WARNINGS: This story contains domestic abuse/relationship abuse, cussing, and OOC-ness. You have been warned.

A/N: Thank you guys for all the immense support you all sent me after I told you guys about my dad leaving and current family situation. I love you guys so much! I consider you all friends. All those messages and touching things you guys left me in the review made me "slightly" tear up aka niagara-falls-on-my-cheeks. I love you all so very much and if you guys ever need anything, just do a pigeon call and I'll be there to help. Love you guys! Hope you enjoy this new story I started!

Disclaimer: If I owned Naruto, Neji would still be alive T_T

Date our gang leader, he's a good guy, they said.

It will be fun, they said.

What's with the bruises, they said.

Don't drink that cup of bleach, they said.

A harsh slap to the face rung in her ears.

Tenten soothingly rubbed her swollen cheek, "What the hell do you mean you 'want out'? Out of this gang or out of this relationship?"

Tenten tremblingly wiped the spit Hidan had practically spat in her face, "B-both."

Hidan mockingly laughed as he leaned against his motorcycle,"Yeah, and I want to be an astronaut president."

"It's not you! It's me!"

(It was totally him.)

Hidan rolled his eyes, "Talk once more about breaking up and slash or leaving the 'Akatsuku' and I'll slit your throat and burn down your house...with you or whatever is left of you in it."

How romantic.

Hidan took out a cigarette and lit it. He took a long drag and blew the smoke towards her porcelain face,"Go to Konan and get her to cover up that black eye. I heard the overly-confident 'Byakugan' gang is going to be here tonight. They don't usually come to these parts so I need to make a good impression before I bash their skulls in. I don't need my woman looking like a trashcan."

Tenten coughed and turned around to find Konan, "Oh and Tenten," she turned around hoping for a spontaneous coma to befall her,"Remember that I know where you live. Don't embarrass me in front of them or I will ensure that you become an orphan. Understand?"

Tenten tremblingly nodded and took a big breath of air to calm her nerves. Tenten politely swerved through the crowds of interlaced gangs and smoke clouds from motorcycle exhausts. There was the 'Akatsuki', 'Shinobi'', and less important gangs whom really aren't worth mentioning. Every week they all rounded up in the abandoned junkyard by the woods and would beat each other senseless in a drunken daze with a great many casualties here and there. Every gang minus the legendary 'Byakugan' because they thought stabbing people merciless once a week wasn't the ideal tradition but this week, rumors had spread they had fully participated for reasons unknown.

Tenten had heard that the men in 'Byakygan' were handsome sex gods who could severe one's head in less than 0.7 seconds. If she could see one of the 'Byakugan' members beat her abusive boyfriend to a pulp...Oh...she'd give her life savings plus her virginity and a coupon to Ichiraku's ramen shop to see that.

Tenten skimmed the lethal crowds looking for Konan. She wandered deep into the woods hoping she'd find a fully clothed Konan without her touchy touchy boyfriend, Pein. If she didn't find Konan and her make up kit, Hidan would give her another black eye to match the one she already had. You see, he didn't want people thinking he was a woman beater which he very much was. Tenten had the bruises to prove it.

Tenten's breath hitched in her throat as she felt someone harshly slam her into a tree, "Hey sweet thang."

A stumbling stranger who smelled like cheap beer and desperation stroked her swollen cheek, "What are you doing here all alone?"

"Please leave me alone. I don't want any trouble," Tenten tried to say as politely as possible in order to prevent her throat getting slit, "My boyfriend wouldn't appreciate this."

"Don't worry. He won't find out. And even if he did, it's not like he would try to strangle us to death or something."

Tenten nervously clicked her tongue, "Yeah, about tha-"

The repulsive stranger cut her off by putting his grimy index finger on her smooth lips, "Shh. You're ruining the moment."

Tenten knitted her eyebrows together.

What moment?

Tenten desperately shook her head, "You're drunk. I'm trying to make sure my boyfriend doesn't shorten your life expectancy here!"

He stumbled back in a drunken haze, "But...but...we have so much in common. Why must you break my heart?"

Oh god.

He was one of THOSE drunks.

The absolutely pathetic 'why-won't-you-love-me-no-one-loves-me-because-of- traumatized-childhood-negligence' type of creepy drunk.

