The campfire threw of a dim glow as Cicero kept watch. He and Dracen had been very successful in killing Lurbuk the bard in Morthal just a day ago. Well, more Darcen then him when it came down to it. He had entered the inn first to get the lay of the land, not knowing Dracen had crept in right behind him. She had been so quiet and sneaky that when the unmistakable sound of an arrow flying sounded in the hall it made him jump. In the confusion and uproar that followed Cicero found himself being dragged out if the inn and pulled along til they were clear of the city. He thought back on the conversation they had right afterward.

"Cicero thought Dracen was going to wait outside til he could see the best way of killing the horrid bard." He was angry, but he wasn't sure if it was because she had used him as cover to make the kill or if she had taken too great a risk killing the orc in a packed inn.

"I knew that all eyes would be on you so I took the chance of sneaking in. I saw an opening and I took it. Why are you upset?"

"Cicero does not like to be used." He crossed his arms over his chest. "Dracen should have waited."

"I was doing what you taught me to do...use a distraction to cover my tracks. Just because you are rusty doesn't mean you get to yell at me." Quicker then she could have reacted Cicero grabbed her by the back of the head and growled in her face.

"You have no idea what I have been who has been able to go where you please, do as you please. I stayed. I serve the Night Mother and went on pretending that you aren't a servant of Sithis. You walked away. You have no right to call me rusty, you stupid little girl. I should have let the Thalmor have you that night. You have brought me nothing but misery..." He let go and pushed her away. The look of hurt and shock in her eyes was to much to bare. He was angry, but he wasn't truly angry with her. He head felt like it was about to explode and he stumbled away from her. He could hear the cold chilling laughter of the jester in his head and it made him double over in pain.

Warm hands cover his and he looked up meeting her ebony eyes. Even after all the nasty words he had just spewed at her, she still showed concern. He felt warm healing magic pour into him and the ache in his head eased a bit. Dracen said nothing as she lifted him to his feet and lead him back to where their horse was. It was not safe to stay in Morthal, so they left. He was not sure how long they traveled, but she stopped to make camp somewhere on an open plain. She had not spoken to him since his little outburst, she set up camp, handed him an apple and a hunk of bread, then she curled up in her bed roll and went to sleep. He looked down at the food and he felt his stomach turn. Whatever appetite he had was gone after his tirade. He sat in silence watching the moons move across the sky. He began muttering to himself and jumped to his feet to pace.

"Stupid, stupid Cicero. Shouldn't have yelled...wasn't mad at her...didn't deserve his wrath..." He kept pacing, his hands wringing his hat as he chastised himself.

"Cicero?" His movements stopped and he froze. He turned his head and saw her sitting up watching him. Her black eyes looked sad and she rose to her feet. Her movements were slow, graceful, he had forgotten how she embodied the elegance of her birthright. "You didn't eat."

"Cicero is not hungry." Dracen rolled her eyes and picked up the apple she had given him earlier in the night.

"Yes you are. I heard your stomach rumbling while we were on the road." He turned his head much like a child trying to ignore their parent and she sighed. She took her small work dagger and began to cut the apple up. The smell of the sweet fruit made Cicero's stomach groan again. "Well I guess if you don't want it I can always share it with Luck. He loves apples." She turned away from him and began walking toward her horse. A strong hand caught her wrist and his eyes bore into hers.

"Dracen does not play fair."

"I learned it from you my love." He leaned forward and she kept his gaze. "Would you like a piece?" She took a sliver of apple and touched it to his lips. It was a game he use to play with her while they were training. He taught her to hone her reflexes by making her work for her food. His lips slide into a smile.

"Cicero remembers this game." Dracen gave him a cheeky grin and used the apple slice to trace his lips.

"Hmm, do you now?" His grip on her one wrist tightened and he pulled her so her body was flush against his. "If you want this apple all you have to work for it." Her last sentence came out in a low purr whispered in his ear. She felt his cheek muscles twitch and she could not help herself. Her lips brushed against his cheek and Dracen relished the flush of color that crept up his neck. He tilted his head forward and snapped at the slice, but Dracen moved too quickly. Now it was a battle of leverage and flexibility. Their bodies moved back and forth, side to side with each trying to get the other to give in to their will.

