Hello my readers! It has been way to long since I've posted anything for this story and I do apologize for that. But I have re-read this story and I am so disappointed in it or more like in myself. I like to believe that I have grown as a writer and I can do better then what I have done. So I've come to the conclusion that this needs to be re-written, and that's what I plan to do. I will keep this story up but this version will stop here. Hopefully I can give you something better.

At first updates will be slow and I'm trying to type chapters in advanced, so you don't have to wait as long. But at this current point in time I am without internet at my home...again. I'm actually typed this at school on a chrome book. So I ask you all to stay with me a little longer please. Also my father has internet at his home but I do not live with him and my mother will not be able to get internet till after April maybe later, and she is who I live with.

The new story will have the just about the same everything, but I hope it has better flow and plot and grammar.

I would like to thank everyone who has stayed with me as long as they have. I know it has been hard, and I apologize again for all the disappointment I have caused you all. But I refuse to give up on this story, not until it's done.

The new story is The Forgotten Re-Written and you can find it on my page, and I do hope you enjoy it.