Himayura Hidekaz owns Hetalia.
Warning- May contain some racial slurs or "speaking the lord(s) name in vain." I don't mean to offend ANYONE! Thank you. APHAPHAPHAPH Alfred stared at the ocean, which was sparkling from the sun. Water was all he could see. He couldn't tell where he was safe from his master, and where he wasn't, when he could only see sparkling blue around him.

He saved his master from death, so now they were going to America, where Alfred was born, and safe. That didn't mean much, though. He still couldn't leave America, or Canada, without his master around.

He still had his collar on. It was going to stay on, until they reach the border between Mexico, and America. Ludwig- his master- wanted to be able to do whatever he wanted with Alfred until the very last minute.

He didn't even get permission to be outside of their little cabin, but honestly doubted that his master would even care. Though, depending on Ludwig's mood, chances are, he will still get "punished," purely for his master's pleasure.

Strong arms wrapped around his waist, making him whimper. "You didn't tell me that you would be out here." Lips pressed against the back of his neck. Alfred could feel Ludwig's breath against his ear.

"I'm sorry. I thought that you wouldn't mind." Alfred didn't need to come up with his excuse. The words came out of his mouth almost thoughtlessly.

"Well, I WAS kind of annoyed when I couldn't find you right away. Should I punish you? What do you think?"

Alfred gritted his teeth. 'As if I actually have a choice.' His face was flushed red when he felt a well hydrated tongue run against his neck. "N-Not out here..."

Ludwig raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong? You've had sex in public a few times before."

"Just don't. 'N-Not out here. Please? I don't want to get thrown overboard for having sex on it." He could feel Ludwig chuckling against him.

"Then let's go into our room." Ludwig took Alfred's wrist, and started walking away.

The room was small. There was barely any floor room with the twin-sized bed taking over most of it. Alfred sat on the bed and waited on Ludwig's orders.

Ludwig ran his hand through Alfred's hair. Alfred tensed up. "You are my pet, and nothing will change that. I won't let anything change that." He pushed Alfred on his back.

"You can't touch me in America without my consent, though. 'Not legally, anyway."

Ludwig smirked, to Alfred's surprise. "That's why we have to spend as much time together like this, as possible. I'll be around still, but I think you already know that. I still want to see my brother, after all."

Alfred gritted his teeth, again. "I probably won't even be living with Matthew, once I re-apply and enroll in school. Since the dorms are right there."

"I won't be living with them, though. I'll be staying at a hotel, until I can find a house close to where your brother's living." He started nipping at Alfred's neck.

"Sh-Shouldn't I take my clothes off?" He wasn't sure why he suggested that he does that. He wanted to get the large man off of him, though he knew that getting nude would just get Ludwig on top of him even sooner. But, if he could get Ludwig off of him, only for a moment...

"Will you suck me off, while you're at it? I would suggest it, if you want any kind of lubrication."

Alfred closed his eyes to think about it for a second. He sighed. "Fine... Just... Get off of me, please."

Ludwig sat up, so Alfred could get off of the bed and undress himself. "You can fish out my cock yourself."

Alfred nodded, and dropped to his knees. He moved in between Ludwig's legs, and started to unbutton his pants. He was already a little hard. He started stroking it to full hardness.

Ludwig held the back of Alfred's head. "Use your mouth, Alfred. Get it wet for your tight little hole."

Alfred was reluctant. He licked it from bottom, to the tip of the head. He flicked his tongue against the slit. His head was pushed down. His mouth slid over the head, and he started sucking. He heard Ludwig moaning above him. That discouraged him to continue. Though, the hand was still in his hair, and he still wasn't safe to disobey his master, yet.

The hand was pulled back, eventually. He didn't need to be told what to do, next. He crawled back onto the bed, with his chest against it. Ludwig loomed over his body.

"Good boy." He started sliding inside of Alfred, without warning. Alfred's face scrunched up. He grabbed two hands full of the sheets under him. He screamed in pain. He tried kicking around in pain, while Ludwig waited.

Alfred calmed down in a matter of seconds. Doing this with Ludwig still hurt him. He was glad that Ludwig would wait for him to get used to his length, before moving his hips.

"I'm going to miss this... I'll tell you where I end up living, though, so you can visit any time you want."

'Yeah, right...' Alfred thought, but his only response to Ludwig was a groan. 'I would rather have him stay as far away from me...' He moaned, and his body shivered. 'I can't wait for my life to... Well, at least I can be in school, and I'll see my friends, and family, agai-' "O-Oh God!" Alfred moaned. 'No more... No more of this, either... No more...'
APHAPHAPH I didn't know what to write for the prologue, so I wrote this.
I'm twenty-one, now~! 'Still can't drink, but at least I use my birthday money to have Germany hugging my boobs, with plenty of money left over.
My boyfriend beats him up, (riiiiiight) so I tell him that "Germany likes it rough, so he continues, FOR SOME REASOOOOON.