Hello! Here is the start of yet *another* story. It will definitely be longer than the last one though, so be sure to add it to your alerts. Hope you all enjoy, and please review! =)

P.S. The next chapter will be longer, I promise!


Kensi strolled through her front door after work, immediately grabbing the home phone off the entry table before dropping her bag down on the floor and sinking deep into her couch.

She dialed Nell's phone number frantically, near hyperventilation and desperate for someone to talk to after another baffling, mystifying, and purely confusing day with her partner.

Yeah, that was what she had decided she'd stick to calling him: her partner. He was he partner, definitely, but he was still so much more than that, and giving him that simple title was much easier than making some lame attempt to put a label on their thing.

Her best friend picked up after only two rings. "Hey Kens! What's up?"

"Nell!" She practically screamed into the phone, her tone a mixture of delight and panic. "We need to talk. Can you pleeeeeeease come over?"

"Um, sure!" There was a short silence as Nell tried to figure out what the hell was going on. "Are you alright?"

Kensi laughed, the pitch of her voice still sounding slightly higher than usual.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I don't know how to put this. It's um… it's complicated." She nodded her head from shoulder to shoulder, contemplating how to explain the severity of her situation.

"It's Deeks."

Nell's reply wasn't a question; she knew what Kensi had meant immediately when she used that word: complicated. The girl had taken the brunt of enough drunken late-night rambles from her friend about the man to know that he was the only person who could make her act that way. The only guy with enough control over Kensi to cause her body to practically melt and make her nervously call her friend like a fifth grader who had just held her crush's hand.

But no, this was so much bigger than that.

Kensi exhaled, forcing herself to breathe normally. "Yeah."

"Right. I'll be there in 10."

The phone clicked off and Kensi was once again left to her own accord, a million thoughts flooding to the forefront of her mind.

The funny part was, nothing had actually happened with Deeks- and that was the problem. It's not like they had melodramatically confessed their feelings to one another; it was actually quite the opposite.

Nothing had happened. Nothing had happened for four years. And she was sick of holding everything in.

So, rather than revealing how she was feeling to Deeks, she opted instead to talk to someone who posed much less of a threat. Someone who would listen, and could most likely give out some advice to a girl who was desperately seeking it.

In order to quickly pass the time before Nell arrived, Kensi grabbed two beers from the fridge- one for her to start drinking then, and another for Nell to have when she arrived.

She paced back and forth across the small space until she heard three knocks at her door. It was opened in about three seconds to reveal a smiley Nell, clad in flannel pajama bottoms and an over sized tee shirt. It was ten o'clock- she shouldn't have been surprised.

"I can't stop thinking about him," Kensi said simply as soon as she opened up the door, not even bothering to properly greet her friend.

Nell shot her a knowing look with raised eyebrows and placed her hands on her hips.

"I already know that sweetie," she replied as she walked into the apartment, dropping down onto the couch. "Tell me the rest. The new stuff, whatever that is."

Kensi grinned and sat down across from her, handing Nell a beer before leaning back against the left armrest. "I just can't do this anymore Nell! Every single time we talk, the conversation somehow always goes back to a flirty place."

"That's surprising," Nell said sarcastically, taking a sip of beer.

"I'm serious! The other day I looked out the window and said, 'it looks like the sun is finally coming out!' Do you want to know what he said?"

Nell nodded eagerly, obviously intrigued as she sipped her beer.

Kensi narrowed her eyes to slits, not amused as she thought back to her partner's response.

"He asked if I needed him to rub sunscreen on me."

Nell nearly spit her beer out across the couch. "Are you kidding?"

"Do I look like I'm kidding?"

Nell smirked and shook her head. "Nope. But I mean, what changed? Last time we talked everything was fine."

Kensi threw her hands up in the air and let them land back down on her lap with a quiet thud.

"I don't know Nell… I mean for a little while there, we were fine. I was fine. I was alright with where we were and how we acted and just… content. But recently, it's become so…"

"Different?" Nell suggested, offering to complete Kensi's sentence.

She nodded weakly and looked towards the floor, as if deep in thought. "I can't breathe when I'm around him. Seriously." Kensi glanced up to meet Nell's eye line, shaking her head.

"It's like he controls my emotions, and it's actually beginning to piss me off," she said with a small laugh. "If he is laughing, than so am I. If he is smiling, than so am I. If he is upset, than I am like a freaking mess- hell, I tend to get more upset than him!"

She sunk deep into the couch, until her head was resting against the arm rest and her feet were nearly on Nell's lap. "You are like, super smart right?"

Nell smirked and shrugged slightly. "Yeah, I guess."

"Than tell me what to dooooo," she whined, rubbing her eyes with her fingers and letting her voice reach an even higher decibel level than before.

"Look, Kensi: only you know how you feel about the guy. You have to ask yourself what it is about him that is making you so… emotional, for lack of a better word."

Kensi contemplated Nell's suggestion for a moment, her eyebrows furrowing and a frown creasing her forehead. "What if I can't think of anything in particular? What does that mean?"

Nell's smile grew and she took a swig of her beer, resting even farther back into the couch.

"That means you're in love with him."