Hello everyone! I'm so so so sorry that I've taken so long to update, I've been having some major family and personal problems but I'm really gonna try to update as much as I can now that it's summer. Thank you for the reviews and for following my story, it means a lot to me! Here you have it, the next chapter that I've made you wait forever for! :)

You could tell he was in love by the way he looked at her. Other girls were faint stars; she was his sun.


"No." Steve's muffled voice said to Haven.



"Steven, that's not an answer."


"Steve!" Haven attempted to sound serious, but couldn't help the slight giggle that escaped past her lips.

"I don't wanna."

"Steven Grant Rogers!"

Steve's head shot up from its previous place between Haven's right shoulder and neck. "Did you just reprimand me using my full name? What are you my mom?" Haven squealed as Steve wrapped his arms fully around her and pulling her head to his chest, effectively enveloping her and pinning her between him and the bed. He placed sloppy wet kisses all along her face and neck.


"Shhhh!" He told her while laughing. "They can't know you're in here! They'll take you away from me." Steve said, whispering the last part.

Haven stuck her tongue out at him and lightly kissed his lips. "You're supposed to spend the day with Bucky."

"You see, that sounds fun, but I can't kiss Bucky."

A voice interrupted Steve and Haven's conversation. "Well you could, but I'd probably hit you." Bucky stood in the doorway.

"Are you sure it wouldn't be Natasha who'd hit me out of jealous rage?" Steve shot back.

"Bucky! Shut the-" Haven started.

"Relax," Bucky chuckled. "Everyone went out to breakfast. Your dad saw you weren't in your room so I told him you slept in Natasha's and that was enough to make him leave without you."


"Don't worry about it." A smirk grew across the dark haired soldier's face. "So. I see you two have…come to an understanding about your feelings for each other."

A split second later, Natasha slipped into the room and their conversation. "Did you fondue?"

"NATASHA." Steve's whole body turned red with embarrassment. He hid himself under the covers, holding Haven front behind and digging his face into her back.

"I'm so confused." Haven stated.

"Me too." Bucky added.

Natasha couldn't answer them immediately, she was too busy laughing hysterically at the inside joke. "Te-tell them Steve!" She stuttered between laughs.


"Tell me!" Bucky shook Natasha, trying to calm her down enough for her to tell him what was going on.

"S-Steve used to think tha-that fondue meant having se-ex!" With that the assassin broke into yet another round of hysterics.

"OH MY GOD STOP. SHUT UP." Steve yelled and, if possible, turned even and deeper shade of red.

Haven turned herself to face Steve, who was holding his face in his hands. "Aw Steve!"

"Don't even." He muttered.

"Stud! Don't be embarrassed, I find it cute!" She tried to convince him. She hugged him and kissed his jawline.

"I hate all of you." Steve said. Haven gripped his hands and tried to pry them off of his face. Finally he took a hold of hers and placed them on the sides of his face before kissing her. "You're gonna make fun of me now."

"No I'm not." Haven sat up.

"Promise?" Steve held his pinky out to her.

She wrapped her pinky around his. "Promise."

He smiled and stood up, kissing her cheek and walking into the bathroom. "I'll kick Natasha and Bucky out so we can fondue in the shower!" Haven yelled to the super soldier. The three who remained in the bedroom burst into laughter.



After an eventful morning, Natasha and Haven made the boys and themselves breakfast before they separated for the day. Bucky and Steve decided to walk around aimlessly until they came upon something, while the girls agreed on going to a salon. Contrary to popular belief, Natasha Romanoff loved to be pampered.

"I need a change." The red head blurted out.

Haven, who sat in the pedicure chair next to Nat, raised an eyebrow. "Like what?"

"I don't know. Now that I've gotten over Clint and am taking a break for being an assassin…I feel like I need something new."

"Understandable." Haven nodded. "So what do you think you want to do?"

Natasha shrugged.

"You know, they say when a girl changes her life it means she's changing her life."

"Bucky did say something about me looking good as a blonde."

The two girls looked knowingly at each other.

Two hours later, a newly blonde Natasha and brunette Haven exited the salon and hurried to the nearest mall.


"You guys sicken me." Bucky told his best friend.

Steve just laughed and shoved him. "You're just jealous you can't be like us with Natasha."

"It's not like that…"


"I'm serious, she's really cool, we're just friends."

The super soldier rolled his eyes. "One day, you and Nat will sicken me just as much as Haven and I do."

"Shut up." Bucky groaned.

"I'm just kidding!"


"Yeah." Steve assured him. "You already sicken me."

Bucky chuckled. "Have I mentioned how great it is to be reunited with you again…Stud?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

Steve laughed loudly. "Oh, you're hilarious! At least my girl finds me irresistibly charming and handsome, whereas Natasha hasn't said shit about you."

"Ohhh, ouch, that hurt. That stung real bad…go fuck yourself."

"James Buchanan Barnes! Don't you use that language with me sir!" Steve practically yelled as they walked back to the ranch. It was now around 10 at night and almost pitch dark out.

"Kill yourself!" Bucky yelled back. He absolutely hated his full middle name.

Steve just laughed and laughed until they got back to the ranch. Everyone was home except Haven and Natasha. However, from the looks of it, they'd just sat done for dinner.

"Hey guys!" Pepper smiled and greeted them. "Haven just texted and told me her and Natasha are on their way back right now, they should be here any minute."

"Great," Bucky said. "I'm just gonna use the bathroom before dinner."

The sound of a door slamming echoed throughout the ranch.

"They're here." Tony stated.

All eyes turned toward the door and then widened.

"Natasha you…your hair it…" Clint stumbled over his words, trying to form a sentence.

"I dyed it."

"Yeah…it um..its…"

Clint was interrupted when Bucky entered the dining room again. He stopped once he saw the girls, or more likely Natasha. "Hey Nat! I told you that you'd look great blonde!"

To everyone's surprise Natasha blushed as bright as her old hair color.

"I disagree." Steve intervened.

"Steve!" Haven slapped his arm.

"I'm supposed to be the cute innocent blonde all american superhero, she's supposed to be the deadly bloodthirsty read headed assassin! That is the way things work in our little gang and you've now gone and soiled it!" The blonde soldier stomped the ground like a five year old having a tantrum.

"You're just jealous she's a hotter blonde." Bucky smirked.

"IT'S NOT EVEN NATURAL- I'm out." Steve held up his hands and left.

"Aw Stud! I think you're the hotter blonde it's ok!" Haven followed him.


"Um." Tony Stark began. "What exactly was that?"

"What was what?" Bucky asked.

"That. Steve and Haven. What was that?"

"I don't know what you mean." Natasha said.

"They're acting like a couple. I'd like to know why."

"OHHHH." Both Bucky and Natasha shifted uncomfortably. "That may be because…they are?"

Natasha could swear Tony's eye twitched. "Excuse me?"

"Your daughter is dating your dad's ultimate man crush." Natasha broke it to him quickly. "How do you feel about that?"

There was a long deafening silence before Tony threw himself out of his chair and stormed down the hallway toward Steve's room.