Chapter 4

A/N: Hello my little birdies~! I come bearing gifts! And maybe a very small bag of coals…Anyways, I've finally finished the newest chapter, which took forever; I know. But it's done and I've been on such a roll lately that I've already got the next chapter started and planned out so hopefully I'll get that one out to you soon as well. As it so happens I'll have almost three weeks in August completely to myself and as long as my muse stays with me I may have a third new chapter to you by the time the new semester starts. This is the best case scenario I am really hoping for so keep your fingers crossed! As for the tiny bag of coals, next semester is, again, going to be crazy for me with a pre-calculus class, English, and history. As of right now I honestly don't know entirely how it's going to work but I will try my best so please bear with me.

That's all I have this time around so like always; read, enjoy and don't forget to leave me plenty of reviews! Just so you all know I do check my email every single day to look for any new reviews and I do read every single review I get so when I say leave reviews I'm not just saying it for my health. Not that it really does anything to my health anyways, hahahaha. Anyways, enjoy my little birdies~!

Past, Present, And A Start to The Future

"I won't give up on us

Even if the skies get rough

I'm giving you all my love"

"Yuuko-san," spoke a young voice, sounding almost disappointed.

Wisps of smoke wafted through the air of the darkened room, dancing and clinging to each other as more clouds slowly joined them. Though the growing abundance of smoke would make it a little more difficult for a normally healthy person to breathe neither occupant seemed to be bothered. The younger of the two had grown rather accustomed to the woman's smoking habit and actually found that the smell was not as foul as that of cigarettes, nor was the smoke so thick and heavy in the air to the point that it made him feel like he was suffocating.

Lying elegantly sprawled across the black couch the pale woman with creamy white skin regarded the almost equally pale boy who stood in front of her. Dark hair hung teasingly above his multi-colored eyes, brushing over the top rim of his spotless glasses as he looked at the woman expectantly.

It was obvious by the way he had called her name that he intended to have a serious talk with her about the last wish she had decided to grant; a wish that she could not and should not have granted. Truthfully, Yuuko had been waiting for the discussion since the moment she had sent the blond haired pirate back to his home world with a mysterious orb and a somewhat vague description of how to fulfill his wish. Rather than waiting for her male companion to continue, however, the witch turned her red eyes onto the boy as she asked him a question of her own.

"You saw it, did you not Watanuki?"

For a moment the boy, Watanuki, simply looked at her, staring at her slightly lidded eyes which regarded him knowingly. There was no doubt that both of them had seen the same thing, the same mysterious sight that only one of them seemed to understand, if only vaguely.

Legends were more than just exaggerated stories passed down through the generations; they were pieces of history that held truths hidden beneath the legend. But few knew or even understood this, and even fewer could find the real truth hidden in the centuries-old stories. Some were eventually written but by then they had already been altered beyond the facts.

Being whom and what Yuuko was it was no surprise that she knew what she had seen. There was no way that something like that could be faked or even copied because the simple fact remained; only very few were ever blessed by the Gods.

However, seeing such a rare legend that was so strong and so bright was something that even Yuuko herself had never seen. It was nothing like the other three she had come across over the years and though she didn't show it she was actually quite curious. About the young man, –younger that her anyways– yes, but she was also curious about the words that seemed to dance through her memory.

Despite her ability to predict the future there are still things that are not as clear as others. The fact that she did not know of what surrounded the blond man before he appeared was the perfect example. And to think, a myth that fewer and fewer believed in had stood before her and all she could do was give him a choice between one life or another. Whether he saw it through to the end, though, was entirely up to him but Yuuko could not shake the feeling the something was going to happen to his world, something even her abilities could not foresee.

"What does it mean, Yuuko-san?" asked the dark haired boy, drawing the woman from her own thoughts.

It was clear, even now, that the boy had never seen such a sight nor did he understand its significance. But then, he wasn't supposed, nobody was supposed to really know the truth. If they knew, if people could see what was hidden in plain sight, then life would be meaningless. Not even those special enough to be gifted with the sight could see all of the world's truth. As it stood the man named Marco was clearly more special than even her. Or maybe he held a curse far worse than Yuuko did.

