A/N: Hey guys! So, I don't know about all of you, but I for one am freaking out just the slightest bit over the under 30 second teaser trailer for Sherlock Series 3. I think I've watched it close to a dozen times already now. Heh heh. Anyway, I was freaking out with some friends about it, and this little drabble-y scene thing came to mind. Nothing much, and I don't think I'll do anymore with it, but I'm dying over here and wanted to share my feels. :P

Disclaimer: I do not own BBC's Sherlock. If I did, we'd have Series 3 by now. And the US would get it at the same time as the UK.

John took another sip of his wine and glanced down at his menu. He caught a glimpse of a server passing in front of the table. "I think we're just about ready to order, now," he said. "She just ran to the powder room; she should be back in a minute."


The voice was so quiet, John could have sworn he'd imagined it.

But he looked up sharply and saw Sherlock Holmes standing in front of him.

There was a distant crashing of glass and something wet splashed all over him and he was vaugely aware that he was no longer holding his goblet.

It's just another hallucination, it's just another dream... John told himself. He leaned over and pressed the heels of his hand into his eyes, as if trying to erase what he'd just seen. "Oh, gosh," he whispered. "I thought I was past this, I'm sorry..."


John looked up again, and to his dismay, the hallucination of his dead best friend was still standing in front of him.

"I'm sorry," John whispered to whoever was around to see this happening. It didn't usually happen in public... not anymore... He closed his eyes again, exhaling loudly in frustration. "Why can't you leave me alone?" He hissed. "Why can't you stay dead? You're dead, I've accepted that, I've moved past it, you're dead..."

"John. I'm... I'm not... I'm not dead."