Helloooo! It is the (official) debut of my line of original XS episodes with my own fan-made Shen Gong Wu, along with some help from friends, of course. Anyway, I worked really hard on this and am really excited, so I hope I get some positive feedback from you guys. Okay, time for the reviews.

nekolover3- Thank you! I hope to please my readers with each and every chapter I post.

D.J. Scales- Thanks. Just one question, though: Is there a specific part of season two you can't wait for this story to get to? Or is it just season two in general? Anyway, I'm just hoping to get through season one for right now.

I don't own Xiaolin Showdown, its characters, or its Shen Gong Wu. I only own Acaisha, Red, her parents, and the new Heylin villain. I also own the three new Shen Gong Wu: Slumbering Pipes, Batwing Boomer, and the Bim-Bam Ram Ram. Enjoy!

"OOF!" Raimundo grunted as he fell onto the vine-covered ground after avoiding the jaws of a giant Venus Fly Trap.

"Ha ha! Save yourself the effort, loser! The Slumbering Pipes are as good as mine!" Jack laughed, using his Jet Bootsu to jet past the man-eating plants towards a giant, narrow mound of vines and flowers.

On top of the tower of plants sat ceramic pipes that was a calming shade of blue. It glowed on its own, indicating that it was the Shen Gong Wu they were fighting for.

"C'mon, Rai! You can do this!" Kimiko yelled from the side, where she and the four Dragons-in-training were standing on top of a platform of plants and flowers. Well…almost all of them, anyway.

"Yeah, c'mon mate," Acaisha wearily cheered, weakly pumping her fist in the air as she leaned on Clay's arm. She let out a loud yawn as she added, "Don' let tha' whiny mama's boy get'cha down!"

"I am not WHINY!" Jack yelled, only to shriek when a vine shot out of the mound and made a grab for his leg.

"MONKEY STAFF!" Raimundo yelled, holding up the staff. He jumped up onto the plant mound and, with his new monkey strength, agility, and flexibility, he climbed up it with nearly complete ease.

"Way ta go, monkey boy!" Acaisha shouted, stretching as she yawned yet again.

"You really need ta get some shut-eye there, Casi," Clay said, keeping her steady as she just nearly fell off of him.

Raimundo panted as he dodged the vines that kept erupting from the mound, using his hands and now hand-like feet to grab onto the plants that were not deadly. Still, Jack kept up to the Slumbering Pipes.

"Yes! Jack Spicer, evil boy genius triumphs aga-AAH!" Jack yelped as he was about to grab onto the pipes, but snatched his hands back when a dark brown tail wrapped around them and snatched them away.

"Ha ha! Too slow!" Raimundo laughed, tossing the Slumbering Pipes in his monkey tail.

The scenery around them changed, it went from a lethal battlefield of plants to an exotic floral garden. In Raimundo's arms now were the Monkey Staff, Slumbering Pipes, and the Jet Bootsu.

"Not bad for your first showdown, Rai," Kimiko commented as they all gathered around him.

"Not bad, indeed. Of course, I could have done much better," Omi grinned.

The others looked down at him with strange looks, Raimundo's looking a bit more irritated. Acaisha blinked and patted the young monk's head, "C'mon, lil' mate. Raimundo did just as good as the rest of us did our first time…well, 'cept me."

"Aw, don't worry, Casi. You'll get your shot at a Xiaolin Showdown soon. Who knows? Maybe you'll get the next one!" Kimiko assured as they rode on Dojo through the sky.

She was now dressed in a dark orange halter with a black skirt, black tights and combat boots. She also wore her hair in a high, messy ponytail. To say the least, it was a very simple look for Kimiko in Acaisha's opinion.

"I sure hope so, Kimi," Acaisha yawned as she scooted herself further up to Dojo's neck.

"Ya mind if I rest me head here fer a few minutes, Dojo?"

Dojo looked at her from the corner of his eye, "Sure, Casi. Knock yourself out."

"Don't need to tell me twice, mate," Acaisha pressed herself against the back of Dojo's head, putting her head on her crossed arms and let her green eyes shut.

"So, what's this Wu do?" Raimundo asked as he held up the Slumbering Pipes.

"Let's check it out," Kimiko said, pulling out the scroll and sliding it open.

"The Slumbering Pipes," she read. The picture changed and showed a picture of the pipes before turning into an animated person. It held the pipes in its hands and began to play it.

