Hey guys, this is my new story called "When White Ice Gets Red'

The story was supposed to be a oneshot but it would have been to long, sooo...it's going to be a chapterstory :)

I hope you'll enjoy my story and please review :)

I don't own anything!



It was such a beautiful day in LA.

The four boys of Big Time Rush had the day off and were on their way to the ice rink to enjoy their free day.

"Gosh! Can you guys remember the last time we had a day off?" Carlos asked excited to finally be able to play hockey on the ice for a little longer that the one ore two hours they normally had before they had to work again.

"Not really. It was way too long ago that we were given a free day!" James said.

"Thanks to Kelly! Without her telling Gustavo to give us a break we'd probably be at studio now and get yelled at for making god knows what wrong!" Logan told them and rolled his eyes, being annoyed at being yelled at for every little mistake.

"Guys! I don't know about you, but I don't want to spend my day with complaining about Gustavo and work. I'm here to play hockey! Anyone with me?" Kendall asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk on his lips.

"Yeah!" the three dark haired boys yelled.

The boy band made their way to the lockers and started to unpack their hockey gear and change.

When they were finally all dressed up properly they were more then happy to enter the ice, but all of their faces fell when they saw the hockey team from the Hollywood High already on the ice, practising for their game in a few days.

"Oh look who is here!" David, the caption of the team yelled to his team mates who put all their attention to the four boys.

David was a pretty tall boy. He wasn't as tall as James, not even as Kendall but he was still pretty tall. David has brown hair and big blue eyes. His skin is normally pale and he uses to have a few pimples on his face.

But he doesn't look bad, not at all.

He and the boys already met each other, to be exact they met at the day the boys first visited the rink.

When the four had seen that there was a team already on the ice, they made their way to them and introduce themselves.

When they kindly told them who they are, David was just rude and told them to leave his ice while they practised.

Kendall, with his always unpredictable tempter got angry and told them they just wanted to be nice.

Long story, short end: They don't get along with each other pretty well.

"What are you doing here David? You normally practise only on the weekend! The ice is free for everyone in the week!" James told him annoyed that this probably meant they wouldn't be able to spend their day on the ice.

"Well, the big game against the Miami Beach Senior High School is at the weekend and our school was so kind to give us one day off so we could practise before the match and if you'd have opened your eyes and looked at the entrance of the building you'd have seen that we booked the rink for the whole day." David told them with an satisfied smirk.

Kendall, James, Carlos and Logan groaned at that.

"Why are you even here? Don't you have to be in your studio trying to dance in your tights without looking gay, which by the way, you should practise more.

Because well, it doesn't really work." David told them and earned roaring laughter from his team and angry glares from the four offended boys.

"And that comes from the boy who can't play hockey properly because he is afraid to brake of one of his fingernails?" Kendall shot back with and faked innocence expression.

David's face turned red and his eyes became slits.

He took a step closer to Kendall so they were now face to face, even though he was just a inch taller than the blond.

"So what, you think you and the rest of your girl band is better then me?" he asked in a low and dangerous voice.

"No." Kendall said easily with an unimpressed look which earned him a confused stare from David.

"I know we're better than any of you and your so called hockey team." Kendall told him with a smirk but strong eyes.

This just got David even more angry.

"Prove it." he hissed.

"Pick your four best players and we will!" Kendall said, still with this easiness in his voice but you knew that he was serious.

"Alright! Max, Rob, Tommy, come here! We'll show this dance dolls that they should have better stayed in their studio to dance." David told the three players he had picked.

"You're in guys?" Kendall asked his friends a little more quiet to see if they are even okay with his decision.

"Is that even a question? Of course!" Logan was the first to shout and surprised his friends a little because he was normally the one to try to stay away from confrontation.

"Let's beat their asses!" James agreed.

"Big Time!" Carlos finished James sentence.

"Okay, the first team with 5 goal wins!" David told them.

Kendall nodded and smiled at his friends and they skated to the middle of the ice to get in their positions.

