A/N: Any recognizable characters within this story do not belong to me.

This story will be a femslash so if you don't like it, stop reading now.

Please review. I can only get better if I have feedback. I am writing a few stories at once so pleases forgive me if I am a little late with the updates. I will try to write at least two new chapters every week. Hope you Enjoy my story. Here goes nothing!


Bella's POV

I sat in my room, staring at the ceiling. I didn't feel anything. They had broken me and left me. Without them here I felt like I would die and in a way I wanted to. My father and friends were suffering because of the way I have acted. I completely cut myself off from everyone. I didn't want anyone else to have to deal with me being mopey. I couldn't be here anymore. I had to stop feeling sorry for myself. I stood and walked out to my truck. I climbed in and gunned it, heading straight for Seattle, since the was nothing to do in Forks and Port Angeles.

I had left a note for my father before I left, telling him I would be out for a while and to not worry about me. The last thing I needed was an all out police search for me. I pulled up to a diner and walked inside. A man, about my age walked up to my boot and sat across from me.

"Hi, I'm Christian, but you can call me Chris. How are you?" I smiled politely at him and shook his hand. "Bella, and I'm good. Nice to meet you. Are you from around here?" From what I could see he looked paler than most people from Washington, but who was I to judge? I was just as pale as him and I am from Arizona. He was handsome, some might even venture to call him beautiful. He had spiked brown hair and the most amazing jade green eyes.

"Um, I'm from Forks." I smiled, "Me too. I live with my dad. I'm surprised I've never seen you around. It is a very small town."

Chris chuckled and looked at me. "I'm home schooled. It's sad that we didn't meet until now. We should hang out." We talked for hours about ourselves, learning new things about each other. He knew everything about me, and I him. The only thing he didn't know details about was the Cullens.

Chris quickly became my best friend. One night, we were walking through the streets of Port Angeles after a night of laser tag. He slung his arm around my shoulders. as soon as he did this I felt a sharp pain in my neck and I knew that he felt the pain too. We both screamed and collapsed to the ground beside the car. I crawled to the car and opened the back passenger door. It was very difficult with the amount of pain I was feeling coursing through my veins, but I manage to get both Chris and myself into the car.

I knew this feeling from the time James bit me. I knew what we were turning into. I felt bad that, even though I had wanted to be part of this world since I found out about it that, Chris got pulled into it along with me. Chris was still screaming his head off, so I tied something in his mouth to keep him quiet.

I knew screaming wouldn't help so I stayed quiet and though about what to do. I laid back and closed my eyes, holding it in the best I could. I woke after two days, but Chris was still sleep. I felt amazing.

I climbed into the front seat and drove to the old Cullen mansion.I knew that they were not going o sell, because they would be back. After they thought that I was dead and gone from this world, but that was never going to happen. I carried Christian into the house and set him on the bed in Edwards old room. I sat and the bed and prepared myself for my first hunt. I walked out into the woods, prying that I could restrain myself from killing a human my first time out.

I found a deer and quickly drained it. It was the worst thing I had ever tasted, but it soothed the burn in my throat. I could smell a scent far off and it was the most amazing thing I ever smelled.

I knew instantly that there was only one thing that could be that appetizing to me. i turned and ran as fast as possible, and headed back to the house.I snag a herd of deer and a mountain lion on the way back. I found a few more and know them out before dragging them back to the house for Chris.

The next few months were difficult, but we never slipped up. eventually we were able to be around humans. We waited twenty years before we went back to school. We discovered our gifts during a trip to Brazil.

I was a mental shield, but I could also mimic and retain the abilities of other vampires. Chris also mimicked gifts and had a physical shield. We were virtually unstoppable and wouldn't be on anybodies sides, except each others. We made sure that the Volturi never knew about us and spent our lives traveling before deciding to move back to Forks eighty years later. It was good to be home.