Tenten scoffed, "Go home. You're drunk."

Suigetsu drunkenly slurred, "Don't be so prude, little mamasita. I'm just trying to have some fun."

Tenten knitted her eyebrows together and exasperatedly shook her head, "Mama-what?! I'm sorry, I don't speak Spanish- Alright, this is getting ridiculous. I'm going back to the junkyard. Adios."

"What about all the memories we shared together?"

"You pushing me into a tree and calling me "sweet thang" are the only memories we have," Tenten began to slow walk away, "You're heavily intoxicated. So if you'll excuse me, I'll just-"

The unnamed stranger pulled her back and slammed her against the tree once again, "You're not going anywhere."

She closed her eyes. Maybe if she sighed deep enough, she could disappear. She cracked open one caramel colored eye. Nope.

Still there.


...but what was that sweet, sweet aroma?

"The lady said to let her go, Suigetsu."

Tenten looked up to see who her knight in shining tin foil was. Her jaw almost dropped. A muscular guy with long hair pulled the tipsy stranger off her. The now sobering stranger gulped as he saw his life flash before his eyes, "Fuck! Neji! I-I-I didn't know that she was your woman!"

Neji glared at Suigetsu as an anime sweat drop appeared on his forehead, "She obviously doesn't want you to bother her."

Suigetsu looked back between Neji and Tenten and back at Neji, "She-she came onto me. I told her that I had a girlfriend but she's persistent. She can't keep her hands off me!"

Neji rose an eyebrow and Tenten replied in disgust and glared at Suigetsu, "I'd rather stick my head in a blender."

"Scum like you need to be taught a lesson," Neji cracked his knuckles, "I don't take too kindly to liars."

Suigetsu gulped.

He rolled his tongue in a pathetic attempt to imitate a phone ringing as he slowly descended back into the woods, "Rrrrrrrrr-ing. Rrrrrr-ing. That's my house phone ringing. I better go get it."

Tenten sighed as the drunk desperately ran into the woods as if he was running for his life which he actually was unbeknownst to Tenten, "Thank you."

Neji walked closer up to her and took a hold of her jaw. Shivers went down her spine as his cold fingers gently maneuvered her head left and right under the moonlight, "Did he do that to you?"

Tenten shook his fingers off her jaw, "No...besides it's none of your concern. You don't even know me."

"I may not know you but I do know that no man should ever hit a woman. What happened to your eye?"

Tenten shook his fingers off her jaw and turned around,"I... accidentally fell and hit a...a..um-"

"Something in a shape of your boyfriend's fist?"

Tenten grit her teeth together, "No. It was a door knob! Look, I've got to go."

Neji's eyes turned into a violent shade and Tenten feared for her life expectancy, "Didn't I fucking tell you that I hate liars? The last guy who lied to me besides that pathetic drunk we encountered minutes ago, was almost drowned in a pool of his own blood," Neji's eyes lightened back up with a transparent facade of a smile and dug his hands in his pockets, "Anyways, I'll walk you back to the main grounds. I'm Neji. You didn't tell me your name."

Tenten's eye slightly twitched.

Bipolar bastard.

"You," Tenten narrowed her brown eyes at him, "don't have a lot of friends, do you?"

Neji knitted his eyebrows together, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Never mind. Anyways, I won't tell you my name. No matter how hot you are, just talking to you risks the separation of my head and body," Tenten pointed an accusing finger at him, "I don't know about you but I like my head attached to my body!"

Neji smirked at her like the smug little bastard he was, "So you think I'm hot?"

Tenten's face turned a crimson red, "This conversation alone could get my throat slashed."

The sound of crunching leaves filled the atmosphere, "I'm guessing Hidan is the jealous type?"

"He's not the jealous type as per say, it's just that...For example, if I call 911 and the operator is male, I have to hang up," she ranted to the long haired boy, "One time, the crazed sociopath was high and he said I wasn't allowed to swim because I might try to drown myself to escape the relat-Wait...I never said his name was Hidan."

Neji's teasing smile fell and he closed his eyes along with an ignorant shrug, "Lucky guess."

