I want to thank all of you peopleses who have read, reviewed, favorited, and followed this story. I just want to say that I'm really surprised at how many people have read this far. I know there are some grammatical and spelling issues in here, and I'm honored that you peeps love this story so much. As you all know, a story's success is built on the author's and the readers' devotion. I thoroughly enjoyed writing this story for you guys, and I hope you enjoyed it as well. And I wasn't surprised when every single one of you who guessed who the featured youtuber would be got it wrong. xD Yep! Seto does play a major role, but he isn't the main character! I'll have another author's note down at the end of this page. And some of you may have noticed that Husky hasn't been included for a bit. That's explained here. (Truth is, I completely-almost-forgot about him. :P)

Oh, and I anyone would like to help me name a song for each chapter, I'm open for suggestions. I don't know about you guys, but I like to listen to the right song when I read/write. So any suggestions will be edited into the beginning of every chapter! I'll make sure to give whoever sent the suggestion props. So with that long author's note over, enjoy!

Gordy squirmed through a mass of his own kind, trying to escape the writhing mobs. He had always been slightly claustrophobic, and this army was too much for him. He squeezed through a door and slammed it shut behind him, shutting out the noise from the hallway and the room that the others were in.

The prince glanced around. His eyes widened at Deadlox, who was sitting up in a bed with a small butter dagger pointed at Gordy. "Stay back, squid. I'll- I'll use this if I need to."

The tentacle holding the cure tightened around the bottle's neck. Gordy swallowed and slid backwards, staring the injured Ty in the eyes. "I'm jot here to hurt you. I-I-I have the cure for Sky. I just need to reach him, then-"

Deadlox snarled and swung his legs over the bedside, standing up hastily only to fall back into the bed. All he knew was that Quentin had been in the room an hour ago and left, but the Pokemon-looking Minecrafter hadn't returned. He must have been kidnapped by the squids. And now a scrawny cephalopod was sitting in front of him, claiming to hold the cure to Sky's condition.

Gordy swallowed again and inched towards Ty, but a swing from the dagger told him to stay away. "T-Ty, please. I can help Sky. I can fix what I've done. Just help me get through the squids outside."

Deadlox paused. "Wait, 'what you've done'? What does that mean?"

Maybe that hadn't been the best thing to say. Gordy searched for an excuse, but could only come up with the truth. Telling a lie would get him nowhere fast. "I-... I was the one that made Sky this way in the first place, but-"

He was interrupted when the door was pounded on by a squid. Obviously, they had figured out that someone was in the room. He didn't have much time to explain. "B-but I have the cure! I can help Sky, if you would just let me!"

Ty's brow furrowed. He tried to think of different alternatives other than putting the risk of Sky's sanity and humanity in the hands of this squid. There were a few options, but most if them led to a dead end. He could kill the mob. Make it into soup. Or maybe he could steal the 'cure' from it and try to reach Sky before anything bad happened.

"Please, Tyler. We don't gave any choices left."

Ty paused, then sighed. "I guess I can help you get to Sky... But if I think you're making one wrong move, prepare to have a dagger in the eye." He tried to stand again, this time slowly and managed to stay upright long enough to hobble over to a counter. Several reddish potions satin a neat row. Deadlox grabbed two of them, uncorking and downing one in a couple of gulps. There was a soft glow, and some of his injuries faded. He pocketed the other bottle. "Seto had said not to use too many in one go, so I guess I'm as good as I'll get."

Gordy seemed to nod as he made his way towards the door. Things had quieted down. This wasn't right, a few seconds ago squids had been trying to bust the door down. But now everything was shrouded in silence. Cautiously, Deadlox reached over and twisted the door handle, swinging the door open slowly. There was nothing. Not a squid in sight. Then there was a loud thud from the other end of the hall. The two ex-enemies glanced at each other, then hurried as towards the room that familiar voices came from.

(This is a time jump. It skips backwards, so as above was happening, the thing below this note was happening at the same time. I hope it isn't too confusing.)

"Seto! Oh god, no..." Sky whispered to himself, frozen at the sight of his dead friend. He glanced at Derpsolu, who swung the blade around carelessly with a smirk on his face. "See Sky? Humans are pathetic."

Sky swallowed and his claws curled into a fist. He just witnessed his friend's murder, and he was doing nothing... This was unacceptable. He could feel an instinct surge inside of him. The animal was awakening. But he didn't desire to kill the others. Instead, it seemed like there were plenty of cephalopods around to take his anger off of...

In a blur of blue-grey, Sky whipped around and sliced the sword in half with a slice of his claws. Derpsolu dropped the blade's hilt in shock and jumped away as Sky made his way towards him. "Sky, you wouldn't want to kill me, would you? Just think of all that I could give you if you remained in my army," the King tried to reason, but Sky was beyond reasoning.

