A/N: I am so sorry it is taking so long to post. When I started this, my real-life was amazing and then it went to Hades in a hand basket. I had to scramble to get my life back to some semblance of order. And every time I tried to returned to writing, it would remind me of what I lost.

Then last week I felt okay about it and started writing more. I wish I could give an estimate as to when the next chapter will be written. I really am trying to get this finished as I too hate being left hanging.

Thank you to every one who has reviewed and favored this story. When I read them they help me to get back into the frame of mind to write.

A huge thank you any and all who have stuck with this.

26 New name for Giles

The ride back to Revello Drive was a quiet one, save for Aria's babbling from the back seat. When they arrived Buffy opened the car door and got out. After closing the passenger door she opened the back door and began to release Aria's buckles to the car seat.

"Home" Aria said.

"Yes sweetie, we're home."

One of the straps was reluctant to release. Buffy had to resist using too much force. The last time this happened she had snapped the plastic receptacle piece when she became frustrated with it.

"Would you like me to get that?" Giles asked from behind her; the baby bag slung over his shoulder.

"No thanks I'll get it."

While she was preoccupied with getting Aria out of the vehicle he scanned the area for any threats that may want to take advantage of her vulnerability. Eventually the buckle released and she was able to lift Aria out of the seat.

They approached the front door together then he opened it to allow Buffy and Aria to enter first. "I'll get dinner started." he said as he set the bag near the door then walked toward the kitchen.

Buffy put Aria down near the toys and when the toddler was thoroughly focused on playing she headed toward the kitchen.

As she entered she saw Giles at the counter, mixing something into a bowl. Coming up behind him; she put her arms around his waist then rested the right side of her head against his back. She could hear the rasp of each intake and exhale. She gave a slight squeeze.

"Has it been like this all this time?"


"Your breathing?" He merely shrugged. "How had I not noticed? We've cuddled… and more since…"

Giles spun to face her. "Yes but usually we were preoccupied with other… things."

Gazing down into her green eyes he could see the affection she held for him. He wiped his hands on a dish towel that was lying on the island behind her then ran his right hand through her hair. He leaned down then placed a gentle kiss to her lips.

"It will all be over soon." he said.

"Yeah about that?"

"Buffy I really do not wish to go into it at this moment. I have dinner to prepare and we need to go over what patrol route you will use tonight."

Giles had formed five different route plans for Buffy to use. This way he knew roughly where she would patrol on any given night. The same route was never used twice in a row thus she was able to cover more of the town and its many graveyards. Not to mention the vampire haunts; like at the shipping docks.

"Now I've got to get back to making the marinade for the salmon."

"Can I help?"

"Of course, the salad needs to be put together. Oh and would you hand me the small package from the fridge?"

Buffy took out the vegetables for the salad and the item Giles asked for. "What's this?" she asked as she handed it to him.

"Oh I thought I'd make a bit of haddock for Aria; see if she likes fish."

"Is she old enough?"

"I'm not going to give her the whole filet. Just a tiny bit for her to try. I'll save the rest for lunch tomorrow."

Giles mixed the marinade with a whisk then spread it over the two salmon fillets. He pushed the salmon plate to the back of the counter then placed the marinade bowl and whisk in the sink. Unwrapping the haddock he placed this on a plate as well. He then sprayed a skillet with cooking spray, set it on the stove then turned the burner on to heat the pan.

Buffy had torn the romaine into edible sized bits, added baby spinach, some cherry tomatoes and was in the process of cutting the cucumber.

Giles leaned against the counter and watched her for a while. "You do realize the cucumber is not a demon, yes?"

Buffy held the knife in a 'death grip' and was chopping the vegetable as opposed to slicing cleanly through it. "I don't know it's all green and bumpy; kind of like the one I killed last week. It could be its offspring."

"I highly doubt it. For one the type of demon you dispatched does not frequent the states. It was drawn here because of the Hellmouth.

"Ooo aren't we lucky."

"Yes, I suppose we are."


"Think about it, where else would we have the opportunity to study the different demon species."

"From one of your books; where we can learn at a safe distance."

"You take all the fun out of field research." he teased.

