Conversations in a Closet

Several hours later...

"Guardian of Fun, Jack Frost and the stupid Kangaroo have been stuck in a closet for many hours now. It was dark and crammy and very miserable in the small closet, and nothing could lift the desperate mood hanging above the two poor creatures. If only Peter Cottontail would think for a change and stop opening his blabber-mouth. Jack Frost did try to stop the pointless argument. Now all hope is lost and Jack Frost will be left stranded in a cupboard with a moronic rabbit forever..."

"One more word, Frostbite, one more word and I'm gonna strangle ya for good."

"...said the Kangaroo, clearly unable to censure his own words in company of underaged children. Maybe he should be arrested for inappropriate speech tendencies."


"...the Kangaroo said, obviously not aware of the fact that Jack Frost is only a few hundred years and is, unfortunately, a fourteen years old. Clearly spirits should be introduced to the meaning of 'age identification'. Maybe then Jack Frost would've been able to sue the moon for child neglect."

"STOP NARRATING! It's so bloody ANNOYIN'!"

"...Bunny said, getting angry at Jack Frost for no good reason apart from him telling the truth. What a stupid Bunny."



"Yeh're a terrible narrator. No variation in yer structure at all."

"...spoke Bunnymund. He was terribly jealous of Jack Frost's awesome narrating skills."

"I am NOT jealous."

"...Kangaroo said. He was in denial."

"I'm not speakin' with ya anymore."

"...said Bunny. All came to peace as Peter Cottontail declared he would speak no more."

"...said Frostbite."

"Aw man!"

"...said the Bloody Icicle. Bunnymund had no words to express his frustration at the little #%$*."

"Sheesh! I'm sorry! No need to get word violent..."

"See how frustratin' it is? So please, shut yer bloody trap up."



"...said Kangaroo."




"Cottontail yelled..."


Another half an hour later...

"Hey Bunny?"


"I should show you Sherlock some time."



"...WHAT?! Why?"

"BECAUSE! It's awesome. I'm telling you, you'll like it."

"But I don't wanna be a loony like yeh. So no, just no Frostbite."

"Yes. You will watch. Because I can't stand you lowering the IQ of the whole region you're in."





*is choked*

A few minutes later...

"Bunny, I will freeze your Warren for that."

"Ya'll NOT."

"Yes, I will. That will be punishment for your horrible words."

"Do all yeh want, ya won't get into the Warren pal."

"I'll bet on you watching 'Sherlock'."

"Perfect. I'll never have tah' watch the wretched thin'."

"Just you wait. I'll remind you if this conversation."


A/N: Sorry again for the extreme lateness. *is furious at myself. I know that this isn't really funny, but then throw in a few suggestions! Please? You'll get all the credit for any idea! 'Cause I'm running out of decent topics and jokes.

Love, peace and cookies

River Melody

*turns on the automatic cookie-giver that gives every reviewer cookies*