"Father...did?" Gou look surprised.

Rin nodded, causing the others to be confused. He looked down at the council members (who weren't completely dead). They all feared his eyes. The red eyes. Rin and Gou were the only ones in the family with red eyes, since their mother was a commoner she wasn't allowed in the palace (though Rin and Gou often snuck out to play with her) and it created a fear within the council members. It felt like Rin was overpowering them, even though he was younger than them.

"I..." Rin started to say, "I pronounce my sister, Matsuoka Gou, as the head of the Council. All of you here are my witnesses. I'll give you a second chance, but if my sister notices something, I will not hesitate to have your head removed."

Rin gulped as he said this. He really didn't want to see anyone die around him. Gou looked at her brother in shock. She was finally a Council member! But as a leader? She had a short nervous breakdown as sweat started pouring from her face. Makoto placed his large hands on Gou's shoulders and smiled, making her forget about her nervousness and stepped forward in front of her brother.

"I, Matsuoka Gou...ACCEPT YOUR OFFER!" She kneeled down in front of him, which caused the others to kneel down as well. Haru was the only one that didn't kneel.

"You're supposed to bow before the King!" A guard pointed his weapon towards the black haired boy and yelled at him.

Rin placed his hand on the guards weapon and forced him to lower it, "But my King!" he heard the guard say. Rin shook his head. If it weren't for Haruka, then Rin wouldn't have been standing there. Gou stood up, and so did the others, and cheered for her brother. Nagisa was so excited that he couldn't keep his feet on the ground any longer and twirled and danced around. Rei was super embarrassed and tried to stop the blonde dancer, but unsuccessfully ended up chasing after him. Makoto and Gou laughed from the sidelines, forgetting about everything. The council members were too dazzled by the dancer and looked at their new king. Maybe he would make everything better if they followed him? Then they wouldn't have their heads cut off. They took a deep bow and cried as they were given a second chance.

"Your majesty..." Haru looked at Rin, "About my matter..."

Rin remembered and turned back towards the council, "As of today, the Council has to give back every drop of water they had taken from the cities and villages. My traveler friend Haru," he slapped the black haired boy on the back, "wants his pool back."

Haru's eyes gleamed as everyone nodded (probably out of fear). He would finally have water back at his home village. Makoto looked back to see tears in Haru's eyes. Rin and Makoto both panicked at first but blushed after seeing his smile that only appeared for a few seconds before he went back to normal. Rei finally caught Nagisa and told him to stop. Gou was still laughing at the two...

A few years later, Haruka was swimming in a pool of water. It wasn't big, but it wasn't small either. He faced towards the sky as water entered his ears. The black haired boy tried to reach for the sky, even though he knew he wouldn't be able to reach it. A cool wind blew as the heat of the sand died down to the cool wind blowing against it. Haru looked up from where he was swimming and he saw a couple of figures down from his home. He couldn't make out the figures at first, but saw a blonde haired dancer waving at him while Rei suffered from the heat as he guarded over the King. There were 2 camels carrying 2 redheaded figures. It was the King and Council Leader. The black haired boy saw a tall brown haired boy running towards him. Before he knew it, Makoto jumped in the pool and squeezed the daylights out of Haru.

"Oi...Makoto..." Haru tried to breathe, "I can't breathe..."

The tall boy let go of his friend and wiped his tears away, "Ahahaha! I see you still can't separate from water."

The others caught up to Makoto. Rei smiled at Haru. It had been far too long since they had last seen each other. Rin reached out his hand towards Haru. The black haired boy looked up at him and grabbed his hand. But instead of getting out of his beloved water, he dragged Rin in.

The End

*Author's note: UGH! I was so dissatisfied with this ending... /;; I came up with three different endings, but none of them ended well. I hope you guys will be ok with this one! SEE YOU NEXT WATER TIME! xD*