Disclaimer: I do not own Vocaloid or any references; all belong to his or her original owner.

Agliophobia- Fear of pain. (VY2- Yuma) [Algophobia] [Odynophobia or Odynephobia]

Beat Beat

Ouch, please stop. Tell me why it hurts. It hurts so much, don't you know? Only you. I trust only you. I want you. I want you to know. The pain. I don't like it.

Beat Beat

It's cold, so very cold. The rain's hammering pounds the drum in my heart. No, it's not that. I've hurt myself, but I don't know how, it hurts. There's a bottle of poison in your hand. Dark tango. Help me, only you. Tell me why I hurt to hurt. Why not someone else? Why? I lock myself up, but pound and rattle the cage. Deaf ears and deaf minds. Oh gosh, it hurts, and I'm so very cold.

Beat Beat

You're Mizki and I'm Yuma, or maybe I'm Mizki and you're Yuma, just make it stop! It hurts, so very much. You tell me quiet, eat it, and it'll go, but how can I when it hurts to hurt? Ouch, ouch, ouch. There it happens again, I don't know how. I only eat sweet things. Can these lies help me? Only you. Fly away, fly away, but I can't in this rain. I'm scared to death. Please, do I see your hand?

Beat Beat

Go away, go away you tell me. It'll all be better. You'll call when I need help? Does it hurt? Keep, hold, release, and repeat. Help me. Now, it's gone. The pain's away, and so are you. Mizki or Yuma? Who are you and I? Ouch. Oh gosh, here it comes again. You and I should be gone, so why isn't it as well? Ah, it hurts again. Tell me why I hurt to hurt? I'm so very cold. Game over.

Beat Bea-

Agoraphobia- Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Fear of leaving a safe place. (Rei and Lapis)

They were complete and polar opposites, but they had one thing in common: they both hated the outdoors.

He was, by all means, a creature of the night. Many have reported chills by imagining his luminous golden eyes following them when the shadows fall. With his stark black hair and mysterious demeanor, he was not much of a brother figure, except to his dear twin Rui. In comparison to his lighter counterpart, Kagene Rei redeemed the title, "Prince of Darkness".

By contrast, she was a little fairy, barely 6 inches tall. Her height bothered her at first, but she grew used to it, sometimes playing pranks on some of the older and taller Vocaloids. However, her indigo and violet-colored strands easily gave her position away when she wished to watch her handiwork. Her voice was sweet, immediately infusing all those around her with a sense of tranquility. Aoki Lapis was known by all as the "Princess of Light", and rightly so.

The two that could have nothing to do with each other, quickly became brother-and-sister one day when all the other Vocaloids went on a shopping trip. Rei stayed because he loathed crowds—they gave him the creeps with all the potential crime—and he wanted to nurse his sister, who had fallen ill a few days ago. After nodding goodbye to his 'relatives', the black-haired boy sauntered into the kitchen, when he noticed a little blue blip trying to lift the sugar pot.

Aoki Lapis decided to stay home because Master had just informed her of potential dangers that could happen when she interacts with strangers—robbery, murder, pickpocketing, arson; the list goes on and on. Especially with her height, the outside posed an even greater threat. The bluenette was independent, but she loved the company of others more. The day the Vocaloids went out, Lapis sought to make herself a cup of tea when she suddenly found herself staring into a pair of huge amber eyes.

Wordlessly, Rei smiled and helped an astonished Lapis make her tea, along with one cup for Rui. Lapis grinned and chattered to the silent boy about everything, including the reason why she stayed inside. Rui was sitting up, much healthier when they arrived, and from there a beautiful friendship was born. Though the outside scared both of them, the meeting between the "Prince of Darkness," and the "Princess of Light," signified a sibling relationship created in best of places: home.

Agraphobia- Fear of sexual abuse. [Contreltophobia] (Lily)

A lone bird flew overhead on the deserted road, with only the silhouette of a person representing life. The person herself came into view soon after, her brown-heeled boots clacking with every step. Wrapping her yellow trimmed coat tighter against herself, Lily tried to ignore the breeze that caressed her legs. Her icy blue eyes searched the barren sky, thinking about why she ran away from home. Again.