Tenten gulped, "Look, whatever problem you have with him, you can take it up with him. I refuse to be your messenger dog! And if you even think about kidnapping me to get Hidan to pay a ransom, don't even try. It's happened before and he said he wouldn't pay a dime over twenty dollars. I had to have my parents bail me out. So kidnapping me should be out of the question for you."

"So your parents know how badly he treats you and they allow you to be with him?"

"Don't change the subject."

"I can do whatever the hell I want."

Tenten sarcastically rolled her eyes, "What a rebel. Anyways, it's more complicated than it seems. My family is terrified of him. One time, I texted him saying that my family was keeping us apart. I thought I finally got rid of him until him and his hooligan friends broke into my house and he held my parents at gunpoint, generously asking for their approval on our relationship."

Neji semi-glared at her, "Do you come from a long line of idiots?"

"Excuse me?"

"Why did you even agree to be his woman? Do you lack common sense?"

Tenten clicked her tongue, "It's a long story."

"I've got time."

"You sure are stubborn," Tenten playfully said as she flicked his forehead.

Neji rolled his eyes, "Just go on with your stupid story."

"Well, you see, my family owns a weapon slash hunting equipment shop. So one day, Hidan and the rest of his juvenile friends came in the store with ski masks on. As they were robbing us, Hidan's best friend, Pein, made my parents open the cash register and Hidan was talking about our inventory when he laid his eyes on me. He used a breath spray, took off his ski mask and asked me out on a date."

"And you said yes? Moron."

Tenten's jaw almost dropped, "He was flailing around a machete near my neck. What was I supposed to say?!"

"You're supposed to say 'Get that machete out of my face, you psycho'."

Tenten narrowed his eyes at him, "I don't think I like that tone."

"My apologies but if he treats you so bad, why do you stay with him? You're too beautiful for trash like that. I can handle him if you'd like. Not to brag but I do know my way around a switchblade knife," Neji stoically winked at her, "Especially, to protect a lady such as yourself."

Tenten looked away so she could hide her blush but then she shook her head, "Have you even listened to anything I said?"

Neji stoically answered, "Only the parts that I care about."

Well then.


Tenten rolled her eyes at his irritating ignorance, "Look, point is he's psychotic. We're almost to the clearing so you'd better go now."

Neji shrugged his shoulders, "I want to have a word with this sociopath."

Tenten flailed her arms in frustration, "You're practically asking to get killed! You barely know me, it's not worth getting your skull bashed in. I mean it's not like you're not hot because you truly do look like a sex god. And I mean it when I say congratulations on your DNA. But I don't want you to end up in a coma just because my psychotic boyfriend gets a little possessive sometimes. I know this sounds incredibly rude but get away from me or you're gonna go home missing some limbs."

Tenten panted after saying that in one big breath of air. Neji broke out in a fit of husky laughter, "You're surprisingly cute when you're frustrated."

Tenten clicked her tongue in order to mask her embarrassment with annoyance, "I've tried to let you down easy but you're obviously thick headed. I don't want to see you. Thanks for getting that creep off me but I'm not interested. I have a lovely psychedelic boyfriend waiting for me elsewhere. So if you'll excuse me."

She began to walk away but turned around once again with her hands exasperated in the air as she saw Neji's firm smirk resting on his lips and his arms crossed against his chest, "And whatever the hell cologne you're wearing, keep wearing it because it smells amazing," she turned back around, "Good day."

The cause of the extra pitter-patter of feet behind her laughed whole-heartedly, "I've never met anyone like you before."

Tenten turned back around, "I said good day, sir!"

"That's okay, I like them a little feisty."

Tenten continued walking towards Hidan, thinking she had lost the handsome sex god that smelled like Tenten's personal euphoria. His face was indifferent as she walked up to him, "I couldn't find Kon-"

"So this is the woman beater," a husky voice behind her said as Neji slung a muscular arm around her shoulders.

Oh god.

Tell her family she loves them.

She didn't think she'd die this young.

Hidan took out the cancer stick out of his mouth and threw it on the ground, "What are you doing with him?"

Tenten nervously pointed to Neji with her thumb, "Who? This? I've never seen, talked or smelled him in my life."

Tenten gulped as the junkyard fell deadly silent. All eyes were on her, "I didn't know you were into such trash, Neji Hyuga."


Woah, woah, woah.