"Cicero always won if Dracen remembers."

"I am confident that I can beat you this time." He grinned and hooked his arms under hers. He lifted her, backing her up against a boulder that was sitting near their camp. She let out a huff of air and glared at him. His teeth again snapped at her hand, but she managed to keep them from coming in contact with it. "Now who doesn't play fair?" His amber eyes shone with a clever light and she knew it was only a matter of time before he won. He had been right she never won against him, even now after all the years she had trained since the fall of Bravil, he would always be the better of the two of them. She fought to good fight a few minutes more before more of less giving in. Though she was not about to let him off so easily.

"Where is the apple?" She giggled as Cicero looked up from her hand and found the apple slice being held in her teeth. He smirked and leaned closer to her face. "If Dracen wanted a kiss all she had to do was ask." He bent down a bit lower and plucked half of the apple from her lips. Dracen's face fell a bit when he straightened back up and began to chew his prize. She gently pushed him back so she could take herself off the rough rock digging into her back. Cicero shook his head and pushed her back and slammed his lips against hers. The other half of the slice passed from her mouth to his and she felt him grin. When he broke the kiss to breathe and chew she growled.

"You always were a dirty cheat my love." He swallowed and leaned his forehead against hers.

"How else was poor Cicero ever going to make one such as you fall in love with him?" Dracen let out a small laugh and she rubbed her nose against his.

"You made me fall in love with you because of who you are. My Dark Angel, my knight in blood red armor, all that I am now is because of you. I loved you then and by Sithis I love you now. We both have been lost, alone, but now we have each other again. Our family has a leader again, we have a purpose again, none of it would have been possible if you had not sacrificed everything to guard The Night Mother."

"You are proud of Cicero?"

"More than I can convey." He sighed feeling her hands run through his tangled hair. "Come to bed, we have a bit of a ride ahead of us to get to Half Moon Mill." Cicero nodded and let her lead him to the bed roll. Her hands weaved a warning spell if anyone or anything set foot in their camp she would be alerted.

"Ooohh, a new trick. Cicero always liked seeing Dracen wield magic."

"It is a spell I learned from a friend a few years ago. She was good at wards and sigils." Dracen settled herself on the bed roll and patted the space beside her. Cicero gave her a wide grin and gracefully sat down before turning to her to wrap his arms around her. Dracen snuggled into his chest and quickly fell asleep. Cicero stayed awake for a few more minutes. He watched her chest rise and fall and it made him feel at peace. A glint of light caught his eye and he gently picked up her hand to see a ring on her finger. He jumped when her voice sounded from under his chin. "I never took it off."

"Cicero's still sits on his hand as well." She moved her head and looked up at him. "Cicero wanted no other bride, but Dracen. Even is he had not become Keeper he would have never taken another wife."

"Looks like the Gods have been kind to us then, giving us this second chance."

"Sweet Cicero serves the Night Mother now, his duty..."

"I know, but it does not mean that we can not try to reclaim some of what we lost. I will never ask you to choose me over the Night Mother. I know she will always be first in your mind. I can live with that." He nodded against her neck and let out a shuttering breath. "We are assassins my love, our life is blood and death, nothing is guaranteed. I just want to live in today, let tomorrow take care of itself."

"Cicero can live with that."


Half Moon Mill was nestled far enough away from any town to make that part of their job easier, but Dracen was not keen on facing a pair of vampires. She would never admit it out loud, but even Babette gave her the creeps. She had fought enough of the bloodsuckers to know they are tough and very damn hard to kill. The only one of their kind other than the unchild she had ever had the privilege to speak to was the Count of Skingrad. She had spent a few months in the city after the fall of the Dark Hand in Cyrodiil. It seemed as good as any place to get lost after she had healed. Running into the Count had been purely by accident one night. Dracen had been outside the gates taking in the warm night when she heard and ungodly growl from behind her. She spun just in time to be knocked off her feet by a wolf. Still weakened from the wound to the chest she did not have the strength to fight the beast off. She held it's snapping jaws just bare inches from her throat when someone or some thing pulled the wolf off of her.

