Yello amigos! So this chapter contains A LOT of characters and has references to my other stories in it! In case you want to read those I'll put the names of the stories at the bottom of this chapter and you can look at this if you want.

Anyways there are also some OCs mentioned and those are:





But ANYWAY onward with the story

Chapter Six: Surprise!

"Ve~ my feet are killing me," Feliciano mumbled from where he sat on one of the beauty shop's beige chairs, one of the other employees was giving him a foot rub as he massage his pregnant belly and "ve~"ed.

"You've done this, like, a billion times!" the Pol said from where he sat at the receptionist's desk, he was technically working after all.

"Actuarry it has been five times, Feriks-san," Kiku –who sat to the left of the Italian and was also getting his feet rubbed –said looking up from his magazine, face impassive, "And berieve me when I say that this isn't as bad as carrying twins."

"That was horrible, ve~!" he cried tears appearing at the corners of his eyes, "I love mi bambinas but carry them was-was-wa- OH I SOUND SO HORRIBLE! I'M A BAD MADRE!" At that point Feli started sobbing, scaring the poor employee.

"Oh you're not a bad mother, Feliciano!" Arthur said, he was having his hair cut, "You're wonderful. I cannot begin to tell you how helpful Matteo has been with this whole…pregnancy." He was referring to his son, Matthew, and the scandal that basically everyone knew at this point.

"R-Really?" he sniffled, rubbing his eyes with his fists.

"Yeah! I mean, Peter and Dante are friends!" Tino said referring to his own son, he sat across from Feliciano but was getting his fingers and toes painted like the Swedish flag, "Peter talks about him all the time! And they're always playing together, you and Ludwig are amazing parents so don't cry!"

"Tino, he's just being emotional," Lukas said looking up from his book and turning to look to his left, where the Finn sat, both of which were getting their toes done but Tino was the only one of the two Nordics getting his fingers done, "It's the hormones, don't get yourself upset over it."

"Don't give me that, Lukas," his friend snapped, "Just because my cousin proposed to you doesn't mean you know anything. You haven't been pregnant so you don't know what you're talking about."

"Everybody needs to, like, totally calm down!" the Pole shouted above growing noise in his salon. All the occupants immediately silenced in fear of being kicked out. "Now, like, to get two things straight," Feliks continued with a saucy hair flip, picking up his nail file, "Feliciano you're, like, a super fab mommy and Tino, Lukas you guys need to, like, take a chill pill or get, like, seriously laid. Tino, I know for, like, a fact that your Swedish hubby totally fucks you all the fucking time and gives you, like, super amazing massages which is, like, totally the reason why you refuse to let my super amazing employees do it. But, if you, like, ask me then I say you should totally get one here and that way you can have, like, awesome sex with Berwald later. Just saying. And Lukas, you need to, like, calm it down. You just got purposed to you need to totally take a deep breath and go to your happy place."

Feliciano "ve~"ed, Tino blushed and Lukas humphed.

"Anyways," Feliks breathed with a smile as he began to file his long nails down to a manageable length, "Kiku, like, tell me how's your life been?"

The Japanese man blushed, tucking his hair behind his ear. "Everything is arright," he said shyly, "S-Sadiq-kun and Hera-chan got in another fight…Kaya threw a water grass at his head…"

"Ve~ why would she do that?" Feli asked, "Couldn't he have gotten hurt?"

"はい," he sighed, rubbing his temples, "He had to go get stitches…and Kaya is grounded…it happened right in front of Jason too."

"Oh my God! He didn't get hurt did he?!" Tino exclaimed looking horrified.

Kiku shook his head.

"Good God, kids these days," Arthur sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Alfred is one of Sadiq's friends too…I think…"

The Pole looked glanced down mournfully at his flat stomach, clad in a leopard print sheath dress, his pink toes peeking out of his black heels. He still hadn't shown any signs of being pregnant, even though it had been a week since Toris shown him his back. But he would let things go at their own pace, he would wait. The ringing of the salon's bell drew Feliks's attention and he looked up towards the front. Who entered made his eyebrow rise.

It was Yao Wang, Ivan's husband, wearing a black trench coat, dark skinny jeans, grey Uggs and his dark brown hair was pulled back in a messy braid.

"Yao?" Feliks said with a slight smile that was returned with an embarrassed smile from the China man, "What can I, like, help you with?"

"Uhm, I was hoping I could get a haircut and a m-manicure, aru?" he said shifting his weight awkwardly. It was awkward for both males, both knowing what Ivan had done to Toris and his other ex-lackies, but they didn't really hate each other. Actually, Feliks quite liked the older male and Yao liked Feliks even though they couldn't truly be friends.

"Sure, totally!" the Pole said excitedly, placing his hands on his keyboard, "I just need your name –but I already, like, got that –and, like, your nu-."

He stopped midsentence, feeling a bubbling in his stomach. He put a hand over his mouth, the acidy thick feeling of vomit rising in his throat, without saying another word he stood up and ran to the washroom. Once he got there, he knelt on the ground, held back his hair and vomited into the toilet.

"Fe-Feliks?" Yao stammered, knocking on the open door frame, "Are you alright, aru?"

Shaking, the blonde nodded only to throw up again.

"Have you eaten anything weird? Do you need some stomach medicine?"

As he vomited, Feliks went over everything he had eaten in the past twenty four hours. It was all stuff he had eaten before and most of it he had either made or it had come from his own house so he knew it wasn't spoiled. "N-No…" he whispered gladly accepting the paper towel the brunette handed him, he wiped his mouth even as his hands shook, "I've eaten all the food before…and it wasn't bad…" Suddenly it hit him. I was sick for no reason… "Yao," he looked up at the Asian and started to cry, hiding his face in his hands.

"Feliks?!" Yao exclaimed dropping to his knees and hugging the younger male close, rubbing his back in an attempt to comfort him, "Feliks? Tell me what's wrong. It's probably nothing; you shouldn't worry about it too much…"

"N-No," the Pole said shaking his head vigorously, finally looking up at him and smiling. He didn't care that tears soaked his face and his makeup was running, he smiled and laughed and practically squeezed the air out of the brunette's lungs. "Yao," Feliks sniffled finally pulling away to wipe his eyes, "Yao, I got sick for no reason! Do you, like, know what this could, like, mean?!"

His eyes widened, a smile finally spreading across his face as he, too, realized what this could mean. "Feliks… are you saying-?"

The blonde nodded, giggling and hiccupping. "I could finally be, like, pregnant!" Feliks exclaimed before leaning over to throw up in the toilet again.

Ok….I KNOW that was really short but this is kinda a filler chapter I guess….but…whatever

Once again I'm sorry with how crappy I am at updating…you guys still love me though…right? RIGHT?!

I love you, I love you, I love you
