
"How long was I out?" Arthur asked after he came to.

"Oh not long." Merlin tried to hide his smile.

"What happened?" the king was extremely confused. The last thing he remembered was standing in front of the restaurant and seeing the woman from the park, she was standing on the other side of the street and her eyes were glowing gold. He had some flashes of playing Knights and Dragons with Merlin but that couldn't be right because in the memory Merlin was way taller than Arthur and the swords they were playing with were fake. Another flash of being carried out of the flat by a woman while Merlin lay unconscious flashed through Arthur's mind. And then a flash of taking a bath with magic animals and Merlin soaking wet and laughing.

"Magic animals?" Arthur mumbled to himself and Merlin tried to cover up a chuckle. "Merlin what happened. Why do I have memories of being shorter than you?"

"Well . . . You were shorter than me. There may have been a de-aging spell and you may have been a two year old for a month."

"What?" More memories started to come back. They were muddled and disorganized and they were definitely the memories of a child. Arthur looked around the room and caught sight of the toys scattered across the floor.

"You were quite an adorable two year old to be honest. I think I might actually prefer you that way. Two year old you hardly ever talked back and he never told me to shut up." Merlin was grinning at this point as he teased Arthur.

"Shut up Merlin" The two men shared a fond look.

Things were back to the way they were supposed to be. It probably wouldn't stay that way. Merlin was sure there had to be something even bigger coming because a few armature magic users hardly counted as a threat to Albion. They couldn't be the reason Arthur had come back. But for now they were happy and Merlin was determined to enjoy things as they were before the real battle began.