"From what I know, whoever hears the musical notes of the pipes will fall into a deep, peaceful sleep," and, like Dojo had explained, another animated person was hit by the musical notes and fell to the ground, Z's starting to come from it.

"Definitely useful whenever you wanna get some sleep with a party going on," Dojo added.

"Looks like we couldn't have gotten a better Shen Gong Wu, if you catch my drift," Raimundo whispered as he arched his eyebrows, jabbing a thumb at the Dragon of Lightning.

"I hear ya, Rai, but really? Using a Shen Gong Wu on her? Would she even let us?" Kimiko whispered back, not wanting to catch Acaisha's attention whether or not she was asleep.

Omi leaned to the side to observe his fellow comrade, then back at his other friends, "If not by Shen Gong Wu, then we must think of something swiftly, my friends. Or she will surely roast herself down."

They looked down at him strangely before Raimundo said, "I think you mean she'll burn herself out."

"That too!"

"Master Fung. We're really worried about Casi," Kimiko started worriedly as they entered the meditation hall. Acaisha was not with them as she already went to the garden with her volleyball to continue practicing control over her electrical powers.

"She looked like somethin' that was chewed up, spit out, and stepped on," Clay added as they were gathered inside.

"I know. I will go and talk to her. Raimundo, would you care to put the Shen Gong Wu in their proper places?" Master Fung asked, gently touching the bells to open the vault.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm on it," the Wind Dragon grumbled as the stairs opened down.

"Let us go and see if we can help Acaisha in any way," Master Fung instructed his other students and they followed him outside of the building to the garden, leaving the Dragon of the Wind to be alone.

"Monkey Staff," Raimundo set the staff in its spot before closing the compartment. Before he left, he couldn't help but mutter to himself as he patted his backside, "Gonna miss having my own tail."

He pushed onto another compartment, placing the Jet Bootsu inside. Finally, he came to the stone drawer that was meant to hold the Slumbering Pipes. He nearly set the ceramic Wu inside when he froze, hearing the Lightning dragon's tired voice in his mind. He looked down at the calming blue pipes in his hands with determination.

With one hand, he pushed the drawer shut and stashed the Slumbering Pipes in his robes. He shoved his fists into his pockets and whistled casually as he exited the Shen Gong Wu vault and closed it behind him.

Meanwhile, in the temple gardens…

"Acaisha, it has come to my attention that you have not been balancing yourself in your training," Master Fung told the young Aussie girl, her eyes not straying from her volleyball as she bounced it up and down on her clenched fists. The rest of her friends minus Raimundo stood at his side to confront her.

"I *yawn*…honestly don' see the problem. I'm just tryin' ta hone my power," Acaisha said in a weary tone. Still, she was able to strike at her volleyball with great ease.

"Casi, please. We're really worried about you," Kimiko pleaded as she stepped forward. "You've only gotten, like, twelve hours of sleep this past week! It's not healthy!"

Acaisha shook her head, "Ya wouldn' understand, Kimi. Ya don' know how hard it is to control the lightnin' within like I do. I need ta practice."

"We hear ya, Casi, now just hear us out," Clay said putting his hands up in defensive way. "Ya can't practice at yer level best if you're too tired. Ya gotta catch some Z's before you can kick some butt. I figured you of all of us would know that."

Omi tilted his head, throwing his arms up as he exclaimed, "What does capturing the letter Z have to do with any of this?!"

Acaisha sighed as she opened her palms, allowing the volleyball to drop into her hands, "Just an expression, lil' mate. He means I need ta get me rest before I do my duty as a Xiaolin warrior."

"Oh yes," Omi nodded, stepping forward while boldly stating, "It is imperative, best mate, that you sleep and rest if you are ever to face off in a Xiaolin Showdown. Even I must rest to do my very best and-"

"Okay, okay!" Acaisha rubbed her' temples to numb the now-developing headache. "If ya let me finish my practicin', I promise I'll be in bed by nine o' clock tonight."

Kimiko narrowed her eyes and suspiciously asked, "Right on the dot?"

"Right on the dot. I'll be in bed and won't move the whole night," Acaisha replied, nodding her head.

"Right on what dot?" Omi asked, looking around for the said 'dot.' The others lowered their heads and shook them.

"Never mind, lil' mate."

"Casi! Soup's on!" Clay called out into the garden.

"Be in soon, Clay!" Acaisha exclaimed back, still hitting the volleyball in her clenched fists. "I think I'm about ta hit a breakthrough with my control!"

"If ya say so. Just get yerself inside before the food gets cold, ya hear?"