When he got no response other than a deadly glare, the King bolted to the door. Jason and Kermit were in his way to freedom, and he turned on his heel and ran towards the window. Dawn scowled at him and hefted a butter sword at the squid's neck as he neared. Derpsolu turned, only to have a furious baca's fist meet his jaw.

The King stumbled backwards and Sky wrapped two tentacles around the King's wrists. The expression on his face was cold and furious. And when you looked at Sky's eyes, you could see only one of them was his own. The other was just like a squid's. "You killed him," Sky whispered. His voice was distorted, and the others could hear two voices overlapping each other. One was a deep growl, and the other was his normal tone. Sky snarled again and glared at the King as he hefted the squid into the air by his neck. "You...I-I I'll... You're dead!"

Derpsolu gagged and the gills on his sides flapped as they tried to bring in the lack of oxygen that his human lungs weren't. He reached up to claw at Sky's hands, leaving deep gashes that oozed crimson blood. The King kicked at the enraged ex-human, but his struggles were harmless. Sky's fury was too great by now, and Derpsolu knew that nothing could stand in the way of his death and Sky's thirst for blood. In an act of desperation, the King bent his head as far as he could and bit Sky's wrist, but he was thrown at a wall, creating a loud thud as he rolled to the floor. As the humans closed in, he called for retreat. "Army, retreat! We got one of them, and that's enough!"

The one thing that the army was good at was running away. In a few seconds, the squids had gone out the way they had come in. Through windows, doors, and holes in the ceiling, they fled. If the King was calling for a retreat, it meant that if they stayed any longer they would be most possibly killed before they could lift a tentacle.

Derpsolu struggled to his feet to follow his brethren, but Jerome knocked him back to the floor. The tip of a butter sword was pressed to his throat and he looked up at Sky with wide, terrified eyes. "You-you wouldn't want to do-" the sword was pressed closer, drawing blood as it cut the squid's neck.

"You hurt my friends, killed Seto, and tried to make me join your ranks. You are a worthless piece of shit, put on this world only to cause trouble. I'm ending that. Today. I don't care if I still have this- this animal inside of me. You, at least, are dead."

And with that, he stabbed the sword into the squids chest, missing the heart purposefully. "This is for Seto," Sky hissed.

He twisted the blade to the side, grinning at the King's cry of distress.

"And this," Sky yanked it out and stabbed down on two of the tentacles "is for my friends."

Then he swung on the King's legs, relishing the pained expression that this torture inflicted. He created deep gashes on the King's skin and he loved every moment of the squid's torture. But finally, he figured that this needed to end sometime. So through the heart did his blade go.

"And that was for me," the infected Minecrafter spat as the animal inside him faded with the King's gurgling cries. Finally, the squid fell still as his life substance spilled out of the gaping wounds.

Sky glanced over at his friends, hoping to not get any glares of disgust. But they were kneeling around Seto, calling his name and shaking him as if they expected the sorcerer to get up. Sky bowed his head in sorrow, knowing that he could have done something to save him. "I'm sorry, Seto... I'm so sorry," he whispered to himself, anger dwindling to nothing. Sky fell to one knee, then the other as tears welled in his eyes.

Dawn sat down next to him and he hugged her, silently listening as she sobbed into his chest. Kermit glanced at him and nodded, eyes shining with emotion. Sky never understood why the frog had nodded at him. Was it a nod of regret, sorrow, or guilt? Or was it that the amphibian had forgiven him? He never did find out.

Gordy and Ty entered the battle-scarred room, taking in the tragedy. Ty gasped at Seto's cold form. Flashes of memory-the egg hunt, parkour maps, and everything- whizzed through his mind in a matter of seconds. He swallowed, but couldn't do anything other than stare. Gordy slithered up next to him, eyes wide at the scene. This wasn't what he had anticipated. Death wasn't a new thing to him, but he wasn't very comfortable around it. His eyes traveled around the room until they laid on the bloodied form of his uncle. Slowly, he crept over to the body and grasped the crown with a tentacle. The prince stared at it for a moment, then glanced over at Sky.

Technically, Sky was the new leader of the Squid Army. If Gordy's assumptions were correct, the Sky Army leader had killed Derpsolu. It was squid law that whoever was able to defeat the current King would take hold of the crown. It had been like this for ages, but the King's power was usually left unquestioned. Derpsolu had stolen the crown from Gordy's father, leaving the prince an orphan. And not once did his uncle seem to regret killing his own brother. Not once. Now Sky was the leader of two warring armies. But even with knowing this, Gordy also knew that there was no possible way that the Sky Army leader would go as low as taking control of his enemy. Sure, now Sky held power against the squids, but his loyalty remained in the Sky Army. Gordy wondered if maybe, after all of this was over, he could possible join the Sky Army...

