TMNTXFresh Chapter 1

"Setsuna, do you think the donuts in New York will be good?" Love asked Setsuna.

"Probably but if they're not then we can get more as soon as we get back." Setsuna and her three best friends were flying to New York City to visit Setsuna's father. "Soular and Westar are coming in on a later flight, right?"

"Yeah, they are suppose to land at 8:10 pm," said Buki. Miki looked at her watch.

"That is three hours from now. What do you think your dad will say when you tell him that you are his daughter?" Miki asked.

"I don't know. Mom told me that he is probably going to be very surprised." Setsuna thought, "Actually she told me that he probably thought that I was dead so he is going to be really surprised."

"Do you think that you have any brothers or sisters?" Buki asked.

"I don't know," said Setsuna. "I never really thought about it."

The flight attendant came on to the speaker and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, we are beginning our decent into New York City."