Wow, it's been ages...almost a year to be exact huh? Sorry about that haha, but hopefully I can finish this story like Ember Island. Anyways, reviews!
: Here's some more parent awkwardness for ya
Ashley Barbosa: I'm doing my best to write more :D
Logan1300: Sorry for making you wait a year for another chapter :(
Idstealer000: Crap is about to hit the fan for Zuko's past :D

ShadowJ95: Sadly no, I didn't have a bunch of fics saved up lol
child who is cool: thanks!
SpyralHax: Thanks for the complements, you're ironically the reason I started pairing Jinko A LOT more, so thank you for the inspiration!

The gates opened, allowing Suki access to the palace. She gave the man in the security booth a nod when she passed him, she still couldn't get used to being able to have this much access to the royal family and their palace. It seemed like ages as she walked up the long drive, though in reality it was probably a minute to get to the door. She knocked on the door, which immediately flew open to reveal Zuko's Father. Her heart stopped and her eyes widened, Suki realized this was the first real time she had met Ozai. The man was intimidating, his long black hair went down to his mid-back, a small patch of facial hair on his chin, his matching black suit completed his almost evil appearance. She could almost see Zuko in him, sometimes when Zuko was focused on something, he wore the same tightlipped, furrowed brow and cold golden eyes. The bigger man looked down at her, "You're Suki…my son's new girlfriend."

Suki reacted on instinct by giving the man a half bow, "Yes sir. I'm sorry if I'm bothering you, but I came to see Zuko."

"I assumed," He smiled, something about it seemed almost unnatural after Aang's explanation of Zuko's Father. It wasn't that he had ulterior motives, but it just seemed like his face didn't agree with emotions well. "I have some business to go take care of…but I hope I can get to know you and your family more during our Thanksgiving dinner."

She nearly raised an eyebrow, but only smiled, "I look forward to it King Ozai and so does my family." He smiled and gave her a nod before going to his limo that had pulled up. Suki set her sights back on her boyfriend, now hoping to get an answer about being invited to Thanksgiving with the Royal Family. She quickly climbed the stairs and nearly ran to his room. "Zuko, we need to talk," She said when she opened the door, only to find no one there. Suki shut the door and looked around, but failing to find a servant. She was tempted to find Ursa, but didn't want to bother the royals with stupid questions. Instead of bothering the Matriarch of the Goto Family, she settled with Azula. Suki knocked on her door, sending panic to the other side of the door and a few muted whispers.

"Who is it?" Azula called, her worried tone was strange to her.

"It's Suki, can I talk to you for a second?"

Azula sighed, "Sure." Suki opened the door to see Azula sitting on her bed tying the sash around her crimson silk robe, Jet was standing beside the bed, wiping his hands on a white towel. Suki couldn't help but smile, she knew this situation all too well. "What are you smiling at?"

"Nothing Azula, do you know where Zuko is? I need to talk to him about your Father inviting my family to Thanksgiving," Suki attempted to wipe the smile from her face, but it was just too funny of a situation for her.

"Zuzu is in the garden with his ex-girlfriend." Suki didn't need to attempt to stop smiling anymore. "Now can I ask what is so funny?"

Suki looked to Jet, "Well this isn't the first time I've seen Jet trying to play off getting to third base with a girl. He used to say that he was just giving Katara a massage too, though he would just be in a pair of shorts."

Azula stared daggers at Jet, "What? I told you about Katara."

She looked back at Suki, "You better not breath a word of this to anyone you got it?"

Suki playfully put her hands up in defense, "Relax Azula, I'm not going to say anything, I'm actually happy for you. I'll let you two get back to your massage." Suki couldn't help but chuckle when she shut the door behind her. Walking down the stairs, the idea of Zuko with his ex now began to sink in. With how her and Zuko spent most of their time, thinking about Zuko alone with a girl that he had a past with sounded like a nightmare. Making her way out to the garden, Suki scanned the beautiful garden for his jet black hair.

