A/N: See? I didn't take too long this time. Here's the final chapter. I got carried away with it so there's plenty to read. Enjoy!

Chapter 16: Virginia is for Lovers. Or is it?

Neither expected to spend the entire day together but it happened. Shortly after the movers left, Olivia gave him a tour of her home. Jake loved seeing how excited Olivia got with each room she showed him. Giving him a brief description of the decoration plans she had in mind as well. It was a challenge to stay focus on what she was sharing with him though. Not because he thought they were uninteresting but because he just couldn't stop picturing how their lives would be this house. One he hoped they still had a chance to have.

After Olivia showed him everything imaginable, Jake made his next move by volunteering to help her unpack. This time around she accepted his offer without any hesitation. They spent roughly four hours unpacking and several topics were talked about. However, the status of their relationship was never brought up. Both wanted to discuss it but neither wanting to be the first to bring it up.

When Olivia called it quits for the day, it was a little after eight.

"I think that'll be enough for today," Olivia announced as she looked around the living room. They accomplished a lot in one day, compared to if she did it all herself. So the least she could do at this point was offer him dinner. "Thanks again for your help."

Jake finished flattening the box he recently emptied. "No problem. If you need any help in the future, just let me know."

"I will. Are you in rush to get back home?"

"Not at all," Jake replied, wondering what she had in mind.

"Would you like to stick around for dinner? I was going to buy some groceries and order some Chinese food. Unless you wanted to go somewhere to sit down and eat."

"I would love to. And take out is fine. It'll be like old times."

Olivia gave him a small smile. "Yeah, like old times."

An hour and a half later, they sat at the dinner room table eating dinner. Olivia was on the phone with Cyrus, confirming the time she would pick Ella up tomorrow.

Jake just thought about what he wanted to ask her when she got off the phone. He just needed to know where she stood with Fitz. He knew that it should not be a concern of his if he wanted Olivia back. But his mind would not be at ease if he didn't ask.

"Sorry again about that," Olivia said as she hung up the phone.

"It's fine." He decided to hold off a few minutes before changing topic.

"Have you talked to Fitz lately?" he finally asked.

"Why do you want to know?" She questioned in an even tone. Although she could not believe that Jake was questioning her about this.

"I know you two are friends. I was just wondering if you were still keeping in touch with him." Jake didn't mean to be that straightforward. And from the look Olivia had on her face let him know she wasn't too fond of what he just said.

Olivia sat her fork down and thought over her words carefully before she responded.

"No, I haven't. In fact, I haven't spoken to him in two months. Two days after you and I broke up to be exact."

Jake suddenly felt like an ass in that moment. He should have never brought it up in the first place. But the slight insecurity he felt at times when it came to Olivia reared its ugly head at the wrong time. He took a swig of his beer before saying, "Ok."

Olivia was going to let it go but she couldn't. "Actually, it's not ok. The fact that you thought I would get back with Fitz after we went our separate ways is insulting."

"I never said I thought you got back with him," Jake countered. He really didn't want to argue with her. Not after the day they had together.

"You didn't have to say it. But just so you know. I only called him to tell him that whatever we had or what he hoped we would have again was over. That the relationship we once had was special and exhilarating but it's not what I want or need anymore. The grand gesture of him divorcing Mellie to be with me was nice. But it's a little too late to try and be together again. However, we both know how Fitz can get. He didn't understand where I was coming from. So I had to inform him of what he did to me all those years ago. How I let him convince me to wait on him, yet again, and it backfired. And guess what he told me when he decided that he no longer wanted me," Olivia asked rhetorically. "He told me that marrying his mistress would be political suicide."

"Olivia… "Jake interjected but stopped when she held up her hand.

"No! I want you to hear what I have to say because I haven't even gotten to the best part yet."

Jake gave up and leaned back in his chair.

