The Boy Who Wanted Love
By: Enigma508

Please leave a review after you read every chapter please, it helps me out a lot.
Also read the anecdote after the chapter.

Brief summary: This story will contain swears, sex and violence. The first chapter will contain a very disturbing scene about suicide, so if you don't want to see it skip until you see the message for it. This will be A NaruHina fanfic with other pairing to be mentioned in a second, but if you guys, like I can make Kyuubi female and part of the relationship.
Let me know what you want.
6/2/14 Update: Kyuubi is male and is not part of the main relationship


It was October tenth in the village of Konoha; the leaves that swirled around the village were crisp and the normal color of autumn. But the denizens of Konoha were not enjoying the scenery; instead they were indulging in their favorite pastime, fox hunting.

Naruto Uzumaki, who was now eight, was running for his life. Every year on his birthday, the everyday beatings he got were increased ten-fold. Villagers chased after the young boy berating him with insults like, "Go to hell you fucking demon," and "You'll bleed for your sins gaki!" Naruto, having faced this torture since being kicked out of the orphanage at the age of five, was able to get to his apartment and escaped the unruly mob. But he did not escape without a few parting shots.
His arm bled profusely from a large gash and his left leg was definitely broken. Naruto, over the years of abuse, discovered that he had a body that would heal all his wounds. When he got cut, the flesh connected together without any scarring and when a bone broke, it put itself back in place with a soothing warmth. After locking his doors Naruto limped to his kitchen chair to attempt to nurse his injuries.

The dark and dimly lit apartment he resided in was loaned to him by the third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, who saw Naruto as a surrogate grandson. Naruto was not granted any new furniture; instead he had a lumpy bed and flat couch. His kitchen, which was directly attached onto the bedroom, had appliances that were on the lowest end of the spectrum, they barely worked and short circuited often. The only food in Naruto's cabinets was ramen, seeing that it had a lengthy shelf time and was relatively cheap, 'relatively' , due to store owners 'special tax'.

Naruto didn't let anyone know about his mistreatment, not even the Hokage. Though Hiruzen knew what the injuries were from, Naruto still explained he was playing in the street or the woods of Konoha and took a bad spill. The Sandaime let the boy think he believed him, but on the inside, he was deeply saddened that the boy, who wasn't even 10 yet, had to bare the burden of this pain and scrutiny.

But tonight was Naruto's birthday, and he saved up enough money to buy a small cake for himself. When Naruto bought the cake which was stiff due to its expiration, he was immediately recognized and promptly chased, leading him to his current situation. He sat in the dark, lonely apartment alone in the kitchenette and hummed to himself a tune that he had only heard from his own mouth. Tears slipped down his face as he finished the song.

The melodic tune slightly echoed through the apartment, reassuring the boy of his loneliness. All his life, Naruto just wanted a person to hold, to see when he came home, someone to say the three words he'd never heard sincerely; 'I love you.' Sure the Sandaime said he 'loved' the boy, but Naruto knew it wasn't the same. Unfortunately as Naruto picked up a fork to each his dried-out desert, his loneliness was interrupted.

The fork was mere inches above his precious dessert, and right before it touched, his door was kicked down. "Heyyy, demon boy, happy fucking birthday!" a townsperson said as he neared rope in hand.

Naruto, not being allowed to enter the academy yet, could not defend himself from the crowd filing into his apartment, nor could he flee due to his previous injuries. The villagers grabbed him and stabbed two kunais through his thighs effectively rendering him unable to walk and causing him to howl in pain. Realizing the Hokage might hear Naruto and interfere with their plans, one villager made a make-shift gag out of Naruto's clothes and blocked Naruto's mouth with it.

The motley mob dragged Naruto to a clearing near the northern wall of Konoha. A man with rope then tied Naruto to a pole and raised a butcher's knife in his hand and spoke, "Citizens of Konoha, for too long we have feared this demon. But no more! Tonight we put an end to him once and for all!" resulting in the crowd to rally behind his cry.

The man then turned to Naruto and whispered 'This is for my kaa-san you bastard!' then he slashed the knife along Naruto's chest causing blood to splatter. Over the next half hour, Naruto suffered in forced silence as each individual lined up in front of him and hit him with their weapon of choice. Some chose knives and clubs while others burned brands into his skin, each whispering their loved ones who perished. After a half hour a figure in white appeared in front of Naruto's apartment.

