
(Chapter 14)


If Carlisle had asked me back in 1920 where I saw my life going, I would have never thought that I could end up here. On the eve of my wedding, about to wed the woman of my dreams.

It has been a long couple of months since I finally asked Bella to marry me. Alice has been hounding me nonstop about details like: what color the cake should be, where to go for a honeymoon, who should oversee the marriage and who to invite. Bella wanted almost nothing to do with the planning. She says that she would much prefer if I just planned it and she just had to show up. It's a bit awkward this way if you ask me, but who am I to deny her anything?

Jasper and Emmett came by and got me 3 days ago. Apparently Alice has some strange idea that both Bella and I can handle being separated for days on end. It's been almost unbearable to endure.

Jasper's thoughts intruded on my quiet musings. Don't worry Edward, just two more hours before you get to see each other again.

"Kinda makes you wonder who can read minds, huh Jaz?" I replied with a smirk.

"Haha, I'm just saying that you don't have much longer to be anxious."

"Alice will make sure she's ready in plenty of time. Isn't that right Jasper?" Emmett said, joining the conversation while clapping Jasper on the back.

"I know she will. I've just gone so much of my life already without her that I can't wait until we can be officially married and can start the rest of forever," I earned wide grins from each of my brothers after that, "Alice better not be picking on her though. This is Bella's and my big day," I eyed Jasper until he got a text.

"It's Alice."

"Of course it is, just tell me what she said this time."

"'Don't worry about Bella, she's amazing, she just can't wait to see you,'" I smiled at the hearing news of my love.

"Let's head back so that we can help set up and get ready for my wedding," I told them as I started the race back home.


Alice and Rose have been primping and prodding my skin to make me look as amazing as possible on this, my wedding day. I've honestly been avoiding this ever since Edward asked me. Not because I don't love him, or I'm scared, just because I know how unstoppable of a force Alice can be when she's planning a big event like mine and Edward's wedding.

There were only three things I knew for certain: my previous family, the Volturi are hosting my wedding, Alice and Rosalie have made it their job to make me look amazing today, and finally I only have two painful hours left to endure before I will be walking down the aisle toward Edward and my future.

(Two hours later)

My old garden was stunning as I gazed off the balcony that overlooked where the processional was to be commence. Alice would kill me if she knew that I Aro had brought me to see how beautiful everything looked with the sun shining down upon the gazebo where Edward would soon be waiting for me.

There were hundreds of vampires seated in white chairs that lined into rows, parting only for the extravagant aisle I would be walking down in mere minutes. Edward had chosen wonderfully when he decided the colors for our wedding. Cobalt blue and Yellow ribbons were strewn all around the chairs, fountains and benches as a dull roar hit my ears from everyone talking at once.

Sure, I could pay attention to certain conversations if I wanted to, I mean, I'm a vampire right?! But, the only thing that I could seem to catch was Carlisle, who was portraying Edward's best man, talking to who I presumed to be Edward. They were discussing how much longer it would be until I would be walking down said aisle.

"It looks like I'm not the only one who's anxious to see my better half. Although, Edward thinks that his is me, the truth is, it's him for me."

"It's almost time my dear, we should probably get you out of sight before Edward takes the stage and Alice rips my throat out," Aro chuckled to me. He was filling in for Charlie by walking me down the aisle.

To be honest, I did wish that Charlie could be here today, but I understand that it's impossible with him being dead for the past three-hundred years. Still, a girl can wish right?

Aro was being a great help though really, he was being supportive yet still allowing me my space and letting me enjoy my big day.

I started hyperventilating once Alice, Rose and Jane had walked ahead of me. I wasn't nervous per se, I just wanted this whole ceremony to be over so that I could have some quality time with my new husband.

"We're up darling," Aro stage whispered to me.

Everything seemed to move so fast yet so painstakingly slow at the same time as I walked toward my future. The flowers were perfect, the dress perfect, and the sun blazing over the white gazebo.

When I made eye contact with Edward I couldn't look away. All I could think about was him. The way he looked in his ash gray suit, the way his golden eyes seemed to sparkle with unshed happy tears, and the way that he couldn't seem to look away from me. It was like we were having our own intimate moment the entire time that I barely seemed to catch the small details.

I noticed when Aro kissed my cheek and slipped my hand into Edward's.

I noticed the way that my dead heart hummed when I finally got to where I wanted to be. Edward's presence always brought out the best in me.

Edward had to nudge me when the time came to say I do.

When Edward's time rolled around, he pronounced his "I do" with pride and confidence that rivalled even Caius when he was administering justice.

"Con l'autorità conferitami, io vi dichiaro marito e moglie. Ora si può baciare la sposa ".

Which was followed afterwards with the most electrifying kiss I had ever shared with anyone in my life. It was passionate and intense and was over way to fast.

The ceremony quickly moved to the after party where we took turns shoving cake in each other's faces while being watched closely by people with cameras. They were so good at their job that you would think that they were Italian paparazzi.

We then moved to our first dance as husband and wife before switching partners. I danced with Edward, Carlisle, Aro, Caius, Marcus and Alec as well as Elezar and all of the male friends of Edward and the Cullens.

I ended the night where I wish to always remain: in Edward's comforting arms as he spun me around for one last dance before we headed off to our honeymoon and our happily ever after.

"I love you Edward."

"I love you too beloved."


"And ever and ever."

AN** Italian translates to: By the authority vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.

Thanks to everyone who reviewed to this story and to those who joined me on this journey. This story would not have come this far if you didn't. I hope to hear from more of you as you review to this story and other ones in my future. You guys are the best! Thanks for kicking my butt when I needed it!