Giles turned back to his duty of actually cooking the meal; placing the haddock in the preheated skillet. He turned the fish over when the first side had browned enough. When this piece was thoroughly cooked he set it in the oven to stay warm while he cooked the salmon.

Buffy set the table then went to get Aria. "Let's go little one time for supper."

Then she noticed Aria had found a photo album she thought she had put where little hands couldn't reach. The page held a candid shot of everyone. Joyce took it at the after graduation party she had for Buffy and her friends.

Aria looked toward her mother; she pointed at the picture. "Mum," she moved her finger to each person in the photo naming them as she went. Pausing at Giles picture the toddler smiled and her eyes brightened. "Guy-gulls!"

Buffy's heart melted at the way her daughter responded just at the picture of her Watcher. Then she got an idea. She sat next to Aria, pointed at the photo of Giles, "This is papa. Can you say papa?"

Aria gave her a bewildered look, "Guy-gulls."

Yes it is Giles but he has another a special name that only you get to use. Can you say papa?"


"Very good."

She went through each of her friends images as Aria named them. When she pointed to Giles Aria paused looked at her mother then said, "Papa."

Buffy was about to praise her daughter again when Giles voice rang through to the living room, "Dinner is on the table if anyone is interested."

"That's your papa calling." She stood, picked Aria up then brought her to the dining room where she put her in the high chair.

Giles was just bringing in the last of the dinner dishes. He noticed Buffy was sporting a grin. "What mischief have you been up to?"

"No mischief." she pointed at him but looked at Aria, "Who's this?"

"Guy-gulls" Aria said with a bright smile. Giles kissed the top of Aria's head.

Buffy took the seat across from Giles so Aria was between them. She was a little disappointed but knew it was a long shot for her daughter to switch gears and start calling her Watcher, papa.

Giles took a bit of the haddock placing it in a 'tip proof' bowl. He mashed the fish with a fork then blew on it, to cool it off. When he was satisfied it had cooled enough he placed the bowl before Aria.

The toddler reached in and grabbed a bit squishing the pulverized fish in her little hand. Then brought a bit to her mouth.

"It's yummy, isn't it?" Giles asked the little girl.

"Yum." She grabbed more from the bowl then tried to offer what was in her hand to Giles.

"No thank you that is Aria's dinner." he kindly declined.

Buffy watched the delightful way in which he interacted with Aria. Realizing that she couldn't have found a better man to help her raise her daughter she asked, "Um, Giles do you still have the contact information for the firm that helped my mom set up her will?"

"Yes, why do you ask?" his green eyes meeting hers.

"Well, I guess it's probably time I had one of those. I want to make sure that when I die…" his eyes shifted away from hers and he began to fidgeted with the napkin in front of him. "Well anyway I want you to take care of Aria."

"Of- of course I would, you know that."

"Oh I know but I want to make it all legal like; especially now that Riley's back and wants to be a part of Aria's life."

"All right, I'll-I'll call the lawyer in-in the morning." he drew in a shuddering breath.

The rest of the meal they discussed what route Buffy would use. It was decided since she patrolled the docks earlier in the evening the last time she was there that she would switch it up and go toward the end of the night this time. She also reminded him they would need more stakes made.

Both adults avoided the subject of their individual meetings for the evening. As Buffy began to gather the dishes to take back to the kitchen, she noticed Giles plate.

"Hey Watcher, what's wrong, hardly ate anything?"

"I-I suppose I'm not r-really all that hungry."

Buffy knew when his stutter returned it was because he was upset or frustrated with something. "No, something is up. You worried about my meeting with Riley?"

"N-No, it's nothing you need con-concern yourself with." Giles said as he cleaned Aria's hands and mouth of the errant food particles. He released the catch to the highchair's tray then unbuckled the little girl. As he lifted her from the chair, she put her arms around his neck.

"Sad?" she asked of her caretaker.

"A little." he whispered to her though he tried to give her a smile.

She squeezed her little arms, "My, Papa." she said softly.

"S-Say that again?" he asked.

"My Papa." she said loud enough for Buffy to hear.

The Slayer looked up from her task and could see the broad smile on her Watcher's face as he hugged her daughter.