Regardless, the witch simply did what was within her powers to do. The rest, as with all of her contracts, was left up to him. Even if Watanuki wanted to scold her or demand an explanation from her it would not change the fact that there was one slim chance Marco could have his impossible wish; a chance that he did not have a lot of time to think about.

"It means," the woman started before inhaling from the pipe in her small elegant hand. "That their world is about to face something long forgotten," she finished with a slow exhale of thin wispy smoke.

I wonder, she thought as the image of the pirate stood in her mind, broken and desperate to cling to something, anything, which could ease the unbearable pain in his heart. Unaware of his own emotions he simply stood there, completely oblivious to the vivid red ribbon that swirled and danced around him in such a wild display that it almost appeared as though it was made from eternal flames. Even when the ribbon of fire brushed against his bare skin the man seemed to feel nothing, understood nothing.

Just how deep does your bond truly go?

With a small yet truly amused smile the witch closed her eyes as she lost herself in visions of that curious world and the curious form of a dark haired man, a deep voice passing through widely grinning lips. Words in that deep voice filled her head; reminding her of the reason she so loved that amusing world.

"They are both far more special than even you can possibly see, Majo-sama."

"Captain!" exclaimed a thin gruff looking man as he ran towards the dark haired man wearing a big red hat, a large spread across his face.

Said man held a mug of alcohol in his hands, much like the rest of the crew as they all cheered and laughed like the carefree pirates they were. Even the captain and his first-mate shared a few hardy laughs with the crew, the bond they shared shining through in a way that most didn't seem to understand.

When people thought of pirates they thought of ruthless blood thirsty "demons" who had no morals and no heart. The World Government deemed them a dangerous threat and while some were indeed dangerous, not all of them were as dangerous.

The word 'pirate' is defined as, "a person who attacks and robs ships at sea" but that was not what they were. They were not greedy, savage, blood thirsty beasts. Rather, they simply wanted to be free; free from the government and their laws, free from the life the Government wanted to control, and free from the society that looked down on them for being different from the rest. More than anything they just wanted to belong, a place they were loved for simply being themselves without being expected to change. That was what being a pirate meant to them.

"Captain!" the man yelled once more as he grew closer to the group of drinking men.

A majority of them were either drunk or close enough to it as they didn't seem particularly alarmed by the growing panic in the scout's voice. Even the two youngest members of the crew seemed unbothered as one laughed in great amusement at the expense of the other who nearly choked on a piece of meat.

Rather than silencing himself when his companion yelled and curse at him the young boy simply laughed harder which in turn had the rest of the crew laughing. At the sound of just one word, however, the laughing ceased in an instant.

"Marines," the man panted out.

For a moment mouths hung open without a single sound as some held mugs half-way to their lips, all eyes looking slowly to the scout. In the next second those who had been drunk before quickly sobered up enough to scramble up from the ground with others, drinks and food quickly forgotten as the crew rushed back to their ship. Some yelled in panic while others, three specifically, seemed to just laugh in the face of the situation as they were the last three to board the galleon of a ship and no sooner were they aboard did the marines pop into view.

Already they had swords drawn and guns firing as they ran toward the pirate ship whose sails were being unfurled. Five dark sails, plus two white, fell to catch the breezing wind that pushed them out to sea. On the highest sail, at the very forefront of the ship, was the pirates' pride and jow; the Jolly Roger of a skull and crossbrones with a double curled mustache that extended out on either side of the skull. It was a mark that people were quickly beginning to fear above all others for the simple reason that it was because the World Government deemed that one pirate captain the Demon among demons.

As the pirate ship began to sail away from the island a small fleet of Marine ships quickly moved in to surround the fleeing pirates, a broad-chested man with dark hair and a beard appeared at the bow of one of the Marine ships. Though he didn't seem too old the man's hair was already greying in certain areas but it didn't deter from his brute strength.

"It's the Vice-Admiral!" one of the pirates called out, bringing a wide grin of excitement to their captain's lips.

"Nice to see you again, Garp," the pirate captain called to the Vice-Admiral who seemed to almost mirror his grin.