He was Neji Hyuga? THE Neji Hyuga? The infamous sociopath with the stoic face whom once put a thirty year old man in the hospital for saying that he was 'pretty'?! The gang leader of 'Byakugan' whom was rumored to be a psychotic weapon of mass murder? Neji Hyuga as in the merciless Neji Hyuga that once set fire to some poor guy for telling his cousin that she had a lovely bust?

Tenten gulped.

And to think, that she had almost idiotically told him that he smelled like unicorns and rainbows.

Neji morbidly chuckled, "And I didn't know you were such trash, Hidan."

Hidan mustered up a low chuckle, "What's a bloodthirsty lunatic like you doing around these parts?"

Tenten stood there paralyzed as if she was the middle, cream filling of a psychotic Oreo cookie in human form,"I can ask you the same question. But the question I want to ask is why the hell is a girl like this with an untrained mutt like you?"

Hidan clenched his jaw and took out his large, black switchblade, "Don't make me gut you alive, pretty boy."

"You think I'm pretty," Neji had a Sai-styled smile plastered on his face and took out his pistol from his pocket with his unoccupied hand, "It's such a shame that you're never going to see me again."

Hidan stepped closer to the indifferent Neji and terrified Tenten, (whom was currently praying for her life slash making her final, death wishes). Hidan cockily lifted up his switchblade near Neji's throat, "Why's that? Huh?"

Neji stoically took off the safety of his gun, "Because I'm going to blow your brains out for ever laying your hands on a woman."

Tenten cautiously attempted to peel Neji's hand off her, "I should go home. I-I think I have some laundry to do."

Hidan pressed his switchblade right against Neji's throat and Neji placed his gun on Hidan's temple, "If you're gonna do laundry, then you might as well take Neji's clothes cause they're about to be splattered with his fucking blood."

Neji shoved the gun closer to Hidan's face, "Didn't your filthy mother ever teach you that it's impolite to curse at women?"

Tenten's eyes shifted left and right. People had begun to take out their weapons in case a massive brawl broke out. She let out a big sigh, "There's no need to fight."

Hidan and Neji simultaneously glared at her and concurrently said, "Shut the fuck up."

Tenten mentally glared at Neji.

Whatever happened to 'it's impolite to curse at women'?

(Tenten concluded that he obviously suffered from some sort of bi-polar disorder.)

"Besides, we're not fighting," Hidan spat in her face.

(Yet they're holding lethal weapons towards each other.)

"I'm civilized unlike this savage before me. I'm not going to kill him," Tenten let out a big sigh of relief at Neji's comment,"Well, at least not here anyways."

Tenten took that big sigh of relief back.

"Why not tough guy?"

Neji briefly locked eyes with Tenten, "I want to make a good impression."

Neji felt a cold gun press against the back of his head, "I'd suggest you lower that gun before you hurt yourself, pal."

Neji rose a perfectly arched eyebrow and Tenten turned her head around to see Pein holding a gun to Neji's head. A blonde haired boy immediately ran behind Pein with Konan in hot pursuit and pulled a loaded gun against his heart, "Blood is gonna splatter today unless you lower that gun that you have on my leader's head."

Konan pointed her switchblade against Naruto's coconuts, "That's my boyfriend there, blondie. If you want to have children, I advise that you don't pull that trigger."

Tenten nervously chuckled, "Let's all calm down and keep the blood loss at a minimum."

Konan felt a hot sensation near her face. Sasuke sadistically smiled at her as he rose an opened water bottle to her eye range, "I have gasoline in one hand and a lighter in the other. Unless you want to burn alive, I suggest you don't do anything you will regret."


That escalated quickly.

(And to think that we're only in the first chapter.)

Tenten began to blow out big puffs of air. Neji and Hidan both looked at her in confusion and spontaneously said, "What the hell are you doing?"

"Trying to blow away some of the tension," Tenten said with a nervous chuckle.

Cricket, cricket.

She glanced around to see no one had even chuckled at her pathetic attempt of an ice-breaker. Everyone had indifferent looks on their faces.


Tenten closed her eyes.


Oh well.

She's lived a good life.




She hopes her family will donate all her belongings to a well-worthy organization.


She wonders what school picture they'll use in the news when they announce her tragic death on channel ninety nine.

