Sealand was annoyed. First off, the author of this story neglected to pay him any sort of attention, and she had also stopped writing this book over 4 months ago. She had promised that she would write before the four months were over, but noooo. She didn't. In fact, not only had she forgotten all about this book, but she hadn't thought to put him in any of the chapters she had been thinking about.

The nerve of her!

Grumbling, he kicked the rock on the path. There was probably only one good thing about this was the author had gained experience to write this book with more details. She was going to give him a chapter! And the other boys will be so jealous because she will write him an epic story! He'll be fighting a dragon, that's much for sure!

A grin appeared on his face, eerily matching his older brothers. Sealand breathed in, and then looked up at the sky. It was dark, and the clouds were covering the stars. It was getting colder as winter was setting. He could easily see the white mist that came when he breathed out.

An idea formed in his mind, and Sealand grinned. None of the boys were here with him, and that means that he had every right to do this. They couldn't stop him from doing this.

With a deep breath, Sealand began to run through the foliage of the forest, naturally knowing where to go. He had lived there for a few decades before he ran away, his older brother a stupid head. He was so strict and after the first few years, wouldn't stop talking about this 'annoying flying boy'. So why not run away, to find this 'flying' boy?


It only took Sealand an hour before he managed to stumble towards the large wall that kept the Pirate Village protected from the monsters that prowled the night.

Speaking of that…. A howl cut into the night, and Sealand jumped. He was too young to be out here right now. He physically was only 9 years old. With another shiver, Sealand walked up to the wooden wall, vines tying it all together. It was the vines that he was going to climb. That's how he escaped in the first place.

Sealand climbed up the wall, it was just as easy as he remembered it, and threw himself off the other side. He landed with a grace perfected in many years of such dangerous falls, and found himself breathing in enemy territory. The huts were dark, and nobody was awake.


Silently, the young child crept through the silent village, holding his breath as if the small sound could make everybody aware he was there. His heart thumped in his chest, and he as sure that England could hear it and would come to investigate. He hadn't seen his brother, and he was sure his brother would probably do something awful to him. One time, Sealand had witnessed seeing his brother whip one of his crew mercilessly. He had laughed at his pain. Laughed.

Sealand truly pitied America for catching the eye of his brother.

A familiar shape loomed above Sealand as he looked at the Bloody Queen. His brothers love and joy. The large ship seemed to scrape the sky itself, it was so large and tall. Sneaking upon the ship, Sealand was scared beyond belief. Why did he do this? God, what if somebody caught him?

Instead of doing of what he originally planned (vandalize the Jolly Roger flag), Sealand opted to doing something else. Quickly, he pulled out a rope from it's holding place and stretched it across England's door. A trip wire, low enough to not be seen by also high enough to trip something. Or… somebody.

A smile flashed across Sealand's face as he finished with a sloppy knot and ran off the ship. He was outta here.

England woke up with a gasp, his dream triggering an ancient memory. His large bed was messy, and he laid sprawled out across it. The sheets were thrown back, his eyes scanning the ceiling above his bed. His heart thumped in his rib cage, but it soon slowed as England slowly got out of his sleepy stupor.

Then he got cranky. Really cranky.

His bones popped as he got out of bed, avoiding the jewelry and gold coins littering the floor. The remaining items that he had back when he ruled the seven seas with an iron fist. He was a damn good pirate, and he would never let the chance to pass up an opportunity to tell you this. He would always get what he'd want. But…


His mind returning to the dream as he went to the pitcher of water, splashing it across his tired face. He studied his face in the mirror, and noticing that his chin was a little bit more scruffy than the other day. He really only needed to shave about every other year, so it wasn't a surprise that he needed to shave. It had been a while. Taking a knife, England carefully began to scratch his skin, making sure not to cut it. He was still an expert with knifes, so he obviously didn't cut himself. The dark hair fell onto the ground, the rich velvet carpet hiding the small hairs that were sure never to see the light of day again.

A smile spread across England's face as he studied his face in the mirror, a twinkle in his eyes. Yup. He still had it.