What she saw chilled her to the bone. A man had the wolf by the back of the neck before sinking his teeth into the it. The wolf screamed, but it's struggles got weaker and weaker. In the end Dracen could only stand there and wait to see if she was to be the vampire's next victim. It surprised her when he spoke to her. He said he could smell her mother's blood in her veins and that he owed the Hero of Kvatch a great debt. Dracen never asked what her mother had done to endear her to the Count, but she knew it must have been no small feat. In the years since her last run in with a vampire and she was not looking forward to it.

"We should strike while the the sun is still in the sky. Cicero does not like the idea of fighting bloodsuckers in the dark."

"Neither do I. Which one do you want?"

"The contract is for the male. Dracen should kill him. It is her contract."

"I don't think it matters. Death is death, no matter by what hand. Call it a apology for what happened with the bard." Cicero grinned and pulled his ebony dagger from his hip. He gave Dracen a quick kiss and began to sneak up on his prey. Hern was running the log splitter and the loud groan of the saw covered any sound. Dracen made her way to the grind stone that Hert was using. Cicero stood right behind his target feeling the rush before the kill. It was a feeling that he missed in becoming Keeper. His blade slid into the muscled flesh of Hern's back and the Jester's hand covered the vampire's mouth to stop the yelp of surprise. It was quick, a little too quick, but that was the way it had to be. Cicero let his eyes fall on Dracen as she slit the throat of Hern's mate. When the woman fell over dead Dracen sighed. "Well that was...rather boring." Cicero bounded over to her and snickered at the disappointed look of Dracen's face.

"A kill is a kill." She nodded and cleaned her blade on the now dead vampire's tunic. She looked to the horizon and tried to judge how long it would take them to get home before night fell. She did not mind traveling at night, but the roads were not the safest right now with the war and the Thalmor. "We won't make it back before dark."

"I was thinking the same thing. We could stay here for the night. At least we would have a roof over our heads."

"Cicero thinks it is a good idea." He helped her weigh down the bodies and they tossed them in the rushing water near the mill. By the time they were done the sun was sinking below the hills. Dracen picked the lock on the small house and surveyed the place. It was cozy, something she would not have guessed for a pair of vampires. They even had food stores which really made Dracen scratch her head. Cicero came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her narrow waist. She was short enough for him to place his chin on her shoulder comfortably. "Cozy! Cicero sees a nice big bed over there."

"Hmmm, and what could we do in that nice big bed my love?" Dracen let out a moan at the feel of his lips on her neck. Her arm rose up to reach back so her fingers could tangle in his hair. Cicero's hands ran over her body unfastening the straps that held the tight leather on her body. Cicero's teeth nipped a path down her pale neck as he pulled the leather away from her shoulders. Dracen's eyes slide closed and she reveled in the feeling of his velvet gloves run along her skin. She turned her head so her lips could meet his. She was thankful both of them were as flexible as they were. She giggled just a little thinking about a Nord couple trying to contort their bodies like her and Cicero.

"What does Dracen find so funny?"

"Nothing important." Cicero stopped his hands and Dracen let out a small whine. "I will tell you later. Right now I want you and unless that is a dagger in your pants, I know you want me too." She let out a gasp as Cicero pinched the tender bud on her breast. "Gods!"

"It has been so long...Cicero has not forgotten what drives Dracen to scream out into the night. It is such a sweet sound to his ears." His hands pulled more of her armor off of her body. As it was pulled down her arms came with it and were pinned to her body. "Remember this?"

"Mmmhmmm." Her head gave a quick nod while she bit her lip. He had always been more knowledgeable when it came to sex then she would ever be. She knew he had many lovers before her, but she only ever had him. "You like it when I am helpless." As a reward he nipped her ear letting his teeth scrap slowly down the lobe.

"Not helpless, no, no, Cicero likes it when Dracen surrenders. To him the fight is half the fun." Dracen smiled at the wicked hum coming from her lover as his hands roamed more of her upper torso. She wished he would take the damned gloves of so she could feel his dagger calloused hands on her flesh. She knew better than to ask him to do it though, he did things in his own time. Her back arched as he circled her nipples with his velvet cover hands and a low moan sounded from her. "Beg Cicero."