Despite her gaudy reputation at school and her rather indecent way of dressing, Lily was a girl who secretly wished to be treated like a princess, like in that one song. She should've never been so influenced by those gorgeous models when she was younger, for it only attracted attention-including the wrong type. The blonde's never present mother failed to prepare Lily against the world, making it worse when she brought home 'flings' who would only abuse her in presence of the young child.

Why can't my Romeo come? Lily masked her longing of being treated sweetly every time she saw other couples-a stuttering Len presenting roses to his equally blushing Rin; Gakupo declaring his love repeatedly for the lovely Luka; and even Kaito sharing his precious ice cream with Miku. A certain brown-haired boy with adorable glasses had caught her eye, but Lily wondered if everything was just a facade. Still...she thought as a single wrapper danced by her feet.

The blonde sighed. Time to go home and face her mother and new step-dad again, bruises clearly evident on her mother's arms. Lily hated feeling useless, but she also wanted to be pampered, one day. The number one princess in the whole world, so hurry up and save me, my Romeo.

Agrizoophobia- Fear of wild animals. (Leon)

"Whose genius idea was it to bring me to an African safari, again? Enlighten me," a blond man glared with piercing green eyes at his friends, namely Lola, Miriam, Meiko, and Kaito. Apparently, as a reward for being the first five Vocaloids, Master decided to send them away for 'relaxation' time. Leon suspected that it was really so the Master could cater to the demands of the newest pop stars, including Hatsune Miku and the Kagamines. Anyway, apparently someone called BaKaito managed to mix up the flights, trading their destination of sunny Hawaii to the dusty, jungle-filled land of Africa.

While the girls bickered below him, Leon chose that time to collect his thoughts—the first chance he's had since coming here. Gosh, it was such a surprise when they landed. Needless to say, a poor blue man almost threw a tantrum at being grounded from his treat for a month. Leon rested his back against the tree, thinking wistfully of Hawaiian beaches. He was looking forward to night-time luaus, hula dances, and sipping from a coconut! Instead, he gets to enjoy insane temperatures, insane mosquitoes, and insane wildlife.

Leon flinched as a mosquito buzzed close by—how he hated animals. Well, he was fine with them in a zoo, where they can't hurt him. He also didn't mind household pets, though he made sure they were tamed. Wild animals though, scared the tulips out of him. So what if he liked tulips, they were sweet. Just why Master named him "lion", Leon will never know.

As he was debating his masculinity, Leon peered over the side of the tree he was hugging directly into the murderous eyes of a lion. Now, how am I going to get out of here alive, that is the question.

Agyrophobia- Fear of streets or crossing the street. [Dromophobia for latter] (Neru)

"Neru, watch out!"

"Neru, be careful!"

"Akita, move your sorry butt before you're run over!"

Neru this and Neru that, couldn't a girl get any peace around here? It's not like she's crossing the street or anything. The blonde tsundere shook her head in confusion as she closed her ever-present cell phone. Her golden eyes scanned the road before falling on to restaurant she was supposed to meet her crush...at the other side of the road. With an irrational fear of streets and the permanent decision they represented, Neru bit her lip, deciding what to do.

"Yo Akita!" Neru's head snapped up, finding the object of her affections walking toward her. He wasn't exactly the kindest of people, with red eyes that seemed to rip your soul apart, or with a lingering cigarette stub in his mouth. Still, Neru's heart seemed to melt when he was around, not that she'd admit it in years. He'll just have to accept being in the friend zone.

"Let's move it," Dell jerked his head toward the restaurant, waiting patiently for her to cross the street. Neru tried to stall, and with a grin, turned and fled toward the southern part of the city.

"Catch me if you can!" She called over her shoulder. The silver-haired guy rolled his eyes and proceeded to chase the tsundere, who had surprisingly gained tons of distance in her golden two-inch heels. She led him on quite the chase, all the way to the famous lovers' bridge over the river. Panting heavily, she created a victory sign with her fingers, not even letting the poor boy catch his breath.

Neru walked across to the other side smiling. "Now, we can go." The lengths she would go to avoid streets was beyond even her. Yet, it was all worth it—even that forsaken amount without her phone.