But his dream…. America…. his beautiful, wanton America…. was a girl.

Not that he had any objections about his America right now, but it had been a long time since he had held a woman in his arms. The closest to women right now were the mermaids, who wanted nothing with the men. They had learned their lessons during their first years here.

But America a girl? That would be a heavens gift. Her soft skin brushing up against his rough body, her long hair teasing him. The wide blue eyes tearing up in pleasure during the private moments together. The feeling of holding somebody safe in his arms. A bright smile lighting up his world.

The thing was… America couldn't be a girl. That wouldn't be possible. But if he was… then he possibly couldn't live without him. England would be the perfect attraction to any girl in the world, and he knew it. America couldn't help but feel attracted to him.

England sighed, and then gave himself a smile that looked more like a grimace. He had to wait. He needed to get America, and that will take more time than he would really want. He wanted him now. To fill the empty space in his heart.

Wait a second. England's eyes focused on a cupboard across the room. It held the most important treasures that he ever had. His magic potions. Maybe…. America could be a girl.

A smile stretched across Englands face as he carefully moved across the room. There was so much stuff in the room that it made it look like he was playing hopscotch. Opening the cupboard, England's eyes scanned the rows of the bottles. No, no, no. That wasn't right. He moved a few, peering to see if there were any behind them. No…. wait a second. There was a tiny little vial in the corner. Plucking it out from it's hiding spot, England's eyes scanned the label.

A triumphant smile lit up his face. Slipping on his red coat, he placed the small vial in his front pocket. Forcing his feet into his boots, England strode towards the door and walked outside.

That is… if he didn't trip over a rope.

With a cry (one that he shall forever deny), England fell to the ground. There was a small crack, and white smoke enveloped him.

Spain jolted awake when he heard a voice swearing. Using all sort of pirate cusswords, Spain would have fallen back to sleep but it sounded off. He shouldn't have gone out with the boys last night, because he woke up with a hangover from last's rum. Grumbling, he got up to his feet, and walked to see who was cussing up a storm.

He did not expect to see a long haired woman in a red coat (strangely like his captains) kicking the deck and swearing up a storm.

"Hola?" Spain called out, and the woman looked up with a sharp look in her eyes.

"Spain." Her voice snapped, strangely familiar to Spain. "Wake up the others, you scumbag." She threw a bucket at him, causing the Spaniard to jolt from his stupor.

He hadn't seen a woman in a long…. long time.

"Si!" Spain quickly jumped to do the womans orders, running down to the village and hollering for everybody to wake up. Turkey was gone, because he guarded the mango grove, but everybody was still sleeping.

"What is the meaning of this, aru!?"

"It's alright China-san, I am sure this is alright."

"Doitsu, I'm tired."

"I'm too awesome to be up this early."

"I shouldn't have had that ale last night."

The daily grumbles started, and Spain began to say something that would get everybody up.

"There's a woman!"

"What! Aru!"

"What's a woman Doitsu?"

"Keseses, she came because I'm so awesome."

"Please, please let her be beautiful."

The tired, but more alert than usual, pirates came out. The woman had come down from the ship, dark curses still spewing from her mouth as she was heading towards the large doors for the village.

Prussia instantly saw her, and using as much swag as possible came up to her and draped his arm across her shoulder. "So…. is it just me, or did you fall from heaven?"

The woman stopped in her tyrant, and then looked up at Prussia. He smirked. She was going to love him, he's that awesome. He did not, in fact, prepare to have her fist flash forwards and hit him in his 'five meters'.

"Don't touch me, filth." She hissed, her look acidic.

Germany was the first to make the first connection. "England?"

She looked up and glared at him. "Germany?" She snapped.

Now the others could see the similar looks between the woman and England. And if that wasn't enough, she even wore his coat.

"Veh? Why are you a girl England?" Italy was the first to ask the question on everybodies minds.

"Really?" Her eyebrow quirked upwards. "You live on an island that keeps you immortal, mermaids live here, beasts roam the land, and you are asking me why I am a girl?" She sighed. "Magic, Italy."