"Suki, darling, I wasn't expecting you," She turned to see Ursa coming from one of the many walkways of the garden. "How are you today honey?"

"I'm wonderful Ursa, where's Zuko?" Suki got straight to the point.

Ursa smiled, "He's down the main path." Before Suki could hunt down her boyfriend, Ursa placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Don't think too much of it when you see who he's with honey." Suki nodded in response before Zuko's Mom patted her on the shoulder. Taking down the main path, Suki finally spotted Zuko with a brunette in a white floral dress. She stayed back for a moment, listening in on their conversation.

"How long is your family going to be here?" Zuko asked, watching the girl pick a flower, placing it behind her ear.

"It's undetermined right now," They continued down the path, Suki sneaking quietly behind them. "Father said it was very important to talk to your Father. If they leave, I might stay a little longer. It's been too long since I've gotten to spend time with you." Suki clenched her fists. "And I would love to have another girl's day with your Mother."

He rubbed the back of his neck, "It would give her something to do. She usually just spends time with Uncle when he's feeling up to it."

"Is Iroh feeling any better?" He nodded, "Good, it wouldn't be a visit without your Uncle's famous tea. Though I guess our way to work off the shortbread cookies is off the table now huh?"

They both turned when Suki loudly cleared her throat, her arms were crossed and she gave Zuko a heated glare. "I'm sorry…am I interrupting anything?"

The brunette smiled, "You must be Suki."

"Yeah, Zuko's new girlfriend."

She placed her glasses on the top of her head, her green orbs filled with nothing but joy. "Wow Zuko, she's even prettier in person than on TV. You really know how to pick girls, don't ya?" She detached herself from Zuko's arm and hugged Suki, confusing coming across her face. "It's so great to meet you Suki, I'm Jin Cheng." Suki looked at Zuko who only smiled and shrugged. Jin pulled away, "I hope we can get along while I'm here visiting. I think you and I could be really good friends."

Zuko walked over to his girlfriend, "I didn't think you were coming over so soon."

"Afraid I might walk in on something?" Suki half teased and half accused.

"No, I was expecting you around 5…not noon," Zuko said, making Jin smile. "I was just walking Jin around the gardens."

"You don't have to worry about us being alone together Suki," Jin assured her, "Sure, there is a part of me that will always love Zuko, but he dumped me a long time ago and he's with you now. I would never want to come between you. That's not the kind of person I am. If I was here for Zuko, I would have been here a lot sooner than now."

Suki looked to her boyfriend, then back to Jin, "Okay…but I have one question…are you the other girl?"

Zuko sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, "Yes…she is the other girl that I've slept with."

"If it makes you feel any better he sucked the first handful of times," Jin joked. Suki couldn't help but chuckle as Zuko covered his face in his hands. "I'm just hoping you don't have to experience awkward Zuko. After sex, does he ever ask how it was multiple times?"

Suki smiled, "There was one time…"

"Can we stop talking about me having sex?" Zuko questioned. "I was unexperienced and I wanted to get good at it."

Jin softly patted Zuko's shoulder, "Oh Zuzu, don't worry, you got good. Though it took a while for you to understand how to make a girl orgasm."

"Are you sure you just came here to see me or embarrass me in front of my new girlfriend?"

"I'm here for both," Jin grinned. She put her arm around Suki's shoulders, "Now, like I was saying before, I hope we can be really good friends while I'm here and maybe we can talk about Zuko, you can tell me how he's improved while I can tell you about what it was like growing up with young Zuko." The girls started to walk further into the garden as Zuko could only watch in despair.

"This is why they say your ex and your new girlfriend should never meet," He mumbled before following the girls.

Aang stood silently next to Hakoda as he flipped another steak on the grill, "How do you like your steak Aang?"

He rubbed the back of his neck, "Well actually I don't eat meat, I'm vegetarian."