"Anythin' ya say, mate!" Acaisha yawned out, not taking her concentration off of the hard white ball.

After Clay had left, Raimundo snuck behind the shrub closest to Acaisha's back. When he was sure that he wouldn't get caught by her, he pulled the Slumbering Pipes from inside his robe.

"Sweet dreams, Casi. Slumbering Pipes!" he whispered. He blew into the pipes and, astonishingly, a series of musical notes became physical and glided through the air towards Acaisha. The notes produced beautiful, soft music as they hit Acaisha, making her stiffen and let her volleyball fall to the ground.

"Mmm…" Acaisha mumbled as she swayed a bit, her eyelids fluttering shut before she fell to her knees and landed on her stomach. The sound of her soft snoring was the indication that the Aussie was sleeping like a rock.

"Yes!" Raimundo whisper shouted in victory before stashing the Slumbering Pipes back into his robes. He rushed over and lifted her up, slinging her arm over his shoulder, "Time to go to bed, Casi."

He hummed as he half-dragged, half-carried the sleeping Acaisha towards the monks' quarters. He froze as he heard a familiar voice call out from nearby,

"Best mate! Supper is here and ready to be eaten now!...Best mate?"

"Casi! Food's gonna get awful cold soon! Come fix yerself a plate!"

"Hey, where'd she go?" Raimundo heard Kimiko's voice.

"She was out here a minute ago. I saw her!"

"Raimundo? What are you doing?" The Dragon of the Wind cringed a bit and turned around to see Master Fung turning around the corner. The other students rushed around and gasped.


"What happened?"

"Oh, you wanna know what happened?" Raimundo asked nervously. He gulped before explaining, "Well, I was just taking a stroll and then I saw Casi on the ground snoozing away. I thought I would just be a good friend and put her to bed."

He smiled nervously, trying to keep a straight face. The others were eying both him and the sleeping Acaisha, almost to see if what Raimundo had said was anywhere near the truth.

"Very admirable of you, Raimundo," Master Fung finally said to him with a smile. "Helping a fellow Dragon in need shows great character. I'm sure Acaisha would be very grateful to you."

"Mmm…" Acaisha hummed, smiling a little as she nuzzled her head into the crook of Raimundo's neck.

"Thanks Master Fung. Really appreciate it. Well, better get Casi to bed. See ya!" Raimundo quickly said before disappearing in a flash.

Everyone blinked before Clay stated as he scratched his head, "Whoo-wee. Rai moved faster than bad chili through a hound dog."

"Phew! That was close," Raimundo gasped out as he entered their rooms. He sighed as he laid Acaisha down on her mat and covered her up with a blanket. She sighed and curled up in her blanket.

Raimundo's face squinted and his eyes fluttered open a bit as the sun rose over the hills. He grunted and sat up, pushing the blanket off of him and stretching his arms out with a yawn.

"Up and at'em boys and girls!" Dojo slithered in, loudly ringing a gong that made everyone jump awake. They rushed out of their rooms, with the exception of Raimundo and Acaisha, to hear Dojo's news.

"We've got a red hot Shen Gong Wu alert! Everyone to the Shen Gong Wu vault in five minutes!"

Kimiko groaned as she brushed out her hair to get rid of her bed-head, "It's too early in the morning for this!"

Clay yawned, "Strange. I thought I'd be hearin' that from Rai this time a day."

"Huh, what?" Raimundo yawned, arching until he heard a crack from his back. "Oh yeah. Guess I got some good rest."

Omi, who was completely dressed, exited out of his part of the room and looked down the others and noticed something odd.

"It appears that Acaisha had not heard the gong ring."

The others looked and noticed as well. Raimundo merely waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about it. There's nobody in this world that the Rai-meister can't wake up. I'll have her up and ready in no time."

"Be sure that you do! We must retrieve the new Shen Gong Wu at once!" Omi said before he, Kimiko, and Clay rushed to the Shen Gong Wu vault.

The Dragon of the Wind stretched again as he made his way to Acaisha's room and peeked in. It was almost as if he just put her down as she didn't move from her spot at all. In fact, she barely moved or even made a sound. Just very light breathing.

"Ookay, Casi," Raimundo yawned again as he knelt down beside her and nudged her. "Time ta wake up."

Raimundo's eyes opened a bit wider before he shook her a bit harder, "Casi, come on. Wakey wakey time!"

"CASI!" he panicked, lifting her up and shaking her even harder. "Come on, girl! Don't play games with me! Wake up!"