It was the beginning of yet another round of their age long ritual; Vice-Admiral Garp would manage to corner the same band of pirates with some brilliant plan that took hours to think of and in-turn those very pirates would somehow escape the Vice-Admiral by just the a hair. It was almost like a game of cat-and-mouse between the two powerful forces and both sides seemed to enjoy their game, most of the time anyways.

"So what's the plan this time, Garp?" the dark haired pirate captain asked, his grin never fading even as the Marines had them completely surrounded.

Some of his crew seemed unnerved by the lack of a direct attack, something they practically predicted Garp would do but had not made any indication of doing so. Instead, their years old enemy stepped further up to the bow of the battleship and called back to the pirate captain.

"It wouldn't be much of a plan if I told you, now would it?" he all but laughed. "But it would be in your best interest to surrender, Gol D. Roger."

At the use of his full name Roger's grin widened before he let out a deep laugh that his crew knew meant things were not going to bode well for them as their captain declared that he had no such interest. Despite the declaration, though, Garp's own grin didn't seem to waver. Instead he ordered several battleships to attack and as their canons went off the Roger pirates had no choice but to fire back in order to keep from being sunk or captured.

It was the raining of cannon balls back and forth that filled the air around the small island the pirates had just vacated, drawing the attention of the few inhibitors there were. While most lined the shore to watch the struggle between pirates and Marines others preferred to take shelter in their homes even as the battle pulled further and further away from the island with the pirates seemingly in the lead.

Despite the Roger pirates leading the battle away in their attempt to escape both sides were holding their positions well enough against each other. Each cannon fire was returned with another from the opponent, neither giving the other much room to breathe.

For a moment that's all the pirates thought the fight was going to be, a show of cannons that would quickly end the second got far enough away from the overbearing Garp. But Roger knew better than to think like rest of his crew. The marines were nothing if they weren't persistent as hell, never mind Garp's own persistence and tenacity that could very well run deeper than the entire Marine Corps put together. After all, Garp was just as much a D as Roger himself.

"Captain!" one of the pirates suddenly yelled, pointing out toward the right side of the ship.

As the majority of the crew looked toward the indicated direction they watched as several marine battleships began to close in on them. Before they were within range, however, a cannon was fired dangerously close to their left which caught their previously distracted attentions.

Soon cannons were being fired from each side and behind, effectively limiting the pirates' escape routes as the battleships continued to close in on them. All around them there were battleships and each with dangerously close accuracy but somehow the pirates were managing to hold them at bay, though most doubted they would be able to keep it up for much longer. They were either going to run out of cannon balls or the marines were going to catch them and then it would be curtains for them, lights out permanently.

While his crew seemed to grow more panicked with their growing struggle to fend off the marines Roger just stood there by his first-mate, grinning like some kind of mad man. Even as another handful of marines came into view before them that crazy wide grin never left the captain's lips.

If Silvers Rayleigh, first-mate of the Roger Pirates, didn't know his captain as well as he did he would have thought they were all going to be goners. But he did know his captain and he knew that by some crazy unexplainable miracle they were going to make it out alive.

"Hey, Rayleigh," Roger suddenly said, turning toward his first-mate and best friend with that grin still plastered to his face.

In turn Rayleigh looked back at him curiously, half wondering if the man beside him had just come up with a plan of escape.

"You ready for another adventure?" the soon to be Pirate King asked with that crazy wide grin of his.

In response Rayleigh couldn't stop himself from laughing, his own lips pulling back into a grin of his own. He should have known there was no way Gol D. Roger would ever come up with a plan of any kind.

By the time Marco was well and thoroughly done with Doflamingo the man could barely seem to curse at him before the Whitebeard captain had sent him flying, not caring whether he ended up in the ocean or not. The rest of the Moby Dick seriously doubted he would ever pick another fight with the Whitebeard pirates again. Warlord or not the want-to-be bird-man had better think twice next time before he decided to anger the Whitebeard pirates again, lest Marco actually kill him next time. If there ever was a next time.