Hakoda raised an eyebrow and glanced at him for a moment, but looked back to the grill, "Well Kya is making salads, so I hope that will be enough for you. If Katara had warned us before, we would have at least bought something that you could eat."

"The salad will be perfect sir," He assured him. "The hospitality of a free meal is more than enough."

The older man chuckled, "You really are different from other guys aren't you?"

Aang shrugged, "I've always been taught to be respectful, even before I found out that I was the Avatar." Silence fell over them as Hakoda tended to the grill.

"So," His voice nearly made him jump with his tone, "I need to ask you something Aang and I want you to be truthful with me…how did you and my daughter meet each other?"

"You want the complete truth?" Hakoda nodded. "I met her at a party."


"We may or may not have jumped into bed right after that…" Aang mumbled, fearful of Hakoda's reaction.

Hakoda shut the top of the grill and turned to him, "That's the truth?"

Aang nodded, "Yes sir…and before you presumably find 100 way to kill me with the objects around us, I just want to say that even though your daughter and I met in an unorthodox way, I have never truly been happier. Growing up and playing my music in the subway just to get food on the table for me and my parents, I never thought I would truly know the happiness your daughter has shown me." He took a breath after verbally vomiting, "Okay, now you can kill me."

He laughed and patted Aang on the back, "I'm not going to kill you Aang. You told me what I already know and none of Katara's other boyfriends have ever had the balls to tell me something like that. I know that my daughter is very…open about her feelings with boys. It's an unfortunate thing that I have to deal with knowing and not choke every boy that toys with my daughter's feelings to bed her. When Sokka had told me that Katara had been 'dating another one night stands', I wasn't expecting it to be the Avatar."

"I don't think she was either," They both shared a small laugh. "You know when Katara told me that you used to be a part of the Tundra Wolves, I was really worried that you would want to kill me if you even saw me hold Katara's hand," Aang confessed.

"Well if it was anyone else, I probably would, but it would probably be a high crime if I killed the Avatar," Hakoda joked, Aang awkwardly laughing along. "Once you have kids you'll understand Aang. I told myself when we found out second child would be a girl that I wouldn't be like other Fathers. I would of course take advantage to make her first boyfriend squirm in his seat when we first met, but I wouldn't be one of those Fathers was over-protective. But when she was born…it all changed. Katara was my little princess and I wanted to give her the world and protect her from any boy that came near her." Hakoda sighed, "For the first time I can relax because she's dating someone who is respectful to her."

Aang softly smiled, "Well if I ever give you a reason to think that I'm treating your daughter with no respect, you have my word as an Avatar to beat me to death."

Hakoda placed a hand on his shoulder, "I think I'm going to like you Aang."

"So the Avatar huh?" Kya mused as she mixed the salad and Katara set the table. "You really know how to pick 'em don't you?"

Katara placed the last knife on the table, "I didn't find out he was the Avatar until he told me a few day before he announced it to everyone else, he originally told me he was a Fire Bender."

"I guess you hit the boyfriend lottery," Kya smiled as Katara looked out the kitchen window to the deck in the backyard to see Aang and Hakoda talking to each other.

She smiled, "I really did. Avatar or not, Aang is best boyfriend I've ever had."

"You can say that again…"


Kya laughed, "What honey? Your Father and I know about your past with men, it's not exactly a great list."

"Whatever happened to: 'Oh no honey, how were you supposed to know they were jerks?'?" Katara asked.

Kya poured the dressing into the bowl, "Well let's think about it. You and your brother take off into the city and the only things we hear are that another boy has broken our little girl's heart. Or the fact that your brother tells us that you're having these one night stands with random guys from parties. You've set yourself up for failure honey."

Katara put a playful hurt hand on her chest, "Ow."

"Maybe if you called more often I wouldn't be so blunt honey," Kya said.

She hung her head as she sat on the counter, "You know I've been busy Mom. It's not like I'm purposely trying to avoid you."