The only thing that happened at all was Acaisha's head lolling to the side. Still, she didn't wake up.

"Oh, man!" Raimundo whisper shouted as he looked around in a panic. "I am so gonna fry for this!"

He shook his head and scolded himself, "No! I have to think of something. Something small just until I can fix this…"

About five minutes later, Raimundo entered the Meditation Room where the Vault was. And so were the students with Master Fung and Dojo.

"Hey, Rai. Hey Ca-" Kimiko stopped in mid-sentence at the bizarre sight. "Uh…do I even want to know what's going on?"

Clay, Omi, and Master Fung turned and were a bit surprised as well. Acaisha was still in her usual outfit, not even bothering to change into her temple robes (not like she could, anyway). She had on a pair of sunglasses and her head was slouched down and, come to think of it, so was her whole body.

The weirdest part of all, though, was that Raimundo was carrying her. An arm around her waist while her own was slung around his shoulders.

Raimundo stiffened and tensed at all the stares he was getting, "Oh! Yeah, this looks kinda weird, but…Casi got so excited that she tripped and twisted her ankle. So, I was helping her out…"

He smiled nervously at the lie, but was saved by Dojo dragging the Scroll of the Shen Gong Wu over to them, "Well, kids. Looks like the Bim-Bam Ram Ram's just gone active."

"The Bim-Bam-what?" Kimiko asked as the scroll opened.

"The Bim-Bam Ram Ram," Master Fung said as the picture came to life. "Whoever wields this unique Shen Gong Wu can transform into a powerful ram, able to headbutt through thick stone walls and climb steep cliffs and mountains with ease."

The scroll showed a picture of what looked like a Valkyrie helmet only instead of wings on the sides, there were a pair of curved horns. The animated person put on the helmet and turned into a enormous ram and ran right through a wall.

"Whoo-wee! Fer a Shen Gong Wu with a silly name, it sure packs a heck of a wallop," Clay whistled, obviously impressed.

"And the best part is that afterwards, you don't get a headache," Dojo added in. "Who says nobody wins with a head butt when you've got the Bim-Bam Ram Ram?"

Omi exited the Vault with the Shen Gong Wu for all to grab. Clay got the Two-Ton Tunic, Kimiko got the Eye of Dashi, Raimundo received the Jet Bootsu, and finally…

"Here, best mate," Omi said, holding out the Third-Arm Sash. "Perhaps you could use this as a crutch until your ankle heals. It is not a Third-Leg Sash, but it should help you."

"Actually, Omi," Master Fung interrupted. "Perhaps Acaisha should stay behind and recuperate-"

"No!" Raimundo shouted, only gaining him weird looks from everyone else. He shrunk down a bit as he explained, "I mean, don't you guys know how bad Casi wants to have her first Showdown? She'd be crushed if she had to stay behind."

He took the Third-Arm Sash from Omi, slinging it around Acaisha as Dojo grew to full size, "All aboard!"

The five of them climbed on in the order of Omi, Clay, Kimiko, Acaisha, and Raimundo. Dojo took off into the sky when the three front monks started talking in whispers.

"Guys, I've been givin' it some thought and I think that Casi should have a go at this Wu," Clay said to them. "Ya know, ta get her chance at a Xiaolin Showdown."

"I agree," Omi nodded. "We all have waited our turn and now Acaisha must step up to the bowl!"

"The plate," Kimiko corrected, but agreed as well. "I think so, too."

Raimundo, who was holding onto Acaisha's waist with both arms to keep her from falling, gulped audibly. If they let Acaisha go after the Bim-Bam Ram Ram and she wasn't awake by then, he'd be caught for sure.

While he was thinking of ways to get out of the situation, he vaguely noticed Kimiko scooting back a bit and whispering to Acaisha,

"By the way, Casi, nice cover-up. A 'twisted ankle from getting so excited.' I knew you and Rai were into each other."

Acaisha shifted a bit, her face scrunching a bit in displeasure and tried getting into a more comfortable position. Kimiko chuckled and shook her head, "Deny all you want, but your secret's safe with me."

"Okay, that was way too easy," Kimiko said, she holding the Bim-Bam Ram Ram in her arms as the group strolled through a carnival in London. They had found the Shen Gong Wu in an antique booth, but Jack Spicer had not shown up.

Omi, looking thoughtful rather than suspicious, looked up and asked, "Best mate, you have been moooost quiet since we left. Are you sad about not competing in a Xiaolin Showdown?"