Though it took a little while afterward they eventually managed to catch up to the Straw Hat Pirates' ship. It was an interesting ship, to say the least, and still seemed to be smaller than most average pirate ships. Then again it was only nine people who made up the entire Straw Hat crew which was way less than any other pirate crew, not including the Whitebeard crew themselves. The Straw Hat crew truly must be some very interesting people to have survived as far and as long as they have with only nine people.

Most everybody wanted to meet Ace's little brother once more along with his crew but Marco seemed fairly adamant about meeting him first, saying something about talking privately from one pirate captain to another. In the end they had no choice but to wait behind and sulk while Marco flew ahead to greet the pirate crew.

To say that his arrival wasn't greeted was an understatement. The second he landed aboard the Thousand Sunny Marco was surrounded by seven different –and quite interesting looking– people who each seemed ready to fight despite their appearance. They were all dirty and battered, no doubt from their battle with Doflamingo, but still they held their weapons at Marco in warning. Aside from the two swords pointed at his throat the others were all quite interesting. He could honestly say that no one has ever pointed a sling shot or staff at him, nor has he ever stared down the barrel of, what he assumed was a weaponized arm. In some respect he probably should have expected something like that but he had saved them after all.

"What's a former Whitebeard commander doing showing up out of nowhere?" started a man with short green hair and three golden earrings in one ear as he held a blackened sword to his throat.

"More importantly," added a blond haired man with one eye visible beneath an oddly swirly eyebrow. He paused a moment to light the cigarette in his mouth as he stepped closer to the group, letting out a breath of smoke before he continued. "Why did you follow us?"

To be honest Marco was half tempted to disarm the lot of them as they waited for his reply, the sword at his throat making him claustrophobic. Not to mention the seven of them were a hundred years too early to be drawing their weapons at him but he remained motionless as he answered them calmly. No sense in starting a fight.

"I need to speak with Luffy-san, yoi," he told them, his strange accent not seeming to affect them much.

Instead they each fixed him with a hard calculating gaze, as if trying to assess whether or not he was a threat. All except the woman with long dark hair who simply smiled slightly at him from behind the rest of them, one hand press lightly to her lips to hide the faint chuckle that nobody really seemed to take notice of. Marco knew immediately the woman was Nico Robin and was mildly curious as to why she was the only one who didn't seem weary or cautious of him.

It didn't really bother him all that much that the others were cautious and weary of him but when their gazes started to turn into an almost glaring look Marco was beginning to get a little annoyed. A part of him, however, was glad. For some reason he couldn't quite explain it made Marco happy that the crew Luffy chose, no, that the friends he chose all cared so deeply for their reckless idiot of a captain. It reassured him that they would face any dangers for Luffy, including challenging Marco the Phoenix, former Whitebeard commander or not.

Part of it might have been his uncontrollable love for Ace which extended a certain amount of care toward the man's little brother. Or it could have been the fearlessness and determination he saw in the boy during the war that raised a certain bout of protectiveness. But mostly the cause was the fact that before his lover Ace had been a Whitebeard pirate, one of Edward Newgate's sons. He was family first and foremost before he was Marco's lover and that sense of family extended over to Luffy as well. Especially after Whitebeard himself gave the young brat his regards and his trust, which was no small feat by any means.

"And what business do you have with our captain?" asked a male with a curiously long nose who looked more scared than fearless but still held his ground with the rest of them.

The longer they all stood there on deck, with Marco seemingly trapped between them all, the air grew thicker with the ever building tension. It was almost as if something more than Marco's presence had the crew on edge. Though a Whitebeard Commander landing on any pirate ship would have caused a deadly tension all on their own, that didn't seem to be the much of the case at the moment, despite the heavy silence and tense muscles.

All of a sudden Marco wished Luffy would drop to the deck from god knew wherever he was. And just like that realization dawned on the blond-haired pirate captain as he looked around the deck but found no signs, visible or otherwise, of the one pirate he needed at the moment.

"Where is Ace's little brother, yoi?" Marco asked, ignoring the sniper's question in favor of one of locating the straw hat wearing boy.