"Oh…. What's magic."

Germany slapped his forehead, but nobody paid any attention to Italy's question. They were asking questions like 'how are you going to turn back?' to 'do you find me attractive?'

England clobbered Prussia again, before answering the only possible way to turn back. "I have ta kiss mah one love."


"Good luck." Italy veh'd, and then turned away. Germany sighed and followed Italy away, before giving a thumbs up sign to England. They all knew who England had to kiss. How…. they didn't want to take part of it.

England rolled her eyes before storming away and out of the gates. America was out here…. somewhere…. and she had to find him. She had to kiss him before midnight, or it would be permanent. Her eyes looked into the deep forest, and tossed her coat to the side. It would be an easy target to walk around if she wore red.

Then her eyes caught on something. A hidden path. Usually, England wouldn't have seen that before. But the footsteps coming from the path told her that she could find America at the end of the path.

A smirk grew on her face.

America woke up feeling refreshed, and decided to go for a walk. This was unusual in the major fact where in he never wanted to wake up at any time. He hated waking up to the cold air, and it didn't help that it was nearing winter. Might as well go for a walk before the weather made him retreat into his cave for the next three months. Most of the space was taken up by the supplies that they were going to use, so it was a tiny bit cramped in the cavern.

"Just be careful." Greece told him sleepily.

"Are you sick?" Canada asked, holding his hand up to his face.

So… that is how America found himself walking down one of their hidden paths, enjoy the sunshine brushing down on the ground. Leaves were falling slow, but that was usual. They almost never fell off until the first snow fall. Until then, they were stuck on the tree, highlighting the ground with the multiple colors of the leaves.

It was about a mile in, when America deemed he was ready to go back to his home. He couldn't really feel his feet anymore, so that was a sign that he was cold and should go back. A few more paces into the walk, was when America heard the few leaves on the ground get stepped on. It was a small crunch sound, but it was enough to make him freeze.

Who was here? He turned around a little, peering into the shade of a bush.

The crunching sound stopped, then started. They, whoever 'they' were, were coming towards his direction. America was almost ready to spring into the air when two little white bodies hopped into view.


Visibly relaxing, America watched the two little rabbits look at him and sized each other up. They turned half way towards each other, before they began to sniff the air dainty.

"Aww." America sighed, his heart going towards the little furry beings. He had always liked the little white rodents, and when he was a little bit younger he had a pet bunny he carried around with him all the time. (He thinks that the pirates ate him at one point, but let by gones be by gones.)

Then, with a hiss, one of the rabbits launched itself at the other rabbit. They tumbled around, but one of them won the battle of dominance. The rabbit that had started the fight bite and scratch the other, until it was a bleeding mess. Then with a jerky motion, it sank it's buck teeth into the other rabbits throat and tore it out.

America was no longer amused by their fluffyness. While he had been watching the fight, he hadn't seen the rabbits slowly surrounding him. There were possibly hundreds around him. The winner of the fight gently sniffed the dead rabbits body, and then looked up at America. It hissed, and launched itself at America's throat.

It hadn't had the chance.

America lept to the sky as the rest of the rabbits attacked the place where he had been a few seconds ago. Then the tiny bodies converged on the dead rabbits body, and America could only watch with stunned silence.

A new danger on Neverland.

The rabbits looked up at him, and hissed at America. They were all jumping to get him, but he was probably twenty feet up. Moving away to the side, America flew away to go warn his fellow lost boys. They had to know.

He paused, what if they had already gotten attacked, and now way to get away?! With a cry, America flew as fast as he could towards the dead tree. He landed with a crash, desperate to find out if his friends were still alive.

"Canada! Sealand!" He called, panic in his voice. "Greece! Norway, Finland! Where are you!?"

"What's wrong!" Canada poked his head out of the secret entrance, and found himself hugged tightly to his brothers chest. "America?!"

"New danger. So scared." America gasped, and then shivered at the sight that he had seen.