It was amazing to Raimundo how they hadn't caught on since they left the temple. Still, he couldn't get cocky or else it would just fall apart. So, he covered her by saying, "That's probably it. What do you guys say we see one of these shows? Just to cheer her up."


"Fine by me."


"Oooh! That one! What are all of those people looking at?" Omi asked, wonder filling his eyes as he rushed forward to get to the front of the crowd.

"Looks like one of them magicians," Clay answered him as they got to the front. The sign above the stage read, 'Hocus Pocus: Magic in the Living Flesh.'

The magician, Hocus Pocus they presumed, looked more like an old-fashioned magician. He was tall and lanky, and was dressed in a nice black tuxedo, top hat, and cape. From what they could tell, he also had smoothed black hair under his hat.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" He called out in a charismatic voice to the crowd. "You all have been a wonderful audience, but unfortunately, I only have time for one final act. For the finale, I will require two willing volunteers."

The whole crowd went wild, people of all ages raising and waving their hands. Hocus looked over the crowd before lifting his cane and pointing to the Xiaolin Dragons,

"How about this young man and his lovely companion here? Come up onto the stage, you two!"

"Huh?" Raimundo's eyes widened as he and Acaisha were pushed up towards the stage by the rest of the crowd.

"Go get'em, you two!" Dojo cheered from atop Clay's hat as the rest of the crowd clapped. Raimundo stumbled a bit on the stage while still trying to keep Acaisha on balance.

"Now, now everyone," Hocus waved his hands to silence the crowd. "With this grand finale, we'll have the generous assistance of…" he waved his hand to the two for their names.

"Oh, Raimundo and Casi," When Hocus arched an eyebrow when Acaisha not speaking for herself, Raimundo tried to cover up with, "She's…she's just really shy, ya know?"

This seemed to please Hocus enough and he went on with the crowd, "How adorable. The young lady, Casi, and her boyfriend, Raimundo, will be assisting in one of my greatest performances ever seen: The Airborne Escapade!"

Raimundo's jaw dropped before he stuttered out, "What? No! She's not my-"

The whole crowd went wild with applause, excluding the Xiaolin monks.

"The Airborne Escapade?" Omi cocked an eyebrow and looked to Kimiko and Clay for answers.

"Never heard of it," Clay shrugged his shoulders.

"Now, Raimundo and Casi, if you turn around you will notice a large box just big enough for the both of you to fit," Raimundo looked over his shoulder and saw the large black and gold box with the doors open. "I first need you to confirm that there are no trap doors nor anything that could help you get out."

The Brazilian boy set one foot inside and felt around. He couldn't feel anything of the sort, so he figured it was a very well made box, "Nope. Looks legit."

"Very good, my boy. Now if you and Casi will step inside, I will further prepare you for the act."

Raimundo stepped in the whole way, bringing Acaisha with him just as the doors closed on them. Hocus snapped his fingers and the whole crowd gasped as chains and locks snaked around the box and held together to seal the box shut. A timer on the front had a three and two zeroes on it.

"Ladies and gentlemen, these chains and locks have a time set for three minutes to squeeze the box until it breaks into a million pieces. Raimundo and Casi have until then to find their way out. Can they do it? Let's find out! And the clock will start in three…two…"

"I get the 'escapade' part, but where's the 'airborne'?" Kimiko whispered to the remaining boys.


Everyone gasped, though a good majority let out panicked screams as a giant claw dropped down and clamped onto the top of the box. It pulled up, taking the box with it.

"HEY!" the monks could hear Raimundo's muffled voice yell from the box. "What's going on?!"

The claw stopped right below the small jet plane, which was being piloted by none other than-

"Jack Spicer!" Omi glared up at the 'evil boy genius'. "Release Raimundo and Acaisha at once or suffer a humiliating defeat!"

"Think again, chrome dome! By the way, I don't believe you've met my newest partner," Jack mocked as Wuya flew down to the stage.

"Yes, now would you care to get rid of these pests, Hocus?"

"My dear audience, I apologize, but this area must now be cleared due to a severe animal swarm," Hocus said before taking his hat off and pulling out-

"The Batwing Boomer!" Omi gasped. The Shen Gong Wu looked much like a black and bronze speaker with bat wings around the ring.

"What does that do, again?" Clay asked Dojo, who rubbed his chin in thought.

"Let me think…Oh yeah! It lets the user turn a yell into a loud sonic boom! It also-"

"Batwing Boomer!" Hocus shouted, activating it before sucking in a deep breath and screaming through the Shen Gong Wu, blowing everyone nearly back and making them cover their ears.

