Sorry! Haven't been active due to my Flashdrive going MIA.

Okay! Here's a new mini story I wanted to read after reading a DJ of KHR.

I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn or it's characters!

I'll update sooner!

Please Enjoy and Review, Fave, Follow!


Chapter 1: Here from Ten years ago?!

A somewhat 'normal' day at Nanimori Middle School, during lunch… Tsuna and the others sat on the roof of the school, eating their lunch.

"Gyahahahahahahaha!" Lambo laughed loudly as he held out the purple bazooka, "Yatta~! Lambo-san fixed it!" He yelled waving it around.

"Lambo wrong! Gianni fixed it!" I-pin corrected.

"No! Lambo-san fixed it!"

"Now, now, you two, don't fight," Tsuna told them.

"That's right, Lambo-kun, I-pin-chan." Mikasa said, squatting down to them, "You shouldn't fight, and Lambo-kun, you shouldn't be carrying around a toy that big. Someone can get hurt."

Lambo let out another laugh, "Don't worry, because Lambo-san has it!"

"That's why we're worried!" Tsuna yelled.

"Maa, Maa, Sawada-san…" Mikasa tried to calm down.

Near the commotion, Kirigiri Natsume laid on the ground with reading through a book. Letting out a small sigh, She sat up and turned the group.

"How lively," She said with a smile, brushing back her light brown hair, "Maa, it wouldn't hurt to lower the volume once in a while…" She closed her book and leaned against the fence wall. "Speaking of once in a while…" She turned to the Prefect sitting beside her, "It's rare for you to be here while there's a crowd." She smirked, "Kyouya,"

"Hn." He grunted.

"If you're not here to nap, what are you doing here?"

"I find no reason to answer you."

Natsume sighed deeply as she opened her book again, "Mou, if you keep that attitude up, you'll never get a girl to like you, betwetter," She muttered. Hibari's eyes narrowed.

"Did you say something?"

"Yeah, I said, 'If you keep that attitude up, you'll never get a girl to like you." She looked up at him with a cheeky grin, "Is there a problem, Betwetter Kyouya?" She asked in a taunting voice. Hibari glared at her.




Immediately, Natsume jumped up and away from Hibari, dodging his tonfas; her book, still open in her hand.

"It's rude to hit a girl, Bed-"

Natsume was cut off as she dodged another attack from the prefect. Sliding back, the book in her hand scattered in to small pieces.

"Ara ara," She said as dropped the remains, "You shouldn't destroy books like that, bed-" Natsume was cut off again by Hibari, as she blocked his tonfa, with one arm.

Their small fight already caught the attention of the others. Mikasa watched in worry as she sighed at her sister.

Natsume looked at Hibari and sighed, "I see, you're mad about the nickname." She pushed back his arm and shook her head, "What? It's true. When you were a kid you-" Hibari charged at her again, swinging nonstop. This time, Natsume glared back at him, "Will you stop cutting me off!" She yelled as she kept dodging.

"Mou!" A sudden voice yelled out. The two halted their movement and turned to the silver blonde hair girl with blue eyes, who had her hands on her hip like a mother would when scolding a child, "Stop fighting you two, you're a bad influence on I-pin-chan and Lambo-kun," Mikasa scolded.

Hibari's glare was then directed towards her, "If you get in the way, I'll bite you to death…"

"Oi, don't bully my younger sister, bed-" Hibari glared at her, but Natsume glared back.

"Stop it." Mikasa sighed, "Mou, why can't you two deal things peace…" she muttered, "You're both-"

Mikasa stopped herself finding her sister and Hibari resuming their fight.

"Are you ignoring me?!"

Natsume made quick and short movements as she kept dodging Hibari's movements. She had no intentions of hitting him.

"How long are you going to be running?"

"Until I think you're worthy to punch." She replied.


Natsume smirked, "Think about it, you never had been able to land a hit on me yet. It means you still have a long way to go, Kyouya."

The prefect's glare sharpened even more at the girl, "You speak too much." Hibari stepped forward aiming right at her stomach, when-


Lambo's bazooka went off, hitting Hibari. Everyone's eyes widen as they froze in their place.

"Hiii~! Hibari-san got hit!" Tsuna yelled in fear of meeting the Ten year later Hibari.

"It's not Lambo-san's fault!" Lambo cried.


Natsume stood in front of the smoke looking for the figure in there, but the smoke vanished without the older male in sight.


There was a small tug on her shirt and Natsume turned to her gaze to the small hand grabbing on to the end of her shirt. Her eyes widened as she stared a young boy, with black hair wiping away some tears from his large grey eyes. He looked up with his still teary eyes to meet her gaze.


"Ara ara," Mikasa gasped.

"No way…"

"Hm? Who's the kid and where did Hibari go?" Yamamoto asked.

Everyone 's eyes were on the young Hibari in front of them.

"Hibari-san turned in to a kid?!" Tsuna yelled, "Why? I thought-"

"Sawada, calm down. You're annoying." Natsume muttered.

"Don't speak to the tenth like that, Woman!" Gokudera yelled at her.

"You too, shut up." She retorted back with annoyance.

"Maa, maa, please don't fight." Mikasa spoke trying to calm her sister down.

"B-b-b-b-b-but! How did this happen?" Tsuna asked.

"Hm…" Natsume leaned on to one side holding her chin as she thought. After a few seconds, she turned to Tsuna, "How the hell should I know?" She bluntly said.


"Calm down, Dame-Tsuna,"

Natsume and Tsuna looked up to the small infant on the fence.

"Reborn! What's going on?!"

"He's probably Hibari from the past." He replied.

"From the past?"

"Gianni really did something interesting this time."

"We need to get Hibari-san back!"

"Don't worry, he should be back in a few seconds."

All attention turned back to the young boy; everyone stared waiting for the puff of smoke, but nothing came up.


"It's been over five minutes," Mikasa mentioned.

"What's going on, Re-" Tsuna looked back to find the him gone, "He ran!"

Immediately, everything went in to panic.

"W-w-w-w-what should we do?!"

"Lunch is going to end."

"Tenth, calm down!"

"Hahahahaha! Why are you freaking out so much, Tsuna?"

"It's not Lambo-san's fault!"


Natsume deeply sighed and face palmed, "Geez."

"uu-" a small whimper came out. Natsume looked down to see the little Hibari sniffling and wiping his face. Natsume squatted down and patted his head slowly.

"Kora," she said, "Don't cry, you're a boy, aren't you?" She said with a soft smile. She continued to pat his head slowly as she talk to him, "Can you tell me how old you are?" she asked as she wiped away some of his tears.

"F-five…" He whispered to her.

"Five? Really?" Hibari nodded once, "What is the last thing you remember before coming here?"

"I was playing hide and go seek in the woods."

"With who?"

He looked up at Natsume and pointed right at her, "With Natsume." her eyes widened.


His grip on her shirt tightened and he looked down at the ground.

"Well that's settled," Reborn cut in to the conversation. Natsume jumped and turned to the small baby, "Natsume, you'll be taking care of Hibari."

"When did you get- wait- hah?!" Natsume exclaimed, "Why me?"

"You two are childhood friends."

"I know! But-!"

"We can't send him home like this."

Natsume turned to Hibari, "I know…" She turned back to Reborn to find him gone again, "Gah-he ran again!"