"Please..." It had been so long since their last time, twelve years alone, both living, but never truly alive. "Please my Dark Angel...I need you...want you...don't make me suffer..." She felt him grin against her throat before she was forcibly drug to the bed. Her eyes were hazed over with lust and longing that she barely registered that he had already taken his gloves and tunic off. Her hands were still trapped behind her, tangled in the tight leather of her Brotherhood armor so all she could do was struggle to free them. She wanted to touch him, to drag her nails down his chest and back. A low growl rumbled from her as she wriggled to get free.

"Dracen sounds almost feral, I hope she wasn't bitten by a flea bitten werewolf." Her black eyes glared up at him. The smug look of his face made her want to get free and make him eat his words. The Greybeards had warned her now that her dragon soul had been awakened she would have times that she acted more like them than like a woman. She took a deep breath and calmed the slow rage forming in her gut. This was the man she loves and they had played this game many times. It was time to give in and give him what he wanted. Her begging in utter surrender even though deep down it killed her to do it.

"Please let me loose...I need to touch you...please you..." For a moment his amber eyes softened and he pulled her arms free of the binding leather. Dracen ran her hands over his chest and up over his shoulders. The years had been kind to his body at least. He was still built with lean muscle even after years of not being allowed to hone his true skills. Small pale fingers slide back up his back to his neck and above to tangle in his auburn hair. Once she had a good grip she pulled him down on top of her and latched her lips to his. Her teeth bit his bottom lip and she groaned at the small flash of blood that flowed into her mouth from said lip. It tasted finer than any wine she had ever had. Cicero busied his hands with the rest of her armor until he had it peeled off of her body. Cicero's hands wandered back up her thighs and smirked into their kiss when he felt she was completely bare under said armor.

"Still so naughty after all these years." His fingers dances up her belly and she let out a giggle at the feeling.

"Old habits die hard." She sat up on her elbows and meet his gaze till they were almost nose to nose. "If I remember correctly it was after our third contract together...and you were particularly adamant about me never wearing anything under my armor when we went out on kills together." She nipped the end of his nose and grinned. "You never had the patience to take of more than one layer of clothing. I got tired of you ruining my undergarments so I stopped wearing them."

"Cicero remembers that was the night he finally took you." His eyes became unfocused as if he was reliving that night all over again. Dracen cupped his cheek and slide her thumb under his eye. The slight touch broke him of his daydream. The insane light in his eyes was gone. "I hurt you that day."

"No, not always hurts your first time. I trusted you...I still do. You alone know me better than anyone else in this world. None of my friends outside the Brotherhood, or even in the Brotherhood know who I really am. Only you and I know you will take that to the Void. I don't care if anyone calls you insane or silly. I know you...and I will spend the rest of my life getting to know The Fool of Hearts if he'll let me." Cicero let a lone tear fall down the same cheek she had been cupping. Her thumb wiped it away and she leaned up to kiss him sweetly. "Now you have me all undressed and aching...will it be torture tonight or pleasure?" A wicked grin broke out on his face and he leaned in next to her ear to whisper.

"A little of both." He pulled his head back and crashed his lips into hers. His hands roamed over her skin and she moaned into the kiss. With nimble fingers he found her slit and began gently sliding up and down making her breath catch. He make slow, soft circles and Dracen bucked her hips to get more friction from his touch. She felt him smirk against her lips and she bit back down on the one she had punctured before. A fresh flow of blood trickled into her mouth. Cicero growled and roughly thrust two fingers into her. Dracen's back arched and she let out a yelp breaking their lips apart. It had been twelve years since she had been touched.

Cicero watched her face as it twisted in both pain and pleasure. His thumb found the bundle of nerves and began circling it slowly to relieve some of her discomfort. His other hand moved up her body to her breasts. He massaged and pinched one while his mouth took care of the other. All the time his eyes never left her face. He loved the sight of her trying to speak only to have nothing come out. Her eyes shut tight and her head thrashing back and forth. This was the torture part of the night. He wanted to bring her right to the edge, he wanted her aching and unfulfilled, he wanted her begging. Her hips bucked harder against his hand trying to bring herself the release she craved. He bit down on her nipple and her breath caught.