Aichmophobia- Fear of pins and needles or pointed objects. [Belonephobia] (Kaito)

"Kaito-nii, why are you rounding your ice-cream cone tip with a spoon?"

Kaito stretched out his lanky arms as he prepared to get another bowl of his favorite ice cream. Nothing better to relax on this stressful day then with the best treat; call him obsessed, but the frozen cream was immensely delightful. Lazily, the blue-haired man pulled open his special freezer, halting at the sight of icicles. Eyes widening, Kaito immediately grabbed his spoon and began whacking at the pointy tips, careful not to get struck by falling shards. Quickly he snatched a tub of ice cream and clutched it close to his chest. He looked at the flavor when returning to the couch: pistachio. Darn. He could remember something happening while he was eating that before, dealing with...ech, needles.

A little blue-haired boy was happily eating his pistachio ice cream, not caring if it fell onto his favorite sapphire scarf. Nothing could put him out of his trance, except maybe, his childhood friend. A feisty 6-year-old brunette snuck up behind him, slamming her hand on the table to make him jump. When the boy looked quizzically at her, she grinned, revealing the missing hole where her tooth was supposed to be. She said she lost it in a fight, but Kaito suspected it was the Tooth Fairy. How evil of her! To steal peoples' teeth and then leave money...why not leave ice cream instead?

Kaito floated in and out of his sweet thoughts as Meiko babbled about something Luka or someone had shown her. He was brought back to reality when the brunette showed him her hand...which had a needle stuck in her palm. Kaito looked at Meiko horrified while slowly inching away, barely listening,"—and then you just put it through, ain't it cool, BaKaito?"

The little boy could only nod hesitantly as he turned and ran for the safest place he knew: his mother's closet, leaving his friend staring after him in confusion. He couldn't go near her for days.

Just as his genderbend preferred sweet things, Kaito preferred round, smooth things, as several loopy childhood drawings showed. Needles and pointy things made him extremely squeamish—he didn't want to be stabbed to death! He also couldn't stand the odd pins and needles feeling when his foot falls asleep. It felt so funny, and it scared him not having control. Suddenly, Kaito turned and limped toward his mother's closet...not again, he groaned. His poor ice cream lay melting behind him.

Ailurophobia- Fear of cats. [Felinophobia] [Elurophobia] [Galeophobia] [Gatophobia] (Miku)

If there's anything Miku's not, it's certainly a cat person.

Don't get her wrong, she used to love the fluffy creatures. She would spend hours fawning over the cat-based Vocaloids, much to the irritation of Iroha and SeeU. She would drop everything, even leeks, if she found out that a poor kitty became caught in a tree, despite the fact that her reward was several scratches. Her habit of glomping cute things caused many of the younger Vocaloids to avoid the tealette, for she loved to dress them up in adorable outfits, no matter the gender.

Her biggest weaknesses though, were the Kagamines. Miku fit the role of 'older sister' quite well, and secretly adored Rin and Len falling into awkward poses together. They were so cute, especially when she managed to put cat ears on them. While Rin had her certain charms, Len was just slightly cuter with a reluctant attitude, especially in that one video they all made.

She could remember it clearly—she was the queen, and the others tortured little Len, who was supposed to save the world with magical 'kitty' powers or something of the like. Needless to say, he was extremely embarrassed. He grew all huffy when Master and the others wouldn't listen to him. Miku's character was supposed to get a nosebleed at the sight of Len, but in reality, she did!

The queen swore revenge, and revenge did she swear. Normally, the young tealette wouldn't be affected by her acting roles, but this one had hit her hard. She wasn't able to look at Len for an entire week after that, still plotting to seek vengeance. Now, she could hear Master, Gakupo, and Kaito drag little Lenners away for a VanaN'Ice rehearsal and his pitiful cries amongst Rin's laughter.

Goodness, how she feared cats and her resulting sanity.

Albuminurophobia- Fear of kidney disease. (Luki)

"Ne, Luki, how come your skin is fairer than your sister's?"