A full-out rumble erupted in the abandoned junkyard. Shots were fired and Tenten's ears rang with the screams of gang members whom were getting stabbed with lead pipes and mercilessly shot. Pein had turned around to help his girlfriend evade certain death. Neji clicked his tongue, "See what you did now, Hidan?"

Hidan let out a low 'tch' sound as he receded his lethal weapon and got on his motorcycle, "You're exactly like how the rumors describe you...a fucking psycho!"

Neji lowered his gun, "Well, if what you say is true then I'm in luck because seeing as your girlfriend is with you, she obviously has a fetish for deranged maniacs."

Neji quickly slid his hand from her shoulder to her jaw and pressed his soft lips against her full ones. It was a chaste kiss but nevertheless, sent tingles up and down her body. She felt her knees get weak and wobbly. He smirked at a now furious Hidan, "Tenten, fucking get on my fucking motorbike this fucking second before I lose my fucking temper."

Tenten had a feeling that he had already lost his temper.

Tenten quickly hopped on it, still stunned from that kiss with the tempting urge to run her fingers over her lips.

If she had a dollar for every time Hidan kissed her like that...well...

She'd be a broke, homeless hobo.

Neji radiated a murderous aura as he glared at Hidan, "Listen, if you even think about hurting a sole hair on her head, I will hunt you down, burn you alive and then proceed to destroy everyone and anything you've ever loved, you sick fuck."

"Fuck you," Hidan revved up his motorcycle and Tenten avoided eye contact with the gorgeous man.

"She'll be mine one day," Neji stoically challenged.

"Over my dead body!"

"Well, when you put it that way," Neji's eyes gleamed with a challenge, "That can be arranged."

An anime styled invisible electric current was exchanged between Hidan and Neji, "I don't have time for this. I'll get you back for humiliating me. Mark my words!"

Tenten clung to Hidan as he drove her home. The ride home was rushed and quiet...too quiet. When they arrived in front of Tenten's house, Hidan parked his motorcycle,"So goodnig-"

Hidan lit a cigarette, "Don't ever see that guy again. He gives me the chills."

"I won't," Tenten wailed her hands in denial, "He doesn't even know my name."

(Yeah, about that...)

Hidan knitted his eyebrows together at her, "You know he's only using you to get to me? I can see it in his eyes. He's got crazy eyes! The kind of crazy eyes that you see on violent episodes of animal planet. The veins in his face were practically popping out. Listen, I only hurt you cause you sometimes make me angry. If he has anybody to blame for your scars, it's you."

Tenten's false smile slightly faltered, "I know."

Hidan took a long drag of his cigarette, "You make me angry so I take it out on you. I hurt you because I love you."


"I know."

"If he tries to get in contact with you, you tell me. The moment he laid his filthy hand on your shoulder, he proclaimed his death wish to me."

Tenten gulped, "Well, it's late. I'd better go inside.

"Tenten," Hidan turned on his motorcycle, "Wait. Come here."

Tenten walked up to him. She closed her eyes awaiting for the quick ring of a slap that never came. She opened her eyes, "Give me a kiss."

Hidan roughly grabbed her and shoved his tongue into her mouth, sloppily swishing it around, "If you look for him, I'm going to have to commit first degree murder. Twice. Do you understand?"

Tenten nodded," You shouldn't concern yourself with that guy. You're the only one I could ever have feelings for, Hidan. I love you."

If you think Tenten only said that to save her and Neji's asses then...

...you're absolutely right.

"Good. Then we have an understanding."

He drove away and when he was out of sight, Tenten used the back of her hand to wipe off her lips, "Not only is he a psycho but he's a psycho that can't kiss for his life."

Tenten snuck inside her house through her house's back door and headed straight to her room. She took off her shoes and jacket and jumped on her bed. She let out a big sigh and attempted to fall asleep.

Keyword; attempted.

She had laid there for an hour and a half, tossing and turning. She couldn't fall asleep. She had too much weight on her shoulders you know...with the psychotic killer of a boyfriend she had and the gorgeous, long haired lunatic of a sex god whom looked death in the eye and kissed his girlfriend practically proclaiming a declaration of war between 'Byakugan' and 'Akatsuki'.

Yet only one question lingered on her mind.

She sighed.

Why did she only attract the psychotic ones?