Carlos in the net, James on the right side in front of the net and Logan on the left side. Kendall was the center.

The other boys also got in their positions on the other side of the ice:

Tommy in the net, Rob on the right, Max on the left and David -which other way would it be- was the center and looked Kendall straight in the eye as they were waiting for the beginning of the game.

"You better pray Knight!" David smirked evilly.

Kendall was not one bit cowed. He looked David back in his big blue eyes which were formed to slits and shot right back: "I think you're the one who should pray. But don't worry, I'll be careful not to brake your fingernail."

David growled in anger.

The both boys stood their, their sticks close to each other, the puck in the middle.

And then one of the boys from Davids team ringed the gong and the match started.

Kendall got to the puck first and stormed in the direction of the net from the other team, James and Logan close behind.

Before Kendall had a chance to get the puck in the net, David checked him in the side and he lost control of the puck.

David took the puck and turned the other direction and started skating to the other net but was blocked by James who got a hold of the puck and passed it to Logan who was free.

When Logan got the puck he started skating as fast as he could, but before he could get a goal he was blocked by Rob, who was about to check him in the wall.

But before that happened, Logan passed the puck to Kendall, who was close to the goal.

Kendall got the puck and before anyone could reach him shot a goal.

The four BTR members cheered and continued the game.

The longer their 'friendly' game took, the rougher it got.

The checking in the walls got harder, the attempts to get the puck harsher.

All the boys had scraps and bruises on their body's but they wanted to finish no matter what.

After 30 minutes it was 2:1 for Kendall's team.

"What is it David? A little exhausted?" Kendall teased.

"You better shut up Knight!" he growled.

"Or what?" Kendall asked with his eyebrows raised.

"You'll see!" David muttered to himself in anger.

"Ohhh I'm so scared!" Kendall mocked amused.

"Come on Kendall." James told him and took his elbow to signal him to stop.

The boys knew Kendall well enough to know that he always gets like this when they play hockey.

He is a fair player but he is still teasing the other teams to get them angry.

"Why? I'm just having a conversation." Kendall told him.

"Yeah, yeah, like always. Let's just finish this." James said a little annoyed at Kendall's behavior and pushed him to the spot in the middle to get in his own spot and position.

Kendall just rolled his eyes and made himself ready for the next part of the game.

He doesn't see the big deal in a little teasing.

When the gong ringed the game continued, even more aggressive.

More goals were made.

Even if Kendall likes to tease his opponents, he is a fair player. He always was.

But to their dismay, the other team not.

They started to cheat.

"Hey! You're cheating!" Carlos shouted form the net.

"What? Who is cheating?" David asked with a fake innocent expression.

"You!" Logan yelled.

"Ooooh no way! I'd never cheat!" David told them, even though he knew he was totally lying.

"Can't we just play a game without you playing unfair? Is it that big of a deal for you to lose?" James asked him angry.

"If you haven't noticed Diamond, right now WE have more goals that you! So who is the losing one?" he smirked.

"Yeah! But that's because you're cheating!" Carlos yelled again.

"Ohhh can we just continue? I don't want to be here with you any longer than necessary!" David rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, we neither! But no more cheating!" Logan said.

David and his team mates just rolled their eyes and when non of the other boys looked they shared a look and a smirk before continuing the game.

After 9 more minutes it was 4:4.

"Soo, I guess that means the next goal wins!" David said with a smirk.

"OH! You're good in math! I'm so proud of you!" Kendall mocked.

"Just shut up Knight!" the dark haired treated the blond again.

"We just had this conversation a few minutes ago...let's not make this any more exciting than it is." Kendall told him with an eyeroll.

Kendall had the puck and again and stormed to the net.

He was close to the left wall and had a free way.

He decided he was close enough and was about to shoot when he was suddenly slammed in the wall.

Harder than normal.

The blond was laying on the floor, every breath taken from his lungs and his head hurting like a truck just rolled over it.