"I still remained hopeful like any woman who foolishly loved the wrong man. But I received a cold dose of reality on one faithful day, Olivia said sarcastically. "After he conveniently screwed me in the electrical closet following our goddaughter's christening, he told me how he really felt. That he may not be able to control his erections around me but it didn't mean he wanted me."

The amount of anger Jake felt igniting inside of him made him develop a hatred for Fitz. Fitz was always his least favorite person. But now, Jake wanted to rearrange his face or do something more permanent.

"So, no. I did not run back to him. Oddly enough, it's not because of his hurtful words or actions that will keep Fitz and I apart indefinitely. It's the fact I'm still in love with you. I. Want. You. And because of that I can't imagine being with anyone else." Olivia fought the urge to cry by closing her eyes and let out a breath. When she reopened her eyes she stood up, purposely avoiding eye contact with him. "I hope that answers your question," Olivia said before rushing out of the room, leaving Jake with his thoughts.

Jake was surprised to see Olivia's bedroom door still opened when he reached her room. "I don't care about the past or our mistakes. I only care about spending the rest of my life with you." But instead of Jake saying those words to her, he just leaned against the doorframe and rested his head on it. He watched her for a bit. Taking in the way she was laid across her bed, on her back with her arm covering her eyes. Completely unaware that he was staring at her.

"Can we talk about us now?" he finally asked, cautiously. A moment or two passed by before he got an answer.

"I apologize for snapping at you."

Jake stood up straight, truly thankful that she wasn't telling him to get out of her house. "Don't worry about it. I deserved it for asking something that stupid."

Olivia moved her arm and turned her head in his direction. "That's still no reason for me to be rude about it."

"It was within reason so it's fine."

They both fell silent after that but they keep their eyes on each other. Saving their relationship was the only thing on both of their minds but neither knew how to talk about it. A minute later, Olivia sat up and motioned for Jake to sit next to her.

Jake made his way over to her and lowered himself onto the bed. He decided that it was best for him to start this conversation. After all, it was his choice to help an old friend that put their downfall into motion. At least that's how he felt anyway.

"Believe it or not, the last two months has been an emotional hell for me."

"You and I both," Olivia confessed. "I really wished you gave us a chance to fix things before leaving for good."

"I could say the same about you, in a way." Jake looked over at Olivia and she did the same in return. "When you found out what I did, you completely shut me out."

"I didn't know what else to do in that moment. We're planning our future together one day and then the next, my nemesis comes telling me what you did. I understand why you did it but what I really had a problem with is that you kept the truth from me. If you told me in the beginning, I probably would have been more forgiving because being honest was more important than anything."

"You know I feel the same way about honest. But how could I tell you something like that? I was being deceitful, twice." I didn't want to hurt or disappoint you. Jake broke away from their eye contact and stared at the wall. "I mainly kept my mouth shut because I didn't want to lose you."

"So what changed between then and now? Why did you walk away without a second thought when I made my mistake?"

"I really didn't want to leave but I felt like I needed to. I didn't want to come to your apartment and be reminded of what you two did. Or worry about if I screwed up again would you run to him. Even worse than that, you telling me one day that you want to work things out with him. Jake shook his head at his own thoughts. "It's just hard to explain, Olivia."

Olivia took his face into her hands, making him look at her. "Jake I need you to understand what I'm about to tell you. Ok?"

"Ok, I'm listening."

"If I wanted to be with Fitz, I would have been with him. Yes, there was a time that I wanted to fix things with him. But that was before you and I got together. Since then, there was never a day I wanted to go back to him. Not once. And I know my actions made you think differently. What I did to you still hurts me to my soul. I wish every day that I didn't do something so reckless because it's the only reason we aren't together."

"No, I'm the reason for that. I should have never walked away from you. When I proposed, I was already committing to be with you through it all. So I was supposed to stay and fix it. That's why I really came to see you today. I want us again. Whatever has happened or may happen doesn't matter. I just need you to forgive me so I can be your man again.