It lasted only seconds, but the Xiaolin Dragons, who had taken a good bit of the blow, felt their ears ring. They crouched down to fight, only to give confused looks at a giant black ball from above that seemed to just get bigger and bigger.

"What is that?" Omi asked.

"Uh guys?" Dojo asked shakily. "Did I mention that it also summons a huge swarm of bats to attack the user's foes!?"

"AAAHH!" Everyone screamed and fled the scene from the onslaught of the swarming little mammals. As for the remaining Xiaolin warriors, they were still able to fight with the area now cleared.

"Hey!" Kimiko shouted as a Jackbot swooped down and swiped the Bim-Bam Ram Ram from her arms, bringing it up next to the jet plane. "Give up now, Spicer! We've got all day to kick your butt and don't think we won't!"

Jack shook his head and said, "Correction: You have all day. They don't. Jackbots, attack!"

They gasped as they saw the box that held Raimundo and Acaisha was closing in because of the constricting chains. The clock now read one minute and thirty seconds.

Omi narrowed his eyes, the dots on his forehead glowing as he built up his chi.


"Oh, man!" Raimundo whisper shouted from inside the box. He still held Acaisha up, but the whole situation was getting much worse with the box closing in and the box not even breaking so they could escape.

"Come on, Casi! I'm sorry I did this to you! Wake up! We've gotta get out of here!"

"Guys! Twenty seconds left!" Clay grunted as he threw a Jackbot into a dunk tank. They saw the chains grow even tighter before Kimiko had had enough.

"Eye of Dashi!"

Lightning flashed out of the Shen Gong Wu, shooting right at the box which exploded upon contact.

"Jet Bootsu!" Raimundo cried out, letting him float in the air. He blew out a sigh of relief as he called out, "Thanks, guys! Really appreciate-"


Question marks appeared over his head before he looked down. Acaisha must've fallen out of his grip from the explosion and was plummeting towards a pond. He threw himself down like a meteor towards the girl. The wind seemed to glide past him as he kept in a straight line and held out his arms to catch Acaisha.

The Jackbot that held the Bim-Bam Ram Ram flew down after him, making him growl out and stop in mid-air.


Raimundo threw a flying kick, completely obliterating the Jackbot and letting the Shen Gong Wu drop down.


His attention went back down to where he heard the two splashes. He zoomed down and looked through the water to search for both Acaisha and the Bim-Bam Ram Ram.

"Casi! Where are you?"

"Need I say it?" Wuya asked Jack and Hocus with a glare. "Get the Bim-Bam Ram Ram!"

Raimundo gasped when he saw bubbles rising from the shore of the pond, "Casi! There you are-"

His disappointment showed when it was only the Bim-Bam Ram Ram that floated up. Hocus Pocus narrowed his eyes and rushed to the shore to get the Wu. Raimundo growled and dove down to get the magical helmet.

"Not today, my boy!" Hocus held out his wrist as he ran and colorful hankerchiefs shot out and practically mummified the Brazilian boy. He struggled and screamed which was muffled through the cloth, but only ended up falling down into the nearby bushes.

Hocus slid onto his knees as the Bim-Bam Ram Ram floated closely to shore. His gloved hand shot out and grabbed onto one of the horns…only for another hand to reach out of the water with a splash and grab onto the other horn, making the Bim-Bam Ram Ram glow brightly.

"What the…?" Hocus pulled on the helmet and pulled out Acaisha. She coughed violently and spat out pond water. Her neon green eyes snapped open and she looked around erratically.

"What happened? Where am I?! What the heck is goin' on here?!"

"Casi, I challenge you to a Xiaolin Showdown!" Hocus challenged her as he tugged on the Bim-Bam Ram Ram.

"It looks like Acaisha has been given her chance at a Xiaolin Showdown after all," Omi said cheerfully as he and Clay untied Raimundo from his colorful bonds.

"Well, do you accept the challenge?" Hocus glared at the girl, making her narrow her eyes at him.

"Don' know who ya are, and I don' care either. Bring it!"

"Hoo! Go, Casi!" Kimiko shouted, throwing her fists in the air.

"Very well. I wager my Batwing Boomer against your Third-Arm Sash. I think the challenge shall be the magician's classic: The Hat Trick," Hocus proposed, flipping off his top hat and setting it back on his head for emphasis. "The Bim-Bam Ram Ram shall go under a hat and the first to find it wins."

