Okay, before I update, guys I need your help!

There's a fanfiction out there on this website, a Glee fanfic (Faberry), that has G!P (I can't remember which character it was. I'm pretty sure it was Rachel). Quinn was married to Puck in it, and Rachel was the new neighbor, and they fell in love pretty quickly. Quinn leaves Puck because he's always gone, she doesn't love him, and he cheats on her all the time. I'm so sorry I can't be more specific because it's been awhile since I read the fanfic, but if anyone could help me out that would be great! PM me or put the link in a review if you know which one I'm talking about! (Especially sorry since I know that there are so many of fics like that out there).

"Katniss? Baby, what's wrong?" It had been a long, quiet five minutes since I had last spoken, trying to battle the torrential storm of emotions and thoughts that were swirling around in my big empty head.

I should probably tell her now. "I-I'm so sorry Clove," My words came out tentatively and not at all how I had wanted them to be spoken. She just raised an eyebrow, but I could barely notice the way her lip trembled in fear. You idiot, she probably thinks you're dumping her or something. You couldn't think of a better way to start out? "I-I came..."

She giggled. Apparently, she didn't understand where I was coming from. Hehe, coming.

Katniss you fucking moron.

"I thought that was the whole point?" Her upper row of teeth came to sink into her lip, and I could see the amused confusion painted across her features. "Cause if it isn't, then I'm in big trouble."

I took a deep, shaky breath and tore my eyes away from hers. "I-I came inside. I came inside of you."

There. It was out in the open and if she wanted me to run screaming, then I would. Gladly.

But that didn't happen. The tense rock of nerves and guilt settled deep in my stomach as I watched her mind trying to process what I had just said.

And then she fucking laughed.

"Excuse me," I was just barely able to bite back the rude clip that my voice was so accustomed to taking on. "Am I missing something?"

"Kat, baby I didn't say it earlier because we were rushing to get off, but I'm on the pill. I can't even get pregnant right now. Everything is fine." Her smile only seemed to grow in brightness, and I could feel the entire weight of the world shift off of my back.

"It's not that I don't want to have children, maybe even with you one day," I blushed and looked down, shivering a little in embarrassment. "But I'm only sixteen. I'm not ready for a child."

"Neither am I dear." Her smiled seemed almost forced, but I didn't question it. I trust her enough to believe her and besides, why would she lie to me about something as important as this?

I shuffled down into the comforter and lifted the blanket, raising an eyebrow at her playfully. "Am I going to have to keep myself warm tonight dear?"

Let me go ahead and tell you now, Clove snorts when she laughs sometimes. And it is so fucking adorable it hurts. "Maybe, if I feel like you need to."

Pouting, I roll over and face the wall. "Fine then. Meanie."

Her warm lips were still quirked into a smile as she pressed them to my naked shoulder. "Goodnight my beautiful love."

Three Days Later:

Clove's POV:

Fucking. Damn. It.

It's currently six o'clock in the morning, snow is piling up on my windowsill, I'm vomiting my guts out, and I'm soon going to be caught in a life changing lie.

Girls, here's a tip. When a boy tells you that you may be pregnant, don't decide to lie to keep both of you protected. If you're not on birth control, fucking tell him that. Take the morning after pill or something and cover your own ass. It's a lot better than being pregnant.

At sixteen.

To a girl, especially the girl that you told you were on birth control so that she wouldn't worry about having a child.

Ding. The timer goes off.

I rush to the sink, lifting the stick in between two tentative fingers.

I'm...definitely pregnant.

So what do you guys think? Plus, I need to take a poll. Should baby Cloveniss be a boy, or a girl? P.S. I know this chapter is REALLY short, but I was just really excited to get this curveball out. Even though I'm sure it's not much of a surprise to any of you!