"Oh. We're alive. We will always be here." Canada patted America's back. Now the other boys had come out (Sealand very tired), and were giving soft smiles to America.

"What's the danger?" Greece asked, getting to the point.

"Rabbits." America said, and didn't expect the other boys to suddenly crack up. "No! I'm telling the truth!"

"Right." Sealand rolled his eyes, as he laughed some more.

"They seem harmless until they tear your throat out. They really scared me, because I thought they were normal. They are meat eaters!" America said, and then frowned as everybody kept on laughing at him.

"I'm serious!" America frowned and then sighed. "Fine. Ignore me. I only saw a rabbit tear out a throat of it's own kind."

None of the other Lost Boys really cared. They were all just laughing. America frowned some more, before disappearing into their home, returning with England's stolen dagger and a pack of arrows with a bow. He was going hunting, and he was going to prove the others!

"I'll be back with proof!" He snapped, and flew away. He shrugged the pack of arrows across his back, and put the dagger in a crude sheath on his hip. He rarely went out with weapons, but in the case of murderous rabbits, he was going in all the they way.

He found where the rodents had been, examining the path way to find out where they might have gone. He found the bones of the rabbit, and shivered. Less than ten minutes ago, it had been a real living thing, but now there were gnawing marks on the bones in an effort to get all the meat.

It was like they disappeared without a trace. America frowned, puzzled. There were plenty of markings, but they all went in different paths. So they were individual hunters, rather than a pack. Smarter too.

America flew up to the safety of a tree, looking down. He didn't want to be ambushed by the small little predators. They were a serious problem.

A scream cut through the air, America quickly turning towards the direction of the sound. Somebody was in trouble! America quickly flew towards the sound, and quickly saw the situation. Somebody was also surrounded by the demon rabbits, and they were edging closer and closer to them. Without hesitation, America dove down from an impressive height and grabbed at the person. They screamed in his ear as they clutched at him. America grunted at the extra weight, and had to fly low. Usually when he has another person with him he would have an extra piece of wind supporting him. He didn't have that right now.

That's when he heard the hissing behind him. He glanced backwards to see the mob of white bodies following them. They were chasing them! Adjusting the person in his arms, America tried to go faster. It was hard, and he was breaking a sweat. These little rabbits were far too fast for their own good.

America did almost the impossible. He practically hugged the person as he shot straight up. Usually whenever he would do that at this speed, whatever in his arms would be sucked out of his arms and he would lose them in the high altitudes. America prayed that he could keep hold of the person in his arms.

They screamed again in his arms, and clutched at him as the wind whistled at them with impressive speed. It was cold, so very cold. The icy air turned into painful cuts, but America could only last for so long before he stopped.

Like a switch had been turned on, the wind stopped swirling around them as they came to a stop in the middle of the sky.

America breathed in a few times, to catch his breath. This person was ridiculously heavy. He opened his eyes, and saw a white shirt with two weird looking mounds. He slowly looked up, and saw long blond hair, before porcelain skin showed above their clothing. He looked up to see a small mouth, and a small nose, and then two tightly closed eyes. A sprinkle of faint freckles made a bridge across their nose.

"Are you a mermaid?" America broke the silence, looking at the woman with awe in his eyes. Her eyes fluttered open to look down at him, and America's heart lept. She had eyes just like England.

"Oh god!" America's eyes widened. "You need water!" And he started on a fast descent. The mermaid screamed, but it ended in a giggle and the wind seemed to softly brush against their faces. As if to say 'I'm sorry for hurting you before'. America quickly took the mermaid to the lagoon, and once he touched the ground, pushed her into the water. She submerged.

She gasped as she fell into the water, and then spluttered as she arose from the water.

"What the bloody hell do ye think ya doing!?" She screeched, and America blinked at her.

"You don't need water?"

"Why do you think I need water?" She glared at him.

"Because you are beautiful like a mermaid, you could only need water to survive like they do." America replied innocently. (Actually, Hungary taught him to say that whenever he meets a woman. She wants to make every woman in the world feel special because of what America had been taught.)