Acaisha's eyebrows lowered and she frowned deeply, "Hat trick? Could ya be any more of a cliché? Whatever, let's get it on."


The whole place changed, just like always. The rest of the Xiaolin warriors shouted in panic when the earth beneath them crumbled and filled with water. In a matter of seconds, the whole place had become a giant pond with gigantic top hats laying on even larger lily pads.

Acaisha and Hocus were set on the same lily pad with the others standing on a nearby rock.


They watched as the Bim-Bam Ram Ram went under a top hat and set down on a lily pad. Everyone shouted as the lily pads violently circled around the pond, splashing water everywhere until the Wu was hidden very carefully.

The two jumped on all the empty lily pads. Hocus lifted up one hat, but found no Bim-Bam Ram Ram.

"Third-Arm Sash!" Acaisha used the sash to lift two hats at the same time, but still found no Shen Gong Wu.

"Come on, Casi! You can do this!" Raimundo called out to her, the others cheering her on as well.

"Yes, best mate! Let nothing stand in your way!"

"Hmm," Hocus murmured as he stopped and observed the young girl who was moving even faster than he anticipated. "Time to end this Showdown once and for all. Batwing Boomer!"

Again, he took in a deep breath and yelled out, toppling over some of the hats with the sonic boom. Even without getting the full blow, Acaisha had to cover her ears from the sound.

She stiffened as she heard the sound of flapping wings. She looked over her shoulder and her face turned a creepy shade of white.

The Xiaolin Dragons slapped their hands over their ears as Acaisha screamed at the top of her lungs. She ran across the lily pads as the flying mammals gave chase to her.

"What in tarnation's got Casi all wiled up?" Clay inquired as they watched her with clueless stares.

"Huh. Looks like a bad case of chiroptophobia to me," Dojo observed from the frightened Dragon of Lightning. When he got strange looks from the children, he further explained, "Yeah. Fear of bats."

"AAH!" Acaisha screamed out as she used the Third-Arm Sash to lift up a hat and hide under it.

"Haha! Scared of a bunch of bats! What a loser!" Jack grabbed his stomach in laughter.

"Eye of Dashi!"

Jack yelped when lightning struck at his lily pad and became quiet. Kimiko blew the smoke off of the Shen Gong Wu and put it away.

"Best mate! You cannot let the bats distract you! They cannot harm you!"

The bats, squeaking and swarming, circled and completely covered the hat Acaisha was under. The others looked apprehensively as Hocus lifted hat after hat. If he kept this up, he'd win the Bim-Bam Ram Ram for sure.

The bats began to disappear from the hat and the others gasped at the result. The hat was in shreds, completely destroyed, but no sign of Acaisha was there.

"Casi!" Kimiko yelled out. They all hung their heads in sadness of their lost comrade…that is, until-

"What's wrong, Kimi?"

They lifted their heads and gasped in happiness and surprise when the hat right off to their side lifted up slightly. Acaisha pushed it the rest of the way over and got to her feet.

"Casi! But-but we saw you get under that hat!" Acaisha shrugged at Raimundo's words.

"I thought I did, too! It's like this whole Showdown's just one big magic trick!"

Acaisha stopped, then rubbed her chin as she began to think, Hold on. It is a magic trick. Da always told me that magic tricks were only illusions. Illusions that make ya look in one place when the actual trick is being done in another. So, I should stop looking where I thought I saw the Bim-Bam Ram Ram being hidden…

"Uh, Casi? I know this is your first Showdown and all, but ya might wanna get your butt in gear!" Dojo yelled at the girl, making her smirk.

Acaisha shrugged, "Don't have to, Dojo. I already know where the Bim-Bam Ram Ram's at."

"Really, now?" Hocus chuckled cruelly as he tossed a hat to the side. "Well then, my child, produce it."

"Third-Arm Sash!" Acaisha cried out, using her Shen Gong Wu to go right for-

"HEY!" Clay cried out as his hat was taken from him. Acaisha held out her arms under the hat as the Third-Arm Sash shook it. The light brown helmet with the ram horns slid out of the hat and into her waiting grasp.

"Called it," Acaisha said with a grin.

"NOOO!" Wuya shrieked out, shaking her see-through fists in anger.

The Showdown ended and the scene turned back to normal. Acaisha smiled broadly as she held the Bim-Bam Ram Ram, Batwing Boomer, and Clay's hat.

"Woohoo! Nice one, Casi!" Kimiko congratulated as she was surrounded by her friends in celebration.