Olivia smiled when he said that. It reminded her of why she was deeply in love with him.

"I've forgiven you a long time ago," she told him honestly. "Do you think you can forgive me?"

"Absolutely." Jake wasted no time kissing her after that. It felt amazing to finally let her know he was still very much in love with her. But he soon felt himself getting carried away. He already had Olivia on her back with his hand under her sweater, massaging her breast. Jake pulled back a bit, not wanting to push his luck too much. "I don't want to rush back into things if that's not what you want."

"Are you kidding me? I made a way for you to come to my house today. We finally talked everything out and have forgiven each other. And it's clear that we've been without each other, in more ways than one, for too long. So Jacob Robert Ballard, if you don't…"

He silenced her with a kiss before she could finish her statement. Olivia threw her arms around his shoulder before sliding her tongue through his lips. He kissed her slow and passionately, just the way she liked it. Not breaking away until it was a must that they needed air to breathe properly.

"Was that what you wanted?" Jake asked with a faint smirk.

"Mmmhmm," Olivia hummned staring at his lips. Thinking about how she wanted to be on top very soon. "I want more of it," she said, referring to his kisses.

As if Jake could read her mind, he wrapped an arm around her and changed positions with her. He expected her to initiate their kiss this time. But instead she sat straight up and reached for his belt.

However, Olivia didn't unbuckle it. She just rested her hands there. "You're kinda cute when you get all flustered over me," she stated looking down at him.

Jake locked his fingers behind head, thoroughly enjoying his view of Olivia on top of him like this. They weren't even naked yet and he was getting turned on. "Well, you're the only woman that's capable of doing that to me."

"Oh, I like the sound of that." She took his belt off and threw it on the floor. Knowing that Jake loved admiring her body, her sweater came off next. Then she reached for the hooks of her bra to remove it. The bulge she began to feel pressed against her bottom was the response she was wanting from him.

"Lose the shirt Ballard," was all she said and Jake did what she instructed. She leaned forward until her chest was pressed against his. Then she took her time leaving tender kisses from his shoulder to his neck up to the spot below his earlobe. Jake's hands ran up and down her back as she gave the opposite side of his body the same treatment. Her lips soon found his again. Their kiss deepened in seconds, causing Jake to reach in between their bodies to unbutton her jeans.

Olivia was sucking on his bottom lip when she felt his middle finger started to rub against her clit. She eventually stopped what she was doing so she could fully enjoy what he was doing. The longer he went, the wetter she got. When Jake got tired of their clothes standing in the way of them pleasuring each other, he removed his hand and placed her on the bed. He stood up to take the rest of his clothes off. But before he got a chance to do the same to her, Olivia had grabbed his cock and began to stroke him. All Jake could was close his eyes, anticipating what he knew was coming next. And when that moment did come, Jake let out a moan which was like music to Olivia's ears. Her hand was sill as she pleased his cock with just her mouth and tongue. The goal wasn't to bring him to his release but instead to get him to a point that she was satisfied with. When Jake ran a hand into her hair and started to moan more frequently, Olivia released his cock, much to Jake's disappointment. He looked down at her and all he got was a seductive smile and a wink.

Olivia quickly made her way to the middle of the bed, Jake playfully chased after her. She let out a squeal when he reached her and pulled her to him immediately.

"I'm going to get you for that," Jake flirted.

Olivia wrapped her arm and leg around him. "I was hoping you do," she whispered back.

Jake finally entered her after kissing her a bit. He then slid his right hand in between their bodies to play with her breast. Olivia moaned and lifted her leg a little higher, letting Jake hit her spot a little deeper. He broke their kiss shortly after that when she tightened her hold on him. Her eyes were close but it was the faces she made when his thrusts increased slightly in speed he enjoyed the most. Olivia began to rock her hips against his, both letting out a series of moans from mutual please. It wasn't long before Jake placed his hands on her bottom and rolled her over onto her back. Then he locked his fingers with hers before pinning her hands down above her head. Olivia wrapped her legs around his body as high as she could.

