Sweet Dreams
Summary: Just a series of unrelated VK drabbles. Requests welcomed! Chapter 1- Early Mornings: Kaname is not a morning person (err, vampire). Takuma often forgets that little detail... leading to quite a few broken chessboards. Takuma/Kaname friendship.

A/N: This is just a place for me to drop off unrelated ficlet ideas for VK as I have enough plot bunnies to rule the world XD Some may turn into full-fledged stories and if that does happen I'll definitely edit the chap to let you know!
I will be taking requests to a degree (I am truly horrible at writing slash, though, so do not expect too many Zero/Kaname drabbles, sorry ^^'), if the idea interests me. I will not write any OC/canon character fics though, so please keep that in mind :) I will pm any who give an idea and hopefully, will get some requests done. I'll try to do one request at least every two weeks, but it may be faster or slower depending on the number of requests I receive :P
So please, feel free to leave an idea or even a prompt, if you desire to do so. They can be AU, canon-verse, or just plain out there (If any of you guys have read my 'Wallflowers' fic you'd know what I mean). Oh, and sorry guys, but the requests have to be T rated or lower, thanks!

Disclaimer: Matsuri Hino owns VK, not me.

Pairings: Takuma/Kaname friendship

Rating: K+

Genre: Friendship/Humor

Chapter 1- Early Mornings

It is the fifteenth board the pureblood has been forced to replace in a month. Many knew of his near obsession with chess (although, if anyone asked—and they wouldn't— he would simply call it a pastime) but could not understand why he would swap out chessboards every couple of days.

Aidou assumed his leader was merely a collector (like himself— well, he collected Kaname related items, anyway...) and liked to show off his wide inventory of chessboards and matching pieces.

Kain couldn't be bothered to come up with a genuine reason so he randomly guessed that the pureblood ate the boards in his sleep, much to the chagrin of his tousled-haired cousin.

"That's ridiculous, Akastuki! You're not even trying!"

The ginger haired man sighed, running his fingers through his wild locks. "You're really the only one who cares. Well, besides Ruka."

Ruka would never admit to pondering such trivialities, but she had honestly been curious about the pureblood's hobby. She just assumed it was a pureblood thing, that perhaps the Kuran clan took reverence in a game like chess, where you can control everything from a simple board.

Rima and Shiki had taken a slight interest in the Dorm Leader's room. From the few times they had ventured into the brunette's room (to hide a stash of chocolate pocky from a certain arrogant blonde) they had both noticed the board set up next to the sofa. They assumed that it was simply to pass the boredom, as they too did similar things when they were bored— like trying out hundreds of different kinds of pocky.

However, it seemed that Takuma was the only one who knew the true reason for Kaname's strange behavior. He was the cause of it, after all.

Like any other early morning, the pureblood crawled into his bed, using a meager portion of his powers to swipe the curtains closed with his mind. Spending most of the night reading through reports given by the Council (where he had dutifully excused himself from class—not that the teacher could stop him), he was more than exhausted. As soon as his head hit the pillow he fell asleep, all burdens of his heritage and status gone from him in the gentle lull of sleep.

Just as the sun had risen to the middle of the sky, a certain flaxen-haired blonde awoke, stretching out his arms and giving a fanged grin. He hummed to himself as he padded out of his bed, trying (but failing) to not wake his crimson-haired roommate.

"Takuma..." Shiki whined, turning away from the sound.

"Ah, sorry Shiki! I'm just going to go chat with Kaname-kun for a bit since I can't sleep."

If the burgundy-haired boy heard him, he made no attempts to show it. He had buried back under the covers, face pressed against the pillow. Takuma laughed lightly. He still had no idea how people, vampire or not, could sleep like that. Didn't they need to breathe?

Still clad in his pajamas, the youth skipped through the empty halls, finally stopping in front of Kaname's door.

He knocked three times before speaking, "Kaname-kun, I'm coming in!"

As soon as he closed the door behind him a chessboard sailed towards his face. Used to this 'reaction' from the annoyed brunette, he easily ducked, allowing the board to fall against the closed door in a broken heap.

"Hahaha, it's been almost three months since you decked me with a chessboard! You're going to have to try harder—"

As if on cue, a tidal wave of chess pieces flew towards the surprised blonde. They bounced harmlessly off of him to also gather in the broken remnants of what appeared to be a very expensive chessboard. Well, it seemed that the pureblood was in a worse mood than usual, Takuma mused. Usually he'd throw wooden ones, but this morning he had thrown a chessboard made of glass (as well as glass chess pieces).

