Hello everyone. Ever since I saw "The Overlooked" this idea for a fanfiction came up and I decided to test it.

A couple of things:

- I'm gonna add my own little twist into the emissaries story, hope you like it.

-This is not a one-shot.

- I own nothing :)

- Please REVIEW your opinion means a lot. xoxo

The entire house was silent. So silent it made me uncomfortable. Seven pairs of golden eyes stared at me like I had grown another head.

"Come on, Bella! You can't be serious." Emmett hollered at me. I sighed. This was going to be a lot more difficult than I had expected. When Edward left a couple of months ago, I was hurt. Really hurt. But I had to suck it up. I couldn't afford to be weak not when I had people who expected companionship and advise. I was an emissary. A druid and as such I had responsibilities in the supernatural world.

"Look, I know this is not what you expected. But it is the best for everyone."

Everyone was shocked. I saw it in their eyes but it had to be done, damn the consequences. Being a druid was like being a compass, certain people or more specifically certain werewolves relied on us to stay connected to this world, to keep them grounded and most of all human. Some of us were dead because of the Alpha pack led by Deucalion but those that remained alive even if in secret could not just shrug our duties, simply because most of the time they could be used to spare many lives regardless of species.

Edward looked at me with a hurtful look capable of breaking through the thickest ice but I had to stick to my plans. No matter what. Guess karma really is a bitch. Months ago he hurt me and now I guess it was my turn, unfortunately.

Esme was trying to comfort him by placing a hand on his shoulder, not that it was helping.

"Love, you can't really mean that! I know you were hurt when I left but it's all over now."

I stepped forward and pinched my nose in thought.

"I know that I hurt you and your entire family…" except maybe Rosalie. "but it's just better that way. We brought you home to the people you belong with. Your family. Not me."

Alice shook her head and interfered.

"This is completely ridiculous, Bella. You went with me to Italy and faced the Volturi to make sure Edward came home safely and now you come up with this ridiculous idea that you two shouldn't be together." Carlisle and Jasper tried to talk but she didn't gave them opportunity. Her determination was unsettling and it was angering me something that Jasper must have felt because he closed his eyes as if trying to catch a breath.

"I saw you two together. Married and happy."

"Alice, your visions aren't always reliable. You said so yourself!"

"Aren't you showing some nerve." Rosalie commented while looking at her nails making me roll my eyes. I couldn't do this anymore. I couldn't be with someone who is as controlling as Edward is. All he wants is to know everything that I do every single second. He doesn't allow me to decide things for myself. It's like he is my own personal body guard or babysitter whatever you wanna call it. How am I supposed to take care of werewolves and homicidal psychos if he thinks that even walking around the neighborhood alone is too dangerous? I know I'm human and that there are millions of seemingly harmless things that could result in death but goddamnit!

"I'm sorry for all of this. I never wanted to cause drama. But it's the best for everyone specially for you Edward even if you don't see it yet. We're just too different."

Esme nodded in a motherly way.

"Bella, sweetie. Are you sure about this? You two looked so in love."

"Yeah, I second that. I liked having you in the family." Emmett pouted and Rosalie snorted.

Jasper looked at me with sorrow.

"I'm sorry, Bella. I know I made a mistake…"

I stopped him.

"None of this is your fault, Jasper. And don't think for one second that I blame you for any of this. I guess fate just took it's course." After hearing what I said, Edward looked more hurt than ever. Like he was broken. Maybe I shouldn't even had encouraged him but at the time I had a silly crush on him. Stupid me. I should know better.

"Great and now what? We have a human who knows about us. What is the course of action, Carlisle?"

For the first time Carlisle's melodic voice was heard.

"We are not going to do anything. I'm sure Bella can keep our secret."

I knew exactly what he meant. Just like most of the family he still hoped that I would reconsider in the near future. They still hoped that I would come back and make up with Edward and that we would live happily ever after. Unfortunately life was most of the time unfair. People who had been hurt already would probably feel even more pain. People who didn't deserve anything good in their life would probably get it until nature decided it was time to turn the tables and bring balance to everybody.

"Don't worry Carlisle. You don't have to leave town and we could all still be friends. I won't tell your secret." I was a druid afterall keeping secrets was what I did best. Finally I walked away and left the house and consequently my life with the Cullens behind without a second thought.