"I'm just saying honey, Sokka can always find time for us," Kya finished the salad.

Katara sighed and rolled her eyes, "You know, one of these days I'm actually going to believe that you and Dad like Sokka more than me."

"Ah Katara, don't even make jokes like that," Kya smiled. "You know your Father and I love you and Sokka the same…well, I love you a little more than Sokka. You've never announced that I'm on my period at my Christmas party."

"Or used your bra as a sling shot," Katara commented.

"Or used the makeup your Father had gotten me for my birthday to dress up as the Joker for Halloween," She grabbed plates from the cupboard.

"Or decide that your bed was the best place to lose my virginity when you were only going to be gone for 20 minutes," Katara stopped herself from laughing.

Kya sighed, "That boy isn't right…"

"Maybe you dropped him on his head? But you know what they say, the second child is always raised right," Katara hopped off the counter. "Sokka was the trial child."

"More like crash test dummy."

Ozai sipped from his cup as the man before him waited for his answer. "How sure are you of this news?" He asked, setting the cup back down.

"100 percent," He answered. "If I felt like this was some empty threat, I wouldn't lose a moment of sleep. But we need to face the facts here Ozai, this man has been good on his word since he popped up on anyone's radar. There's a reason why he keeps his identity hidden."

He shifted in his seat, "I'm not too worried about his threats Li, if he wants to come at me, I have no problem dealing with him myself."

Li sighed, "Ozai, you're the King now. You can't take care of things like this anymore. He's threatening your life and your family could be next. This man obviously doesn't care for benders."

"Then what do you want me to do? Cower in my office while this man hides in the shadows threatening to hurt me?" Ozai questioned. "I haven't backed down since we were kids, you know that. I won't let this idiot rule my life. Like you said, I'm the King and I'm going to do whatever is necessary."

"I've seen what he can do Ozai, he shows no mercy to benders," Li warned him.

"I command an army and he has what? 20 people with him? I don't care what they can do, I'm not letting him scare me Li." Ozai sipped his tea again. "Now, is there anything other than this 'Amon' character you would like to talk about?" He sighed and shook his head. "Well Li, you know that your family is always welcome to stay with us as long as you would like, but I would assume that our business is completed here today."

Li stood up from the table, "Will you at least take precautions Ozai? You don't know what this man is capable of."

He patted him on the shoulder, "Everything will be fine Li, we're in a time of peace and I aim to keep it that way."

Zuko watched with grimace as his current and ex-girlfriend walked arm in arm with each other through the garden. "-He was the sweetest guy," Jin continued her story. "I was the one who actually had to ask him out because he was really nervous. Even for royalty, Zuko isn't like any other guy." They both peeked behind them and giggled before looking back forward.

"If this is how you two are going to talk about me when I'm here, I would hate to find out what you say when I'm not around," Zuko grumbled.

Jin stopped and grabbed Zuko with her other arm, wrapping around his right arm and they continued walking, "Oh cheer up Zuzu." His eyes narrowed. "I would never say anything negative about you, I'm just informing my new friend here on anything she wants to know about younger Zuko."

"Oh, I have another question," Suki spoke up, "How did you feel about Zuko having a girl as a personal servant since he was 13?"

Her face lit up, "Yuki? Oh I love her. But when I first met Zuko, I thought she was his girlfriend because she would always be around him when he came to the tea shop. Once you get to know Yuki, it was a lot easier to get used to, though I'm sure she peaked on me when Zuko and I were in the shower one time."

"I seriously think you were just imagining that Jin," Zuko commented. "When you and I started dating, Yuki has been less of my personal servant and wasn't around much."

"Maybe she just enjoyed seeing me then," Jin smiled, making Suki chuckle. "So, enough about me and Zuko, I want to hear about you two. You two look so cute together and here I am talking about the past. How did you two meet?"

Suki awkwardly laughed as Zuko's face grew red, "Uh, we met at a party that Zuko and Aang had crashed. I was a belly dancer and he was a ninja."