Hiruzen knocked and after no answer he used his copy of the key to enter. What he saw shocked him beyond belief. He saw blood, which he figured was Naruto's, splattered all over the walls and floor. Graffiti decorated the walls with blood saying 'Fuck the demon' and 'Revenge for the fallen'. But in the center of the room on the kitchen table, was an untouched pastry. The very cake that Naruto worked so hard for and starved himself for, just so he could afford it.

Hiruzen then peered out the open window and immediately saw a cloud of thick black smoke rising from the northern wall. Flaring his killing intent. Hiruzen jumped out the window, and sprinted over rooftops towards the billowing smoke. 'Naruto, don't let me be too late. Minato would never forgive me!'

As the Hokage arrived, the crowd dispersed only to reveal a gruesome scene. Naruto was tied to a post with multiple stab wounds, missing chunks of skin and worst of all; his once orange jacket was engulfed in flames with him still in it. Hiruzen sent the ANBU after the crowd and then used a small Suiton jutsu to put out the fire, once out he cut Naruto down.

He cradled the child in his arms, his face was contorted in pain, but he put on his best bold face. Naruto's lips moved as he tried to speak from his parched lips, Hiruzen leaned in closer then heard Naruto's raspy voice say, "Let me die Jiji, it's your job to make the village happy, please make them happy." Naruto said this right before his head fell limp and he fell unconscious.

The third immediately took him to the hospital and used his authority to force the doctors to heal his immediate wounds. Much to their dismay, they obeyed the Hokage's orders and healed the boy. The doctors tried to keep him in a medically induced coma for the next two days, but since his body constantly healed him the anesthetic burned through his body and he woke up one night early.

Throughout the coma, memories flashed in Naruto's subconscious. These memories were all the beatings Naruto received over the years and with each beating came the verbal tirade. The blonde heard the names of countless men and women and how he 'killed' them. But two things were constant throughout each memory, first was that each person was killed by a demon and second, Naruto was always labeled as that demon. By the end of the memories, a pitch blackness surrounded Naruto, the boy hoped this was the end of his pain; death.

Eventually Naruto awoke with a frown on his face realized he was all too alive. He stilled loved his village, so he felt an obligation to the people for supposedly killing their kin. Naruto escaped the hospital that same morning, due to the lack of security on him. He ran to his dilapidated home to grab some supplies.

He grabbed his paint set, his ropes and a stake. Leaving his apartment, he ran to the top to the Hokage Monument, a place he felt was his own, and lowered himself onto the blank rocky canvas next to the fourth Hokage's head and wrote his message for the crowd to see the next morning. Until the sun rose, Naruto awaited his moment of glory. He took off his tee-shirt and took his paint brush and painted the kanji for 'DEMON' on his chest. Once that was done he stood over the village he loved and cried.

He cried tears for the questions he never could answer. He whispered to himself as each tear left his eyes. "Why do they hate me? Why do I keep healing when it's just to feel pain again? Where are my parents, do they love me, why did they go? Why am such a monster?" As he looked down at the main square of Konoha, where people commonly gather, he saw the crowd pointing up towards him and yelling. With his cue he fashioned the rope necktie onto his throat and whispered two words, "I'm sorry."

Graphic Warning

A villager ran through the town, the sun was just rising and people were waking up. Today, the citizens were woken by a man yelling, he was directing all the denizens to the observation platform for the Hokage Monument. Begrudgingly, everyone followed the man giving him a dirty look until they saw the reason for the awakening. On the space next to the Yondaime's head was a message for Konoha, written in blood red paint. It went as following:

To the people of Konoha, I Naruto Uzumaki, apologize for any agony I have caused you. I truly don't remember killing anyone but if you all say it's true and it makes you happy, I will pay for my crimes. To the Ichiraku's, I apologize I gave you guys a bad reputation with my presence, so please forget I existed.

To the parents of Konoha, never teach your kids of me, it would be better that way.

To Jiji, please rent my apartment out to a more deserving person or destroy it. I am sorry for the damage to your reputation you suffered, defending me all the time. I tried to not plague you with my problems, but you still came to my aid, I thank you.

And finally, for all those I hurt, I apologize for my demon ways, whatever that means.
Signed- Konoha's ex demon- Naruto Uzumaki.