The feeling of it all began to climb for Dracen and she opened her eyes to meet his. A slow evil smirk appeared on his lips and she let out a whine. She knew him too well. He was toying with her. The dragon in her wanted to take control of all this and ride him to Oblivion. She fought it, but it was becoming harder. Cicero bent his middle finger inside her, rubbing the top of her inner walls. It was just enough to bring her to the brink and he pulled his hand away. Her eyes that had shut again snapped open and she glared at him.

"Such an angry look, did poor Cicero do something wrong?" His voice sounded innocent, but his eyes told her differently.

"Fin...finish what you started...or so help me..." Before she could finish her rant he flipped them over and gripped her hips to have her sink on to him. She hissed and groaned as he filled her. Her head fell back and the low moan that came from her lips echoed in the small cabin. Cicero guided her hips back and forth to entice her to move on her own. As much as he had tortured her with not letting her come, he too felt tormented. As soon as he was sheathed in her the feeling was pure bliss. "By Sithis I have missed this." He looked up at her and grinned. The light of the fire highlighted her pale skin. Her black eyes were like like two pieces of obsidian shining down at him. Dracen started a slow rhythm and braced her hands on his chest to steady herself as she rode him.

The slow movements drove him mad. He wanted her to ride him fast and hard. There would be time for lovemaking later. Right now he wanted a nice hard fuck. His hands tightened their grip on her hips and he tried in vain to get her moving. A frustrated growl rumbled in his chest and she tsked at him.

"Now, now no need for that my love. I thought I would return the torment you gave me in kind." He had enough and flipped them over. He thrust into her hard and she let out a gasp. His pace was far faster than hers had been and the way he had their hips meet was rougher. Dracen moaned and sighed as he drove into her. Her fingers tangled into his hair to pull him down for a kiss. She could still taste blood from the bites she had given him earlier. She felt his teeth worry her bottom lip till she felt them puncture the tender flesh. The mixed tastes of their blood made Cicero's movements erratic. Dracen threw back her head and let out a scream as her bliss ran through her. Cicero followed soon after with a low groan. His hips rocked a few more times, then stilled. He collapsed on to her and she sighed. "My Dark Angel." Cicero rose up a bit to look in her eyes. He saw her smiling up at him.

"Cicero missed this." His fingers brushed back her hair from her neck to place a gentle kiss at her pulse point. "Cicero missed you." Dracen turned her head and placed a kiss to his forehead.

"I love you. If it is Sithis' will I will never leave you again. If not then I will wait for you in the Void."

"Cicero will do the same. He is Dracen's as long as Mother does not need him. Being Keeper comes first."

"I know. I told you before I would not ask you to throw away your vows to the Night Mother. We serve her and Sithis above all others. Even those we love."

"Cicero loves his Dragon." She giggled and kissed him softly and pulled him down to lay next to her instead of on top of her. Her body ached from their activities, but she loved the feeling.

"Gods I'm sore. I don't look forward to the ride back to Falkreath." Cicero let out a laugh and shook his head.

"You did not mind riding Cicero a few minutes ago."

"But riding you is so much fun. You lose your patience so quickly when I go slow. I thought for a moment you were going to stab me because of the look on your face."

"Cicero does not like to be teased." She nuzzled his neck and shifted her body closer to his. The heat that their lovemaking had produced was leaving her skin. Her body gave a small shiver and she grinned when she felt Cicero pull the blankets over their naked bodies. "When we return home...will Cicero and Dracen go back to being brother and sister...or like they use to be?"

"Well...since I am staying in your room in the sanctuary I don't think it will matter. Most of the rest stay out of that room and it wouldn't take much to put a door at the entrance..." Cicero grinned as she spoke. Her fingers played with his hair twirling it. It was how they ended up every time after a bout of sex in the past. It was like they never were apart.

"Dracen would have to be quiet or our siblings will talk."

"Let'em. I have my husband back. I could care less what any of them think."

"Dracen has changed so much since Cicero has been away from her." His face looked a bit sad. Dracen cupped his cheek and smiled up at him.

"Not really, I just learned to take care of myself more. Most of it was finally listening to all the things you taught me. I would have been dead years ago if you had not saved me. You put up with me even with how naïve I was. I know I drove you crazy."

