A/N: Of course, I obviously don't own Septimus Heap, any of the characters, books, ideas, etc. The only thing I can call dibs on is that I made up what happens in this story, as much as I'd love to say I'm Angie Sage. This is basically a list of twenty-one (seven times three, an obviously Magykal number!) things about Marcia Overstrand that no one ever knew. (Probably fake, but of course, you never know…!J) Relax, read, review, rutabaga, (just seeing if you were paying attention!) and just remember: constructive criticism is fine, but flames are just…no. Don't even think about it. I LOVE YOU ALL READ AND ENJOY!

A/N again: I redid this because, as my profile suggests, I did a horrible job at writing about Marcia and I tried to edit and change it to fit her character. And I found out that I was really bad the second time around, too. So I've decided for a character change; something will have to happen to turn her into the Marcia we all know and love, and until then you can look on at the teenage Marcia who is nothing like her adult self... and mock both me and the story for idiocy. So….

21 Things You Didn't Know About Marcia Overstrand:

Despite the popular belief that Marcia had been abused as a child, he father had only hit her three times.

There had been a (brief!) time where she had really thought she was in love with Silas Heap.

Marcia hated bugs. (Especially the ones with millions of little legs)

She often thought of Septimus as her child.

She had worked in the Port Witch Coven when she was a teenager.

She was slightly afraid of Alther – and always had been.

She had a niece; a young niece. (Who said she hated children?)

She had a tattoo, a late birthday gift courtesy of Milo Banda.

The sight of blood made her sick.

She admired Merrin Meredith. (Although not as you might expect.)

The Port scared her, especially the alleyways that Septimus liked.

Her hair was secretly blonde; she had Magykally changed it to brown when she was eighteen.

She really hated the color purple.

Even though she denied it, she was fascinated by Alchemie.

Her first pair of purple python shoes had been another gift from Milo. (The reason she wore them now.)

Her best friend growing up had been Jillie Djinn, although that was obviously a different matter now.

She had learned Magyk first when she had been accidently locked in a cellar.

Her mother was suicidal, although the general public thought she had died in her sleep.

Marcia, despite disliking Maxie, had owned seven dogs throughout her childhood, all named off of different spellings of the letters in "Hotep-Ra."

She disliked theatre; especially puppets.

She was an insomniac and slept only with the help of sleep aids.

A/N: Oh, yeah, I almost forgot: some of the names and places she's lived I got off Ask Angie (from the Sep Heap website) So if you think I'm ripping somebody else off, chances are they just didn't mention that's where they got it. (Seriously - do you think I have the brains to dream up a name like Trassimma? :) )