The emerald-eyed man couldn't see the brunette's face from where he was standing, but he was sure that the vampire was smirking at him. "Did you say something, Takuma?" He questioned, a hint of amusement in his voice.

The Vice-President of the Moon Dorms chuckled, picking up the only piece that hadn't cracked at the impact of hitting the floor. He rolled the glass king in his hand before tossing it towards the brunette.

Kaname reluctantly caught it with one hand, putting the king on his bedside table. He then burrowed further into the sheets, turning away from the window that had started to let in slivers of light.

"So, Kaname I had this crazy dream, right? You were in it! You were asleep in this ice block or something and everyone was really sad—"

"Takuma, please tell me you didn't wake me in the middle of the afternoon just to tell me about your silly dream."

"Ah, well... what do you dream about, Kaname-kun? I thought we could share dreams, since I couldn't go back to sleep after mine." The noble made himself at home as usual, sitting on the edge of the pureblood's bed as if he lived there.

The mahogany-eyed man sat up, giving a sort of half glare to his friend. This behavior was far from absurd (for the blonde, anyway), but it never stopped to amaze him that the noble could remain so... normal and cheerful. It seemed as if the pureblood carried a melancholy aura with him, but it dissipated whenever he came into contact with the emerald-eyed teen.

"I don't dream often." He started, using his powers to once again shut the curtains tighter.

"Whenever I do they are usually about a certain person." He finished cryptically.

Takuma knew instantly who he was talking about. "Aww, you dream of Yuuki-chan! How cute!"

The only remaining chess piece hit him squarely in the forehead. It shattered onto the ground, leaving a pink spot right in the middle of the blonde's face.

"You can be quite grumpy, Kaname-kun! I was just teasing, you know." He whined, rubbing the spot on his forehead.

The pureblood did not respond, returning his head to the pillow. He was sound asleep yet again, a gentle smile curled on his lips. It seemed that a little bit of (harmless) violence had assuaged the brunette's tenseness, allowing him to fall into a dreamless slumber.

Takuma smiled, scooting up the bed to attack the remaining pillow. He slept on top of the covers as to not wake his friend, falling asleep in the pleasant silence. Despite what others may think, he found the pureblood's presence to be a comfort, reminding him of the days where he lived with him and his grandfather in their home.

"Kaname-sama? It's almost time for class." Aidou said, opening the door without knocking.

He nearly fell down in shock, grasping the door handle for leverage. His eyes had widened to the size of dinner plates, mouth agape in unbridled disbelief.

The blonde had stumbled upon the real reason as to why the pureblood kept replacing chessboards and, in all honesty, he felt that Akatsuki's suggestion of the vampire eating the boards in his sleep to be much more believable than what he was seeing. Somehow, during their sleep, Takuma had managed to wrap an arm around the lithe brunette's waist, head buried in Kaname's soft curls.

Just as the cerulean-eyed teen was about to storm out of the room in fear of being killed, he tripped on a half piece of a chessboard, falling comically to the ground. He winced at the sound, hesitantly taking a peek at the slumbering vampires.

Neither of the pair looked awake to which he sighed in relief. Good, it looked like he wasn't going to be punished this time—

Kaname's voice rang out softly, a hint of annoyance in his words, "Aidou, I suggest knocking next time. And... tell the professor that Takuma and I are feeling unwell. If you cause any problems for Yuuki during the class change you will be severely punished. That is all."

He promptly fell back into the covers, too tired to swat the blonde's hand away.

Aidou scurried out of the room much like a frightened mouse, still unable to truly believe the spiral of events. In fact, he was in so much disbelief that he continued to smack his face as he walked to the foyer area of the Moon Dorms. The blonde didn't even wave to any of his fans as he walked, eyes glued to the ground.

"Did something happen, Hanabusa?" Akatsuki questioned, placing a hand on the smaller teen's shoulder. It wasn't every day that the vampire would ignore his entire fanbase. In fact, it was almost worrying.

"Please, don't ask. Let's just say your guess of Kaname-sama eating chess pieces in his sleep would make more sense than what I saw."

A/N: So this may come off as a bit shippy, but I meant for it to be a friendship fic. I think Takuma and Kaname's friendship is really amusing since the two are polar opposites :P So, I hope you guys enjoyed the first chap of my VK drabbles! Please leave a review and/or request if you want some more drabbles! Thanks!