"You did, but Cicero loved it. He loves you."

"And I love you too." She let out a yawn and nestled herself back down under the covers. "We will leave as soon as the sun kisses the sky."

"Sleep Dragon." She yawned again and let herself drift off. Cicero watched her sleep. Over the years he had learned to function on very little sleep. Nightmares of being alone made sleep impossible most nights. The warmth of her body next to his made him feel at peace. He had missed this. After what seemed like hours his eyes closed and he too drifted off to sleep.


The ride back to the Sanctuary was short and quiet. Dracen sat in front of the saddle while Cicero sat behind her. The southern part of Skyrim was actually quite pretty and far warmer than it's northern half. The sight of it all made Dracen home sick.

"Cicero can never tell if it is winter or spring in this damn country."

"It is nearly summer."

"Dracen has to be kidding. It is so cold." Dracen leaned back into his chest and giggled.

"You use to like the cold. Has the years of being in the warm southern cities made you lose your cold tolerance?"

"Cicero grew up in Bruma, but the cold here is different. It is a deeper cold."

"Yes it is. Ah, home, sweet home."

"Dracen does not sound so sure."

"This place isn't home to me. I have a house in Windhelm and I miss being there sometimes."

"Ooooh, is it better than that little shack your mother had?"

"It is a pretty big place and nice once the blood was all cleaned up."


"The house belonged to a woman who had been murdered by some creep trying to recreate the body of his dead sister. He thought he could bring her back. I was asked to look into it and I stopped him. My reward was the blessing to buy the house. It keeps people away knowing that someone died there."

"So Dracen has a large home all to her little self?"

"No, I have a Housecarl and a boy I took in. His mother died and the orphanage they sent him to was horrid. Funny thing is he was the reason I am back in the Brotherhood. He preformed the Black Sacrament and the people here couldn't be bothered to answer the prayer of a child. I took the contract and ended the life of the horrible old woman who ran the home. It was an easy kill. Astrid still has no idea I was already an assassin when she kidnapped me."

"Silly pretender. She can not run her family, she shuns the Night Mother, if not for the Listener's request of patience Cicero would end her life."

"You are higher in rank then Astrid is aren't you?" Cicero nodded and Dracen gave a small laugh. "Doesn't she know if you so choose you could kill her and no one could retaliate against you? She's and idiot."

"The Listener does not want her dead or she would have ordered it. I think she worries about the dog and his reaction. He is married to that bitch."

"He is rather scary, but I know others who share his ability. I would love for the brothers to rip him apart. Even Skjor or Aela would be more than a match for him."

"Dracen knows werewolves?"

"A whole pack in fact. I had fallen in with them after I came to Skyrim, but my skills were not really good for their line of work. They are heroes and I am just a paid killer. I still see them from time to time and am friends with a few of them."

"Cicero is amazed. Dracen use to hate talking to people."

"I have to learn to or I would have died years ago. I embraced my father's ways and stopped being afraid of the world. In losing my first home, then our home and you I had to grow up. I had to stop running from my heritage. I am Dragonborn, I am heir to the Empire's throne, I am a killer, a half breed, an orphan, I am also a wife and I will not let the Thamor or anyone try to take my life without a fight." Cicero gave her a smile and kissed her quickly .

"Cicero likes the new Dracen."

"Thanks." He hooked his arm in hers and lead her back into the sanctuary. Nazir was pleasantly surprised to see Dracen had survived, a little less pleased Cicero was back and acting like the fool again. Astrid watched the others crowd around the newest assassin and a small bubble of jealousy rose in her. She saw the girl retelling the tale of how the two marks had died and it seemed the group around her was enthralled with her every word. She also noticed the small ways the Keeper kept touching her and how he hovered around her. His eyes never left Cora's face. It was knowledge she would keep for later use if needs be. For now she would let Cora have her day. Tomorrow she would send the girl on the Night Mother's errand.

Ugh! I've had such writer's block on this story. I want to apologize to my readers for this taking so long. Thanks to all who have kept with me and I hope you will stay with me. I hope this chapter will break some of the block I have had. This is what I get for writing two or more stories at once. My damn muses keep fighting for their time in the spotlight. Today Cicero and Dracen won.
