edited on 4.3.15

Disclaimer: i don't own Step Up



His breath stopped.

She looked like an angel.

He couldn't believe that the big day was here. He never thought they would make it.

Nora was going to be his wife.

He knew from the first time he caught her, she was something special.

They had something special.

She seemed to float down the aisle.

Well, she was a dancer and he smiled at the thought.

They were getting married where they first performed.

The principle of the school's little brother was dating one of his best friends, so he pulled some strings.

He handed the priest his mother's ring and Nora almost broke down crying.

He saw that the majority of the females in the crowd already were.

When he kissed her he felt like he was dancing.

He was in heaven.

He was in love.

He was happy.

Life was perfect.

When it came time for their fast dance as a couple, he winked at her.

She nodded. They both got changed out of their fancy clothes.

Everyone began screaming when they came out.

They were dressed the same as the day of their big dance show- the first they ever did in the school.

They launched into their old routine.


When she went to his house and asked her to walk her down the aisle, he was honored.

Andi had become like a little sister to him.

So he said yes.

When he saw her in the wedding dress, he felt like crying.

She was all grown up.

She wasn't the same little girl who used to dance in the streets.

She was a woman.

Even though she was in a dress, she was still Andi.

He pushed a stray curl behind her ear and smiled.

He didn't want to let her go but he knew she was safe.

Seeing Chase's smile as Andi walked down the aisle made him happy. He knew that Andi would be very happy.

She deserved to be happy. So he gave her away.

He looked at his wife who had a hand on her stomach.

Andi deserved to be happy. He was.

When they announced that Andi wanted to dance with her 'big brother' he was stunned.

He twirled her around for a while and noticed that she looked uncomfortable.

So he whispered in her ear and she nodded.

She ran out and everyone looked at him.

He smiled and followed her.

They got changed and did their dance- competition style.

Everyone cheered.

Andi was declared the winner this time.

To his surprised, she continued the waltz with him after their brief dance.

He pulled her close and she laid her head on his shoulder.

He buried his face in her hair and let loose a few tears.

His Andi was growing up.

When the dance ended she got changed into her dress and then he handed her off the Chase.


When Camille told him she was getting married he panicked.

Andi was already married for a year and now Camille?

He asked Nora if he was to lose all his little girls so soon.

She laughed and told him to be happy for her. He was happy for her. She had found her prince.

He just wanted her to be his baby girl for a while more.

He walked her down the aisle.

He gave Moose a glare when he gave her away. The poor boy looked like he was freaking out.

Andi gave him a glare and he shivers. She was scary when she was mad.

Nora did the same.

Now both girls were unhappy.

When he had to dance with Camille, he held her close.

She was always slightly girly than the other two girls. No change of clothes for her.

He waltzed her around and had a hard picturing the woman in the dress as the same girl in his old sweats begging him to teach her how to dance.

He kissed her forehead and a few tears escaped.

All his little girls were growing up.

They weren't the only weddings he attended. He attended five more before everyone stopped getting married.

It was until 20 years later that he realized he would have to walk his daughters down the aisle to their future dancer husband.

This was in my head for a while. I hope you like it! enjoy and review!

Check out my other stories and review.

Happy Holidays!

Love you my little Wallflowers!