"Thanks, Kimi. Sorry about takin' yer hat, Clay. It was for a good cause, I swear," Acaisha laughed as Clay put his hat back on.

"I'll say," Raimundo set a hand on her shoulder. "That was awesome!"

"Best mate! You were mooost clever in the Showdown! Now we have the Batwing Boomer and the Bim-Bam Ram Ram!" Omi said with a large smile.

"You know what the strange thing is, though? I don' remembeh ever comin' here in the first place," Acaisha arched an eyebrow. Raimundo tensed as she got weird looks from the others, but relaxed when she suddenly smiled, "Oh, who cares?! I won my first Xiaolin Showdown!"

She wrapped her arms around Kimiko and Raimundo's shoulders with Omi catching the dropped Shen Gong Wu. Kimiko laughed as she said, "Well, I guess you really owe it all to Rai. He helped you get onto Dojo and everything."

Raimundo's eyes opened up wide and he nervously gulped when Acaisha tilted her head. She then shrugged her shoulders and patted Raimundo on the back, "Well, thanks, I guess."

"Hehe, no problem, Casi," he sheepishly responded, only to grunt when she gave a particularly hard pat on his back, throwing a blue blur out of his pockets.

Omi's eyebrows arched as he leaned down and picked up the item. They lowered as he turned to Raimundo and suspiciously asked, "Raimundo, why do you have the Slumbering Pipes?"

Everyone looked at his face, reading it like a book. They took Acaisha's words into consideration before they all came to the same conclusion.

"Rai, you didn't…" Kimiko started.

"Well, I'll be…" Clay crossed his arms.

Acaisha turned to look at her so-called, 'helper' and asked, "Rai, how did I get here?"

"Crud…" Raimundo shrunk down a bit. Man, he should've put the Slumbering Pipes back in the vault when he had the chance.

"Raimundo, your intentions were noble, but you should know better than to use a Shen Gong Wu on your fellow monks without knowing what it will do," Master Fung lightly scolded Raimundo, his head hanging down in shame.

The rest of the Dragons were sitting, with the exception of Acaisha, underneath the cherry blossom tree outside. Acaisha was bumping her volleyball, moving only occasionally to keep control over it.

"I know. I'm sorry, Master Fung, but Casi looked so exhausted. I just couldn't do nothing!"

"I understand, young monk, but it isn't I who you should be apologizing to."

Raimundo nodded and took a few steps towards Acaisha and sighed, "Casi, I'm sorry I dragged you into all of this. And nearly got us squeezed to death. And-"

"No need to apologize, Rai," Acaisha stopped him, her eyes not straying from the volleyball. "I forgive ya."

Raimundo brightened up and he lifted his head, "Really? No foolin'?"

Acaisha chuckled and nodded, "No hard feelings. I just have a few things ta say, first…"

"No problem. Lay'em on me," Raimundo coolly crossed his arms behind his head and smiled in contentment.

"As you wish," Acaisha smirked and caught the volleyball in her hands. "This is fer usin' the Slumberin' Pipes on me!"

"OOMPH!" Omi, Clay, and Kimiko cringed dramatically as Raimundo grunted, rubbing his sore stomach from the blow brought on by the volleyball. The white ball rolled back to its owner and she picked it up.

"This is fer usin' me to cover up fer yer lil' scheme!" she growled, lightly tossing the ball before punching the ball, landing another direct hit at his lower abdomen.

"I think you bruised my stomach…" Raimundo wheezed out, stumbling backwards until he hit the tree.

"Oh, I'm not done, yet," Acaisha narrowed her eyes as she approached him with long, almost threatening strides towards the Brazilian boy.

"Casi, don't end up doin' somethin' yer gonna regret," Clay warned her.

Raimundo gulped audibly as Acaisha stopped right in front of him. She grabbed onto his robes and pulled him forward…only to give him a light peck on the cheek.

"Huh?!" Raimundo looked up, feeling just as shocked as Clay and Kimiko looked.

"That was fer givin' me the beauty sleep I needed ta win my first Showdown," Acaisha explained as she walked away and picked up her volleyball. "Did ya see me before? I wouldn't've stood a chance in that Showdown. I can't just hear all of that and not forgive you."

She smiled a bit, seeing that Raimundo looked confused beyond belief. Kimiko smiled with her and asked, "So…you're gonna get to sleep early from now on?"

"If it means avoidin' Rai usin' them devil pipes on me again, oh yes," Acaisha nodded firmly, causing everyone else to laugh.