He couldn't believe his head could hurt like that, not when he had a helmet on!

The blond groaned and made an attempt to get up but couldn't and fell back to the ice.

"Kendall!" Logan, who was the closest to him was the first to reach the blond when he saw that the blond couldn't stand up after he was slammed in the wall.

He took of his own helmet and gloves and kneed beside his hurting friend.

"Oh god Kendall, are you okay?" the brunette asked shocked.

He had never witnessed someone getting slammed in the wall that hard!

"Yeah...M f'ne!" Kendall groaned and squeezed his eyes shut, suddenly feeling very dizzy and nauseous.

"No you're not." Logan said softly.

"Kendall!" James yelled when he and Carlos made their way to the pair on the ice.

"Dude! Is he okay Logan?" Carlos asked the future doctor, knowing what answer he'd get from the stubborn blond.

"I don't think so...let's take of the helmet first."

When Kendall heard that he shot his eyes oped, suddenly full of adrenaline.

When they'd take of his helmet and baby him now, just because he got slammed a little harder than they were used to, that would mean that the game is over and lost.

The blond pushed their hands away and sat up.

"I told you I'm fine! Now let's finish the game and get something to eat afterwards, I'm hungry!" Kendall snapped a little harsher than he wanted and stood up, ignoring the dizzy feeling.

"Kendall, are you sur-" James tried to ask but was interrupted.

"Yes!" Kendall snapped and skated back in the middle of the ice where the other four boys are waiting.

When David saw him he started laughing.

"What Knight? Couldn't take to be checked in the wall?" he asked and continued laughing.

"Let's just finish the game!" Kendall hissed angrily.

"What ever you say." David raised both hands.

They continued playing and...lost.

David and his team shot the final goal and won.

They started cheering while the four BTR boys kept quiet.

"So much there for!" David laughed.

"Maybe you should just stay in your studio and dance and sing like the puppies you got threaten."

Normally the boys give their congratulations to every team they played against and lost, but this time, they just glared at them.

They don't deserve congratulations.

But still, they were raised too well.

"Good game, congratulations." Kendall muttered to them and the other three joined in quietly.

The other team, now whole again just laughed and celebrated their four players.

"Let's go eat something." James said, still a little disappointed.

Before they could leave Kendall started to feel dizzy again, this time even worse that before.

When the other boys noticed their blond friend wasn't following them they turned around.

"Kendall? Aren't you coming?" Logan asked.

No response.

"Kendall?" Carlos asked quietly, now very concerned about his blond friend.

Before anyone could say one more word a big red drop dropped from Kendall's helmet covered forehead down on the ice.

The three boys watched as the drop landed and covered the white ice red.

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion.

They looked up to their friend again, just to see his eyes roll in the back of his head and his legs gave out under his weight.

They got to his side as fast as they could, just in time to catch him before he reached the hard ice.

Logan shouted for someone, anyone to call 911 and to their surprise it was one of the other team who kicked his skaters of as fast as possible and ran to get a phone and call for help.

Logan carefully took off Kendall's helmet and put it aside.

When they all saw their blond friend without his helmet, their jaws fell.

If you didn't know Kendall had blond hair you wouldn't know he has.

His whole head was covered in blood which had soaked his hair.

The gash on the left side of his head was huge.

No doubt, his skull was cracked.

The other team had made a circle around them to see what had happened.

There were shocked faces, green faces from the people who were about to throw up, sympathy faces and tear stained faces.

But one face was missing...Davids face.

At the moment, no one cared.

All their worries are on the hurting boy on the ice.

Finally after what seemed like an entirety sirens were heard and paramedics pushed everyone away to get to the hurt blond.

They took him to the ambulance and told the shocked James, Carlos and Logan to follow behind in the car.

And that's what they did!

They followed to the hospital still in a daze what just happened.

The only though in their head was their friend.

And the picture of him on the ice, covered in his own blood.



Thanks for reding guys, please don't forget to review :)

Also, check out my other stories ;)