He snorted and crawled back over to Deadlox, who held the potion in a death grip as he made his way over to Sky and the others. "Sky, what- what happened?"

Sky looked up at his old friend, eyes blank. He couldn't save Seto. He should have been able to. And now his friend was dead. And nobody even got to say goodbye. "I-I couldn't save him," he said quietly. Deadlox took Sky's arm and heaved him off the ground along with Dawn, who's eyes were puffy and red from sniffed and left the males alone, walking over to Jerome, who sat in a corner alone.

A bottle was thrust into Sky's hands. He looked down at the glowing butter potion with blue sparks floating around in the liquid. "What is?... Is this the-"

Deadlox nodded and said "Yeah. It's the cure. And don't worry, I guarantee that it won't kill you."

Sky blinked. How had Ty known that the cure would kill him? He either must have figured it out, or someone had told him. He glanced back down at the cure, thinking. It would either work and reverse what had happened to him, or kill him. He didn't want to leave Team Crafted with the heartbreak of two deceased team members, but of he remained a squid there was bound to be more fatalities.

He glanced around and swallowed, knowing this might be the last time he ever saw his friends again. Without another word, the bottle was uncorked and downed in three gulps.

The first thing that registered in the animal's mind was the pain. It howled shrilly, grasping its head as the potion Sky drank did its job. A glimmer of worry crossed the monster's mind as it realized that the host wasn't dying. But it was. The animal shrieked as a tentacle was ripped off his back by an invisible force. Then went two of its claws, dropping off with a jab of fiery pain. The animal dropped to the ground as the transformation took place, grey skin and tentacles peeling away into human flesh. The animal howled and writhed, as if to put the fire of agony out. It couldn't escape. Everything was just pain. It was its very essence. Every fiber and cell that made the monster was burning from the affects of the potion.

The monster gasped as the gills on his sides shriveled to nothing. He couldn't breath. He couldn't breath! The animal had always relied on the gills to take in oxygen. Then suddenly, something ripped inside of him. The animal screamed as something pulled him into the fog that surrounded him. He was dragged across the ground by an invisible force. Grey and purple, grey and purple, a flash of color, then more flashes, then grey and purple again. What was happening? Was he dead or dying? Was this his end? And the animal felt something for the first time: Fear. He was... He was terrified. Having no clue as to what was happening, the monster could do nothing as the invisible force pulled him through the fog and past the colors.

His mind started to fade, as well as his body. The animal shrieked once more, then was sucked away from Sky's mind, never to terrorize his subconscious again.

Sky stood in front of a headstone. He stared at it blankly, golden brown eyes blinking to get rid of salty tears. A month had passed. A month since Seto's death. A month since he returned to normal. A month since Husky went missing. An entire month...

But it seemed like a year.

Sky swallowed, taking off his new sunglasses and wiping his eyes. Everything has smoothened out since that last battle with the deceased King. The group had all gone their separate ways as they tried to get over the loss of their beloved sorcerer. Sky couldn't help but still think that it was his fault that Seto had been killed. Maybe he if hadn't tried to backstab the King in the first place, or maybe if he had been prepared? He didn't know. The worst part was telling everyone that hadn't been in the battle of Seto's death.

He could remember each and every one of his other friend's faces and expressions as they were told what had happened. Shock, sorrow, regret at not having the chance to say goodbye, or anger. In Sky's eyes, all the anger was directed at him. The only ones that Sky couldn't tell were Husky, Jordan, and Ryan. Husky had disappeared before the final battle had even started. Jordan and Ryan weren't anywhere to be found.

He sighed and placed a soft white rose on the grave,, trying not to look at the inscription. Quietly, shoulders hunched, he turned his back to the mound of dirt and walked away. Lost in his own thoughts, Sky never noticed a pair of softly glowing white eyes staring out from behind red glasses. Maybe, if he had noticed, he would have turned. And if he had turned, he would have met that pair of blank, pupil-less eyes. And then he would have had the shock of his life after he saw what was standing next to the owner of those eyes.

But that is a different story.

I just wanted to say that the next chapter I post will be just a chapter of me talking, clearing up some things that may have you peoples confused and giving out credits and all that jazz. So you guys don't have to read it, but you can if you want to. Hey, I might even include a sneak-peak to Insomnia.(Which, if you don't know, is the sequel to Animal.) So yeah, this is the end! Review if you enjoyed, I sure hope you did!
