Author's Note: Hello everyone, and in case I don't get the chance to say it to any one later, happy Harry Potter's birthday. So Aberforth... I've never written about him before, or really even thought about him all that much but I thought he might be an interesting character to examine briefly. So I wrote this. It was written for the Globetrotter Drabble Competition of the Harry Potter Challenge Forum posted by percychased for the prompt #7- Jerusalem.
Special thanks to TheHaloFreak for telling me to go get this done before I procrastinated anymore, among other things. I do not own Harry Potter. Reviews would be excellent, particularly if you tell me what you thought. Although, I wouldn't say no to a smiley face either.

"Oi!" he shouted to the two men seated at his bar. "You've drunk enough of my Firewhiskey. Clear off."

Grumbling about the impossible rudeness of barkeeps, the men threw some coins roughly onto the counter and made their way out into the snow.

Ceasing his scrubbing of a perpetually stained glass, Aberforth stumbled over and scooped up the coins.

"Shorted me and everything," he turned to face the oblivious goat in the corner to at least have some audience for his disgust. "Can you believe that?"

The goat did not so much as lift its head from the pile of hay it was currently eating. That was what Aberforth liked about goats if he were being honest, they never paid any mind to anybody else's business. He had tried to live that way himself, keep low and quiet and let the world carry on around him.

It had worked well for a time, with Ariana gone and Albus off to run his school, no one really cared what Aberforth Dumbledore did with his life.

Until suddenly Albus had fallen dead from that tower and the world had descended rapidly to Hell. The world was not quite so easy to ignore when it was falling apart, and though he could not remember how, he had promised his brother he would look after Potter. Well, looking after Potter wouldn't have been too hard, Mundungus Fletcher had given him a piece of an enchanted mirror that had once belonged to Sirius Black one night to pay his tab, and the sentimental boy still carried the shards of his own with him. What was difficult about keeping his promise was that his brother had also seen fit to rest the care of the world squarely onto that boy's shoulders. It hardly seemed fair, that Albus had asked him to do so much. Seemed even less fair to drag him into his universal insurance plan. How could he look out for Potter if Potter was busy looking for danger?

He was beginning to believe that Albus must have been going daft when he came up with this scheme, after all he had been acting strangely and there was that conspicuous blackened hand he had went round with for months before he died. Whether or not he had been of sound mind when he set the tasked mattered little now Aberforth decided. Potter was already knee deep in his attempts to save the world, and he already had a good start on keeping an eye on him.

"Best see what he's up to, eh?" he said to the goat, who spared him a halfhearted blat before returning to his hay. "Yeah, go back to your own life, you animal. That's what I'd do myself if I had a choice, but a promise is a promise."

It was true, a promise was a promise and nowadays there weren't all that many people looking out for the world. Ignore it any longer and there just might not be a world when he looked up.