Whether it was the mention of the captain's deceased brother or the touchy subject of the lacking presence of their wild captain the palpable tension seemed to grow tighter. Slowly the Straw Hats each lowered their weapons, various expressions of worry and concern crossing their faces. Even Nico Robin, who had been lightly chuckling before, stopped at the mention of her captain as her eyebrows creased in a worry line.

None of the looks on their face settled Marco's now frantic nerves as his mind inadvertently started picturing the worse possible outcome. A part of him, although small, tried to think positively but after losing Ace and his Oyaji in the same day Marco seemed to lose his optimistic abilities along with them. To be honest, he almost didn't want to hear whatever they were going to tell him but he couldn't help it, he couldn't stop himself from asking the dreaded question.

Suddenly they all looked more exhausted than Marco originally thought, their already heavy eyelids looking as though lead was weighing them down while their tense muscles screamed for rest. Overall, their condition seemed almost worse now that it was pointed out that their captain was either missing or incapacitated.

For a moment nobody seemed t want to answer him, choosing instead to look away with expressions of frustration mixed with their ever present worry; worry that was now starting to take hold of Marco as he stood there waiting for someone, anyone, to speak. Unsurprisingly, Robin was the first to answer as she spoke carefully with a calm voice.

"All we know so far is that he's still unconscious," the dark haired woman finally said. That seemed to be the stepping stone that had the Straw Hat crew taking turns in their explanation of what had happened.

The more they had spoken about their journey through Dressrosa and their battles there the more Marco had wished he had killed the Shichibukai when he had the chance. It wasn't so much because of the retched things the man did to the country, though it probably had a factor, but because he had dared to try to kill Ace's precious little brother. Even if Luffy was a pirate himself and chose to live his life in constant dangers that didn't change the fact that he was always going to be family. Since the Ace had joined the Whitebeard Pirates Luffy had also inadvertently become family to them, as proved from the war, even if they hadn't known from the beginning that Ace had a brother.

Regardless, hearing how both Trafalgar Law and Luffy were more beaten and bloodied than them wasn't exactly what Marco had wanted to hear. Nor had he wanted to know that Luffy pushed himself so far in the battle with Doflamingo that he had passed out unconscious, which didn't make matters any better although Marco was rather impressed and perhaps a little proud of the rubbery captain. And despite the beating he apparently gave the man Doflamingo had still managed enough energy to chase after them as they were retreating with their inured captain.

"We're heading to Zou Island now," Robin told him once the recount of the Dressrosa events was over. "Trafalgar's crew is waiting for him there."

In all honesty, Marco could have cared less about the other Supernova. That wasn't to say he wished death upon the man but whether he died or not didn't really matter to the blond, even if said man had saved Luffy's life from the very determined Akainu. What did matter was Ace's little brother who was currently lying on a bed in the sick bay, unconscious and fairly beaten.

"Alright," Marco replied as if everything had suddenly been settled. "I'll accompany you there," he stated, leaving little to no room for arguments, though a few tried.

"No offense, but having your ship following us may not be the best thing to do with Luffy in this condition right now," the one-eyed blond replied, the cigarette in his mouth almost half way gone.

"People aren't afraid of the Whitebeard Pirates anymore now that Whitebeard is gone," the red-head in a green bikini and pants added gently an apologetically look.

What they said was true though, and he knew it. Pirates no longer feared the Whitebeard name because Whitebeard himself was no longer alive to instill that fear. It was part of the reason why they were only barely able to hang on to three islands while the rest were claimed by egger pirates who only wanted Whitebeard's territory as well as resources they forced in return for their supposed 'protection'.

Without Whitebeard and even Sengoku the world was slowly going to fall to ruins. Between Akainu's furious reign as Fleet Admiral and the dwindling stability of the Yonko over the New World chaos was ensuing nearly everywhere and somehow Marco hadn't been able to shake the gnawing feeling in his gut. It was as if a part of him, a deep untouched part of him, knew something was coming. Something was going to happen and that same deep, far off part of him begged and cried for it to stop. But just as quickly as the feeling came it was gone, leaving Marco –not for the first time– to question if he had actually felt it or if he was imagining shit again.