Pin drop silence. Not even the waves of the pool the Vocaloid High Chorus were at could be heard. Then collectively, face palms at the teal-haired boy's utter stupidity. All seemed worried, except for a furious Luka and enraged Rin, the latter of whom was mad at Len for accidentally hitting her in the face (and catching her around the waist in their tag game). The moment Luka stood up and marched toward her brother, all quickly resumed his or her activities, leaving Mikuo to his fate.

Just now realizing what he said, Mikuo clapped a hand over his mouth and began stammering apologies. His attempts were futile as a pink-haired demon hoisted him by the thin T-shirt he wore over swimming shorts. "What did you say, you idiot?" A deadly calm voice, just before the storm. Gakupo couldn't even go near his 'precious princess' when she's that livid.

"N-Nothing! J-just asking Luki here why he d-drinks so much w-water," Mikuo half-heartedly said, fearing her wrath.

"That's what I thought. But as a parting gift..." Smack! Mikuo looked helplessly toward his sister, who only shook her head as Luka began walking away. He raised his hand to his cheek and glanced up at Luki, who was still chugging extreme amounts of water. Under Mikuo's scrutinizing glare, the pink-haired boy lazily hoisted the teal boy up and answered his question.

"For your information, it's not to be beautiful-though I am awesome-it's because if I don't, I'll get kidney disease and DIE!" With that, Luki grabbed Mikuo by the shoulders and shook him violently. "I'm too young to die! How will others be able to appreciate my awesome face if I'm gone?! I must keep up my kidneys, do you hear me?!-"

While Luki was dramatizing about his horrendous fate, Mikuo did the only thing any sane man would do: He slapped Luki full across the face. Nonplussed, Mikuo yelled, "Baka! You aren't going to die soon! Don't be an idiot! I got slapped by Luka because of you. Besides, you do know that you can live with only half a kidney, right? Even then, I'm sure you can get a transplant. Chill," He raised a teal eyebrow.

Luki's Prussian blue eyes widened in excitement, "You can? That's great! But I must keep up my figure! Thanks Mikuo! I now challenge you to a volleyball match. Go!" He slapped Mikuo on the back and ran off toward the pool, performing a perfect cannonball. Mikuo shrugged and ignored his bruising body; thus, ending another day at the pool.

Alektorophobia- Fear of chickens. (Piko)*

"Subject 1 moving steadily north-north-west toward his prey. Merciless."

"Subjects 2 and 3 move to join number 1, eyes in this direction-The mission may be in jeopardy. REPEAT. The mission may be in-"

"False alarm. The mission is safe. Continuing report on Subjects 4 and 5-4 is GAH!"

A certain silver-haired boy yelped as someone stepped on his unconventional USB tail. He looked up, mouth open and ready to confront the offender, but snapped it shut as he met the red-eyed gaze of his long-time crush.

"Why are you stalking chickens, Piki-Piki? And in the bushes, no less," an amused pinkette chuckled, eyes sparkling.

"Get down, Miki! Or they'll come and eat you. I once fed them a chicken pot pie, and they ate it all! Nasty little critters. For your information, I am not stalking chickens...just observing them," Piko's heterochromatic eyes glared at his companion, full of contempt for the animals clucking behind him. After a few minutes of intense staring, Piko sighed and turned away, admitting the truth.

"Fine...they thought my awesome ahoge was a stupid worm. A STUPID WORM. H-Hey! It's not funny!" He stammered upon hearing his crush's muffled snickers.

"Silly Piko, don't you know the saying 'The best way to get rid of your fears is to face them'?" Miki fought with effort to smother her giggles, but failed upon seeing Piko's distressed expression. "Well then, shall I help you?"

"I'm not afraid of them! I—BACAW!" Piko immediately jumped out of the concealing foliage the minute her fingers made their way to his sides. Of course, being the clumsy shota he's known for, the silver-haired boy immediately flopped forward onto his face inches away from a freshly made pile of chicken dung. The feathered fiends immediately rushed over at the prospect of new food, pecking eagerly at Piko's white strands.

"Hold...it...in," Piki-Piki struggled not to cry as his crush erupted in raucous laughter behind him, resigning himself to befriend the poultry that were currently trying to devour his worm of an ahoge.