America did not expect a bright blush to form across the womans face as she looked up at he. Alarmed, America leaned down to touch their foreheads. Her face seemed to grow more red as America leaned closer to her. "You don't seem warm. You should get out of the water or you might get sick."

"I-I.." Her voice cleared, and she suddenly heaved herself out of the water. "Yes. I should get out of the water." And then she pushed America into the water.

America gasped as the cold water invaded his senses. He spluttered, and then floundered in the water a bit before he managed to doggy paddle to the shore. The woman watched in amusement as America heaved himself out of the water.

"Who taught ya how ta swim?" She teased, and America frowned at the memory.

"A Pirate. An annoying one at that." He sighed, and then pulled off the arrow case and unloaded his weapons. It wouldn't be good to have them on when he was wet.

"A pirate? How can a pirate be annoying?" She asked, and America grinned at her.

"I don't know your name, so how do I know that you aren't a pirate in disguise?" He asked her.

She stiffened, but America didn't notice it.

"My name is… Alice." She said, and America smiled.

"Well Alice, it's been a pleasure to meet you, but I have to go hunting." America lifted his legs from the water, and stood up. He shook like a dog, water spraying everywhere and started to put back on his weapons.

"Wait." She said, and then hesitated. "I'm scared, could I come with you? I don't want to be alone."

America looked at Alice for a second, and then thought about it. "Fine, but we'll have to go on foot. I don't think I can manage another flight." America laughed, and then brought out the dagger which he had stolen from England. He twirled it in his hand and then handed it to Alice. "Just a precaution."

Her fingers hesitantly followed the design of the knife. "And where did you get this?" She asked softly.

"Me? Well... I got it from the same annoying pirate." America laughed, and then whirled around.

"And how exactly is this pirate annoying? Personally I think pirates should be really attractive." Alice asked, a smile on her face.

He snorted, very loudly before a small smile appeared on his face."Well… he lives in this small village with his crew over there." America waved in the vague direction of the Pirate Village, as he found a hidden trail. "I like to go over there sometimes, and annoy the crap out of the captain of the crew."

"The pirate is the captain, like the head guy?"

"Yeah. The more fun to annoy."

"Wait, you say that he's annoying, but he's also fun to annoy as well?"

"Well." America turned around, giving Alice a small smile. "Aren't you a curious one." He laughed a little before he turned on a breeze and continued on his way. "This captain has some sort of obsession over me. So whenever I go over there, he likes to try to capture me, and he has only done it…." America thought for a second. "Three times."

"Three?" Alice asked, sounding confused, and then recovered. "Do tell these three adventures. I wish to know."

"Ah. The first time was when we first met. He was new to this island, and I think he was also really drunk. I was a bit foolish that day, and had flown into a cliff. I had fallen and knocked unconscious. He found me, tied me up to a tree and tried to force answers from me. I escaped, and he has been trailing me ever since. The second time was when it was a really hot summer day, and I pelted him with a sticky, over ripe mango. But it wasn't him, it was his first mate. I had been lassoed by a rope, then tied up again. Geez, I think he's a tiny bit kinky…. Anyways. He stole something of mine, I stole something of his. The third time…." America sighed. "I don't want to talk about it."

Alice was silent, and when America turned around he saw that she had a strange look across her face.

"Alice? Are you alright?" America leaned forwards, and Alice smiled.

"What else do you know about him?" She asked.

America blinked. Then thought about it. They had stopped from walking, and the forest around them spoke in the silence. "He has a ton of scars." America finally said, a lost look in his eyes. "He's lonely, but also really angry. He likes the color of red because it hides the blood on his hands, and he rarely laughs. He carries the weight of something, or somebody on his shoulders, and his eyes-," America laughed, "are the most amazing shade of green that I have ever seen. It speaks truths to me that even he doesn't know, and he craves touch." America blinked out of the trance, and then laughed. "And he has a feather hat, which is super fun to steal. Other than that, I don't really know him."

Alice blinked a few times, and then began to laugh. She seemed really surprised. "How would you know this?"

