I want to say thank you for waiting. You folks are truly wonderful for continuing with me on this journey of angst and sorrow in the post DH Potterverse ;D Like Harry, I,too am figuring this whole thing out as I go along.

Here's my humble offering of the next chapter, along with a virtual plush Lockhart that screams unintelligible nonsense.

"It is a curious thing, Harry, but perhaps those who are best suited to power are those who have never sought it. Those who, like you, have leadership thrust upon them, and take up the mantle because they must, and find to their own surprise that they wear it well."-DH, Kings Cross


When Harry stepped into the Common room, Ron made a noise but his arms remained firmly around Hermione's for a minute before the two separated. They looked at one another, each with a faint smile before turning to Harry.

"Were you followed?" said Ron with a raised brow.

Harry pursed his lips before glancing back and the door, answering, "No, we have some privacy for the moment."

After Hermione had left, Ron in her wake, the Great Hall had erupted. Someone from the leftovers at the Slytherin table shouted "Mudblood deserved whatever she got!" and there was a commotion as Neville and, surprisingly, a Slytherin girl had to be held back as they both lunged at the offending person. McGonagall, who had come in at the tail end of the confrontation, made her way silently to the Slytherin table and marched him up to her office to a smattering of applause.

Harry had foolishly pulled off the Cloak which caused an exclamation of "Harry!" and what followed was just about everyone in the Hall talking and cheering at once. Harry desperately wanted to see how Hermione was faring, but it would have to wait now. These men and women, who had lost so much in the fighting, needed to see what they had fought for. Despite his anxiety about the matter.

So against his better judgement Harry steeled himself and walked through the throng of students and teachers. He received a few pats on the back, many stories, many hugs; he stayed the longest with those who had lost limbs or had been struck by curses and now bore more than physical marks.

There was one particular student, a fifth year boy who had been viciously stabbed with an enchanted knife and left for dead. He was in a floating chair.

"They say the healers aren't hopeful about it. At least I'm still alive though, right?" said Jonathan, as he straightened his back in the chair. "I want to thank you, though, Harry. You gave us so much hope."

Harry swallowed thickly. He clasped the younger boy's hand and looked him right in the eye.

"Thank you, Jonathan," and now he spoke to the crowd surrounding him, wanting to be near him, "It's due to all of you that we won this war. The s-sacrifices-" he stuttered as he thought of Remus and Tonks, he would never hold that wonderful man ever again-, "-made and blood shed will not be forgotten. They will be written in the historical tomes of the Wizarding world, and I personally will put in your names for consideration for Orders of Merlin. If they had any sense, they'd give them to the whole castle."

Harry made to leave for the Common room but was made aware of the large group now trailing after him. He heard a few shouts of "Can I get a picture with you, Harry?" and his heart clenched painfully as he thought of Colin.

He had just about reached the portrait hole but was being held back by the mass of admiring students and their families. Harry wiped the sweat from his brow. He was beginning to wonder if he would have to apparate out of there, when several former members of the DA appeared. They brandished their wands as the crowd backed off. The student in front seemed particularly intimidating as he said,

"Please give Harry some space or we will be forced to put up wards, thank you folks," said the leader of the group. Harry put a hand on the man's shoulder, thankfully, and was startled to see it was Seamus.

"Thank you-" he began.

"No worries, Harry. We should be thanking you, mate." He tipped an imaginary hat which got a chuckle out of Harry.

How long had it been since he laughed?

"We'll be right out here if you need anything, Harry. We're taking shifts."

"So they're right outside, then?" said Ron, lowering himself into an armchair.

Harry sighed and sat on the floor. "It's a bit much. They've already put their lives on the line for me during the school year and the battle."

Hermione bit her lip. "They care about you, Harry. You were their hope, are still that hope."

Harry bowed his head, "I don't deserve that, Neville really got them through it."

"Well, we could go on for hours about your guilt, Harry, but let's talk on something else, yeah?" said Ron.

Hermione agreed.

"What about that memorial service, eh?", said a few 3rd years loudly, as they went to their rooms,

"That rock formation? Bloody amazing!"

Harry stood up quickly to leave as Hermione made to block him from the door.

"Harry, please, you can talk to us about anything-"

The Resurrection stone tumbled out of Harry's pocket.

They all stared.