine, I fix everything, I make stuff to help us, I have to help everyone with anything they don't understand and I've got ninja stuff on top of that!'' Donnie fumed,

''Oh..'' Mikey blushed. Leo rolled his eyes and put a hand on Donnie's shoulder.

''You're ready for this, I know you are'' Leo smiled encouragingly, ''Plus you're not alone in this! We'll help''

''No thanks, I don't want you guys helping'' Don frowned, ''I want him safe remember''

''What's that supposed to mean?'' Raph growled.

''Well let me see'' Donnie smirked, ''Leo would constantly be watching Space Heroes with him and trying to turn him into a mini human Leo, Raph would be sneaking him out of the lair to show him how to fight and Mikey would also sneak him out of the lair to teach him to skate and both Raph and Mikey will be bad infuences''

''So.. are you saying that you'll do it as long as we don't help?'' Mikey asked confused.

''Yes Mikey'' Don smiled, The brothers grinned before joining Orion.

''You guys done?'' Orion asked with a small smile,

''Yeah.. em.. how do you feel about living with me.. you know.. so I can protect you and look after you?'' Don asked gently. Orion grinned happily.

''I'D LOVE THAT DONNIE! THANK YOU!'' He beamed as he hugged Don, Don was a little startled but he happily sunk into the hug.

''Let's go home then'' Don grinned. They slowly made their way home and Donnie thought about how he was going to tell Splinter.

There's more to come but please review and tell me what you think xx