Jin grinned, "Wow Zuko, a ninja huh? I bet you spent a lot of time thinking about that costume."

He rolled his eyes as his girlfriend continued, "When he started flirting with me, I thought my ex was sending him my way at his latest attempt to make guys act like douchebags so that I would reconsider taking him back. It didn't take much convincing from him and then…we may have gone back to my apartment…"

Jin gasped with a grin, "You two had a one night stand huh?"

"I wouldn't call it a one night stand if we're together now," Zuko clarified.

"Zuko you dog," Jin teased, "You picked up a girl! I'm proud of you."

"It was the best and hopefully last one night stand I ever have," Suki blushed at her words.

"It's because of his size right?" Jin asked, the couple gaining a darker shade of red. "You don't have to be embarrassed, we all know what Zuko's penis looks like, erect or no so erect."

Zuko put his hand over Jin's mouth, "Jin, please, just stop. I'm okay with talking about my past, but that is a sensitive subject."

"I know it's sensitive, I've had it in my hands before," She joked, Suki couldn't help but break out in laughter. "Just imagine having to lose your virginity to that thing." He put his hand back over her mouth before she could continue.

"Why couldn't you just be a usual ex-girlfriend and hate my guts or something?" Zuko questioned.

She moved his hand, "I can't stay mad at you for breaking up with me, you had your things and were too busy and I understood that. Now if you broke up with me by cheating on me or something, then I would hate your guts."

"Face it Zuko, you're too nice of a guy," Suki smiled.

"No one asked you," He shot his girlfriend a stare.

The couple walked back to Katara's apartment hand in hand, the sun was close to setting behind the mountains in the distance. "So that was…interesting." Aang broke their comfortable silence. "You know that your Father now knows that you and I have had sex right?"

"Oh I know," She lamely replied, "He asked me if I'm on the pill…"

"Well that's not embarrassing…" Aang trailed off.

"My Mom loves you, she agreed that you're one of my better boyfriends," She informed him. "And how my Father continued to talk to you, my parents seemed to both love you."

He rubbed the back of his neck, "Well at least Thanksgiving won't be too awkward then. Our parents can talk about us having kids while Ozai and Suki's Father have a 'who's more threatening' contest with a guest appearance from your Father. Azula can poke Zuko's buttons while you and I try to see how much food it takes to cover up the embarrassment from our parents."

"I'm guessing, 3 servings of turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy for me…" Katara laughed but immediately stopped when a realization hit her. "When the King asked for my family to be invited to Thanksgiving…do you think he meant my whole family?"

He shrugged, "I don't know why?"

"I can't let the King meet Sokka…he would make a fool of my family. Your family and the King will think that my family is a bunch of savages because of him," Katara worried.

Letting go of her hand, he put his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close, "Katara, I'm sure if he is invited, he won't be idiotic. He would be in front of the King, it's not like he can make an ass out of her himself and your family without knowing that he's not being polite."

"He once said at the dinner table in a restaurant that he was leaving to go eat out again at Suki's," Katara said.

Aang couldn't help but smirk, "Okay, that's pretty bad, but it's not like he's going to do that in front of the King. When we tell your parents, I'm sure they'll make the decision on whether or not to invite him along. If it would put your mind at ease, I can talk to Zuko about inviting him."

"Thanksgiving is going to be awkward as hell either way," She sighed.

"Yeah, but at least we get to go through it together," He smiled.

"Is there ever a time where you don't look on the bright side of things?"

Aang thought for a moment, "Nope, ever since you came into my life, everything is just optimistic."

She rolled her eyes and smiled, "You're such a kiss ass."

"That's not the only thing I kiss." He muttered, making her face light up.

Fun Fact: The reason it took me a year to write this chapter, I didn't want to write the Aang and Hakoda scene, so I finally sucked it up and wrote it and the rest just came to me.