Jake grinded into her as hard as he could with a faster pace than before, making Olivia moan louder. Lowering his head, he kissed her with intensity. It eventually became enough to make them both come at the same time.

Olivia moved her legs from around him after she recovered a bit from the sensation that she longed for washed over her. Jake took her lead by releasing her hands and moving to lie next to her. Olivia snuggled into him, their eyes closing almost immediately. But neither of them slept. Their minds were occupied with thoughts of each of and enjoying how amazing it felt to be in each other's arms again.

"Olivia?" Jake called out to her twenty minutes later.

She lifted her head and smiled at him. "How can I help you, sir?"

"Do you still have your engagement ring?"

"Of course. It's in my jewelry box."

"Perfect." He kissed her forehead and quickly got out of the bed.

"I was comfortable you know," Olivia said with a chuckle as she sat up.

"So was I, he replied with a grin before putting his boxer briefs on. He walked over to where her jewelry box sat on top of her dresser.

Olivia thought about telling him exactly where it was to save him time but she was enjoying the view of him in his boxer briefs.

"Found it!" He turned around and a wide smile came to his face.

Olivia got out of bed. "How do I look in your shirt?" She asked as she made her way over to him

"Sexy. As always. He gave her kiss when she got to him. Then he got down on one knee.

And just like before, Olivia felt the butterflies in her stomach and the tears welling up in her eyes.

"I mentioned earlier that you were the only woman to ever get me flustered over them. I really meant that and here's why. I've never been in love with a woman like the way I am with you. Your conditional love and support allows me to be a better man every day. It gives me strength when I'm weak, hope when I'm doubtful and a sense a peace when I feel lost. Words really can't explain how much I love you. I also continue to be blown away by the strong, intelligent, beautiful and fearless woman that you are. And I'm grateful to have a woman like you by my side. So if you accept my proposal again, which I assume you will," Jake said with a little laugh. "I promise to spend the rest of my days showing you how much I appreciate having you in my life."

Olivia wiped a few tears away. "Jake, words can't express how bless I feel to have you in my life again. I took you for granted once but I promise to never do that again. I will also spend the rest of my days showing my appreciation for you. Even when I'm hormonal during my future pregnancy," Olivia said with a grin.

"Pregnancies," Jake playfully corrected her.

Olivia giggled. "Yes. Pregnancies.

"Great. With that said." Jake opened the little black box, presenting her with the ring he was more than ready to place on her finger again. "Olivia Carolyn Pope, will you please marry me?"

More tears came but it didn't keep her from answering immediately. "Absolutely yes!"

Jake slid the custom made diamond ring back onto left ring finger, where it always belonged. When he got to his feet, Olivia threw her arms around him and kissed him. Everything was finally backed to the way it was suppose to be. It felt like their relationship picked up where it left off at. But this time around their love, trust, and faith in each other was stronger. Their connection became deeper. They truly could not wait to start their life together.

When they finished their kiss, Olivia rubbed the back of his neck as he admired her.

"I love you, Olivia," Jake said, unable to contain the happiness he felt.

She smiled and pulled his head down to hers so their foreheads can touch. "I love you too, Jacob." Then she kissed her soon to be husband once again.

A/N: Well, that's it. I tried my best to tie up all the loose ends, which wasn't much. I hope that this chapter was what you wanted. I'm sad to see this story end. I really enjoyed writing and sharing it with you all. With that being said, thank you for sticking with this story until the end and for the reviews, favorites, and follows.

I can't close out this story out without giving a special thanks to those who has given me encouraging words and unconditional support throughout this story. Without them, a lot of times some chapter would not have gotten finished. So to bk-1205, Olake4theWin, LoyaltyandLove, YlolamarieD, and my other friends Koko, Saffie, and Beatriz I truly appreciate you ladies. Thank you again for everything.