Many villagers smiled as they saw the yellow topped blur at the top of the monument. But not everyone was happy, Hiruzen was moving at top speed to intercept Naruto before he did something stupid.

The children, who played occasionally with Naruto before he was berated away by their parents, were confused as to what his message meant. They saw Naruto as a spontaneous prank-loving knuckle head that would never harm a fly. All of them witnessed, as the adults were too engrossed with the child on top of the monument.

Naruto stood with the loose end rope in his hand and tears in his eyes, and since no one pled for him to stop, took a deep breath and stepped forward. Everyone's heart stopped for a moment as he flew down and then stopped with a heart wrenching CRUNCH. Naruto awkwardly hung there with Hiruzen standing next him, one second too late.

Tears instantly filled his eyes, as he turned to the crowd, that sorrow turned to an extreme rage and in a chakra enhanced voice, he shouted, "ARE YOU ALL FUCKING HAPPY, YOU DROVE AN INNOCENT BOY TO DEATH! He loved you all, even after every bruise he received, every broken bone and every demoralizing word, he just wanted your respect. Why? What was so hard for you all to understand?!"

One man eventually stood apart from the crowd, "The demon brat killed our families. We have to keep that power in check, we can't let the demon kill again. We all agree it's better that he's dead!". Hiruzen shunshined over and grabbed the man's throat while he held a limp Naruto in his other arm. The hand gripped the man's throat so hard Hiruzen's hand was almost a fist. He then spoke, loud enough for adults to hear him, but quiet enough for him to be unnoticed by the children's developing senses.

"Listen here you pieces of shit, Naruto didn't attack this village eight years ago, the bijuu Kyuubi no Kitsune did! Naruto is a jailor for the Kyuubi, keeping all of you safe with your current families! You may have just killed the key to your safety, thanks to all of your ignorance!" Hiruzen let the man go, leaving him to gasp for breath as ANBU took him away to his death. As he turned he saw one person, out of hundreds, crying. A small girl with dark indigo hair and pure white eyes, Hinata Hyuuga, sat with tears streaming down her face.
Safe to read now.

The third Hokage knelt down to console the girl and only heard the girl whimper "Naruto-kun" over and over. This girl had feelings for the boy, that was obvious, and Hiruzen wanted to see how strong that love was. He asked Hiashi Hyuuga, her father if he could borrow Hinata for a while. Not caring less about his daughter's feelings or well-being, Hiashi granted the wish.

Hiruzen rushed Hinata and Naruto to the hospital and had the top medical staff examine him. Luckily, Naruto was caught in time to prevent suffocation, but the sudden impact was enough to dislocate vertebrate in his spinal column. The Hokage then sent an ANBU to fetch Kakashi Hatake.

When Kakashi arrived the Hokage gave him on of the most important missions of his life, "Kakashi, I want you to find my ex-pupil Tsunade Senju, she's most likely out in the gambling town of Tanzaku. This is of the utmost importance, Kakashi, as she's the only one who can heal Minato's son." Kakashi nodded in agreement as he needed to help the closest thing he had to his dead sensei, which at the moment was Naruto.

Kakashi, already having emergency mission provisions in sealing scrolls, set out to find the Slug Sannin. Hiruzen had the best medical staff keeping Naruto in a coma until they could get Tsunade to fix his top vertebrates.

Hinata, the Hyuuga heiress, sat at Naruto's bedside sobbing for her secret love. She held the blonde's hand and continuously whispered words of encouragement to him, willing him to come back. Hiruzen stood guard at Naruto's door 24/7 and muttered to himself "Kami-speed Kakashi, Kami-speed."

To be continued…

This chapter is something important to me since I can personally relate. For years I contemplated suicide and to this day I do from time to time. But to all of those who are depressed, deeply or not, suicide isn't an answer. I have one piece of advice for everyone.

Everyone is great at art in some form, whether it be drawing, acting, singing, dancing or even writing. Art is the most important thing in my life, and it's what keeps me being me. Find your art, its what makes you unique and better than anyone else. What ever you do someone will love it, trust me it worked for every author on this site, every painter, singer, dancer etc.


SO what did you think? Please review with criticism good and bad. I will be skipping a lot of cannon stuff. This story will have the following pairings,
and there will BE LEMONS yes glorious lemons.