This was actually inspired by a thought I had while writing Dark Side and possibly watching Corpse Party Let's Plays.

Insert standard disclaimer here

Prologue: Squirm


She was on the blood soaked torture table with just Laurent and Riley holding her down b her arms and legs; I couldn't help but take pleasure from watching those bittersweet tears run down her bloody face, watching her wiggle around and squirm trying to get away like a trapped animal, It brought a smile to my face. I walked towards them hatchet in hand almost giddy with excitement; I gently stroked her pretty face such a shame this beauty would be wasted, c'est la vie as the French say. Oh but how I wish I had gotten a taste of her creamy skin.

"DUDE !? Would you fucking hurry up it's getting really harder to hold this bitch down."

Riley yelled breaking me out of my fantasies, I'll deal with him after I'm done with her, "I'm truly sorry believe I am but this is life." "Hurry up !" I raised the hatchet as far back as I could to get as much force as I could muster when she started screaming, "DADDY ! Daddy, daddy, daddy, DADDY !" "Shut up bitch" Demitri slapped her across hard, hard enough that it drew blood but she still kept screaming, "Gag the little bitch," Laurent suggested and Dimitri found an old bloody rag and shoved it in her mouth and though her screams were muffled they were still potent and still coming.

"Will you kill her already ?" about to bring the hatchet down she suddenly stopped and we froze.

That's it, I've noticed that my prologues are longer than usual and sound like I'm giving away the ending more than hinting at the story so yeah.

First person to correctly guess who the mystery POV is will get a prize I will update the story of your choice but remember it could be anyone