Sorry for the looooooooong wait. Its just that, Im not doing Fan fiction that much anymore. IDK why

PB had to put Zim in a cage when she Taser him, because if Zim would have waken up, who knows what he could do.

"So PB?" Finn started. "What is he?" He pointed to Zim.

"Well Finn, Im not sure."

Finn, Jake and PB watch Zim's antennas twitch. This made Jake shiver.

"He looks like a big mutant bug!" Jake yelled.

Finn started to laugh. "Haha! He dose hu?"

Then out of know where, a little robot come's running into the room laughing while holding peppermint butler. PB, Finn and Jake were shock.


"I though it was to." PB said stunned. "It should not be working."

Finn ran up to the robot. "HEY YOU! PUT PEPPERMINT BUTLER DOWN NOW!"

The robot stop laughing and look sad. "But he smell so good." The robot put Peppermint butler down, who ran out of the room. The robot look up at Finn who was watching him. "who are you?"

"Im Finn. And you are?"


Finn was confused. "No like what are you called when someone calls you?"

The robot stuck his tongue out the side of his mouth.

Finn sigh and look at PB.

"Let me try Finn." PB said coming to the robot. "If you tell me your name. I will uhhhh give you a piece of candy!"

The robot smiled. "MA NAME IS GIR PREETY PINK LADY!" Gir saw Zim in a cage. "MASTER!" He ran over to Zim who was still out. "WHY YOU SLEEPIN!?"

"O my glob. I like him when he did not work." Jake said to Finn.

"We should have left him in the ice if we knew what we had to put up with" Finn said back to Jake.

Gir ran up to Jake. "DOGGY!" He jump on Jake. "I LUVES YOUS!"

"Aww man! Finn help a brother out!"

while Finn was trying to get Gir off of Jake, PB was in the cage with Zim, looking at the metal thing on his back, then Zim slowly lift up his head and turned it towards PB who was paying no attention, and he growled at her.

She look up. "O no."

Yes short I know

Gir: What's the capital of the Atlantic Ocean?

Me: The hell kinda of question is that!? Really!?