THIS IS NOT A CHAPTER IT'S A NOTE. Sorry to disappoint you.

If you haven't already seen, I have discontinued this story. I got bored with it, frustrated with it, and lost all interest in writing it. So I'm officially DONE.

However, somebody convinced me to put the story up for adoption, so I did, and Queen Amaryllis Kay has stepped up to adopt it. Her story is called Jotun Snoflakes: Continued, and she has my full permission to continue this story in whatever way she deems fit.

If you type this into your search bar, removing the parenthesis and the spaces, you can find this story continued at this link:
(h) (t) (t) (p) (s) : / / w w w . (fanfiction).(n(e(t) (/) s/11210023/1/Jotun-Snowflakes-Continued

Otherwise, you can find the link on my profile page, beneath the status of Jotun Snoflakes in my Story Statuses section.

Now, Queen Amaryllis Kay doesn't write like me, and she isn't going to take this story where I planned it go - because she is herself, and I'm asking you to respect her for that, and not to expect her to continue this story as I would, because she's not me.

And she's continuing this story - which is more than I'm doing ;P So if you want more of this storyline, you can find this story continued by her. And she promised not to discontinue, so... ;3

But if you want more of my writing, I'm afraid you're gonna have to go check out some of my other stories :P