Hey guys, its Brandon. I'm posting a new fan fic, but am still working on the others (I have developed severe writer's block pertaining to Crossovers & Flashbacks and Duncan, T: Part I).

This crossover consists of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit and Shake it Up!. Plot is straightforward as always.

CeCe Jones arrives home from a taping of Shake it Up! New York to find her brother, Flynn, naked on the floor. Before he loses consciousness, Flynn tells CeCe that he was raped, but doesn't remember anything else about it. In order to find his attacker, detectives Oliva Benson and Elliot Stabler must rely on their instincts to find the person responsible.

There will be cameos at different points by Jack McCoy (The district attorney portrayed by Sam Waterston on Law & Order), Ty Blue, and Deuce Martinez. Yes, I know Christopher Meloni is no longer on Law & Order: SVU, but Elliot Stabler will ALWAYS be associated with the show!

If everybody's ready, please enjoy this crossover. Please leave your reviews.

Disclaimer: I don't own Law & Order: SVU nor do I own Shake it Up!

Blank it Up

A Law & Order: Special Victims Unit/Shake it Up! crossover fan fic


"In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous.

In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories."

CeCe Jones walked through the door of the Upper East Side brownstone she shared with her friend, Rocky Blue, and her brother, Flynn Jones. She looked around, and stared at the security system keypad.

The alarm was chiming, and she quickly punched in the pin number to deactivate it.

She walked towards the living room, and saw a horrifying sight.

Her nine year old brother, Flynn, was laying on the floor, naked. CeCe dropped her purse, and ran towards her brother, covering him with a blanket. She then ran her hand against his cheek, trying to revive him.

"Flynn, what happened?!" CeCe asked.

Flynn opened his eyes, and looked at his sister.

"CeCe, it... was... terrible..." Flynn started.

"What happened, Flynn. You can tell me, I'm your sister."

"I.. don't... remember... but... I... think... I... was... raped." the nine year old said.

He took a breath, and fell back into unconsciousness.

CeCe started to panic. Behind her, she heard the front door open and close. She looked back, and saw Rocky standing in the doorway of the living room. CeCe started to cry.

"CeCe, what's wrong?" Rocky Blue asked as she dropped her purse, and ran to CeCe's side."

"Rocky, call 9-1-1, now! I think somebody raped Flynn!" CeCe roared.

Rocky pulled her cell phone out of her pocket, and dialed 9-1-1.

New York City Police detectives Olivia Benson and Elliot Stabler walked down the corridors of Lenox Hill Hospital, and found the room Flynn Jones was in. Elliot knocked on the door, and looked quietly at Liv.

"Elliot, are you okay?" Liv asked her partner."

"Liv, we get so many sexual assault cases every day. I never thought for once one of the victims would be a nine year old boy whose sister happens to be a dancer on Shake it Up! New York." Elliot said as he looked at Liv.

They paused for a moment, and watched as the door opened. Rocky Blue stared at the two detectives for a moment, and started to speak.

"May I help you, officers?" Rocky asked as she looked at Elliot and Liv.

"Detectives Benson and Stabler, NYPD SVU, we would like to speak to Cecelia Jones." Liv said as she and Stabler pulled out their badges for Rocky to examine.

"Come on in. We've been expecting you. I'm Raquel Blue, but you can call me Rocky." Rocky said as she escorted the detectives into the hospital room.

The two detectives looked around the room, and saw CeCe sitting in a chair by a hospital bed. In the bed, they saw Flynn asleep, with an IV connected to his arm.

CeCe looked up from the bed, and saw Elliot and Liv. She sighed, and looked back at her brother.

"I can't believe somebody would hurt Flynn. I have no idea who would be responsible for a sick crime like rape." CeCe said as she started to cry.

"Ms. Jones, I'm detective Benson with NYPD SVU. My partner and I would like to speak with your brother regarding the 9-1-1 call that your friend made." Liv said as she walked towards CeCe.

"I'm sorry, detective. The doctors just administered a sedative to Flynn. He's going to be out for at least the next couple of days. They're afraid that he contracted an STD." CeCe said as she gazed at Liv and Elliot.

"Cecelia, we know you're trying to protect your brother from whoever assaulted him, but we need to speak to him. It's imperative that we find out all we can about the person responsible for raping him." Elliot said.

CeCe got up from the chair, and walked towards Stabler. She stared at the detective, and sighed.

"Even if you questioned him about what happened, detective..." CeCe started.

"Stabler." Elliot said.

….yes, detective Stabler, he has no recollection of what occurred. Its like somebody gave him something that would wipe away any memory of the event." CeCe said.

"I promise you, Cecelia, we will find the perp who raped your brother, and we will make sure he or she never sees the light of day again." Liv said.

"Please, call me CeCe." CeCe said as she looked at Elliot and Liv.

Behind CeCe, the monitor started blaring.

She turned, and saw Flynn's heart rate dropping. At that moment, doctors and nurses stormed in, and tended to the nine year old.

"I need you to leave now." one of the doctors said as he walked into the room.

Elliot and Liv grabbed CeCe, and escorted her out of the hospital room.

About twenty minutes later, a doctor came out of the room, and looked at the detectives.

"Apparently, the STD is worse than we thought. Mr. Jones appears to have contracted Syphilis from his attacker. That's likely what caused his heart rate to drop. We're placing him in a drug-induced coma in order to prevent the STD from spreading. In the meantime, we are transferring him to ICU so that we can monitor his progress more thoroughly." the doctor said.

CeCe gasped as the doctor walked away.

"Did that doctor just say that my little brother might have contracted Syphilis?" CeCe asked wearily as she watched orderlies roll Flynn's bed out of the room.

"CeCe, Syphilis is a very dangerous STD, especially when left untreated. His attacker most likely has an advanced stage of the infection, and gave it to your brother during the assault." Liv said.

"We need to get going, Ms. Jones. We'll check back later." Elliot said as he walked away.

Elliot Stabler and Olivia Benson looked at each other as they walked down the corridor towards the elevators.

In all their years investigating sex crimes, they knew that the case involving nine year old Flynn Jones would probably be the most difficult case they would have to solve.

The elevator chimed, and they stepped on. As they watch the doors close in front of them, they knew that they would only have seventy-two hours to find Flynn Jones' attacker before he or she would disappear altogether.

That's the prologue. Let me know what you thought of it. This story will take a while to complete, considering that my other fan fics are top priority.