"I'll take care of that, yoi," he told them, referring to the ship more than showing other pirates they should still fear the Whitebeard Pirates. "Does your doctor need any supplies?" he asked before they could attempt to say anything more.

It took Robin, who seemed pretty accustomed to being the go-to person, to open the sick bay door for a moment only to shake her back at Marco before disappearing behind the closed door. Marco guessed the doctor needed her help and only hoped it had nothing to do with Luffy as he moved to the railing of the ship. With a leap and a flutter of blue fiery wings the blond pirate landed back on the Moby Dick.

Much like on the Straw Hat ship the second Marco landed on deck he was surrounded. Everybody wanted to know how Ace's little brother was and what he was like now after two years, some even asking about his crew. To tell them that the crew was just as interesting as their captain would have been an understatement, though Luffy was by far the most interesting one among them. As it was he hadn't even gotten to see the Straw Hat boy and the quick story of his momentary incapacitation was not an easy one to tell his crew.

Eventually he managed to calm down his now riled crew and attempted to explain his plan to them, which just set them off again. None of them were happy about Marco ditching them to sail with the Straw Hats while the rest of them were supposed to sail ahead without him. Even if they were to meet on the same island, with a hopefully conscious Luffy by then, they still didn't like their captain suddenly deciding to run off without them. It just wasn't like Marco at all, especially after everything that's happened to them. They just couldn't understand what was going on, all except Jozu who fixed Marco with a gaze that showed he knew said pirate was up to something that he clearly wasn't telling them yet.

With a soft sigh of defeat, or acceptance depending on how well you knew the man, Jozu spoke above the loud crew. "Alright," he said, effectively gaining everybody's attention. "We'll meet you there," he added flatly, leaving no room for arguments or discussions.

Letting out a silent sigh of relief Marco thanked the larger man with a grateful mod before informing the crew that the Third Division Commander would be in taking his place until he reached the island. The crew consented, albeit begrudgingly so, and allowed their captain room to return to the other ship after Izo handed him his newly crafted necklace.

However, before Marco could take off Jozu stepped forward to rest a hand on the man's shoulder, effectively pausing the pirate captain from leaving. Said captain looked at his brother questioningly as the dark skinned man fixed him with an intense look that made him think he was about to be scolded.

"You better know what you're doing," was all the otherwise silent man said to him, voice low enough for only him to hear before he too back away and allowed Marco to finally leave.

No sooner than Marco landing back on the Straw Hats' ship did the Moby Dick pick up speed and sail on head as per their captain's orders. It didn't take long until they were out of sight and some of the tension seemed to ebb away, at least enough so that the crew could go about their own business with quick glances his way.

While the blue haired man, who had introduced himself as Franky, went to man the wheel the red-headed female disappeared into what Marco assumed was the female's bedroom with a threat to kill anyone who dared to disturb her. She almost reminded Marco or Izo in the mornings when he doesn't get his coffee. Hell hath no fury like a cross-dressing pirate who doesn't get their mandatory cup of coffee, because Izo without coffee is like a crazy woman on menopause; not a pretty sight. Needless to say Marco decided he didn't even want to see the wrath of the female Straw Hat Pirate.

Instead he took to watching as the only other blond on the ship –besides him– headed toward the kitchen with a mutter of feeding a bottomless pit when 'the idiot' wakes up. Somehow Marco didn't think Luffy was as much of a glutton as his older brother was. Ace could easily eat a restaurant, or two, out every scrap of food they had; he had witnessed it himself a few times. How he still managed to stay keep that body of his was a mystery that Izo would give almost anything to figure out.

As for the other remaining crew members, the frightened sniper had retreated somewhere else while Marco wasn't paying attention and the green haired swordsman took up a spot outside the sick bay door. He simply sat there silently, back resting against the wood as his three swords rested over one shoulder with his arms crossed over them almost protectively, and his one good eye watching Marco's every move.

If memory served him right the man was Roronoa Zoro, previously known as the fearful pirate hunter of the East Blue before he had suddenly became a pirate. It was a bizarre case and Marco had always wondered how in the world it had happened, never mind the fact that Luffy was clearly special.