America suddenly felt the heat of a blush rise on his face. "W-what? I don't know what you're talking about. Besides, I don't-" America swallowed, "feel comfortable talking about him. It's like he always finds me whenever I do talk about him. And besides, I mostly got the information from talking with one of my friends who lives over there." He shrugged, looking away to hide his blush. Why does his body like to heat up when he talk about him? Weird.

He moved over a small hill and into a large field. This would be the best place to set up a trap for the demon rabbits. Motioning for her to stay at the edge of the forest, America floated out into the middle of the field and dropped into the tall grass.

He took a deep breath, and punched the ground. Instantly a blast of wind slammed down on America, clearing a large area of the grass. As soon as it had come it vanished, leaving a twenty-foot area around him. He popped back onto his feet with a satisfied smile and motioned Alice to join him.

"Cool, huh?" He beamed at his proud work.

"How did ya do that?" She asked with a note of awe in her voice.

"The wind is my best friend! It protects me." America smiled and sat in the middle of the barren area. "This way the rabbits can't sneak up on us!"

She sat down next to America, and then proceeded to have a conversation with him. America couldn't get enough of her eyes. They looked so- Alive when they looked down at him. After some time, America found his head in her lap as she played with his hair. And they talked, oh boy did they talk. America loved to talk about all his amazing accomplishments on the island, most of them before the pirates had arrived. How he and his brother had washed up on the island first, and how they had met the lost boys. How Italy had left them, and how Romano was affected. He didn't tell her where they lived, but he did tell her that over winter he hibernates.

Only once, did America ask Alice about herself. She stammered and America laughed and told her that she didn't need to tell him if she didn't want to. Alice have him a soft smile and he then told her the story on how they were drunk.

Ah, the good old days. Now it felt like they had to constantly watch their backs for pirates and monsters. Even Greece had a run in with a pirate and a monster at the same time!

But the cool fall air caught America as the sun began to set. He shivered slightly, and Alice instantly caught that.

"Cold?" She pulled him onto her. She wrapped her long red coat between the two of them, and America was acutely aware of the two soft mounds pressing into his chest. A blush began to work it's way up his face, and he wished he could discreetly hide it. He looked over at the sunset, watching it slowly fall down from it's place in the sky.

"You're so pretty." She sighed, making America look at her. She wrapped her arms around him, and buried her face in the crook of his neck.

"Thanks, you're really beautiful." He smiled.

Suddenly, she stiffened. Her tight hold on him became tighter to the point of pain.

"Uh, Alice?" America asked nervously, did she hear the rabbits? Were they in danger?

"America," her voice was smooth and husky. "Do you want to know what women like?" The question was rather odd, but it sparked curiosity.

Did she get a cold? Is she going to start coughing? What do women like? Did they like mangos? Or bananas? Oh, or even the cocoa beans that Russia had?

"What do they like?" America asked, and Alice pulled her head away from his chest.

"Are you sure you'd like to know? Ya can't back out after I start, okay?" Her green eyes were brighter than normal, and it compelled America to find out.

"Yes." He whispered, as he suddenly felt like the small boy that he actually was. "I promise."

A smirk appeared on Alice's face, eerily similar like Englands, as she leaned down and deposited America on the dirt. "Don't move. I just want you to talk to me."

He looked up at her with such trusting eyes. Oh god, it was killing her. England wanted to take him away and ravish him until he collapsed. The day had been one of the best on the island as she learned more and more about America, and fell more in love with him. It felt great to have him near her without him trying to escape. Maybe that's the reason why England hadn't kissed him yet, because she simply enjoyed having him near her.

And his smell. The scent of sunshine and freshly cut grass almost made her moan in pleasure, and it took most of her control not to start licking to see if he tasted the same way.

Now here he was, laying beneath her. Not exactly how she imagined the first time America consented to let her touch him, but beggars can't be choosers. His blond hair looked like a halo as she slowly ran her hands down his chest. As a small boy, he didn't have the muscles of a man. But his soft skin not yet hardened by puberty was addictive.