Alliumphobia- Fear of garlic. (Zatsune Miku)






"NOOO! No way in heck will you ever use that thing of an abomination!" The two girls in charge of cooking that week suddenly startled as a sharp voice sliced through the air, followed by an immense banging as the door slammed open and fell off its hinges.

"That's the fifth one this week!" a tealette's protest suddenly shorted as she met the eyes of her darker counterpart, whose red eyes were positively livid with suppressed fury. The poor girl could do nothing but clutch her spoon as Zatsune Miku advanced, oblivious to everything but the strange, white bulb-shaped vegetable in Luka's hand.

"Don't you know how much they smell? If you use that much, then why not dig yourself a grave? Not to mention the putrid taste! No, I don't care if they're related to leeks, they're still infinitely stupid!" Zatsune snapped at the towering original when she lifted a hand in protest. Miku only prayed as the other pink-haired girl slowly stepped backward.

Ashen hair swirling, Zatsune raised her hand to emphasize her hatred of the well-known spice, when a sudden voice caused the girls to jump, albeit the evil one. "Could it be, Zatsune, that you are a vampire? After all, what explains your hatred?" Zeito offered a rare smirk from his position of leaning against the far wall with his arms crossed. Raven-colored strands fell thickly over his right eye as he sent a meaningful glance at Zatsune, leaving the kitchen with his yo-yo trailing behind.

Luka and Miku shared a confused glance as Zatsune suddenly spun around to yell after her fellow dark companion, "Vampire? The only vampire here is you, because you freaking sparkle in the sunlight! You've been watching too much of that American crap—what's it called? Highlight?**I'm not through with you, mister!"

As soon as she set foot in the open doorway, Zatsune looked back over her shoulder at the two stupefied girls. "You better not add any of that into my pasta," she added, "Creepy, nasty vegetable."

Huh. The Vocaloid girls thought, who knew Zatsune had a weakness?

A/N: Man, I'm so mean to our shotas.../shot

*True story: My sister and cousins are scared of the chickens my grandmotherkeeps in the backyard. O.o

**No offense to any Twilight fans.

Anyway, I hurried to get this chapter up, because today is a special holiday for me! (If you find out which one, kudos to you, but please don't hate). So happy holidays!

References are slighter harder, so try your best! I think I have enough cookies left. :3

I will most likely not be able to post for the next week or two, reason is disclosed. So review as a present, ne?

Requests are still needed (make as many as you want), and let me know about my writing, if you wish. :)

I'll have to cut this short, but do drop a review! Thanks to all those who favorited/followed/reviewed! You have no idea how happy you've made me. :D

Review Replies:

MizuneMinamiki: Mizune! Getta up off that thing, and shake til' you feel better! (Robots? No?) :P No, I don't think you replied to my PM either. Oh well, we all have those moments, don't we? XD Glad you like it, but really all credit for Oliver goes to Shadowthorn2013 for that one. I need to expand my Vocaloid database :P Exactly! I bet you'll love Piko's this time. ;) But what wouldn't you do if you could get chocolate? Or a banana...Speaking of Len, he's crazy. What scares ME is that he knows how to use heels (coming from one who doesn't wear them). XD That would totally make a good story/collab, 'What would you do for a _(insert character item)'. :3 You've never had a Klondike bar! Why? :o They're not that bad, just messy. Why thank you! Even though I have no idea to spell it either... Song of the moment, though. Mikune! [Ech, no, I don't like that]. Cookie for you! :D

Katize Luka: Thanks for reading! I'm glad you like it! You get a cookie! I'll update faster for you then X3. Yay!

Luna the Darkness Princess: Lots of people seem to know that one, I guess. But cookie! Yay! You were the only one to get the Go! Go! Mario reference, so nice job! By the way, I like your name :)

RandomPersonWithoutAName: I gave you a name, Random :P. I was actually planning on doing that one, you little mind reader. :) Feel free to make another request. Thanks for reading!

theunhappytwins: I'll have to find that one work then :P Thanks for reading. You got most of the other references though, so wow (Didn't think Corrupted Flower was that noticeable). You (and all, really) missed Kiyo's "Under the Darkness", and some minor ones, but no problem. Cookie for you! :3 Thanks for reading!

~Misa Kagekatsu