Before he hardly realized it Marco was heading straight toward said pirate who was pretty much the only around to speak to now since the walking talking skeleton had taken up a soft melody on the violin. Surprisingly the simple song had a calming effect on everyone, including Marco himself, so when he stopped before the otherwise intimidating swordsman said person merely looked up at him questioningly as the Zoan user leaned back against the railing of the second level.

Just as Marco was about to ask his overly curious question the man spoke first, asking his own curious question. "Did you protect Luffy?" he asked him with a straight and serious face.

Truthfully, the commander turned captain had been expecting the question sooner or later; it was an important question after all, one the man deserved to know. Though as he looked at the man, answer on the tip of his tongue, he paused. The expression that flitted across the swordsman's face had the Devil Fruit user blinking in curious silence. As quickly as the expression had come and gone Marco still saw it, still knew what it was. And that's how he understood the real meaning behind the question that he now could only answer with a nod of his head and a sincere look.

Despite that seeming to suffice the man's next question completely threw him off. "Was it because you were ordered to," he started, face still deadly serious. "Or because you wanted to?"

Of all other questions to ask Marco had never thought of that one, never even thought about the circumstances around it. All he knew then, and even now as he thought about it, was that Ace's little brother was risking his life for Ace's. No matter what Ace had yelled and screamed at him Luffy refused to back away from anyone or anything in his blind determination to save his brother.

The brat had even gone so far as to protect their Oyaji from Crocodile, despite the fact that Whitebeard could have easily pounded the sand bastard. Yet Luffy had protected him all because he was the one man Ace had called his father. Even if Whitebeard hadn't told him to Marco still would have protected that boy with his life, because that's what he was doing for Ace; that was what they were all doing for Ace. And that's exactly the answer he gave the patiently waiting man.

"Both," he said honestly, leveling his gaze with the other man. "I still would have protected him whether Oyaji said to or not."

And just like that the man known as Roronoa Zoro gave him a smile that said everything. From his gratitude to his thanks, that one smile held it all but most of all it showed his acceptance.

How they had made it from cornered rats to free pirates was something not many of the crew cared to question; it was like a gifted horse they didn't dare to look in the mouth. Instead they cheered and danced as if they had just beaten Death himself, which may not have been too far off the mark with Vice Admiral Garp on their asses.

As their captain gave a 'toast', so to say, the rest of the pirates cheered in agreement before downing their mugs just as their captain had done, laughing and partying the whole time. Even Rayleigh couldn't help but to join in on the marry-making, all the while wondering about the crazy almost deranged man he called his captain. Not for the first time did he question why exactly he had decided to follow this man who claimed to want to be the first to conquer the Grand Line.

He had always had that little bit of doubt, of course; doubt that he'd never accomplish that impossibility in his lifetime. By now, however, there seemed to be no doubt left that Gol D. Roger would be the first to ever conquer the wild sea of the Grand Line. And for a man who had no prior ambitions Rayleigh decided long ago that he would stop at nothing to make his captain's dream a reality.

"Hey Captain," one of their smallest crew members suddenly called out, leaning over the railing as if staring at something. "There's some kind of pink light coming from that way," the red-haired boy in a straw hat said, pointing out in the distance toward the aforementioned light.

The entire crew, now highly curious, paused in their celebration to look toward the strangely alluring bright light in the distance as it flickered a few times before disappearing. A few who were already well on their way to a drunken mess doubted they saw anything because surely a light that bright and that tempting could never truly exist; it was merely just a figment of their drunken minds. The immediate command of their captain to make course for that light, however, made them wonder if maybe they hadn't been imagining it.

For Roger it was no imagination. He had seen it, that calm pulsing pink light that seemed to be calling out for something, or someone. It was as it had lost something precious and was desperate to reach as far as it possibly could to find it. The most important thing though, was that Roger had heard it, clear as the man sitting beside him.

A gentle voice like the wind called out sadly with a pain and sadness he could feel, almost as if they were his own. It only said one thing but it was enough for Roger to change course immediately.

"I love you, Syao."