Slowly she moved her hands down to his legs, and ran her fingers down his bare skin. His shorts were always so tempting. She rubbed small circles on the inside of his knees and looked back into his eyes.

"What do you feel?" Englands voice was husky, and she saw America shiver at the sound of her voice.

"Cold and-" his voice cracked as she moved her hands up and she found a sensitive spot. "Ah!" The high pitched sound flew out of his mouth. England could see the embarrassment and confusion in his perfect blue eyes, but what she wanted was to hear the sounds that he made.

Her hands moved upwards to their own accord and pushed his shirt up. The perky pebbles instantly caught her attention, and she leaned down and licked at one.

He tasted so good. Her small lick turned into a frenzy, she needed to have more of him! Her hand played at the other nipple and the other was sliding up a pant leg. America stiffened, and then slowly relaxed. His breathing was faster, and England smirked at his reaction. She was doing this to him. Nobody else. Only her.

"H-ha. Hot." America whimpered, and reluctantly England removed herself from his chest.

"Hot? Where?" England asked, a sly smirk on her face.

America whimpered again as he gestured towards his crotch. A blush staining his face.

"Do ya want me to relive ya?" She whispered, and America slowly nodded. "Very well." She breathed, as her thin fingers went for the leather straps holding up his shorts. She practically tore the shorts off of America, accomplishing a task she couldn't do before.

The only word that could cross her mind was, so... 'pure'. England could see that America was so embarrassed that she was seeing him completely naked, well besides the shirt. His blue eyes were closed, his face red.


"Have you ever touched yourself?" She asks him quietly, as her hand takes him gently and starts to stroke him.

America cried out in shock, his blue eyes opening in shock. "Ah!" Once again the voice came out, but so did a few soft groans.


"Al-Alice." He gasped out, his head thrown back.

"You didn't answer the question." England purred, enjoying the sensitive way that America was reacting. "Have ya ever touched yourself?"

"N-no." America groaned, and England smiled triumphantly. The first. His first to everything.

"Good." England leaned down and took him in her mouth. Instantly America's hips thrusted upwards, but she held him down. He tasted so good.

"Ah- I got to-" America gasped, his eyes wide. "I-ENGLAND!" He shrieked as he came into her mouth. His back arched off the ground and his eyes fluttered.

England couldn't tell how arousing it was to hear his name spill from America's mouth in the throes of passion. "America." She breathed as she leaned in and kissed him. "My beautiful America."


A voice startled England. It had been right next to his ear, shocking him out of the dream. He opened his eyes and found himself staring into the faces of a few of his crew. The blue sky above was the same color as-

"God dammit!" England swore as he sat up, and observed his surroundings. He wasn't a girl. He wasn't with America. He was on his deck with a bunch of men who looked like they had just gotten out of bed. And his head pounded.

"What the bloody-"

"It seems that you're awake, aru." China leaned over the fallen man. "You tripped and fell this morning."

"Then what am I still doing on the bloody deck?" England snapped as he rubbed his forehead to get rid of the throbbing in his skull.

Denmark exchanged a glance with Germany. "You were smiling."


"And laughing."

"I thought you had knocked your head the last time." China said bluntly. "If you'll come with me, I'll do a check up."

"What did I trip on?" England groaned, and looked over to see a rope tied across the doorframe. The poorly tied knot told the story of who tied it. "Sealand." He groaned in annoyance.

"Veh, Doitsu! Come look what I got!" Italy ran up to Germany holding a very fluffy… white… bunny.

England sucked in air as he looked at the demon animal. He could almost swear that it was looking at him like an appetizer. And not the good kind.

"Looks like we're having rabbit stew tonight." He heard Denmark as he glared at the white bunny.


Okay… so I'm sorry about the wait. Yeah. I can't promise that it won't happen again. Probably will.


But hey, 6000 words, check! It's a long one, so be happy! You guys should thank sara. . She PM'ed me to get this done and I had an idea. So there. I have some intimacy in a dream.

That is all. A dream.
